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August 29th, 2006, 12:30
Saw this on the BBC website:


The Survivor tv show is splitting it's 20 contestants up into four tribes of 'blacks, whites, Asians and Latinos before merging later in the series'. This has apparently kicked up a stink with claims that the programme is promoting racial division. What a lot of tosh and nonsense. Does splitting teams into men versus women promote sexism? It's just a bit of fun and fluff and the pc brigade need to loosen up a bit.

August 29th, 2006, 15:10
I come from a country ridden by sectarian violence though two my aunts married across the divide. If Mr. Blair is remembered positively for anything it will be for his facilitation of the step back from that conflict to the fragile state we have today. Only last week Celtic's goalkeeper received a police caution for crossing himself on the pitch as that was described as provocative.

I see a strong parallel with the racial gang identifications of New York where this programme comes from and do not think that the phrase "racist TV" is over playing it. It's a regression to tribalism in my view and "modern" people reject it.

August 30th, 2006, 11:38
Northstar, has survivor the program, got anything to do with the racial gangs of New-York? I didn't think so, even if the program has it's final there.
I think it is a backward idea, but only because all the contestants are American. The Asians never last very long normally. I am waiting for the international version, where people are chosen not just from America, but Australia Germany France etc. Now that will be interesting, lets say three from each country.

What I could never understand is that, they base these programmes in these stupendous places on fantastic virgin islands, rich in natural history and culture, and yet there is not even a hint of environmental awareness in the entire program.
In fact they go out of their way to make sure there isn't, by awarding a 'gas' guzzling 4x4 type thing at the end, Not only is this sending a horribly ignorant message about the Americans and the environment but they fly the bloody thing to the location and let the winner drive around a bit, just to make sure every-one gets the idea. I know it is all a bit shallow and all that, but they could without trying very hard make at least some of the challenges all about the environment they are in.

As they already tuck into any local wildlife they can grab smash or throttle. I think, up until they make the international version, the teams should be forced to really survive, that is, no basic rations like rice or whatever, and no food rewards. This would be very entertaining. Isn't it dire seeing Americans getting all excited about rewards of processed American food, when most of us would consider that a punishment.

August 31st, 2006, 19:45
but I don't think it would be very interesting..a bit like putting all the blondes together or the brunetes.

September 2nd, 2006, 20:57
I'm not a big fan of "reality" television - The Amazing Race and House Hunters International are more my speed - and this season's theme seems a bit crude, but gay Filipino-American hunk Brad Virata may make me check in once in awhile.

September 2nd, 2006, 22:55
gay Filipino-American hunk Brad Virata may make me check in once in awhile.

Perhaps if you ever get in contact with him you could buy him some razor blades !!

September 2nd, 2006, 23:24
Perhaps if you ever get in contact with him you could buy him some razor blades !!
While I think the unshaven look may have something to do with the "Survivor" theme, I wouldn't mind giving him a shave.

September 3rd, 2006, 08:29
Perhaps if you ever get in contact with him you could buy him some razor blades !!

And a chest wig. I have gone completely off the naked mole rat look. Everyone needs a little chest fluff and fuzzy legs, to be considered a male. The worst is the shiny waxed look. I agree, face hair is overdoing it. Here is a queen of the colony. Notice his dapper little chest, sadly completely devoid of hair. http://upload4.postimage.org/1032282/mole_rat272JPEG.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1032282/photo_hosting.html)

September 3rd, 2006, 10:29
Don't like it, don't watch it. I know I won't.

September 3rd, 2006, 15:39
I'm not a big fan of "reality" television - The Amazing Race and House Hunters International are more my speed - and this season's theme seems a bit crude, but gay Filipino-American hunk Brad Virata may make me check in once in awhile.

Well I'd happily have him in a bitsy pair of Speedo's, on a hot summer's day, decorating the pool. A cool tall glass of Mint Julip tea anybody, or would you prefer to let your fingers trace his delicious warm skin while he sits in your lap and engages ya in sweet conversation?

September 3rd, 2006, 15:49
And a chest wig. I have gone completely off the naked mole rat look. Everyone needs a little chest fluff and fuzzy legs, to be considered a male. The worst is the shiny waxed look. I agree, face hair is overdoing it. Here is a queen of the colony. Notice his dapper little chest, sadly completely devoid of hair.

I don't mind a bit of hair in all the right places, (yummy) but I absolutely loath the shaved snatch look. YUK! I want a man, not a little boy, and I want my man to look like one! As soon as I see the shaved snatch look, that's it for me. The fuck's off.

It particularly looks revolting on skinny white honky boys crowned with pimples and a gormless grin. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

And older white men who carry out this disgusting perversion should be put to death immediately.

September 4th, 2006, 08:25
I agree, but perhaps death is a bit harsh Aunty? Give them a second chance, even if it's been lasered off, after awhile a certain amount of infected ingrown stubble will eventually regrow.
I have too say I am also over the plucked washboard abs look on geriatrics, who seem to proudly grace most gay public places like the pool-side at the Babylon. Head and neck like a turkey tummy like an Adonis. A tip, age gracefully lads it is far more attractive to the ladies, and you just can't be sure what that stuff is doing to your health long term.