View Full Version : My HIV+ Boyfriend - latest news

September 13th, 2006, 23:36
I've posted a couple of partial updates on my boyfriend's condition in other threads but I'll add a bit more detail here.

Following two days in hospital in Bangkok caused by his continuing meningitis and, so it turned out, a bronchial infection that had led to pneumonia he returned home to Ratchaburi with his condition stabilised but still suffering from fairly severe symptoms. The added complication of his gastric ulcer has again caused problems and he now promises that he will stick to his bland, non spicy diet.

A scheduled visit last Wednesday to Bangkok had to be cancelled when the doctor spoke to him on the phone and it was agreed he was not well enough to travel. However he did make to Bangkok on Friday when the results of tests were reviewed and new blood samples taken.

My boyfriend doesn't understand anything about T-cells or CD4 etc and if I tried to introduce the subject it would just cause confusion. I have to try and use the language that he uses with his doctor but filtered through the dual translations of my Thai and his English and with some help from his electronic translator the "Talking Dict". He also sends me text messages with the names of the drugs he's on. So I know his has meningitis but he refers to it as "the fungi in my head" and his blood count is expressed in terms of "up" or "down" without figures.

The most recent results where not encouraging as his blood count was "down, down" for the first time for ages. The "fungi in my head" was "nit noi" (a little bit). The gastric ulcer seems to be controlled at the moment so that is an improvement. He's also clear of the TB and two other infections that affected his skin and his nervous system.

His anti-virals were changed recently and it would appear that the new regime was not proving as effective so he is now back on his original pills. He's still on the Fluconazole for the meningitis which has been a recurring problem for over a year, it would be really good news if the tests one day show he's clear of that.

For a brief period last week his normally indomitable spirit was slightly depressed and he cried as we spoke on the phone. He was upset that he'd missed some of his college course but amazingly he's managed two mornings this week and is sounding stronger.

He lives on his own with some limited support from his extended family but he is very independent and determined to finish his college course and, hopefully, support himself again. His next visit to Bangkok and the doctor is the middle of next week so I'm hoping for better news on the blood count and also hoping that the bronchial infection will improve. He gets very fed up with visits to Bangkok every two weeks but attempts in the past to extend the length of time between trips proved to be a mistake and from my point of view I like to know that he's being monitored even if as he says it's "Nah beua" (boring).

I spoke to him earlier today and his sense of humour was as lively as ever. I'm looking forward to seeing him in December.

September 14th, 2006, 00:24
As always Jon I hope it starts to turn around for him.......what anti viral drugs is he on, do you know? Here in the west they are improving all the time, but we do know that is'nt always the case in the east.

September 14th, 2006, 01:29
It Is Just A thought, A visit to DR PHIL in Pattaya might be the way to go,,He just might be able to help , as he is a world renowed doctor, on treating H.I.V. Persons with secondry infections, And does have acsess to most Anti viral treatments.
If you P.M. me I will give you more details,
A Life is a life and any thing you can do to save one is worth doing.
Take care.

September 14th, 2006, 01:40
Sanook wrote

what anti viral drugs is he on, do you know?

It's always easier when I'm actually in Thailand to understand what's going on and particularly when I line up all his pill bottles and take down the details. It's not always that clear though as some generics are just put into his old branded bottles so I can't always be sure that the labels are accurate.

Anyway as far as I understand it at the moment he's back on "Lamivudine" "Stavudine" and perhaps "Efavirenz" or generic equivalents. The new regime his doctor tried involved fewer tablets but as I've not seen them I'm not sure what they were. He had problems right at the start of his illness with a combination of anti-virals but he was tolerating the LSE combination well so it seems to make sense to put him back on that. He was also on Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim as prophylaxis for PCP but I don't know at the moment if he's back on that as well or not.


September 14th, 2006, 04:59
"Lamivudine" "Stavudine" and perhaps "Efavirenz

Jon you can better read up about those drugs at;
www.lamivudine.com (http://www.lamivudine.com)
www.hivdent.org/drugs/STAVUDINE.htm (http://www.hivdent.org/drugs/STAVUDINE.htm)

both were approved in the UK Lamivudine is also known as 3tc Epivir and Stavudine as Zerit.

The combination drugs usually prescribed in UK are Efavirenz 600mg(Sustiva) once daily, along with either Combivar (twice daily) or Truvada (once daily).

If one's CD4 count is below 250 or in some cases 200 then a prophylaxis is normal to help ward off developing PCP.

There are a lot of good sites on line now to better help the layman understand HIV, www.aidsmap.com (http://www.aidsmap.com) being one of the good ones.

Whatever, I think the advice to see the doctor in Patttaya is welcome and might help your friend a lot.

Take care and good luck to you both.