View Full Version : Large Erections !

August 30th, 2006, 08:28
we report-you decide

Large Erections Planned for Pattaya.
At a meeting held at Pattaya City Hall on Wednesday, the very busy Mayor Niran announced the allocation of 46 million baht of the annual budget to the construction of two large archways on the borders of the city...etc etc..you will also find the new term for a group of ladyboys..now a "gobble of katooey" and other other strange goings on.


Anyone wondering how the John Mark Karr fiasco could have possibly happened need only read this fascinating news report that carries just a small dose of what happens daily in Thailand to realise the whacky Jon Bennet fantasist was well at home in this strange country and the only people who should be hanging their heads in shame are the US authorities who took him seriously.
Some are hysterically calling for some sort of punishment for Karr for wasteing police time..they should be calling for the Keystone Cops involved to hand in their badges and refund the tax dollars wasted as they clearly couldn't investigate their way out of a paper bag. This is what you get when law enforcement responds to media outlets like Fox News, CNN etc and in turn attempt to manipulate the news .

And I'm not even mentioning the western so-called journalists who write on Bangkok newspapers who carry on as though Thailand is a country full of people pure as the driven snow who are somehow corrupted by constant stream of tourists. All of them sitting in air-conditioned offices , returning nightly to their air-conditioned condos not giving the the slightest flying f**k to the poverty surrounding them apart from their pompous posturing in print which the majority of them got very badly wrong this time.

August 30th, 2006, 09:05
Tha announcement of your departure seems to have been premature?

Your title has double entendre ramifications but little to do with John Mark Karr unless you know something we don't. There were several journals casting doubt on his veracity while he was still in Thailand.

Is it Spring in New Zealand now?

August 30th, 2006, 10:18
No it's not.

August 30th, 2006, 10:23
damn - no 8 inches in here!

August 30th, 2006, 13:26
I know how to push your buttons. Why shouldn't I rant and rave before I depart for the Shakey Isles..God knows I'll probably be just raving mad after a few weks there..

for really big erections you must go here:


lots of big French erections !!

August 30th, 2006, 14:18
remind me of the time I was engaged in a relationship with Mr. Farquardt. As a token of his affection, he gave me the stunning forty-three caret Farquardt pink: a beautiful diamond! But there was a curse attached: Mr. Farquardt.

August 30th, 2006, 15:49
As a token of his affection, he gave me the stunning forty-three caret Farquardt pink:

Oh for a minute there dear I thought you were talking about his 9" dick!

August 30th, 2006, 16:03
Why shouldn't I rant and rave before I depart for the Shakey Isles..God knows I'll probably be just raving mad after a few weeks there..

Yes my dear I must admit I am worried about you. You are after all going to Wellington which is, as far as I'm concerned, a dump. Although if you do see Peter Jackson do give him a cherry wave and a big hello. I hear he's shooting a new movie, Bride of King Kong. Queen Kong. I thought darling the part would be right for you! I mean you're blond with a hairy back, and well known to soothe the odd savage beast. :idea:

August 30th, 2006, 20:25
This thread looked so good and yet some how ..............

August 31st, 2006, 09:08
I knew I should never have discussed my real reason for visiting Wellington...at this rate the DVD will be on one of Edith's Pattaya street stalls before we even have the movie made.

You are correct though..I am the love interest in the sequel to King Kong in which we depart for our wedding which takes place in Pattaya. Unfortunately King Kong is captured by entrpreneur LMTU and is to be presented as a muscular display at the entrance to Sunee Plaza in his bid to finally rival Boyztown as the town's premier nightspot. We even have a role for Monty as the Ringmaster caling out "roll up roll up" and cracking a whip and you dear Aunty, dressed as me with your back to King Kong who is chained up and roaring but rather soothed as he sees his beautiful bride before him. Fortunately as you get closer and it becomes apparent you are just some old shriveled hag King Kong breaks loose and crushes you to death and goes on a rampage throughout Pattaya a'roaring and a'crushing everything in his path including an increduclous Edith with a close up of her horrified ( and ghastly) face, what is left of the Clubber empire and all of Boystown. Thus LMTU's master plan is acheived and he and Monty become the kings ( and queens) of Pataya nightlife. The Thais in Pattaya merely assume King King is just another crazy farang on a drunken rampage after being propositioned by a gobble of katooeys.

August 31st, 2006, 11:39
Hello Edith and welcome back. Any connection between the mention of large erections and your sudden reappearance?

August 31st, 2006, 15:51
Hello Edith and welcome back. Any connection between the mention of large erections and your sudden reappearance?

Of course, Sweetie! Say the magic words and I'm there like duck-do on Groucho!

I knew I should never have discussed my real reason for visiting Wellington...at this rate the DVD will be on one of Edith's Pattaya street stalls before we even have the movie made.

Thanks for the plug but you forgot to mention; mine is the only street-stall in Pattaya--With a back-room!

Thus LMTU's master plan is achieved and he and Monty become the kings ( and queens) of Pataya nightlife.

The problem with your scenario is, there'd be no more Pattaya night life--Except for my street-stall. At least; for a couple days till we get the boys fitted with Crazy-Dragon-style-shorts and in-line skates: Edith's Ho-to-Go Speedy Let's Rock-and-Roll Curb-Service Condom Delivery. DBA: Prayer Meeting Pattaya Style.

....if you do see Peter Jackson do give him a cherry wave....

We all know you are sex crazed but this is a new high! (Low?) First; my dear Mr. Farquardt's nine inches and right on to Mr. Jackson's cherry. Leave it to Pearl, it won't be just be waved, it'll be a cherry squash! What.

Dear t2mk6;
You must excuse us. It comes of being too long in Thailand: According to Thai etiquette; it is quite acceptable, if you don't like a conversation, to start another one. As Pearl did--She not only talks to herself and answers back, she changes the subject and argues--with her own good self: starting with a blurble about Pattaya erections (I thought she was using Thainglish: elections.) and plunging right in to Jon Mark Karr. (I wonder how many others--Tell the truth, now--would like to plunge into him?)

Nevertheless; it beats cut-and-paste.

August 31st, 2006, 16:29
Dear Edith,just seeing your kind avatar and reading your cheeky words has made it worthwhile.I find most of the time I laugh from this board it is off your posts,Yes ,I am a Fan! Slurp . :bounce:

August 31st, 2006, 19:38
( such a complicated name !) that you get a good laugh at Edith's posts.
I just have to look at Edith for a good laugh. :compress:

September 1st, 2006, 14:15
By the way, I think the restaurant where your mother was so taken advantage of--Usually a customer who can not pay her bill just has to wash dishes--is still going, on Mermaid Quay in lovely Cardiff Bay.
Few Chinese restaurants serve lamb but I suppose it's de rigueur considering the location--So you should feel right at home: they must certainly serve old goats, too.


And about that leopard-skin pillbox-hat....Isn't that the same one you made from the brown-cow ice cream container she brought you as a party favor...since she could hardly give you the same favors she bestowed upon the rest of the party?