View Full Version : Has Jomtien Complex Peaked?

June 14th, 2024, 19:40
Reading on Gaybutton that BC Bar and Double Shot have both closed. This added to Dorothy's being up for sale and my own first hand experience suggests that JC has indeed peaked and is now on the path trod by Sunee a few years ago. With rents at about 40'000 baht a month plus add ons this is no great surprise. If DS has gone and it's one of the most popular bars then there's little hope for most of the others.

I do find it fucking tragic that landlords the world over allow greed to lead to their properties becoming wastelands.

June 14th, 2024, 21:14
Too many bars offering the same product as far as we could see in March. I counted twenty of them two years ago. And predictably, most were empty. The more vibrant area is just beyond the gay soi where new bars have sprung up since the post-Covid reopening. Are they gay bars? are there guys for offing ? I've no idea.

Our hotel, The Agate was an identifiably gay-friendly place when we started staying there five years ago. It is still friendly but we are outnumbered by straight couples. Occasionally, heaven help us, accompanied by sprogs, who aren't welcome in the swimming-pools when I'm around.

Plenty of massage joints are still open. I'd guess about nine in the immediate area.

From what I can see on Youtube , the JC is still busy at seasonal highs such as New Year, Songkran and Hallowe'en (?). We're back in a month and I anticipate few of us being around.

One further indication of the declining numbers of gay tourists-at least UK ones- can be observed at the check-in queues at lHR. I'm often the only single guy.

June 14th, 2024, 21:19
=== With rents at about 40'000 baht a month plus add ons this is no great surprise. ===
40K THB is just slightly above USD 1000... I don't see it like too high price for shop in the most attracting for gays site.

June 15th, 2024, 08:37

Too many bars offering the same product as far as we could see in March. I counted twenty of them two years ago. /QUOTE]


The closure of a percentage of the bars in JC was inevitable IMO. As you stated, just too many bars with the same offerings for the average flow of customers.

There's probably somewhere around 30 bars now - and I can see around 15 surviving the long-term and making a decent profit.

June 15th, 2024, 14:20
With rents at about 40'000 baht a month plus add ons this is no great surprise.

A bar owner informed me last night that rents for the larger bars are around 80,000 baht each month plus add ons. Double Shot will be re-opening soon with the new owners rejecting their initial thinking of buying BC Bar. Double Shot is in much better condition with little work to be done although the Complex did remove all the refrigerators and fittings last week. Divarium bar was closed and locked up two days ago.

The smaller bars like Sunee Intimate and Meeting Place are doing well with much lower rents and promotions at Sunee Bar with their happy hour which is very popular and well attended. Maybe the larger bars need to be more pro-active with promotions and entertainment to encourage more customers.

June 15th, 2024, 14:50
"A bar owner informed me last night that rents for the larger bars are around 80,000 baht each month plus add ons."

Right Lads. Back to Sunee everyone.

On a more serious note. Good news about Double Shot. M Barseems to be a good business model to follow. Small with loads of ever changing boys.

June 15th, 2024, 21:46
As I understand it two or three bars have closed, One is being taken over (Doubleshot) and one is for sale.

So the net loss is only about 2 bars closing …and they may well be taken over in due course.

Now if the same happened in Chinatown (sorry Boyztown) it would make a HUGE difference but in Jomtien with its 30+ bars is only a minor blip.

June 16th, 2024, 00:36
===are around 80,000 baht each month===
I think it depends on how many units at front it takes... 1-unit bar should be like 40K...

===M Bar seems to be a good business model to follow. Small with loads of ever changing boys.====
For me advantage of M-bar is in it location - next soi, not too much noise, not so loud music and no heavy cigarette smoke

===Maybe the larger bars need to be more pro-active with promotions and entertainment to encourage more customers.===
I think these are important, but more important is unique offer... something what other bars don't have...

June 17th, 2024, 13:35
Maybe the larger bars need to be more pro-active with promotions and entertainment to encourage more customers. I think these are important, but more important is unique offer... something what other bars don't have...

Something the other bars don't have? Well, I’ve got just the idea. Bring back Boy Bingo! That’ll draw the crowds in! ;) :):):)


June 17th, 2024, 14:17
Or open a Gogo bar in the Main Soi near the girls Gogo bar, but opposite Supertown.

The powers to be couldn’t object to one there!

June 17th, 2024, 15:29
=== a Gogo bar ===

Instead of the banned gogo format, owners could consider competitions such as Mr. Tuesday, Mr. Wednesday, etc., which include swimming trunks, or fashion shows for lingerie and swimsuits, Tarzan, gladiator, and Spartan costume contests. etc. - there are many topics in which costumes leave little to the imagination and do not consume more than 1/4 square meter of fabric, for example.

To introduce this format, they don’t even need to change anything - it’s enough for two bars located opposite each other to agree, and there will be enough participants and space for the show - a path between the bars.

But discounts will not help: a war of discounts will begin and this will only lead to a decrease in profits and losses - the core of visitors will simply move from bar to bar following the discounts, without increasing in size.

The only thing you can think about in the discount trend is happy hours that will be earlier than the time the core usually arrives at the complex - this will encourage the core to arrive at the complex earlier, lengthening the time the core is in the complex and potentially slightly increasing revenue.

June 17th, 2024, 17:12
This is EXACTLY the same discussion we had about Sunee about 14 years ago.

Lots of boys flitting around flirting with customers and each other, a couple of em wearing little panties and not much else, music not too loud so you can hear the boy say 'I wuv you, I go wiss you' music the patrons like *, brightly lit seems more popular, and for fucks sake no bait boys, all they do is piss people off so they don't return to your bar that trip.

* DS used to play that Dutch band Topper continually which seemd odd but actually was just an endless stream of popular music classics and quite pleasant to listen to.

June 17th, 2024, 19:12
Rent from whom?
Who owns the land?
Is it like Silom Soi 4 with one family owning it all?
That used to be the story with them not liking ago go, so that was why never any there?

June 17th, 2024, 20:41
===That used to be the story with them not liking ago go, so that was why never any there?====

something like that... rumors "no agreement with local BIBs", "no agreement with local owners", "buildings allows only food/cafe/bars and doesnt't allows entertainment licenses"

June 18th, 2024, 04:28
Sex sells...need to liven the place up...maybe not with gogos that arfe visible from the street so as not to offend sensibilities..but need more erotic type entertainment..

June 18th, 2024, 09:21
some suggestions..
...gogos like stock bar in Canada or Puchos in Costa Rica...they actually strip and shake their money makers, beautiful guys too...after show is over & someone else is on the stage they circulate amongst the customers...allow themselves to be 'explored" for tips...hang around for an hour...lounge up against a back wall available to all with cash
..bars that are like Thai clubs, high tables, one can stand drinking. wander around...fiddle with the dancers/strippers who are on low individual podiums..
...put on entertainment...fuck/big cock/best butt/best naked twerk/best naked hula hoop/dildo shows...
...bar where staff are scantily dressed so one can easily access their bodies///play with their butts while they are taking your drinks order...and if u like what u feel invite them over for a heavy petting session..should be open from 2 pm onwards...full of available staff...not everyone wants to party late at night
...put on something very different once a week...like i experienced in Brazil...they pay dirt poor straight but fit guys to fuck girls on a low stage while up to 20 patrons surround them and explore their bodies while they go at it...pull his dick out of the pussy..suck it..stick it back in...2 fingers up his butt as he cums...apparently the rule was no cum no pay...got a bucket full of tips too...

June 18th, 2024, 09:56
Latin. It's Jomtien Complex. It's considered a residential area and the demographic is old so it's basically Eastbourne in what you're allowed to do.

June 18th, 2024, 12:30
=== a Gogo bar ===

Instead of the banned gogo format, owners could consider competitions such as Mr. Tuesday, Mr. Wednesday, etc., which include swimming trunks, or fashion shows for lingerie and swimsuits, Tarzan, gladiator, and Spartan costume contests. etc. - there are many topics in which costumes leave little to the imagination and do not consume more than 1/4 square meter of fabric

Excellent suggestion and I have often mentioned to friends that many of the boys would get more customers if they took their shirts off more often or at least wear the see through mesh singlets and shorts which show off their bodies. There are too many baggy T shirts and trousers being worn by the boys at many bars.

M Bar have a session at 10.00pm and midnight where the boys get up on the stage shirtless for ten minutes and do the "Boyz Boyz Boyz" dance routine. They have a couple of straight boys with the best bodies but at least the customers can have a look at most of the boys who work in the bar.

Renovation has started on what was Double Shot today with the old bar area on the left side now a pile of rubble so it will be interesting to see how the bar develops.

June 18th, 2024, 12:35
oh ok arsenal...and btw have very limited experience with the UK, London, Liiverpool and Bristol is all i know....

June 18th, 2024, 19:22
"And now Divarium has closed down, and the rumour mill has it that 4T and Dorothy's will be next to close down."
Posted on gaybutton.


There was a time when the bugger burghers of Boyztown would close off the soi and charge people 1000 baht to watch hideous fat trannies lip synching to Britney Spears on one of their 'special nights'.

If 4 or 5 bars moved back to our spiritual home, Sunee, and collectively used some of the savings on rent to pay for an every 20 minute shuttle from JC they'd probably do OK. Fare 150 baht includes a free drink. Off fee includes the boys fare back to JC if you're staying there.

June 18th, 2024, 20:53
Many of the guys we saw sitting outside the empty bars were transfixed by their mobiles. And that's the problem, foretold to me by Jim Lumsden years ago before his departure from Boyztown. Social Media and dating.
There will continue to be a place for bars in places like the JC, offering drinks, socialisation and with a few guys on the side, but not twenty (or was it twenty-two?) as there were in March. There are no longer enough of us to go round. Half a dozen bars might hack it and their vibrancy would attract other punters.

June 19th, 2024, 19:37
Last time I was in jc {2023}, during a dead night I bought a bottle of whiskey and said any boy who takes his shirt off and dances can drink. A lot of them seem to be shy\afraid to do it but they did. I bought a second bottle and said the bar across the street could do it too. Soon they were having a great time dancing and more customers flowed in. I wanted to do it again the next day, but the bar manager said someone had complained and the owner said no. But up the street one of the bars was shirtless.

June 20th, 2024, 03:31
call me stooopid...but why can't this sort of action be done indoors behind closed doors..sure have outdoor seating with clothed waiters but the staff indoors can be skimpily attired and bodies totally available....

June 20th, 2024, 03:40
====but why can't this sort of action be done indoors behind closed doors===
because most bars have no indoor space besides small WC... rest is outdoor since they haven't front glass wall...

June 21st, 2024, 23:38
There are a couple of bars with indoor seating and AC in the Complex. And, at least one bar has boys and bodies available!

June 22nd, 2024, 00:19
There are a couple of bars with indoor seating and AC in the Complex. And, at least one bar has boys and bodies available!

If I remember correctly, no one bar with front glass wall had long life. And if (again) I remember correctly, most long living bar is "Question mark", which never had any "indoor space".

June 22nd, 2024, 13:06
Dodo Bar now renamed Lounge (something) seems to be succeeding and M Bar is surely quite successful.

June 22nd, 2024, 21:00
Is it more than coincidental that the three bars which have closed Double Shot, Divarium and BC bar were all operated by Farangs?
Also Dorothy’s which is up for sale is also Farang managed….

How many Thai managed bars have closed? In fact quite the reverse with the opening of Best Bar, Red Bar and numerous kiosk bars.

June 23rd, 2024, 09:51
Double Shot hasn't closed, it's been sold and is being refurbished. The previous owner wasn't everyone's cup of tea but he knew how to run a successful bar operation.

June 23rd, 2024, 12:32
Double Shot hasn't closed, it's been sold and is being refurbished. The previous owner wasn't everyone's cup of tea but he knew how to run a successful bar operation.

Corner Bar in Sunee went from being one of the most popular gay bars in town to a total Dead End when it became Double Shot.

The regular patrons of Sunee scratched their heads for years wondering how the owner could even pay the electric bill due to the complete downturn in customers. Rumor had it that the owner just ran the bar for something to do.

All said, I wish him the best in his future endeavors.

June 23rd, 2024, 15:34
Sorry Dodger but I don't remember it that way. It was often the only bar open after 3.00am and a place I would often head to after hours due to its late opening tines and vibrant atmosphere. One unpleasant incident but that's in the past.

Double Shot had generally good service with quick attentive staff (hot in the bedroom too)

Let's agree to disagree on this.

June 23rd, 2024, 15:36
Corner Bar in Sunee went from being one of the most popular gay bars in town to a total Dead End
At least for me, the day Michael (Crabby) and Thomas left Corner Bar, that was the true beginning of the end for Sunee Plaza. Everything seemed to slowly fall apart after that Again for me, the straw that finally broke the camel's back was the day Eros closed. After that I really had no further interest in Sunee Plaza and have hardly ever been there ever since.

June 23rd, 2024, 15:38
But Michael Crabbe, Crabby...well he was the best darn bar host who ever moseyed into town.

June 23rd, 2024, 15:57
For me Double Shot / Corner bar never been attractive. I always saw deserted bar where boys playing pool and were busy to entertain themself.

I was frequent visitor of Come In and Yaya bars and always wondered how DS/CB survived...

June 23rd, 2024, 17:26
Does anyone remember Sportsman's Bar (which later became Corner Bar)?

Sportsman's was very busy especially in the afternoons but most of the boys who hung around there needed step-stools to reach the bar stools. A lot of German clientele if memory serves me.

Michael (Crabby) and Thomas were a hoot...loved the place...always a good time. I also like little Yaya Bar across the soi and would routinely bounce between the two bars (meant literally) visiting the boys.

BTW...if anyone's interested I just ran into Yaya a few weeks ago. He was instructing an outdoor yoga class in Dongtan right next to the parking area. He looked great...hasn't aged a day.

Wouldn't it be great if all the Sunee bars opened again. The dream of a lifetime.

June 23rd, 2024, 19:06
====BTW...if anyone's interested I just ran into Yaya a few weeks ago. He was instructing an outdoor yoga class in Dongtan right next to the parking area. He looked great...hasn't aged a day.====

Any news about Barry?

June 24th, 2024, 06:57
Any news about Barry?

Yes, according to Yaya Barry is doing fine. They are still together and were married a while back, but of course their marriage isn't legally recognized. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they didn't plan to tie-the-knock officially when gay marriage becomes legal later this year.

If you remember Bas from Yaya Bar he has apparently adopted the liking for photography, no doubt being encouraged by Yaya who was/is quite the enthusiast, and can be seen in/around Jomtien Complex with a camera around his neck. Bas and I shacked up for a while once...great guy all around.

Also, if by chance you remember Dee from America (black guy who always smiles) who visited Barry almost on a daily basis, I ran into him as well a while back and he now hangs his hat at View Talay near the Complex.

What great memories!

June 24th, 2024, 15:42
Sure, I remember Bas and meet him every visit to PTT.

Also I know about Ef - he is still running massage parlor at next soi from Sunee.

June 30th, 2024, 01:53
Another one to add to the list of closed/for sale places.

I see there is a sign outside Dolce Vita Restaurant saying For rent/sale.

June 30th, 2024, 07:22
I see there is a sign outside Dolce Vita Restaurant saying For rent/sale.

I'm really sorry to hear this because once Two Faces closed several years ago Dolce Vita became the only survivor from the good old days.

June 30th, 2024, 10:27

June 30th, 2024, 13:42
dunno...maybe its a generational issue...maybe the younger generation are not into sleaze...I'm happy to frequent a bar that has easy access to the staff/boys/gogos...

July 2nd, 2024, 07:05
I'm really sorry to hear this because once Two Faces closed several years ago Dolce Vita became the only survivor from the good old days.

they are addicted to internet porn, twitter, don't need sleeze or real people