View Full Version : haemorrhoids

September 19th, 2006, 00:35
My Thai friend has been plagued by a large haemorrhoid for some time. I've already taken him to the doctors for treatment but the cream and tablets haven't worked. He told me on the phone yesterday that the doctor says he requires laser treatment and I've told him I'll take him to the hospital (Pattaya) when I arrive in a fortnight.
Has anyone any idea which hospital I should use and how much the treatment will cost?

September 19th, 2006, 01:52
Has he got a Social Security card ? If so, the 30 baht healthcare should cover the operation.

Has he tried Proctosedyl Suppositories produced by Aventis in the UK ?


Just insert it into Mr Pile's arse twice a day (morning and before going to bed at night). Excellent stuff, costs about 200 baht which can be used for 6 days, and is available from Boots on Silom Road. Don't know if there is Boots in Pattaya.

Use this Proctosedyl Suppositories twice a day for a week and the pile should become much much smaller, then continue using it till the pile has gone. If this doesn't help, then he may need the operation.

There is a similar product from Germany, but it's not as good. Don't bother.

September 19th, 2006, 11:22
Unfortunately, anal worts are common among the boys and it is possible your friend is having a problem with
anal worts and there is a miscommunication, intentional or otherwise...

Laser treatment is one way of removing warts, freezing is another.. I am not a doctor or a lie detector but one has
to consider the possiblities, especially if one doesn't want to get this virus himself... :idea:

September 19th, 2006, 13:43
I used to have this problem years back and tried all kind of medications and cream. Surgery (whichever) to remove would be the best solution. I had mine operated and God can tell you what I went through!! But I am very glad I went through it and its been at least 20years now.... no more problem!!

September 20th, 2006, 02:40
Had a bf with problem a couple of years back. BNH in BKK has a special clinic on ground floor. Can't recall the cost but not too expensive (To me it's all relative to costs one would pay here in the USA). They tied off the "roids". More than one visit will be required for followup. The bf and I joked about having the camera up his ass. BNH is a first class hospital and high recommended if you are in BKK. We both had physicals there and I can't recommend highly enough.

September 21st, 2006, 00:46
Thanks for the advice.
My friend is much more sensitive about health matters than I remember being in my twenties; he gets easily upset by even the most minor of problems. Is this typical? It seems surprising when he comes from a poor country background where I'd imagine health care is relatively basic.

September 21st, 2006, 20:03
They rarely remove them any more - even if thrombosed.

Electrical banding is the trend .

September 21st, 2006, 20:26
Thanks for the advice.
My friend is much more sensitive about health matters than I remember being in my twenties; he gets easily upset by even the most minor of problems. Is this typical? It seems surprising when he comes from a poor country background where I'd imagine health care is relatively basic.

The vast majority of the Thai boys I have met have been hypochondriacs. Why do you think that there are so many pharmacies, most of them employing girls with little or no pharmacological training, dishing out dubious drugs and tablets. These places are veritable goldmines.

September 21st, 2006, 23:44
btw nelson - what cream was used?

Only one ever worked for me ( yes i had piles years ago)

I got some Preparation H - foul greasy horrible smelly stuff but worked in around 3 days. Made from whales something or other if i recall correctly.

September 22nd, 2006, 00:11
I bought him two sorts while in Pattaya but can't remember the names. Not the ones I've seen here in the UK. Apparently, the doctor tried another and it too was unsuccessful. Hence the advice for him to go the hospital. My friend told me that it is a common complaint amongst his friends. I suspect that it may be diet related or possibly the result of particular potty training procedures- he seems to spend an eternity in the toilet.
What a fascinating subject this is!

September 22nd, 2006, 17:49
Proctosedyl Suppositories produced by Aventis in the UK

Boots Pattaya in the Royal Garden Plaza sell at 120 baht for a six day supply. I will shortly be slipping a suppository sphincter-wards . I may rub one over the bags under my eyes.

I had a look at WebMD for this product.

"How does this medication work? What will it do for me?
This medication is a combination product that is used for the reduction of swelling, pain, and inflammation of hemorrhoids and other rectal lesions. It is also used to treat proctitis, fissures, cryptitis, pain following rectal surgery, and rectal itching."

It does not suggest that it will shrink them away?

September 23rd, 2006, 16:20
I got some Preparation H - foul greasy horrible smelly stuff but worked in around 3 days. Made from whales something or other if i recall correctly.

It will also reduce bags...under the eyes, not old bags who don't want to diet.
Too bad there's no Preparation H Shampoo--For BBB\boygeorge\

Do get that boy to the hospital ASAP. They can turn into a more serious condition like a fistula, or become infected. The recuperation is not fun, requires post-op treatments (At home.) and he will need some help (Getting around, getting proper & suitable meals.) in the days after he is released. Meanwhile, he may get some relief from sits-baths: immersing the area, not the whole body, in hot; Preferably, running, water. There is an apparatus made for this: looks like a wash basin with an overflow outlet, fits in\atop the toilet with hoses to attach to the faucet or faucets. It should be available from the hospital pharmacy.

Brad the Impala
September 23rd, 2006, 17:43
For more information visit the charmingly named: www.pilesadvice.co.uk/ (http://www.pilesadvice.co.uk/)

They do have a section called the bottom line with pdfs to cover all eventualities. I have always found that anusol does the job, when required.

September 23rd, 2006, 23:39
Billy, if you sat in a tub full of preparation H, you'd vanish!