View Full Version : Enchanted Hut Report

September 21st, 2006, 09:51
This was my first time in the Jomtien Complex and I was impressed with the layout and the variety of places. The lighting a night is very festive without being overpowering. When I parked my motorcycle, a pleasant security office approached to confirm I had picked a good spot and he remained to suggest I lock the bike carefully.

No problem finding the Hut as the handsome, bare-topped lads ushered me inside. It was 6:30 and I was the first to arrve but the place became quite busy later on. The interiors are a beautiful as previously reported. A lot of care for detail.

As soon as I was seated 2 hosts arrived - one with a menu and one holding up the board with the days special. I noticed some didn't even get settle before this duo was before them. I would suggest they wait a moment for the customer to organize themselves and take in the room. Nevertheless this attentive service was continued through the meal. I like the fact that no one waiter attended a table as they all assisted when needed. I could see that the tips were pooled.

This system worked well especially when the show began at about 8:15. The show consisted of several solo. duo and more dance routines from traditional Thai to modern. These dances certanly showed off the beauty of the boys. As a dancer finished his routine he immediately return to his wait-staff duties often still in costume. The meal service never seemed to slow. I certainly enjoyed the coreography both on stage and around the tables.

There was muck amiable chatter between tables and at one point a customer was invited to take the stage to entertain us with his pano talents.

Finally, I am far from a gourmet, but I found the food delicious. Well worth 3 times the price in Toronto.

I finished my meal before the show started so I took a seat in one of the comfortable lounge chairs and ordered a bottle of water to sip. It came with a glass and ice. Over the next hour the ice in my glass was replenished many times. This to me represented the excellent service I found at the Hutt.

September 21st, 2006, 13:54
and so nice of you to bring it to us. Precise and to the point and you have given us all the relevent information !!!

Maybe you could give us a bit more detailed info on the actual meal itself..otherwise well done..and aren't those topless lads outside something else !!

incidently, have you noticed perchance, that there has been a coup ?

September 23rd, 2006, 09:20
The soup of the day was chicken & veg,,,, OOPs Pearl. bad eyesight WHAT COUP
All is well in Pattaya. No change.

September 23rd, 2006, 09:59

incidently, have you noticed perchance, that there has been a coup ?

...great line...just too funny.

September 24th, 2006, 02:04
To perform at The Enchanted Hut,
Shows that you will not want to miss,
Plus our very own half Naked show Boys.

Watch this space for more Info & times & dates.

September 24th, 2006, 02:31
The soup of the day was chicken & veg,,,, OOPs Pearl. bad eyesight WHAT COUP
All is well in Pattaya. No change.

If i go Thailand i worry about : "boy special chance his hair coup ? " Is the chicken soup fresh , did Dodger make a good behavior at Monty's, did Boy George run naked on walking street ? And last but not least is the English grammar from Baziel much better as last year ? :clown:

September 25th, 2006, 02:17
Every night this week JO JO will sing live for your pleasure.and his.
Dinner Show at 8.30 p.m. Late night show 10 p.m.
No cover charge.

September 25th, 2006, 07:47
Are there any tables out of ear shot of Jo Jo? Just I need to hear myself chew, otherwise I swallow too soon and end up looking like a Burmese python?http://upload4.postimage.org/1232478/pythonsheep.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1232478/photo_hosting.html)

September 25th, 2006, 08:24
or God forbid, you may be taken for an American....nah....no personality

September 25th, 2006, 08:37
or God forbid, you may be taken for an American....nah....no personality

And blown up, you mean?

September 25th, 2006, 08:46
Jo Jo biography:

Jo Jo say ya: "I'm not Britney mark two. She's a great dancer and I can't dance. I'm more of a singer".

It's really cool that oldie's recognize me on the street. Grammies come up to me and say, "My Thai friend was a real jerk, and you helped me through it with your song'. I'm happy that I can help people through my music."

Daddy's sensation Jo Jo is enjoying success beyond belief. His debut album Jo Jo was released on... ? Oops i forgot.

The album spawned the debut hit single "Chicken dance in a land down under." Jojo's single has been burning up the charts and even hit #1 on the Billboard sales chart. The video for "Chicken dance in a land down under" ,even hit #1 on MT V's top rated video show TRL.

His mother was a troll soloist in the church choir. Daddy's pop singer Jo Jo, learned from an early age and he taught himself to interpret the pop and blues tunes he heard with his own destructive style.

Jo Jo grew up listening mother's records and imitating the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Bob Segar and The Aretha Franklin.

"I remember first hearing about Jo Jo when I was born. I liked the songs and thought he was the next 30-40 year-old to try to be Britney Spears" ! :clown:

http://upload4.postimage.org/1232721/JoJo_seeYa.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1232721/photo_hosting.html)

September 25th, 2006, 12:16
Wonder if we could hire that python to take care of a certain chickendancer due to arrive soon (or so he says). A short fat bald midget should be just an appetizer for it.

September 25th, 2006, 13:39
Wonder if we could hire that python to take care of a certain chichendancer due to arrive soon (or so he says). A short fat bald midget should be just an appetizer for it.

is that the midget that claimed he would own all of montys businesses in 10 years, but has not bid one baht so far

September 25th, 2006, 15:30
Now that Monty's Pool Bar is up for grabs it would be a good start for you to follow in Monty's foot steps tho I doubt you will ever be able to fill them.

September 25th, 2006, 22:41
Since you have renamed part the original post from Hut To Butt it seems anything goes now. Doesn't Monty get tired of your insults and down grading of his business?

September 26th, 2006, 01:27
Full again tonight,
It must have some thing, other than good food , good show & cheap drink.
Could it be JO JO. or the half naked boys. Come and visit, then you tell me.

September 26th, 2006, 14:48
http://upload4.postimage.org/1232478/pythonsheep.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1232478/photo_hosting.html)

Python: "Billy, I'm going to eat you up!"
BB Billy: "You gon'na eat me whole?!"
Python: "Eeweu! No! I'll spit that part out when I get to it!"

September 26th, 2006, 15:42
Can't wait to check this place out. When I stayed at Monty's B&B last June his beef burgers were the best. But I guess it looks like March will be my next trip.

September 27th, 2006, 00:26
than that Python,
but my waist line is about the same.
my Pen Rai

September 27th, 2006, 04:08
You really dont have a life do you Andrewcraig,I suppose living in country town Goulburn gets boring after a while.There only so many sheep that you can root isnt there.Then again,Goulburn has the big jail doesnt it? Mate there a thought there,but I wont give you ideas.

This post is about reports of The Enchanted butt ,not about anything else.

Wasnt Goulburn where you first joined the prison system? You used to include Goulburn as your address as VBBB

September 29th, 2006, 17:37
Returned for dinner last night. Full with a much improved show!! Several additions to the crew make it a great evening and the food is always outstanding. It is a welcome relief from the pushy bar situation where when you walk in the door you expected to start buying drinks right away. Look forward to my next trip to Jomtien in November. TJ