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View Full Version : Gay Car in Pattaya, what colour are you?

October 13th, 2006, 12:12
On a recent Forum the Gay Car of the Year was discussed and although the Mini was the Gay Car of the Year worldwide a poster claimed that the Honda Jazz must be the Gay Car of Pattaya as so many of us have them. So here is my totally unscientific report from observations in town.

Age group 18-25 WHITE CAR
The young get up and go set (don't you just hate them?) but i see more dolly bird in them than dolly guys.
Age group 25-35 RED CAR
The live for danger jet set more interested in appearance than anything else, must be at the front .
Age group 35-45 BLUE CAR
The middle of the road types still wishing for their youth but making a statement on colour as a last stand.
Age group 45-55 GREY CAR
Too busy to clean it and a conservative by nature Umbrellas on back seat just in case.
Age group 55 + SILVER CAR
To match ones hair of course but more likely walking sticks on back seat in this one.

Oh I nearly forgot...PINK CAR
Queens and Lady boys of course........
Now i would not give away what colour mine is but what colour are you?

October 13th, 2006, 15:07
On a recent Forum the Gay Car of the Year was discussed and although the Mini was the Gay Car of the Year worldwide a poster claimed that the Honda Jazz must be the Gay Car of Pattaya as so many of us have them. So here is my totally unscientific report from observations in town.

I assume that in your teens you were a train spotter.