View Full Version : Now I can laugh about it...

September 18th, 2006, 01:42
I was just thinking about my 2nd time in Thailand. On this trip I was able to spend time with my X-Lover. He had been coming to Thailand and found himself a good Thai guy to settle down with. The guy he got for himself.. You would not find at any of the gay bars or Internet sex boards. He was a upstanding and loyal guy. Not my type at all! LOL

Well, his friend had to go to work so we hung out during the day and at night when his boyfriend got off work we all had dinner together. Then I would go my way and they would go theirs.

Well... I met this one guy at the Balcony Pub. He was something to see. Tight shirt, ripped jeans, Nice bulges and a razor sharp smile that backed up his smouldering sexuality. I liked him... I didn't want to get into his pants.. But I did want to help him just because....

I asked him if he wanted to earn 1000 baht. He pressed himself to me... I smiled but told him it was for guide work. I went on... I told him my friend and I want to go to weekend market and need a guide to help us shop and find our way around. I told him I would give him 500 now and 500 at the market. (I had a sense he needed the money now). He agreed and I gave him my hotel info.

I got a call from the desk of my hotel in the morning asking me to come down for my guest. (I was at the Chin House Hotel in SalaDaeng). The Chin House is a very nice hotel. Very friendly and classy. One of the best hotels I have stayed at.

Well I get to the lobby and there is my guy... Tight ripped shirt.. Tight ripped jeans where the leg openings ripped to dirty shreds. Tiny beanie baby stuffed animals tied to his somewhat feminine fanny-pack on his hip... and all that cinched together by a shiny spangled belt... Topped off with a hair style that looked as if it were done with egg-beaters... WHIPPED three ways till Sunday! :cheers:

OH! MY! GOD!!!!!

Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb! All kinds of thoughts went thru my head. How do I get rid of him. I don't want to walk around with him. OH MY GOD! What have I done! Maybe he need new clothes. OH MY GOD! What did I get myself into!

Well my X-lover arrived and he too had a "Oh My GOD!" look on his face... Oh well... Off we went. And our flamboyant guide was still yawning and was of absolutely no help at all. So after 15 minutes of walking time with him. I gave him his 500 baht and he said he was going back to bed.

My x-lover looked at me and asked. What was that all about... I told him... "Don't even start with me.. LOL"

Now that kinda tied into some advice I gave a Thai friend of mine who wanted to Die his hear and pierce his tongue. I told him when he looks clean, sharp and fresh. He can go anyplace with anyone. When he looks like a club-kid, people only want to see you in the club.

I can look back and laugh now but at the time... I was wishing I could hit a reset button! LOL

September 18th, 2006, 02:34
Its amazing how they can change their hair and look so "different" from day to day. I spotted the same guy in 3 different bars with three different hairstyles one week.

September 18th, 2006, 05:10
Its amazing how they can change their hair and look so "different" from day to day. I spotted the same guy in 3 different bars with three different hairstyles one week.

It is because they still HAVE hair.