View Full Version : Gop from Nice Boys

May 26th, 2024, 07:50
Was notified this morning that Gop, formerly of Nice Boys, passed yesterday in a hospital in Suphanburi.
Funeral to be held in Doem Bang Nang Buat District.

He was a long time boyfriend of Kong, a waiter and dancer there until his passing from TB in 2020


May 26th, 2024, 11:36
We sometimes know these boys by different names depending on pronunciation. Could someone please post a photo.

May 26th, 2024, 11:50
Could someone please post a photo.

Good idea.

I deleted my post offering condolences to Gop after seeing his pic on the Facebook link that dab provided when realizing that it was the wrong boy.

It goes without saying that I'm terribly sorry for this error on my part...names do get a bit confusing...as the boy I thought dab was talking about is actually pronounced "Chop".

I would like to offer my sincere condolences to Gop anyway...and Chop sorry for thinking you were dead.

May 26th, 2024, 20:55
Just in from a friend of his I had shared suspicions with. He did NOT pass. I had told him I would be retiring and unable to keep on sending money. His hospitalization and fake death was a way for a big final payout.
I just wish the same was true of his gorgeous bf Kong.

May 27th, 2024, 02:38
why on earth would you send money to a guy who lives halfway across the world and earns a living by renting out his body by the hour??? Please enlighten me? is it some sort of kink?

May 27th, 2024, 08:16
I believe it's called acting like a decent human being.
Try it sometime.

May 27th, 2024, 08:24

Just in from a friend of his I had shared suspicions with. He did NOT pass. /QUOTE][

Great, I don't feel so bad now about confusing the names.

So, there you have it folks, both Gob and Chop, and whoever else goes by a similar name are all alive and well.

I wonder how many people showed up at the funeral???...55555

May 27th, 2024, 08:44
I'd still like to see a photo of Gop and also Kong. I did off a Kong from NB so I'm wondering if it's the same one.

May 27th, 2024, 12:10
I did off a Kong from NB so I'm wondering if it's the same one.

Was he a King or a Queen?...555

May 27th, 2024, 14:01
Why not erase this embarrasing topic of fake news? It's a new low even for this board. And btw his name is Golf, not Gob.

May 27th, 2024, 15:05
The name pronounced GOP is written as GOLF.

May 27th, 2024, 15:12
There was a boy called Goff who worked at NB. He's alive and hangs around with Chop, also alive.

May 27th, 2024, 15:23
There was a boy called Goff who worked at NB. He's alive and hangs around with Chop, also alive.

Yes, then there were the two brothers Goof and Goat who used to hang around with Goff, Chop, and Gob back when Gash and Chita still worked at NB's.

May 27th, 2024, 15:34
That would have been around the time of Am and At and Dun and Dong but before Bike and Bik and Folk and Fame.

All genuine.

May 27th, 2024, 15:35
'Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated ' - Mark Twain. Actually a misquote, but never mind!

May 27th, 2024, 16:31
dab69...u r too silly for words...

May 27th, 2024, 17:00
Try clicking on the Facebook link provided?

May 27th, 2024, 17:04
His name is Wanchai Wandee.
A picture of death certificate has been requested as his friend is staying on the "died at hospita"l story.
Other Thai friends do not believe this.

May 27th, 2024, 18:18
That would have been around the time of Am and At and Dun and Dong but before Bike and Bik and Folk and Fame.

All genuine.

Since Fame worked there already 2013, I doubt your statement.

May 27th, 2024, 19:08
All names and persons are genuine, times and dates I really don't know...or care.

May 27th, 2024, 19:10
And Fame is still stunning at 29 and I mean holy barboysbottoms Batman stunning .

May 27th, 2024, 23:25

Profile locked...

May 28th, 2024, 03:02
dab69 is too silly....

May 28th, 2024, 04:34
Profile locked...

works for me

Again: None of his friends , even one that is now a monk and including Bier believed that he died.
But they are having a funeral by Bangkok for him tomorrow
so you could do without stupid comments

May 28th, 2024, 07:13
i nominate dab69 for "fool of the week"...

May 28th, 2024, 09:40
And Fame is still stunning at 29 and I mean holy barboysbottoms Batman stunning .

And Fame's once best friend and another very popular Nice Boy, Jo is doing ten years in a Thai prison. I have tried to find where Jo is imprisoned as he was very close with my Australian friend who wants to visit Jo. Every jail I have had a Thai friend contact said they could only provide the information to Jo's family. A private investigator may be the only way.

May 28th, 2024, 12:07
...r u sure he's in prison...or is this another version of 'buffalo die send money"...

May 28th, 2024, 15:57
A Thai friend advised me that golf died and cremated today.
Cause of death was tuberculosis.

May 28th, 2024, 16:35
Assuming that the Golf and Kong being written about here are the boys I'm thinking of, which is not clear given the lack of photos, both were serial drug users. That no doubt contributed to their tragically early deaths.

May 28th, 2024, 17:00
And Fame's once best friend and another very popular Nice Boy, Jo is doing ten years in a Thai prison.

Do you happen to know if the boy you describe is the Jo (or johan) who went in the army a few years ago - and then returned to NB for a while? Or is the boy you describe someone else.

Whoever provided you with the information about Jo's incarceration should be aware of which prison he was sent to. There's only two that service inmates from Pattaya; 1) Chonburi Prison, and 2) Nong Palai Remand Prison in Banglamung.

Once you know which prison he's in you would have to obtain his Thai name with proper spelling. Step two would be to go to the prison during visiting hours (typically start at 8:00 AM) and request a visitation form from the office in the visitors area. Once they have the form the prisoners name will be announced on a loud-speaker when it's you time to visit him. Visitation only lasts 20 minutes looking through glass on a telephone.

Good luck!

May 28th, 2024, 17:14
Not a good photo,

May 28th, 2024, 17:34
Yes, that is him. Below is a photo of him at his beautiful best. A sort of Thai version of Mark Owen. Farewell Golf. RIP.

May 28th, 2024, 21:19
i nominate dab69 for "fool of the week"...

it is official warning: please choose words wisely

May 29th, 2024, 10:04
Do you happen to know if the boy you describe is the Jo (or johan) who went in the army a few years ago - and then returned to NB for a while? Or is the boy you describe someone else.

Whoever provided you with the information about Jo's incarceration should be aware of which prison he was sent to. There's only two that service inmates from Pattaya; 1) Chonburi Prison, and 2) Nong Palai Remand Prison in Banglamung.

Once you know which prison he's in you would have to obtain his Thai name with proper spelling. Step two would be to go to the prison during visiting hours (typically start at 8:00 AM) and request a visitation form from the office in the visitors area. Once they have the form the prisoners name will be announced on a loud-speaker when it's you time to visit him. Visitation only lasts 20 minutes looking through glass on a telephone.

Good luck!

Thank you for the information. Yes, it is the same Jo/Yohan. When he was hanging around the Jomtien Complex before he moved on we called him Chelsea Boy because of his love for the Chelsea football team and he nearly always wore Chelsea team shirts. And to answer latintopxxx, Jo was definitely sent to prison after an arrest warrant was issued in August 2022. Not only Jo, but a whole gang was arrested.

There was an article in the crime news section of the local Pattaya newspaper later in 2022. That is how I found out about his arrest and there was also a photo in the article. I do have a copy of Jo's I.D card, so with your information Dodger I am sure my Australian friend will try to visit Jo when he returns to Thailand.

mr giggles
May 29th, 2024, 12:14
The only thing that's dead is this board....

May 30th, 2024, 02:38
what was the gang up to? what crime?

May 30th, 2024, 02:39
...and goggles...thats not terribly nice, why dont you post something intersting about your life experiences, something you saw, hopped on...

May 30th, 2024, 13:10
what was the gang up to? what crime?

ATM card fraud - Charged with “jointly defrauding people, forging documents and using forged documents and fraud by importing false information into a computer system". Jo's friend told me that after being taken in by the older gang members there was no way out.

May 30th, 2024, 14:20
Got a link to the story?

May 30th, 2024, 15:46
kinda sad, guess he fell into the wrong crowd...pity, should have stuck with his 'profession" saved the cash and retired with a sack full of cash

May 30th, 2024, 20:55
Got a link to the story?

https://mgronline.com/crime/detail/9650000091271?fbclid=IwAR0XMQ8RsPJyPDtcGjlF4rC4Yrr TQ6IguAKj4Ep8egUg09vcI7Al9aKVTsY#google_vignette

May 30th, 2024, 23:37
Thanks aussie. Even with the shaded photo I can recognise Johan from his nose. Just as Covid was breaking he was hanging around Forest Bar, often wearing a smart black suit and he came with me a few times. A nice Nice Boys boy.

May 31st, 2024, 07:51
Thanks aussie for posting the link to the story.

Unfortunately I don't read Thai...and even though I've known Jo for around 15 years the picture isn't clear enough to confirm his identity.

May 31st, 2024, 09:24
"Unfortunately I don't read Thai...and even though I've known Jo for around 15 years the picture isn't clear enough to confirm his identity."

This is a photo from the same story and sadly, it's unmistakably Johan.

May 31st, 2024, 10:32
mixed emotions here, a while ago I had my credit card skimmed while on holiday in Italy I had dinner & went for a show, switched off my phone as instructed, missed all the sms advising me of "my purchases", an hour later during interval checked my phone only to find myself 12k poorer. Was so angry that I'd willingly send the offenders off to a North Lorean labour camp for the rest of their lives....

May 31st, 2024, 16:29
"Unfortunately I don't read Thai...and even though I've known Jo for around 15 years the picture isn't clear enough to confirm his identity."

This is a photo from the same story and sadly, it's unmistakably Johan.

I used Google Translate to read the article in English.

The photo that I have of his I.D card has the same name as the 27yo identified in the article. Unfortunately it is the boy many of us have known from his time working at Nice Boys and around Jomtien Complex.

May 31st, 2024, 18:13
The photo that I have of his I.D card has the same name as the 27yo identified in the article.

Great, that was the final piece of the puzzle.

Now that you have the spelling of his Thai name you can pass this along to your friend who wants to visit him. As stated in the article Jo was taken to Nong Palai prison in Banglamung (40 minute drive from PTY) which was referred to in the article as Pattaya Special Prison). He can get driving directions and confirm visiting hours on-line.

June 1st, 2024, 09:31
As stated in the article Jo was taken to Nong Palai prison in Banglamung (40 minute drive from PTY) which was referred to in the article as Pattaya Special Prison). He can get driving directions and confirm visiting hours on-line.

I might do a test run myself to confirm Jo is still there. He knows me well and he would be very happy if he finds out that my Australian friend who was very close with Jo over many years would be visiting him soon.

I read online that visitors can buy supplies from the prison store to be given to inmates. Has anyone knowledge of how well that system works?

June 1st, 2024, 16:55
I read online that visitors can buy supplies from the prison store to be given to inmates. Has anyone knowledge of how well that system works?

When you first report to the visitors window you can request a form which will allow you to make purchases for him at the prison store. ...mostly food and sundry items as one would expect. My suggestion would be to leave this form blank and let him tell you what he wants during your visit time - so make sure to bring a pen along.. Simply check-off the items he wants and return the form to the visitors window when you leave.

Back when I had the unfortunate opportunity to learn all about this (12 years ago) prisoners could only spend 100 or 200 baht per day on store items (can't remember the actual amount). Also visitors could put up to 1000 baht in a prisoners account which they then could then use as needed. The most valuable commodity to any prisoner are cigarettes regardless if they smoke them or not - because they can be given to the pod boss to make life a bit easier inside the over-crowded pod (cell block).

One mistake that visitors should never make is to promise a prisoner more than they can commit to. Too many cases of visitors promising to return in a weeks time who ultimately don't return for months if not years. Prisoners have nothing to do but wait for a visit and disappointing them like this should be avoided at all costs.

Make sure to take your passport which they'll want to see when you first drive through the gates.

Please let me know if you need any additional information.