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View Full Version : Paparazzi in Pattaya

October 9th, 2006, 10:13
Be warned if you are in Pattaya or Bangkok at this time, be careful who you talk to.
As there is 2 investigating journalist from News of the World snooping around.

October 9th, 2006, 10:16
What are they investigating, and why should we need to be "careful"?

October 9th, 2006, 10:30
A lot off farlangs get drunk and run off at the mouth, about themselves and other.
And a lot that live here in Pattaya & Bangkok are still in the closet at home and don't want their photo on the front
page of the News Of The World.
Be Careful

October 9th, 2006, 11:28
From some experience of these type of reporters they get you chatting at a bar over a beer. Then usually complain about what they are investigating say under age or famous people in odd places or the scene in general, then wait for you to respond feeling you are on their side of opinion and agree with them. What you say is always taken out of context and they are only interested in the story they are looking for which is often based on a fraction of truth and built from there. As they say in war time 'Be careful of strangers who you talk to, idle talk cost lives!' Camera these days can be everywhere in clothes and in bags so you will never see them. Think.... who carries bags in Pattaya when out for a beer maybe having them on the seat or table before you and who wears layers of heavier clothes maybe concealing a camera or microphone?

October 9th, 2006, 11:36
If you are in the closet about being gay or if you are a closet pedo, your photo with the boys makes money for the photographers, especially
in your home country and most especially if you are a politican or publicly known..

Maybe, this was why the idiot was photographing farangs outside of Krazy Dragon shortly before his much awaited departure from Sunee and
Thailand.. food for thought anyway..

It wouldn't surprise me if the American trash tabloids sent over some photographers too and maybe catch a congressman or a senator
babysitting in Sunee Plaza... :cat:

October 9th, 2006, 11:50
Be warned if you are in Pattaya or Bangkok at this time, be careful who you talk to.
As there is 2 investigating journalist from News of the World snooping around.

Why doesn't somebody set them up? I can just see the headlines now.

News of the World Reporters arrested in Thai underaged sex sting!

October 9th, 2006, 12:14
Hope they try take photos in go go bars..

News of the world photographer beaten up!

October 9th, 2006, 14:46
in the true sense of the word. Not like the chaps on their vespas that used to chase moi and Franco ( Zeferelli) and desperate little Gina (Lollabrigida..she used to try so hard) as we rushed to meet Frederico for dinner. They were looking for true stars...

these guys will be total scumbags like the ones that set up the poor famous English science fiction writer in Sri Lanka just as he was to be knighted, and paid 2 under aged lads $500 each to make false claims...if those ones ever dare venture back to that country they face lengthy jail terms themselves for criminal libel...calling them papparazzi really is a misnomer. If they are from the News Of The Screws they will have no scruples so take Monty seriously and be on your best behaviour...God only knows who is to be their target..it could be the whole of Sunnee Plaza or even Pattya itself..probably to claim it's all gone downhill since the coup.

If they're spotted..someone please call the police..they won't have the correct work permits..let's get them in the Monkey House where they belong !!

(If you see someone walking around with a paper bag over their head in the next few days ..it's me.)

October 9th, 2006, 15:22
Gee and I thought it was only your dates that needed paperbags on their heads. -)

October 9th, 2006, 20:22
Gee and I thought it was only your dates that needed paperbags on their heads. -)

In case hers falls off?

November 12th, 2006, 05:18
Has this expose been published or are they waiting for the slow news period over the xmas/new years holiday

or hopefully they were arrested for working with out a permit

November 12th, 2006, 07:21
They could have been doing background work for a story in the future. Maybe an "expose" on the pedo Asian destinations. It will be limited though if they are from the N.O the W. Just sensationalism.
Could have been investigating the girlie bars-I wonder if they have an expense account for real uncercover investigation-like "offing" a couple of girls to see what it's all about. :idea:

Apparently the owner Rupert Murdoch has now gone "green" and decided there is global warming-maybe it's about that.

November 12th, 2006, 21:32
I am told through my sources that the story will be published very soon.
Theres a lot of big shocks about well known Pattaya faces?

November 12th, 2006, 22:32
I am told through my sources that the story will be published very soon.
Theres a lot of big shocks about well known Pattaya faces?

If me memory serves me right it was just a couple of weeks ago that someone posted on this board that the News of the World Sunday paper was going to publish that very weekend an 'expose' on a well known UK football personality and his visits to Pattaya.

If I was a betting man I would wager a bet that this new so called 'expose' will fail to materialise as did the last 'shock news'.

November 12th, 2006, 23:40
I am told through my sources that the story will be published very soon.
Theres a lot of big shocks about well known Pattaya faces?

If me memory serves me right it was just a couple of weeks ago that someone posted on this board that the News of the World Sunday paper was going to publish that very weekend an 'expose' on a well known UK football personality and his visits to Pattaya.
If I was a betting man I would wager a bet that this new so called 'expose' will fail to materialise as did the last 'shock news'.

Theres at least 3 that i know of!

November 13th, 2006, 00:49
I am told through my sources that the story will be published very soon.
Theres a lot of big shocks about well known Pattaya faces?

If me memory serves me right it was just a couple of weeks ago that someone posted on this board that the News of the World Sunday paper was going to publish that very weekend an 'expose' on a well known UK football personality and his visits to Pattaya.
If I was a betting man I would wager a bet that this new so called 'expose' will fail to materialise as did the last 'shock news'.

Theres at least 3 that i know of!

But where is the so called 'shock expose' that was imminent a few weeks ago?

November 13th, 2006, 05:30
one rumour is that it concerned a UK diplomat and recent posting.

There may well be a series of stories about the "flesh-pots" both male and female.

As far as I can see this newspaper relies on sensationalism about sex and dosn't let facts get in the way and conducts campaigns that sweep up innocent people in the process.

Rememeber the Victoria Beckham "kidnap" story-several people charged and all found innocent. They were set-up by the newspaper hacks who then went to the police. In other words they created the so-called crime. There were calls then for the hacks to be charged but nothing came of it.