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View Full Version : Be Part of the Act In Jomtien Complex, Hottest show in town.

January 22nd, 2006, 15:33
is the the same place you were hustling for a manager last week

http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... sc&start=0 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6612&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0)

If so what has changed.

I went there for 3 nights and left when I found no one there.

My third visit I stayed, but the number of diners was less than a quarter of the seats.

That includes the table that seemed to be drinkers only.

January 23rd, 2006, 08:08
[quote="let me tell u"]Next your be telling us you own a Restaurant, yea yea.

Welcome back John , getting tired of all that posting on the Blog.

How is the sale of your 2 star hotel going, still doing meat and 2 veg?

Surely someone will see its true potential, if well managed.

January 23rd, 2006, 16:46
Written in 'invisible' ink? No, just white-on-white. :sleepy5:

January 23rd, 2006, 17:00
Written in 'invisible' ink? No, just white-on-white. :sleepy5:

Can anyone explain what this post means??????

January 23rd, 2006, 17:26
Yes Trevor, I have at long last just Sold my Luxury AA/RAC 4 Star very large Hotel in the UK you really must stop drinking to much at over 70 just lay back and take more care of your self, as you don't seem to want to pay anyone else to, my spies tell me, they call you Mr free Willi.

All in the best possible taste I'm sure.

Thank you John for your comments.

I assume you are living above your normal standard of living, by boarding long term at Montys, B&B

I am not yet 70 but getting close. Free Willi? surely that is you?

I pay all my bills dont run up accounts, I cannot understand the comment about paying others. Maybe jealousy on your part.

I do not accept any freebies. Just as well as I believe you have the market cornered.

January 23rd, 2006, 22:19
A friend and I tried Enchanted Hut last week and were distinctly underwhelmed. The decor is nice (apart from the vivid blue ceiling) and Tim the owner seems a pleasant fellow. Just as well as there was a lot of finger-tapping on tables and complaints about the poor service. My friend had the salmon, which was full of bones, and my curry wasn't as ordered. Small portions. With hard work things should improve but at the moment the place doesn't live up to let me tell u's over-the-top description. It's really not very good salesmanship being so relentlessly upbeat, you know, let me tell u. People cease to believe you after a while and get annoyed when the reality doesn't live up to the hype. Simple honesty is the best policy.

January 23rd, 2006, 23:32
I just can't believe letmeboreyou would exaggerate and misrepresent any place that he promotes relentlessly and blatantly....It is amazing that he doesn't get tired of spewing out the same old bullshit to get a free drink or meal.. The only thing worse than reading the tripe is having to hear him bellowing in Sunee about the top people he knows and his sexual conquests of everyboy that passes by....

January 24th, 2006, 11:42
I have had the experience of your personality more than once when you approached and entered a larger group of farangs where you knew one or more of them.. In the two or three times this occurred, the moment you entered the conversation, everyone had to stop talking and listen to your loud, bellowing voice as you turned the conversation to non stop sexual references to every boy who passed or talked about how you knew the all the rock stars and all the right people..I can tell you the moment you left most of the farangs either laughed at you as a total joke or commented on how unbelieveablely obnoxious, self centered and ill mannered you were..I will pass by friends if I see you with them and if you see a farang call out "check bin" when you approach it might be me..

I would rather sit alone for an eternity than sit with you for a moment... enough said...if you want to continue this I have some true stories farangs have told me of your financial situation and repaying of loans but I think it is tacky to continue this when I know who you are and you don't know who I am... Try to tone it down and maybe people won't smite you so much and run when you appear...

January 24th, 2006, 16:31
I think if fifty posters told you the same thing you would still deny it.. You are pathetic and I feel sorry for the suckers who lent you money or the fools who give you free drinks/food for the worst public relations job ever...I think it is time to make room for you on my ignore list and hopefully you will get the message even though you are in deep denial...

January 24th, 2006, 18:01
bitching the way it used to be.

I do have tale about LMTU and although I don't really know the chap I have seen him in the infamous Sunne Plaza area and he seems like a fairly jolly sort of chap.

I was in Canne 2 years at the Midem music festival with noted Pattaya resident Simon Napier Bell who was flogging some cobbled together cd of a long dead pop star he had once
managed and we were strolling along one of the wharves enviously eyeing some magnificent launches and yachts.

A booming voice greeted Mr Napier Bell as we were approached by a tall Peter Ustinov lookalike who was accompanied by non other than famous popster Rod Stewart. I'm not usually struck dumb ( though may have tried to strike me dumb including Edith) but having been a life long fan of Stewarts all I could do is stare in adoration.

As Stewart and the other departed, La Bell said.."you know who that is of course ?.."..and I replied Rod Stew.. "no you fool the other..that's LMTU of Pattaya fame !!!"

and lo and behold it was as I 've now seen him with my own eyes. The bastard apparently spends a month each year on Stewart's yacht. !! :cheers:

January 24th, 2006, 18:44
Bitching the way it used to be!

I'm not usually struck dumb ( though many have tried to strike me dumb including Edith)
but having been a life long fan of Stewarts all I could do is stare in adoration.

And we all know where you stared--About a meter below his face!
And you have eaten out on that old tail...tale...of yours for years!

One day I was wearing my (Navy Surplus) sailor suit, out cruis...walking...in Rome and saw a crowd--So I stopped to see what was going on. Two old men appeared on a balcony, the pope and another. So I asked a cute (Of course!), young Italian who had introduced himself as, Alfredo, "Who is that?"
He replied, "I don'a know that old'a fart in the pointed hat and funny gold hair-dresser's cape--But the other one is'a, Let'a Me Tell'a You!"
Well! The bit about the 'cape' gave him away--So off we went to my room. For hot Noodles Alfredo--And what's the best way to cool a hot noodle? (Guess.) :cheers:

January 24th, 2006, 19:48
well there you are folks..is it any wonder that Benedict Pope XVI after spending a week being told tales of LMTU's boyfriends is named 2005 "Anti-Gay Person of the Year"!!!! :bigsmurf: :cat: