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View Full Version : Life's little ironies

October 3rd, 2006, 07:47
Whenever a fresh scandal erupts I'm always gratified to see that's it's organised religion or the conservative side of politics that's behaving badly - you know, the side that's always accusing us godless atheists of moral laxity. The latest political conservative to get caught out is Congressman Mark Foley from Florida, a 6-term Republican who (wait for it, this is so delicious, my schadenfreude register is off in the stratosphere) is accused of sexually harassing a 16 year old Congessional page and who (this just gets better and better) had campaigned for tougher penalties for sex offenders and was the chairman of a congressional caucus looking at exploited children

I'm starting a list of suicide bombers who are known atheists (a well-known group of the morally corrupt or deficient according to the god-fearing). I'm fairly confident none of the hijackers on the planes in September 2001 were non-believers. If you know otherwise, please help me identify them