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View Full Version : Tell us more about the Guardian Angel Place

September 25th, 2006, 14:33
I'm sure you know many of the boys in there, my friend.

September 26th, 2006, 00:45
The Care House or G.A.P. Is what it says it is.A place fore sick people to stay while they are getting treatment.
I do have sick boys & girls there at times referred to us from Dr P.
If you think for one moment that I would let you or anyone else, near them you have got the wronger Idea.Let me put this way , it is a safe haven for them , to be fed by THIAS 4 LIFE .( I thank them.)
Looked after & be taken care of , to the best of my ability, I will not allow , sticky beaks interfering with there lives,
I only visit once a week , to make sure that they have what they need, it is not a zoo. I pay my staff to
take care of then and Lek and the other boys DO A WONDERFULLY JOB.
I have been running the care house since last November, and have had some help, but since February this year it has been fully funded be my self and Thai 4 life and if needed , I will keep it that way.
In over a year we have only lost one person , from 24 we have looked after.
But if anyone want to visit the care house , they will have to come to me or Lek , then they can visit . with myself or Lek.
So now you know what G.A.P is about. and this is my first and last Posting on this subject.

September 26th, 2006, 12:12
and give them some money..they need it more than you do.

September 26th, 2006, 18:38
........my apologies to you if I offended you,it certainly wasnt my intention.

That MUST be a first !

September 27th, 2006, 00:18
And your donation is needed.
You are a BIG Man

September 27th, 2006, 04:17
I want to know more about the Guardian Angel Place,I think it had opened around NOV 2005?
Where is it exactly located,who is its clients etc.Also I heard on here before MONTY say you can take boys there who are HIV POZ on outings etc/cinema etc.You probaly have to pay them I suppose .But is it like a boarding house for HIV POZ BOYS ?Is it long term care? Who can make refferals?
Or a 24 hr care service? or What? Can we all visit there on our trip?What is there cost?
How many boys they got there? I WANT TO KNOW ALL THIS,I DEMAND TO KNOW!

Hey Mattysan ya poor cunt,always do a search for info on this topic before you ask son.
Can I ask you how long you have been a poof? I like to find out statistics on these things which i keep a record of.

Why dont you take your own advice and do a search on Guardian Angels BTW how long have you been a poof

September 27th, 2006, 10:02
How many boys they got there? I WANT TO KNOW ALL THIS,I DEMAND TO KNOW!

Boy this midget gets me hard. I bet he squeals like pig when he gets FF.I love middleaged fatboys. Used to be boygeorge.right?

We had to cancel our trip this month due to death in my buddies family.
to those who privat me, we are still coming but in around 4 to 6 weeks from now.