View Full Version : Noticed: N. Korea explodes a Big One ...

October 10th, 2006, 01:03
But was it a nuke?

From the seismographs focused on a area in in North Korea it looks as though that hotbed of leadership mental health has joined the nuclear club:
( HOLY FIRECRACKERS BATMAN!! (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20061009.wnkorenuke1009/BNStory/International/home) )

Comments on the NYT's blog ( http://news.blogs.nytimes.com/?p=59 ) are lots of fun, my favourite being from a Mr. Paul deMeurisse, who thinks the the most reasonable response should be to " ... cut taxes and go to the mall, immediately... ".
I agree totally, especially considering that the recent test of Jong's beloved new intercontinental ballistic missile lasted all of 15 seconds before it exploded in mid air (this would be the one which is expected to destroy Los Angeles, and hopefully, including Orange County). So much for "intercontinental" and the dreaded "threatening posture".

Our Board's intrepid Stalinist/Maoist Nelson will undoubtedly be rejoicing at the this heartening example of re-emerging Socialist realism (Cuba could be next ... watch for it), and hoping against hope that Hezbollah or Hamas goes sneaking in the back door of (one of) Jong's palaces looking for a piece of the action.

But for the rest of us, perhaps the best thing that could happen for the N. Korean people is a good old healthy "bloodless coup" a la Thailand (recently showing the world how).
It would not surprise me if China did not already have plans along these lines in place. Now that the nasty little 5000-15000-tons-of-TNT-sized nuke has been lit, I'm sure that China is thinking twice about sharing the region with a certifiable nutter at the helm.


Cheers ...

October 10th, 2006, 08:36
Hopefully China and Japan will handle this problem and we(USA) can keep our nose out of it for a change.