View Full Version : Proper Etiquette with a Moneyboy

June 3rd, 2024, 01:52
When you are back in the room with your new friend, do you just go at it until you are finished and then dispense with them?

Or do you help with them out? Before or after you are finished?

Or do they not care if *they* finish because they have other customers?

Or, do they finish, but you don't?

Or, do they finish, and then help you out?

Sorry for the euphemisms, but this is a family forum. I'm just wondering about the mechanics of what you do.

June 3rd, 2024, 12:46

They'll do whatever you prefer.

Just enjoy and don't think too much!

June 3rd, 2024, 13:42
Be kind, gentle and as generous as you can. He will respond accordingly. The transaction is a primarily a financial one but the more friendly you can be, the better the experience for you both. Remember to be safe and , as Dodger says, don't be anxious.

June 3rd, 2024, 14:44
As one of the world's leading experts on Thai money boys with over 250 trysts I concur with the 2 posts above.

You can pretty much do what you want, just agree on everything beforehand. Then in the room you're friends.

June 3rd, 2024, 15:14
When you are back in the room with your new friend, do you just go at it until you are finished and then dispense with them?

Sorry for the euphemisms, but this is a family forum. I'm just wondering about the mechanics of what you do.

This forum is not a family forum, so you can skip the euphemisms. Whatever you do, please use a condom if engaged in anal sex.

June 3rd, 2024, 15:26
It isn't family forum :) I just don't want it to be in the "porn" category in Google. Let's say it is 16+.

About your questions:
think by brain, not by head
prepare room for visit: don't leave valuable gadgets, money and jewelry on sight, use safebox,
don't have any potential weapon including knives available
have in your pocket enough money for payment and tips, but no more
stay in hotel where reception check IDs of visitors, and check you by phone and asks if everything is OK when they leaving
don't drink/eat anything what was out of your sight even for 5 sec
discuss all what you want to do with boy before to off him from the bar as well as price "total"
do with boy only "things" what were discussed before to off him, and this includes also romantic/rude/brutal style of action
discuss what result you want: "one hour", "until I cum" and so on
always only safe sex with condoms
respect boy unless your discussed with boy style is "toyboy"/"thing", he is worker but he is human
you shouldn't care if boy cum or not if you don't agreed "until you cum" or "until we both cum"
give him money to his hands directly

June 4th, 2024, 05:47

think by brain, not by head. QUOTE]

Correction: Our actions in Thailand are guided almost exclusively by our "Penis" not our "Brain". If we were using our brains we probably wouldn't be in Thailand to begin with...555

On a serious note: The only thing I've ever discussed with a boy before heading back to the room is the length of the off, i.e., short time, long time, etc. Nothing more, because in my opinion allowing things to flow naturally always results in the best sex.

I can count the number of disappointments I've had on one hand. And if I told you how many boys I've offed over the past 25 years I'd need a thousand hands.

June 4th, 2024, 11:04
"On a serious note: The only thing I've ever discussed with a boy before heading back to the room is the length of the off, i.e., short time, long time, etc. Nothing more, because in my opinion allowing things to flow naturally always results in the best sex"

It's different these days Dodge. That policy might result in no sex at all. After all, in every single other purchase we make we demand to know what we're getting and for how much.

June 4th, 2024, 13:18
Arranging the price before the event is a controversial issue. In August 1995, when my awakening occurred, I was dependent on Michael Notcutt's estimable "Thai Scene"....in those days , of course, there were no forums like this.
He advised readers not to do so, putting forward an argument that was similar to Dodger's. He suggested that it encouraged a freer, more natural and spontaneous assignation. Accordingly, with no one else to consult, I followed suit. I cannot recall anyone asking how much before I offed them.
I always offered the perceived average, again on Mr Notcutt's recommendation. I recall one plaintive Oliver Twist - accompanied by a sweet smile- but otherwise the transaction, or at least its financial aspect- was always satisfactory.

However, I wonder if today's workers are as easy-going as the ones I met thirty years ago? their access to SM, their financial expectations and aspirations may be more ambitious. Perhaps they are less innocent, wiser and more sophisticated. And I suspect that the average age is higher.

June 4th, 2024, 16:15
"On a serious note: The only thing I've ever discussed with a boy before heading back to the room is the length of the off, i.e., short time, long time, etc. Nothing more, because in my opinion allowing things to flow naturally always results in the best sex"

It's different these days Dodge. That policy might result in no sex at all.......

I know things have changed (all things do) - but "no sex" equals "no tip" any way you carve the turkey.

June 4th, 2024, 16:53
I know things have changed (all things do) - but "no sex" equals "no tip" any way you carve the turkey.

Not necessarily! I recall an incident in a rather infamous bar where I chatted with a lad and off we went to a short time room and all seemed normal. But it must have been his first time with a farang and he was actually trembling and scared. I could not just toss him away so spoke with him for a while and then paid him my usual fee.Sex was out of the question.

June 4th, 2024, 18:22
Not necessarily! I recall an incident in a rather infamous bar where I chatted with a lad and off we went to a short time room and all seemed normal. But it must have been his first time with a farang and he was actually trembling and scared. I could not just toss him away so spoke with him for a while and then paid him my usual fee.Sex was out of the question.

I'm sure he'll never forget the compassion you showed him that night, and my hats off to you.

June 4th, 2024, 22:25
My natural inclination is to have the boy finish first (if it's short time), and then I go.

But, I suspect a lot of boys don't need to finish, having other customers and a kik at home.

June 5th, 2024, 00:03
"I know things have changed (all things do) - but "no sex" equals "no tip" any way you carve the turkey."

All agreed beforehand all but guarantees there are no turkey's. Only sweet juicy ducklings.

June 5th, 2024, 04:16
Interesting how the same topic comes up on a fairly regular basis....Moses's list is pretty spot on especially when it comes to safety precautions..I do the same....i also ask the "boy" to place all his clothes/belongings in one place, dont want him pretending he's lost something giving him the opportunity to start searching.....must say though that its the whole respect thing that confuses me...i wonder am i the only one who thinks this way or do others hold back from commenting due to the backlash they will receive....I also feel like a deal is a deal....I love fucking and can last a fairly long time in that I can maintain an erection & easily fuck for an hour with very small breaks only to change positions but often the "boy" wants it over and done with as he cant take the pounding...I'm not particularly brutal but love to fuck hard and deep....my inspiratiion is "amirpounding" on twitter.... so its a major annoyance is when i book him for say 2 hours and he wants to stop after 40 min because maybe he thought we were going to make soft gentle love ....the only thing of value i have out is my phone with the stopwatch going...if he wants to take a toilet break I stop it ...let him know that I want my 2 hours worth....i do say that i am top and i want to fuck hard or strong, the translation apps arent always the best..lots of "boys" say they do everything...but i still make a list of activities....and occasionally still get dissapointed. With the advent of prep i rarely use condoms, sorry to dissapoint but i love arse to mouth & BB is the best.

June 5th, 2024, 04:16
I like the boy you finish first, as I like to swallow, and it's better if I haven't come!

June 5th, 2024, 04:26
===With the advent of prep i rarely use condoms===
how often you make checks for syphilis, gonorrhea and hepatitis?
some stams of gonorrhea are very hard to fix - antibiotic-resistanсу

June 5th, 2024, 06:33
i get checked 3 times a year, and more often if things dont feel quite right. Dont know why but I rarely pick up any STDs, a year can go by with nothing, and when I do it gets treated fast and easy. Maybe I'm just lucky or have a natural resistance. I'm not circumsised so in theory should be more suseptible to STDs but this does not seem to be the case. I'm not fatalistic but do want to have the best experience available, and BB is the best...love it. I'll use condoms if they insist but then it will take me forever to cum. I guess all I need is one real bad experience with some resistant STD to change my mind.

June 5th, 2024, 06:34
...and I'm also vaccinated against hep B

June 5th, 2024, 07:53

.....must say though that its the whole respect thing that confuses me....QUOTE]

That says it all.

June 5th, 2024, 08:04
Latin likes to spend his whole trip to adult Disneyland riding the roller coaster. Me, I prefer to sample a few different attractions with a go on the carousel, the chairoplanes, the tunnel of love and maybe some candy floss to finish. Lovely.

June 5th, 2024, 09:40
I read several editions of "men of thailand" things have certainly changed...

Marc K
June 5th, 2024, 10:12
I read several editions of "men of thailand" things have certainly changed...

MOT books were classics! I think I memorized them at the time. I still have one in my nightstand drawer for old times' sake. But I am not so sure maump that anything has essentially changed. Human dynamics don't change. Lust doesn't change either. But sex is just better when the two humans involved in the act have some mutual respect/admiration/trust/regard/understanding of the other.

June 5th, 2024, 12:42
MarcK (great handle)...thats a bit judgemental....we are all different with varied tastes...I do have a fascination...call it kink where sex is concerned...i plan my holidays around it...i make important decisions around it...its my hobby...I've always been driven by sex...age hasnt mellowed me at all...ity\s given me more opportunties to explore different things..I have a partner (20 years and counting) and a small circle of fuck buddies...we meet up...have drinks/brunch...get naked...take turns hosting...usually a weekly thing...I can't always make it due to work commitments...the sex is good but vanilla...my alter ego emerges when I turn to prostitutes...it satisfies a very primal urge...

June 5th, 2024, 15:25
===Maybe I'm just lucky or have a natural resistance.===

While you have natural resistance, you still are transmitter of STD from boy to boy

June 6th, 2024, 00:57
It all depends case to case.

I don't discuss activities, duration, remuneration in advance an usually fare well (as in 4 out of 5 encounters, both of us would meet again, and 1 out of 5 I would not meet again, but that's usually for other reasons, like cold skin, hairy; for reasons I can't explain, I don't feel horny with that particular boy - i.e. I don't know what exactly it is that cannot be transmitted in chat or pictures, but only felt once we are in bed).

The one thing I'm still struggling with is how to communicate a "no mobile phone" policy.

June 6th, 2024, 03:32
i only allow phones if its used by them to watch straight porn....
moses ...how can i pass it on if i don't have it...not as if Im fucking more than 1 at the same time on a regular basis...does occur very occasionally but its rare....and not sure wht your experience is but most of them don't care if you BB.

June 21st, 2024, 21:42
The etiquette with a Chinese boy is exactly the same as a Thai boy...the language issue is fixed by use of Wechat and the fact they rarely speak English is no barrier to enjoying everything you want.
The business model is different, Thai boys tend to base camp themselves in one city or bar whereas Chinese MBs travel from city to city. A sort of traveling sex salesman. This means new and fresh stock is always arriving and looking for business.
And sexually as well as looks, like so many things the standard is now top drawer with ever more very pretty 18-21 year olds joining the market. They've also mastered the art of letting a slightly older gentleman 'believe' the boy really does find you sexually attractive.
Gay Chinese boys now kiss and smoke better than gay Thai boys but not as good as straight Thai money boys who are the Olympic gold medalists of kissing and smoking.
Both the Chinese and the Thais do all this with a lovely smile on their face.

June 26th, 2024, 10:33
I had a straight money boy last night. He needed to watch porn on his cellphone to do anything, a bit off-putting.

Plus, he gave me a toothy and rough BBBJ, painful enough to get me out of the mood.

July 2nd, 2024, 21:55
The etiquette with a Chinese boy is exactly the same as a Thai boy...the language issue is fixed by use of Wechat and the fact they rarely speak English is no barrier to enjoying everything you want.
The business model is different, Thai boys tend to base camp themselves in one city or bar whereas Chinese MBs travel from city to city. A sort of traveling sex salesman. This means new and fresh stock is always arriving and looking for business.
And sexually as well as looks, like so many things the standard is now top drawer with ever more very pretty 18-21 year olds joining the market. They've also mastered the art of letting a slightly older gentleman 'believe' the boy really does find you sexually attractive.
Gay Chinese boys now kiss and smoke better than gay Thai boys but not as good as straight Thai money boys who are the Olympic gold medalists of kissing and smoking.
Both the Chinese and the Thais do all this with a lovely smile on their face.

You meet these Chinese boys in China, or you mean Chinese money boys are now available in Pattaya and Bangkok? You meet them via which app?

July 3rd, 2024, 02:06
Yes, in China. Blued is the gay dating app used here. It's a bit prudish and so as soon as you've found a money boy to your liking you go to Wechat to complete the deal.