View Full Version : The Perfect Boy Bar

June 24th, 2024, 08:23
I understand that the Perfect Boy Bar to me would not be considered the perfect bar by everyone else’s standards for the simple reason that we don’t all like the same things.

Based on two decades of hands-on experience (meant literally) on the gay scenes in Pattaya I estimate that close to half of the punters prefer the same types of boys that I like which are the twink-type boys, e.g., slim, cute, hairless, feminine, etc., versus the more masculine str8 boy-next-door types which are most popular with the other half. Understanding of course that many punters play on both fields.

The perfect bar to me would only focus on serving and satisfying twink-lovers (where guys are dolls), as I believe that bars that try to satisfy everyone by having a mix of different boy types often fall short of maintaining a regular repeat customer base and risk becoming a bit watered-down. Unless a bar is a huge operation (double-wide) and can staff 30-50 boys (like the old KAOS, or Wild Wild West), I think it’s best to just develop a niche market and not try to please everyone.

The perfect bar would only staff HOT cute slim fem boys who wore short-shorts while working which exposed their butt cheeks. Everyone loves cheeks and the fem boys love showing them! The bar would be dimly lit offering plenty of privacy…soft music to create an intimate mood…a small stage for showing off those cheeks…a few short-time rooms on the upper level…and last-but-not-least a skilled ladyboy mamasan to run the operation.

The number one failure mode of every bar I’ve seen open in Pattaya is if they overlook the importance of the “Mamasan”. Farang who attempt to run the business themselves without the support of a skilled (seasoned) Mamasan most often end up losing their investments and closing shop. If you look at Jomtien Complex now four of the bars which opened during the surge after Covid are now either closing or changing ownership due to lack of business, and ironically all four are (or were) owned/operated by farang, e.g., Dorothy’s Showbar, Double Shot, Divarium and BC bar.

I know this is going to sound a bit brutal, but the overwhelming majority of Farang have absolutely no idea how to recruit boys (even if they think they can), let alone recruit the right type of boys, and have even less experience training them, managing them, and keeping them happy so they remain employed. Every successful boy bar that I’ve seen has a skilled ladyboy mamasan standing back in the shadows making sure everyone is happy. They also serve as the front-line of communications with the local BIB for the reasons we all know. The BIB want to deal with Thais – not farang.

Simple recipe really: Only super-cute, slim, hairless, fem boys with their butt cheeks exposed and a good mamasan.

June 24th, 2024, 11:33
dodger...agree..on all points bar ONE...I'd have masciuline guys and if there was a 100% way of certifying it...straight masculine guys with bodies ranging from swimmer to lightly muscled like a boxer and not a body builder like Tawan in BKK.
I get a huge kick out of "controlling" strong maculine guys all beacause I can pay.....twinky fem guys are a total cock killer...but on all your other points a definite YES...
I'd also have a stripper on at all times, like background music...but in this case eye candy..just dancing slowly...using dildos...whatever...

June 24th, 2024, 12:23
A mix of 80 percent straight athletic and 20 percent gay.

'Uniform'. Changes Daily from the boys wearing white, red and black briefs to silk loincloths and occasionally thongs or very long grandad shirts and nothing else.

At 8.00pm (opening time) the theme song of Simply the Best by Tina Turner starts. I choose three boys at random, they come and take off their clothing, then carry a glass of water round the bar gently splashing and blessing the bar.

Occasionally the boys will celebrate the life of some long dead emperor and on those nights they will wear the emperor's new clothes all night with a 100 baht entrance fee to be divided solely amongst the boys.

June 24th, 2024, 22:37
the twink-type boys, e.g., ...yes
slim, ...yes
cute, ...sure
hairless, ... what Asians for? sure
feminine, ...nope! while I'm top, boy should be boy, not a doll... my type is "bad boy". For to tame.

===a few short-time rooms on the upper level===
it will be not a bar, it will be bordello then

I'm ready to pay for entertaining, but I'm not ready to pay for ass... I need hosts in the bar - to talk, to touch (hugging, cares), sometimes to kiss lightly as a friends... but mostly to talk and gossip...

Do you know how I usually visit bars? I sit on the side, order a drink, invite a guy and talk... I immediately tell him that I don’t plan to order him, so if he sees an interesting client, he can go to him at any time... and we sit and chat, periodically order drinks, we exchange rumors... sometimes the guys go to other clients, and if the deal doesn't work out, they come back... when I leave, I tip the guy 300 baht for every hour...

I never touch them below the waist, but they usually lean on my shoulder or under my arm... I don’t look for sex in bars - I always have enough of it, I just find variety in communication there - I'm on vacation, most of friends are far at that moment...

June 25th, 2024, 08:23
===a few short-time rooms on the upper level===

it will be not a bar, it will be bordello then.

My perfect bar would be a place where punters could go to flirt and fondle cute boys...hook up for a short time if they wanted...and/or enjoy having sex in a ST room without leaving the premises. It's all about SEX and Total Customer Satisfaction..

Punters who prefer just sitting around and socializing with the boys would not be a good candidate for Dodgers Perfect Bar.

The only way to keep top-notch talent (Super Stars) employed is to provide them with a platform to earn a lot of $$money$$. A place where the PUNTER GETS THE BOY FROM HIS DREAMS - and DREAM BOY GETS RICH. It has to be a win-win situation.

June 25th, 2024, 09:37
know this is a pointless discussion as we are not actually setting up a bar...but why can't you have both so that the likes of Moses and Dodger (and me) can have a good time...cater to one an all..

June 25th, 2024, 10:15
When I first visited Thailand I stayed in Bangkok. There were several bars where the boys danced naked. By the time I visited Pattaya there was only one bar with naked Go Go but, annoyingly, I can't remember it's name. It was near Sunee Plaza but before Sunee really got going. The bar had a couple of rooms upstairs which I used. On one occasion the boy insisted another boy joined us, it turned out to be his younger brother. I couldn't decide if that was odd or not. I remember nothing about the Mamasan but if that bar could reopen that would be fine with me.

June 25th, 2024, 13:10
I recall a Patong bar (Superboys?) where the guys either danced naked or sported strange (papier-mache?) garments like cricketers' boxes which were coated with phosphorescent paint. The lights would be turned off and the resulting spectacle was ...unusual.

I recall nudity in Screw Boys when it was in Soi Twilight. and, in Pattaya occasionally in the bar which eventually became Nice, as Chuai-Duai mentions.

Adam's Apple In Chiang Mai had an interlude in their show in which the go go dancers would appear naked ...and just stand there. Some clearly were uncomfortable; and so was I on their behalf.

June 25th, 2024, 13:59
---likes of Moses and Dodger (and me) can have a good time----
So, you want dungeon in the basement...

June 25th, 2024, 15:46
The perfect bar to me would only focus on serving and satisfying twink-lovers (where guys are dolls), as I believe that bars that try to satisfy everyone by having a mix of different boy types often fall short of maintaining a regular repeat customer base and risk becoming a bit watered-down. Unless a bar is a huge operation (double-wide) and can staff 30-50 boys (like the old KAOS, or Wild Wild West), I think it’s best to just develop a niche market and not try to please everyone.

I think Dodgers would be a good name for a boy bar.

June 25th, 2024, 22:20
I prefer underwear or swimwear over naked. Different styles on different days is a good idea. It doesn't even have to be a bar, watching boys in water or or playing ball games and picking one would be fine. For bars, non-smoking and no loud music for me.

Everyone has to be available. I avoid places that have a reputation of boys who do not go with customers, or boys outside to lure customers in, but never on stage (Toy Boys comes to mind). I dislike mixed gogo and beer bar (like Winner Boys, where boys might be outside or inside; I want everyone in view).

Bar can be in a quiet area with little advertising. I prefer current Sunnee Plaza over the bright lights and music and many people at Jomtien Complex.

June 29th, 2024, 19:18
I think Dodgers would be a good name for a boy bar.

And “Codgers” to describe the customers?


June 29th, 2024, 21:52
Picture I took in the perfect “Boy bar” last night

June 30th, 2024, 15:14
you're about 15 years too late.

June 30th, 2024, 15:52
you read me completely wrong

June 30th, 2024, 20:48
====Picture I took in the perfect “Boy bar” last night=====
Choir of fat sisters?

June 30th, 2024, 23:32
====Picture I took in the perfect “Boy bar” last night=====
Choir of fat sisters?

Nearly right!

July 1st, 2024, 02:36
Which bar is it gerefan? And Diamond Club always had plenty of hot boys I'm stock whenever I went there.

July 1st, 2024, 03:16
og good Lord...someone is terribly keen...what are these...the rejects..

July 1st, 2024, 07:13
Picture I took in the perfect “Boy bar” last night

Sorry...with the possible exception of the second boy on the left (top row) none of the others would qualify as candidates for the "Perfect Boy Bar". The pic above looks more like a "songthaew drivers convention".

July 1st, 2024, 08:39
After Scottish guys great comment about Codgers, I thought I was making it clear by using the expression …Picture I took at.the perfect “Boy bar” last night….NOTE THE ITALICS!!

Arsenal, It was taken at a bar on Third Road called Win89 Tomboy Club.

Haha, gotcha all!!

July 1st, 2024, 09:46
It was taken at a bar on Third Road called Win89 Tomboy Club.

Haha, gotcha all!!


I have to admit - you definitely got me...LOL Just too funny!

Now I'm wondering how many times I ended up with a Tom after getting drunk - and left thinking that all the hair around his butt hole and that little pointy thing was a bit strange???

July 1st, 2024, 16:20
I'm surprised no one hasn't pursued the issue of dancing (unless I missed it). Sorry to go on about the Golden Age, but I recall that the go go dancers actually danced, once upon a time. And I don't mean shifted from one foot to the other. No; they were actually energetic and inventive. Wouldn't it be nice.....

O tempora, o mores.

July 1st, 2024, 17:03
I'm surprised no one hasn't pursued the issue of dancing (unless I missed it). Sorry to go on about the Golden Age, but I recall that the go go dancers actually danced, once upon a time. And I don't mean shifted from one foot to the other. No; they were actually energetic and inventive. Wouldn't it be nice.....

O tempora, o mores.

Totally agree.

It seems like the dancing stopped when yaba arrived. Now they just drift around the stage all glassy-eyed with twisted smiles.

July 1st, 2024, 20:40
Not just yaba; the arrival of mobile phones- you know, the early, huge models- stuffed in the backs of their briefs was both unsightly and physically inhibiting!

Seriously though, many of the guys actually seemed to enjoy dancing. And happy staff make a happy bar. And happy bars make punters happy.....a virtuous circle since happy punters return and spend money.

If there was one thing that used to put me off and result in a quick exit, it was glum dancers.

July 2nd, 2024, 04:18
..yes they really are an ungrateful bunch...so glum...whats not to be overjoyed about...sounds like an ideal job...prancing around on a stage in tight underwear on display to be pawed over by anyone that can afford a bht 200 beer....and then rented off the stage...every orifice used...like a cheap sex toy...and then rinsed and put back on the stage waiting for the next me wonderful...

July 2nd, 2024, 07:02
perhaps Moses's AI system can do up a stage, some dancers and a variety of uniforms for us to vote on....

July 2nd, 2024, 09:20
"perhaps Moses's AI system can do up a stage, some dancers and a variety of uniforms for us to vote on...."

Bloody good idea. We can send Moses a few snaps of our favorite go go boy from times of yore and he can magically bring them back to their past lives.