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January 22nd, 2006, 03:17
Gay families plan to attend White House egg roll

Three months before the annual Easter egg roll at the White House, the usually festive event is already taking on a divisive edge because of plans by gay- and lesbian-led families to turn out en masse in hopes of raising their public profile.

http://edition.cnn.com/2006/US/01/20/eg ... index.html (http://edition.cnn.com/2006/US/01/20/eggs.roll.ap/index.html)

I had always thought that the origin of the Easter Egg was because the chocolate eggs are in the shape and colour of rabbit droppings, and as we all know, Jesus was crucified, died and reincarnated as the Easter Bunny (in every sense of that word)

I'm reading with interest Chris Baker and Pasuk Phongpaichit's A History of Thailand. In Chapter 2 they mention that King Mongkut (Rama IV) and his circle, in modernising Thai Buddhism, also did critiques of Christianity and concluded it was 'a foolish religion'

January 22nd, 2006, 19:20
Did you find it esy to obtain the Baker and Phongpaichit book, Homintern?

I tried several bookshops in Bangkok last November for it and drew a complete blank.

January 22nd, 2006, 19:24
Several copies in the Bookazine @ Silom Complex

January 22nd, 2006, 19:38
On the page Homintern has linked to above there is also a little box-on-the-side for this poll question:

Is the planned attendance of a gay rights organization at the
White House Easter egg roll an attempt to gain acceptance or a political stunt?

Acceptance: 31%

Stunt: 69%

Actually I think it's a stunt as well ... but it's a funny stunt.

Cheers ...

January 22nd, 2006, 19:57
MOI !..well parts of him. I too am a fisher of men and share many other qualities with the man. Long gowns and plaited hair and I'm certainly a martyr. In fact I've even got close to the sick and they've opened their eyes ,screamed and leapt from their hospital bed running like the devil (or from the devil someone said) and that's a MIRACLE .Besides , he must have been born around August (just like me) because of a whole range of reasons..weather..sheep breading time etc.
Admittedly theres a but of Jesus in us all..just a lot more in me !

how on earth did bunnies come into it ?

January 22nd, 2006, 19:59
Acceptance: 31%

Stunt: 69%
Stunts involving 69 are among my favourites

January 23rd, 2006, 15:24
....Admittedly there's a bit of Jesus in us all..just a lot more in me!....well parts of him. I too am a fisher of men....

I hate to be a party-pooper, Pearl! His...name is pronounced, Gee-zus. The one whose part you shared--And you don't get points in heaven for sharing that part; sharing it was your reward--was pronounced it Hay-suice...rhymes with juice...which he was on...or you'd never have shared it: his, 'part,' as you so delicately put it.
Admittedly; Hey-suice really got around--And that there's a lot more in you, I won't dispute: there's so much more of you to...fill.
However; trolling Suriwongse Road isn't what HE had in mind when he said he was, 'a fisher of men.'
Furthermore; you are also editing and mispronouncing, fisher: you are a fissure for men--though many have called you, before your fistula--mistaking it for your face--a, fitchew.

....Long gowns and plaited hair....

True. She sews her own hospital gowns--But hasn't a hair on her head! That's a Butterfly McQueen wig she's so proud of.
Passing herself off as Steve's sister, however; is a bit much.

In fact I've even got close to the sick and they've opened their eyes ,screamed and leapt from their hospital bed running like the devil (or from the devil someone said) and that's a Miracle!.

I must agree; she has a face that could raise the dead: one of the 'miracles.' (And her shoe size permits her to walk on water...and surf with out a boat--But she never turns water to wine: she goes right for the gin. And the gift of tongues?...I blush to explain that one. Otherwise; she wouldn't know a, miracle, from a, mackerel. When He passed out loaves and fishes Pearl was sleeping one off.)

Besides , he must have been born around August (just like me) because of a whole range of reasons..weather..sheep breading time etc....

In the last hundred years, since you were born, many astrologers, and others who have nothing better to do with their time, have come to believe it was sometime in April...His mama got knocked up in August: at a Jewish Luau; something like a regular Luau--But without the roast pig.

how on earth did bunnies come into it ?

As a symbol of Spring; to remind us to put the big mouse-traps in the garden because it's the season when those fecundating little critters eat our tulip and hyacinth bulbs, silly.

January 23rd, 2006, 16:47
inviting gays & lesbian preverts to the White House in the sordid battle to homosexualize Amerika and make sodomy compulsory !!!! :albino: :albino: and now fluffy white bunnies

Nothing is sacred..gay cowboys winning awards in Hollywood..give me the day when men were men..this is how it used to be...strong masculine and hetrosexual......

a normal hunk who would probably never make it to the WH easter hunt !!


January 23rd, 2006, 18:05
It's sooo old...I'm not sure...who is it?... Cornhole Wild?

inviting gays & lesbian preverts to the White House in the sordid battle to homosexualize Amerika and make sodomy compulsory.... Nothing is sacred..gay cowboys winning awards in Hollywood..give me the day when men were men..this is how it used to be...strong masculine and hetrosexual......

Though I'd love to see sodomy compulsory, 'homosexualizing' "Amerika" will never happen: Str8 America will forevermore insist on wearing biege Dockers with black running shoes and "Shop Target" tee shirts (Pronounced: Tar-Jay.) to formal dinner parties, WH Easter Egg Rolls, Demolition Derbys and cess-pool dippings out...And that's just the women--But the fish are our hope: Be-otches, world-wide are turning more boys gay than queens could ever hope to! I should know because the poor boys often come crying to me--And I take them for a ride in my new convertable: the sofa bed I traded in the old gay sofa for--It was a homosectional!

January 23rd, 2006, 18:21
it's the great JOHN WAYNE..a man's man.

and apparently was rather popular with men in his day.

January 24th, 2006, 14:17
it's the great JOHN WAYNE..a man's man.

and apparently was rather popular with men in his day.

If you'd shown the rear shot; in hot pants & straw wedgies (espadrilles?), I'd have recognized him.

BTW: (Some things go on-and-on dept.) Diana Krall has recorded (Twas Just a) Garden in the Rain the song Dietrich sang in an old movie, with Wayne: Pittsburgh?...Coal Mine?...Cole Mime?(No, that was with Kevin Kostner.)...some damn thing; the one where she & Wayne were crashing in an elevator. (Was she singing Garden in the Rain as she was going down?...I don't remember. I was only five. When I saw reruns on channel WHIZ. It was either watch that or All in the family.)
How times have changed...Now all people in movie elevators do is screw...because it's better than listening to Muzak.

PS: homi; try doing a standing 69 in an express elevator...while leaning on the Stop\Start button.

January 24th, 2006, 17:42
I can't say I was a great fan of La Deitrich but my favorite song was "Falling Down Stairs Again".
There is a rather amusing tale by the famous and noted Pattaya resident ( and by a an odd co-incidence an aquaintance of mine) on the website of Simon Napier Bell (dot com etc) where he describes a dinner with Ms Deitrich at which he was ordered not to make her laugh because her endless facelifts did not pemit her to laugh. I know how she felt.

January 24th, 2006, 20:34
I can't say I was a great fan of La Deitrich but my favorite song was "Falling Down Stairs Again".
I think you are confused, as usual; Falling Down Stairs Again (Down Drunk Again?) is Billy's ballad. Don't ask him to sing it, he sounds like he's suffering...from brucelosis: what comes of too many brews, I think?

There is a rather amusing tale by the famous and noted Pattaya resident (and by an odd co-incidence an aquaintance of mine) on the website....where he describes a dinner with Ms Deitrich at which he was ordered not to make her laugh because her endless facelifts did not pemit her to laugh. I know how she felt.

When she, same-same you, laughed; her pussy bobbed up and down so fast the friction caused spontanious combustion of the pubic hair and killed a family...of crabs, two field mice and a fruit bat?

Speaking of hair, I must run now for my barber appointment. I think I have just enough for a Dolly-cut: Kewpie Doll.