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View Full Version : Babylon Sat night

October 1st, 2006, 02:54
Babylon was very busy tonight (Saturday). I arrived at 7pm and the locker number were already in the 600's. It was the last day of the month and that means payday to many Thais but also the draw is the new show. The old Freeman troupe has been putting on their show for several weeks now and it's quite popular.

The crowd crowd was more of a mix than usual: Groups of Japanese staying to themselves taking in Japanese, more farangs than usual of all ages and someone must have run a shuttle bus from an Lufthansa flight. Still, Asians outnumbered Farangs by a good percentage.

When the show starts the Asians flock to the courtyard whereas the Farangs mostly ignore the show. It's a good time to stay out of the dark corners unless you want to be molested by a farang.

The action was pretty hot at the usual places at the usual times but more of a group thing going than usual due to the hordes of bodies.

I wonder if all the the increased numbers have anything to do with all the army boys in town? I did not see any guns!

Lots of events are coming up, a foam party, Halloween and some sort of contestant show. I did not get all the details I was a little distracted, sorry.

October 1st, 2006, 09:48
Strange but just the two days before the coup, I went for a massage at the Babylon. I go early afternoon because there is hardly any-one there so I don't have to keep brushing away groping arms. It is incredible how an arm can appear from nowhere, when you are just sitting by the pool for example, a hand will start rubbing your thigh, poking out of the thinnest shrubbery, it's like an octopus grotto. I always end up almost having to run everywhere, if I stand still for one second, it almost feels like I am going to be lifted up to the ceiling on a sea of arms.

Anyway I lost the track a bit, but when I was there the place was crawling with policemen. Fully clothed policemen. They didn't seem much in a hurry either, some were lounging at the cafe at the entrance, others were eating inside at the restaurant but a good deal where just poking around, reading pamphlets and chatting to the staff, they didn't seem threatening at all, but the staff in contrast had that shifty eye nervousness that kept me wondering. Maybe they were looking for something? Who knows. Could just be coincidence but they were all rather good looking, and very buff, in a nice natural free range sort of way. They seemed to blend very well, with their tight trouser bulges nestled between well honed thighs.

October 1st, 2006, 10:47
Haven't been to any octopus grottos lately Cedric. Do tell...

October 1st, 2006, 13:21
[quote="Cedric"]Strange but just the two days before the coup, I went for a massage at the Babylon. I go early afternoon because there is hardly any-one there so I don't have to keep brushing away groping arms. It is incredible how an arm can appear from nowhere, when you are just sitting by the pool for example, a hand will start rubbing your thigh, poking out of the thinnest shrubbery, it's like an octopus grotto. I always end up almost having to run everywhere, if I stand still for one second, it almost feels like I am going to be lifted up to the ceiling on a sea of arms.


If that kind of behavior offends you then the thing to do is go to a sauna where that kind of behavior isn't expected encouraged or even tolerated. I am sure there are many Saunas in Bangkok where you can go and have a quiet sauna, a quiet drink and entertain yourself.

Try one of the health clubs in a major tourist five star hotel. If you are touched up, call the security, unless of course the person touching you up is just your cup of tea, then I suppose you can forgive him and go somewhere more private together.

We all know what goes on in Babylon and that's why most of us go there.

October 1st, 2006, 15:58
Dear Cedric, Can u please inform me what country, u come from

October 1st, 2006, 16:23

If that kind of "behaviour" offends you\We all know what goes on in Babylon and that's why most of us go there.

It doesn't offend me in the slightest, I find it all rather arousing, in fact I can't get passed the front desk without getting a boner, it's concealing it all the time that gets irritating, so constant groping doesn't help. But you know what it's like, sometimes you just want to be alone with your thoughts.

October 1st, 2006, 16:27
the place was crawling with policemen. Fully clothed policemen. .... Could just be coincidence but they were all rather good looking, and very buff, in a nice natural free range sort of way. They seemed to blend very well, with their tight trouser bulges nestled between well honed thighs.

Natural free range?? As opposed to those bred in small cages with the light kept on 24 hours and fed hormones?

October 1st, 2006, 20:37
"sometimes you just want to be alone with your thoughts."

I'm not sure I want to be alone with your thoughts :geek:

October 2nd, 2006, 01:10
Natural free range?? As opposed to those bred in small cages with the light kept on 24 hours and fed hormones?

Sounds like a pretty apt description of most plucked, queer American porno Muscle-Mary-actors to me. And equally as unappetising.

October 2nd, 2006, 01:12
Natural free range?? As opposed to those bred in small cages with the light kept on 24 hours and fed hormones?

Sounds like a pretty apt description of most plucked, queer American porno Muscle-Mary-actors to me. And equally as unappetising.But do the Thais buy them and set them free from their cages to gain religious merit?

October 2nd, 2006, 01:19

If that kind of "behaviour" offends you\We all know what goes on in Babylon and that's why most of us go there.

It doesn't offend me in the slightest, I find it all rather arousing, in fact I can't get passed the front desk without getting a boner, it's concealing it all the time that gets irritating, so constant groping doesn't help. .

When are you going next - i need to see this lol!

( and the policemen)

October 2nd, 2006, 07:57
Cedric, The question is can you get passed the front desk with a boner?

October 2nd, 2006, 10:32
those bred in small cages with the light kept on 24 hours and fed hormones?

Sounds like a pretty apt description of most plucked, queer American porno Muscle-Mary-actors to me. And equally as unappetising.

Exactly right aunty, these are men that have natural prowess, never seen the inside of a Californian fitness studio, these aren't metro sexual lady boys these are sex machines, every inch alive. Trained in the field, and boy does it show. And not to put too fine a point on it, scrumptiously groomed using just the bare essentials. Mans man, Mens men, mans man, boys man, mans boy, which ever, pure unadulterated aroma therapy....... they do it for me.

October 2nd, 2006, 10:41
those bred in small cages with the light kept on 24 hours and fed hormones?

Sounds like a pretty apt description of most plucked, queer American porno Muscle-Mary-actors to me. And equally as unappetising.

Exactly right aunty, these are men that have natural prowess, never seen the inside of a Californian fitness studio, these aren't metro sexual lady boys these are sex machines, every inch alive. Trained in the field, and boy does it show. And not to put too fine a point on it, scrumptiously groomed using just the bare essentials. Mans man, Mens men, mans man, boys man, mans boy, which ever, pure unadulterated aroma therapy....... they do it for me.

Darling, the next time you go the Babylon do let me know, and I shall extend my jewel encrusted claw at you from some thin, wispy bush, and fondle your magnificent manly thighs and luscious nether regions.

Or as we'd say in the old country, I'll cop a feel.