View Full Version : Thailand among top 5 child abuse site hosts

October 4th, 2006, 12:03
Bangkok Post

Thailand has earned itself an unwanted spot among the world's top five hosts of child abuse websites, an internet watchdog has found. Based on web users' reports on illegal content in websites, the Internet Watch Foundation said 3.6% of nearly 5,000 sites could be traced to Thailand. The US topped the chart at 51.1%, followed by Russia (14.9%), Japan (11.7%) and Spain (8.8%).

Pol Col Jaruwat Waisaya, deputy chief of the Crimes against Children, Juvenile and Women Suppression Division, said he learned the unsavoury fact at an international seminar in France last month. Thailand was found wanting in tackling the problem, the seminar was told.

Once alerted, Information and Communications Technology officials would shut down illicit sex sites, but without notifying police to hunt for offenders. The blocked servers would not be available for internet surfers and police in Thailand, but would remain accessible overseas.

Many foreigners thus pick Thailand as a base for ill-intended websites.

Thailand needs to step up efforts to combat porn sites, Pol Col Jaruwat said, as they not only drive sex-related offences but are also regarded as transnational crime. Some sites openly offer for sale sex services or porn photos of boys and girls.

But he admitted there was an uphill task ahead in tracking down site operators as payments were often made online to a third country.

''Our penalty for distributing porn images is lenient, with a three-year jail sentence and/or a 6,000-baht fine, while those found with child abuse images in their possession face 15 years in jail in the US or Australia,'' he said.

Pol Col Jaruwat said deputy police chief Pol Maj-Gen Issarapan Sanitwong na Ayutthaya had initially suggested after the seminar more cooperation with law enforcement partners overseas and the possible appointment of police attaches.

Since April 2002, police have received complaints about 11,681 Thai-language porn sites, 7,273 foreign-language porn sites, 1,592 paedophile sites, 4,551 sites selling sexual materials and 860 sites offering sex services.

October 4th, 2006, 12:14
Bangkok Post

TeePee with more vile directed toward Thailand.

Instead of posting someone's misguided opinions on things like that why don't you produce some evidence? Links. Then we'll be able to judge whether these ludicrous accusations have any basis in fact at all and can go from there.

In my entire web cruising time since 1994, long before most of you even heard about it, I have NEVER EVEN ACCIDENTALLY ENCOUNTERED CHILD PORNO or any website demeaning towrd. (I did once encounter some awful stuff on winmx, and that's it, winmx is long gone, I believe and it WASN'T hosted in Thailand.

WHO would host a site in Thailand? Its too slow vfrom herr, dear.

Why don't people stop with this bullshit?

October 4th, 2006, 12:25
while I don't doubt Teepee as he's obviously reporting a genuine source.

But the facts do not fit.

I have never encountered a Thai illegal porn site and that would be odd as it is difficult not to actually do so especially in internet cafes when you access a computer that others have been using. Certainly East Europe would be the major host of illicit porn but like so many reports out of Asia they can be so sooo wrong.

I'm with NewBeeBkk on this and I have no doubt this info comes yet again from meddling NGO's with another agenda. This sounds like shifting the blame from Europe to Asia. I simply don't believe the figures quoted.
(Not Teepee's fault though...only the messanger)

October 4th, 2006, 12:39

You can download the full report should you wish. I was rather impressed that with Thailand's world reputation for sex stuff they host a very small proportion of websites - 3.6% compared to the US, Russia, Japan and Spain which account for over 80% of such sites.

Having been prodded into looking into the report further by New Bee Bangkok's charm offensive, I was somehow pleased to note that the UK had reduced their sites from 18% in 1997 to 0.2% currently. I find that NewB and Pearl's "I have not seen it so it does not exist" philosophy a non sequitur.

If one wants links it is quite easy to google them up for oneself.

October 4th, 2006, 13:13
..... it is quite easy to google them up for oneself."

I'd rather not thanks. :idea:

October 4th, 2006, 13:33
by New Bee Bangkok's charm offensive,

If one wants links it is quite easy to google them up for oneself.

I don't call your means of presentation on this subject as necessarily charming, either.

Well I think the great majority of us are refusing to see it! You're correct there. And that's a good point. Do you have statistics to support that everyone reads this stuff?

I will not try to satisfy my (nonexistent) curiosity by Googling, but I still challenge someone to post a link.

October 4th, 2006, 14:21
Well while I don't want to in any way minimise the importance of shutting down ALL child pornography websites, and that includes those found in Thailand, I think you need to recognise a media beat-up when you see it. Lazy journalism chock full of the stereotypes and cliches advanced by folks with a political agenda is just that. Lazy journalism. Let's put these figures in perspective. First of all, child pornography sites are evidently principally a problem associated the United States, that well known bastion of the free-world, democracy and the rule of law! According to the report, 55.1%, or 2555 of the sites reported are American.

Question, what is the US doing to stop this appalling exploitation of presumably its own children? Does it want to develop a reputation for being a kiddies porn paradise?

As pointed out above the other countries listed account for 86.3% of kiddie porn sites, compared to Thailand's 3.6%. That's 180 sites versus 4315 in the top four countries. Perhaps the author of the story needs to take the log out of their own eye before they attempt to take the speck out of Thailand's eye. Incidentally if the the authorities concentrated on shutting down the kiddie porn sites in just the two top countries, the USA and Russia, 2/3rds (66%) of the these kiddie porn sites would be shut down. If you closed down Thailand's sites, only 3.6% of the sites would be closed.

Now you tell me where the real problem of child pornography websites lies!

October 4th, 2006, 14:40
Bang on Aunty.

October 4th, 2006, 15:16
I don't know about sites being hosted locally, but if you want a taste of some of the vile, demeaning, and dehumanizing filth that some Westerners produce in Thailand, just check out http: deleted I wonder if its webmaster is one of our charming forum friends?

PS: i have nothing against most porn, but this stuff -- where the guy is out there bragging about picking up and bare-backing Thai street kids -- is revolting.

October 4th, 2006, 15:43
I don't know about sites being hosted locally, but if you want a taste of some of the vile, demeaning, and dehumanizing filth that some Westerners produce in Thailand, just check out www.privateboymovie.com (http://www.privateboymovie.com) -- I wonder if its webmaster is one of our charming forum friends?

PS: i have nothing against most porn, but this stuff -- where the guy is out there bragging about picking up and bare-backing Thai street kids -- is revolting.

Hmm Kaposis Sarcoma on the white dick. In fact they all look like they need to go intravenous with a large Sunday roast dinner. I get the feeling they all know, none look underage though.

Brad the Impala
October 4th, 2006, 16:03
I haven't clicked on BG's link, but if it is what he states, we shouldn't have the link on this board, and if you click on the link you will have the images retained on your hard drive even after you delete them, unless you go for deep cleansing of a kind that can't be done at a spa!

If you were visiting a kiddie porn site, how would know where it was hosted? How can people who are just surfing be so dogmatic about "not in Thailand"?

Winmx is still going strong, although they did have a blip.

October 4th, 2006, 16:07
I don't know about sites being hosted locally, but if you want a taste of some of the vile, demeaning, and dehumanizing filth that some Westerners produce in Thailand,

It is distatsteful. It could be "produced" here but I'll bet it is hosted in the US. I've gone as deep as I'm going to on that and all I say is I've seen nothing to suggest that it is. Therefore it can't be considered a "Thai porn site". Though distatsteful I see nothing (on the first page) to suggest that it is illegal (in the US) or there is anything "childish" about it but I agree with you that such stories you note in there, if they are in there, are in bad taste and SHOULD be illegal, if they are not.

October 4th, 2006, 16:30
It is not kiddie porn.

October 4th, 2006, 17:54
Dan in the 'Dan & Joe' videos is not 18. He was working in Lucky 7 at the start of the summer and his ID card showed his 17th birthday to be in August of this year. Pretty close to being legal, and he looks of legal age, but I still wouldn't want to be travelling through customs with his video on my computer.

October 4th, 2006, 19:50
if it does have any underage stuff on it...and I'm certainly not checking it out.
But we don't need the hassle do we ??????.. :bom: :bom: :bom:

the headline is written in a totally misleading manner and more worthy of the News Of the World and other such trashy gutter trash which classy broads like me never read.

October 5th, 2006, 10:18
U S A !


Well with someone in congress like Mark Foley in charge of key sexual predator provisions of "Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006" what do you expect?

http://upload4.postimage.org/1308929/100406_950x315_badreporter.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1308929/photo_hosting.html)

October 5th, 2006, 10:29
Yes, another filthy disgusting degenerate paederast lying Republican criminal. He's just like all the rest of the made in America christian facist Republican filth.

October 5th, 2006, 10:37
Yes, another filthy disgusting degenerate paederast lying Republican criminal. He's just like all the rest of the made in America christian facist Republican filth.... for Aunty's Mensa Moments (Mission Statement: I'm an educated well read man)
http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... g.php?w=21 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/weblog.php?w=21)

October 5th, 2006, 12:30
Yes, another filthy disgusting degenerate paederast lying Republican criminal. He's just like all the rest of the made in America christian facist Republican filth.

But Aunty that's the majority, the "Christian fascist republican filth". And OH MY!!!, what language. It always strikes me as odd that America produces so much filthy pornography ( they do it better on the continent) and yet there is only Blacks beach to get naked on. What is it with all that affected Puritanism. They dont even have unisex changing rooms, yea yea, but I always found it facinating how the other half live, call me curious.

It's just a filthy country with filthy thoughts, they just dont want anyone to think anyone knows about it.

October 5th, 2006, 12:48
I do believe this man's major crime so far has really been one of hypocrisy yes ??

the legal age is 16 but as he was one of the Congressman who rallied against Bill Clinton and Blow job Monica I cannot see that as yet he has done anything illegal.

Moreover it appears that from the emails going back and forth that the lads were dallying with this silly old queens emotions. There is of course the tiny fact that he was involved in some sort of committee about cyber/Internet stalking or something but these lads were personally known to this man which makes it slightly different.

Did they complain that he had sexually harassed them previously ? ..apparently not...or there doesn't seem to be any proof so far..nor do I subscribe to the disparity of the ages as I am yet to see the great book of rules that says that an older person cannot be with a younger providing it's within the law.

That said, I hope the Repubs are thoroughly trounced and the Dems take control in November.

October 5th, 2006, 13:33
Yes, another filthy disgusting degenerate paederast lying Republican criminal. He's just like all the rest of the made in America christian facist Republican filth.... for Aunty's Mensa Moments (Mission Statement: I'm an educated well read man)
http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... g.php?w=21 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/weblog.php?w=21)

My obsessed stalker, Colonel Plonker-Dunce strikes again! You realise don't you, that you can get psychiatric treatment for unhealthy obsessions like these?

October 5th, 2006, 13:39
Well thank you Pearl and Aunty for eloquently putting into words things that are only intuitive to me, but perhaps a limited vocabulary can't properly express, except to say that it is obviously BAD speech.

WOW, look who's all of a sudden in today's news. It's the first I've heard of him. It looks like the consensus is he is guilty of putting his lust for others in writing.

However on my google page I see:

Mark Foley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWhere I have to draw the line is using children for the excitement of those more mature people who should know the difference and know better." — Mark Foley ...

which to me is where the line actually lies. I'm sure the rest of America will look elsewhere.

October 5th, 2006, 14:05
I do believe this man's major crime so far has really been one of hypocrisy yes ??

But Pearl that's the whole issue with the Republican party and its political and social agenda. It's its abject triumphant hypocrisy. The constant portrayal of non-white, non-born-again christian Americans as moral degenerates and a threat to that great American myth, the American family. While we have people of this ilk throughout the US (including The President) proposing a constitutional amendment to prevent gay marriage to protect the family, we have a lying stinking Benedict Arnold homosexual (a so-called enemy of the family) leading the charge! And the Republicans didn't know, or were they too busy granting the rich (themselves) in America another tax cut?

And remember, Pearl, these same Republican slime balls are responsible for how many dead Americans and Iraqis? Why? Because when they have become that bankrupt of morals and character, they become pretty much capable of anything, and that includes legalised mass murder (war). Ask Plonker-Dunce, he knows all about being a self-serving moral degenerate.

I tell you, the biggest threat to the American family is not Osama Bin Laden and Al Queida, it's the Republican Party and it's born again Christian Reich.

October 5th, 2006, 14:39
as I said..hypocrasy..and it is a heinous crime and I will be breaking out the champagne at the demise of the Republicans...well no that's not quite correct as genuine Republicans this current lot are not...I will be glad to see the back of the Neocons.

Now as for referring unkindly to Homitern as Colonel Plonker-Dunce I think that is very cruel and about as bad as someone once saying to the legendary (The) Colonel "you bald fat old c**t", even though apparently he deserved it when some poor working lady down on her luck in a Melbourne Street merely asked him for sixpence for a bowl of soup and was rudely re-buffed. However do not worry we Ladies Of The Coup Committee have decided that he is in for some serious re-education due to his continued anti-property ownership rhetoric which is merely my way of introducing yet another gratuitous plug for the glorious OCEAN 1 TOWERS and urge to all invest in a fabulous condo and take no notice of Homitern's dire doom and gloom predictions for property or indeed, China !.