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View Full Version : My 2 cents regarding Throbb

October 20th, 2006, 16:01
It use to be that when I thought of Pattaya I thought of the Le Cafe Royale/Throbb/Splash. To me, they were an anchor and for the first time visitor to Thailand, they had little need to venture further than the streets of boyztown....

Well for me the bloom is off the rose. On my last trip I seen the show and I had seen it all before in years past. I seen the large diva flip more than the trained monkey riding an elephant at the circus. And they guys still snatch off their pants as if to surprise and astound... But even a baby grows tired of the endless peek-a-boo game... Hey! Maybe if the performers came out and jiggled their keys or blew on our tummies to make the tickling fart sound... maybe that would make the time spent in there a time of enjoyment.

it is a shame... a shame I tell you! I like this place so much! And it would be rude of me to suggest that the performers join a gym... Either join a gym or leave the pants on.... And a few new numbers... If they can't think of any just re-create some old "I love Lucy" episodes... We all would love to see a cute Thai Queen perform the Vita-Meata-Vegamin routine from Lucy.

OK, enough of this. I have to get back to the guys.... I am in phuket now and I had to get that off my chest.

October 20th, 2006, 17:48
Couldn't agree more. Although, in my view it applies to all of Soi 3. A lot of changes going on in ownership and management. So, let's hope for some creativity while maintaining a comparatively safe environment and lively exposure for first time visitors.

Very much the bloom is gone. The old arguements by running dogs for Soi 3 against visiting other gay business districts in Pattaya is wearing thinner by the day.

October 20th, 2006, 19:45
get down to Krazy dragon tonight!! i will put on a special show for ya lol

October 20th, 2006, 20:39
I have to agree. Throb has been on a down-slide for a while now.
It has never been the same since Marcha left last year. that's the main reason why Kevin sold up.
Marcha was the one that came up with all the ideas for the show. Nearly every month there use to be
new numbers, since he left there has been none.
Hope the new boss makes some big changes.

October 22nd, 2006, 12:29
Oh I never get the names right - Last time in Pattaya I am sure there was a headline (announcement somewhere) that Marcha (Marsha) returns to Throb Splash. At the same time a round bouncing drag queen started appearing in the shows (as opposed to the other round bouncing drag queen who seemed then to be demoted to a secondary role), I assumed therefore that this was Marsha ... No?

I have commented before that the shows are repetitive. I think last time over a period of several months I caught the show maybe half a dozen times, this trip I have not been in so far. I agree with anyone who says 'it's hard to keep re-inventing and putting on new shows' but introducing one or two new numbers a month shouldn't be that hard. I also think that Throb/Splash now has a little personality clash and isn't sure whether to cater for the gay community or the Japanese/Chinese/Taiwanese straight, tourist coach parties.

Though I do think they organise good charity and 'competition' events.

October 22nd, 2006, 18:47
Hi Fatman
THe Bouncing Drag Queen is Oh and she was either returning from injury or from performing in Korea at the time

She is the True "Superstar" of the show

I believe Marsha was the Stage name of Mark who was the Choreographer (who liked to think he was the owner) and sometimes appeared in Drag as Marsha.

October 22nd, 2006, 20:38
I note that the previous post from colmx has been censored i.e. the original last sentence has been deleted and that a post I made quoting that sentence has been completely deleted.

No explanation has been given. Would the Moderators care to explain why this censorship has taken place and why they did not have the courtesy to inform the poster?

October 22nd, 2006, 23:15
and why they did not have the courtesy to inform the poster?

And how do you know what was done and what was not done ?

Speculation causes more grief than the truth.

READ the guidelines before you mouth off :spiderman:

October 23rd, 2006, 01:18
Kevin has owned and run Throb & Splash for the last few years and made it an Icon in Pattaya.
But he has sold it, So it is now up to the new Owners to keep it up to the high standard That Kevin & Co set.
Best of luck to the new owners ,And wish them all the best in there new venture.

October 23rd, 2006, 06:20
It must be almost 3 years since the promise was made to do away with the temporary use of plastic stools

Not only were they uncomfortable with no back support, but it was so crowded it was unpleasant.

IMHO the stage should be along the wall at the Serene end.

But like Cafe Royale waiters, most of the dancers have past their use by date and some new young slim cuties
are needed to freshen things up Some new routines would not hurt.

October 23rd, 2006, 16:32
and why they did not have the courtesy to inform the poster?

And how do you know what was done and what was not done ?

I know because I quoted the last sentence of colmx's post in a reply which appeared on the board but then disappeared. My reply contained information which was general knowledge in the gay community the last time I visited and originally came to me from an unimpeachable source - therefore speculation in this case does not arise. Unless my post dissolved into the ether someone (and only a Moderator has the ability) has deleted my post. I say again, WHY?

October 23rd, 2006, 19:02
There are only 6 Posting Rules.
It would seem common courtesy to let any Member know (privately) why their post was removed or edited, with a reference to one or more of the 6 posting rules.

Cheers ...

October 28th, 2006, 12:01
Hi Fatman
THe Bouncing Drag Queen is Oh and she was either returning from injury or from performing in Korea at the time

She is the True "Superstar" of the show

I believe Marsha was the Stage name of Mark who was the Choreographer (who liked to think he was the owner) and sometimes appeared in Drag as Marsha.

Thanks for clearing that up colmx, I do agree with you that 'Oh' does seem to be the star of the show.

I gave Throb another try last night. I have to say that people really do enjoy the show and you can't really fault the management for knowing what pleases the patrons. However, both myself and my guests were bored shitless with each saying the same thing 'show no good, same same', added to that, even some of the boy dancers looked bored out of their minds. I can't remember the last time they did an original new routine. Why is Throb incapable of putting on new shows or introducing new routines???? At least the likes of Wild West do variations on a theme.

October 28th, 2006, 14:23
I gave Throb another try last night. I have to say that people really do enjoy the show and you can't really fault the management for knowing what pleases the patrons. However, both myself and my guests were bored shitless with each saying the same thing 'show no good, same same', added to that, even some of the boy dancers looked bored out of their minds. I can't remember the last time they did an original new routine. Why is Throb incapable of putting on new shows or introducing new routines???? At least the likes of Wild West do variations on a theme.
Perhaps you answered your own question: why would they be motivated to change anything if it's still a money-making crowd pleaser?

November 4th, 2006, 01:19
I have to agree with one comment... Throb in September/early October was dire. However it has improved since. There are occasional new numbers tried out at the second show when most punters have left. Kwevin has done a fine job over teh years and let's hope teh new owners can keep up the good work