View Full Version : In 2024 Pattaya or Bangkok?

April 15th, 2024, 07:43
The oldest question,
I know each is different and worth visiting both but,
in 2024 if you could visit only one
which one has the best opportunities to meet quality boys?

April 15th, 2024, 09:24
What are you asking? Which one what?

mr giggles
April 15th, 2024, 10:50
Do you like cheap and cheerful(?), filthy streets, dirty beaches, unswimmable seawater, unwalkable roads, very poor public transport.., violence, intolerable dipsomaniacal know-it-all expats(full of Gin and Regret) and the worst type of cheap charlie sex tourists, mainly straight and aggressive and knife-wielding lady boys........and a lifestyle drop by 80%...
A world city, with international class museums, educated bed friends (probably better educated and more multi-lingual than you), top luxury hotels...

Guess which is which? :crazy_mini:

April 15th, 2024, 11:24
...cheap and cheerful please...just want a body to rent short time.....single use thanks...dont wanna have an intelectual conversation in 3 languages or visit museums/palaces/temples...all i want is beer, beaches and "boys"...and plenty of it too...

April 15th, 2024, 13:30
"A world city, with international class museums,"

How dare you! Pattaya is proud to host Ripleys Believe it or Not Museum, The Teddy Bear Museum, The Big Bee Farm and The Snake Museum not to mention two sheep farms and Coffee War. International attractions one and all.

April 15th, 2024, 13:55
Don't forget The Temple of Truth. And there's that "confectionary palace" (for want of a better description) on the Jomtien/ Pattaya road, which always seems empty.

April 15th, 2024, 16:44
mr not so giggly....stick that in your pipe and smoke it ....

April 15th, 2024, 16:45
What are you asking? Which one what?

Sorry I failed to note you were asking about Pattaya or Bangkok. Not sure what "qualities" you are looking for in boys but either city has a good selection with Pattaya being less expensive.

April 16th, 2024, 00:38
Alas, The Teddy Bear Museum is now permanently closed.

April 16th, 2024, 03:18
...NOOOOOOOOOOO...its the end of civilisation as we know it...

April 16th, 2024, 05:00
I've walked past the "Teddy Bear Museum" many times but, to my shame, I never visited. Last time I went by there was still a large Teddy Bear outside and a sign but it was closed.

I was not very impressed with "Ripleys Believe it or Not Museum" but was very amused that my young Thai companion was actually frightened by one of the exhibits.

April 16th, 2024, 09:47
"but was very amused that my young Thai companion was actually frightened by one of the exhibits."

Take him to the The Living Dead Museum of Jomtien Complex to really terrify him..

April 16th, 2024, 13:21
.......The oldest question,

Yes, you're right., this question has been asked a thousand times.

Pattaya wasn't dubbed "The Extreme City" for nothing - with no other city on earth coming close to matching its deliciously playful atmosphere in the evenings - complete with broken sidewalks...sleazy beer bars....shoeless freelancers...all of which are part of the magical tapestry of Pattaya.

By-the-way, the Demographics in Thailand doesn't determine the "Quality" of boys.

Good luck in your decision making.

April 16th, 2024, 15:21
tbh...when babylon was still open i really enjoyed visiting both BKK & Pattaya, BKK had soi twilight with great full on fuck shows, the silom soi 6 balcony & telephone bar and babylon...and an assortment of reasonably priced free lancers....but i do enjoy the beach &swimming in the ocean and pattaya was great for that with the added bonus of cheaper free lancers....even walking street was fun

April 16th, 2024, 17:41
which one has the best opportunities to meet quality boys?
Pattaya clear winner. Online dating (if you can call it that, rather finding a moneyboy) is so much more straightforward in Pattaya than in Bangkok.

For gogo bars, the choice is better in Bangkok, but prices are considerably higher, you would pay about twice as much as in Pattaya (drink + off fee + expected short time tip 200+400+1000 = 1600 for Pattaya vs. 400+600+2000 = 3000 Bangkok, my estimates/averages; I haven't been to a gogo bar in Bangkok for years because no value for money for me).

Level of English / character / shared interests for sightseeing, I would say it doesn't make a difference. But for attitude I would choose Pattaya, many gogo bars in Bangkok display their boys as "models".

April 17th, 2024, 01:37
models...lol...most annoying one (forget the name) is the one in silom soi six just past balcony bar...

April 17th, 2024, 09:33
Yes, you're right., this question has been asked a thousand times.

Pattaya wasn't dubbed "The Extreme City" for nothing - with no other city on earth coming close to matching its deliciously playful atmosphere in the evenings - complete with broken sidewalks...sleazy beer bars....shoeless freelancers...all of which are part of the magical tapestry of Pattaya.

By-the-way, the Demographics in Thailand doesn't determine the "Quality" of boys.

Good luck in your decision making.

Medellin is up and comming. street walkers galor, cheap clubs, beer everywhere .... but mostly for straights. gay saunas, and very active cheap men on grindr... with large cocks

April 17th, 2024, 11:20
"Alas, The Teddy Bear Museum is now permanently closed."

A tragedy. It joins the list of other legendary Pattaya venues that no longer grace the pages of Condé Nast such as Three Kingdoms Theme Park and the Na Jomtien Elephant Camp.

April 17th, 2024, 16:25
Balcony Pub is in Silom Soi 4.

April 17th, 2024, 16:38
well spotted

April 18th, 2024, 07:36
Expected fee for short time now is 3000B at the bars in silom.
2500B need some bargaining.

Is 1000B really possible at the bars in Pattaya?

April 18th, 2024, 09:41
...and thats why I now only shop online...if there is a good erotic show including a fuck show I will patronise the bars & pay BHT500/beer as I conider that a cover charge....but when I want a spot of fun its either online or just random off the street/beach

April 18th, 2024, 14:43
Expected fee for short time now is 3000B at the bars in silom. 2500B need some bargaining.

Is 1000B really possible at the bars in Pattaya?

I'm probably the least qualified to answer your question because I haven't paid for sex in years - but from what I understand from those who do the going rate of 1,500 THB for a short time in Pattaya hasn't changed in decades.

I imagine you could bargain your way down to 1,000 with some of the PTY boys - but if they're charging 3,000 in BKK - isn't half price good enough???

Bangkok always was too commercial for my taste - geared almost exclusively for short-time tourists who may not have enough time to travel to other destinations, or they're simply ignorant of the actual cost of things in the Magic Kingdom which is understandable.

April 18th, 2024, 22:44
=== Is 1000B really possible at the bars in Pattaya? ===

I have no idea about bars, but few times I got offers on Beach road opposite exit from BoyzTown "for dinner in McDonalds".

April 23rd, 2024, 15:09
Is 1000B really possible at the bars in Pattaya?
I do most of my business online, and everyone eager for a repeat for 1000.
Toy Boys want 1500, and they don't budge, I tried twice and that's enough for me to skip.
Classic Boy even suggested 2000 for short time, but I think the waiter tried a high number and I would try there with 1000, and skip if whoever I set my eyes on does not go for 1000.

April 26th, 2024, 10:30
Good info. thanks!

April 26th, 2024, 16:53
had same experience as christian...the gogos have their semi fixed higher price...guess its all about saving face...i rarely pay over 1000....sometimes when i run into a number ive done before in the middle of the afternoon ...like way before the gogos are open...i'll rent him for an hour for 600 or even as low as 500 if he shows interst 1st...its all about timing sometimes..

May 2nd, 2024, 19:35
I have no problem of finding gorgeous boys in Pattaya who goes for 1000 baht - which is the standard ST fee here and have been for ages. Not 1500 as falsely claimed. I off from Sunee plaza bars, Jomtien complex bars and freelancers.
Bars in Boyztown however have been trying to push the prices up for many years. But I have had excellent boys from Toyboys for 1200. I usually try to avoid paying the bar off-fee in Boyztown and make up arrangements to meet the boy later.

May 2nd, 2024, 20:34
You're absolutely right Wolzek. Why stop at 1000, Try for 900.

May 3rd, 2024, 02:37
do i detect a ton of sarcasm arsenal?? careful ...now you sound like me...le bargain bin hunter

May 3rd, 2024, 11:49
"do i detect a ton of sarcasm arsenal"

Most indeededly you do. How do you think I get straight boys in Diamond Club to French kiss and let me play with their lovely willy's and majestically pert arses?

By being stingy and a tight arsed penny pincher. No. It's by giving out cigarettes to any boy who asks for one, by tipping well and being happy to do so.

May 3rd, 2024, 13:10
...so how much cash will you drop in a session?

May 3rd, 2024, 17:52
Beer. 150 plus 50 tip.
Boy from stage. 250 plus 50 tip.
Direct tip for boy. 200
Total. 700

May 4th, 2024, 03:04
this reinforces the reason why they go into the oldest profession...the boy in a 1 hour public session (i like that) with you has made 1/2 the min daily wage...personally I'd transfer the beer & off fee tips to him to make it 300. To me 700 is not outrageous as i too enjoy going to gogos just to enjoy the spectacle..drink prices in BKK can be as high as 500...and this is without any contact sports...guess nothing changes..all over the world the lure of easy money and lack of real opportunities is a strong motivator..i must be having a senior moment as im trying to recall the name of the bar in sunee...nice boys I think...really used to enjoy visiting...one could grab a 1/2 naled boy and enjoy him whilst sitting on the couch...even oral was available..all in public...cost a lot less gthan 700 though

May 4th, 2024, 08:59
"...personally I'd transfer the beer & off fee tips to him to make it 300."

I see your reasoning but that would be a mistake. A reputation as someone who pays his fair share to everyone will serve you well. If I walk in and go for a pee when I get back to the bar my table is already set up with beer, ice, glass and ashtray. You want the hosts to tell the boy to take care of you. They really don't need your 150 for a beer so it's better all round if they like you but it's mostly better for you. Pre-Covid, Royal House welcomed me into a private party and gave me a plate of bbq pork.

If you want to tip the boy 300 then spend 800 instead of 700 and I did that on one occasion.

May 4th, 2024, 09:25
im trying to recall the name of the bar in sunee...nice boys I think...really used to enjoy visiting...one could grab a 1/2 naled boy and enjoy him whilst sitting on the couch...even oral was available..all in public...cost a lot less gthan 700 though

Eros maybe.... that was a sleezy as I ever saw. but I was a late comer....2016

May 4th, 2024, 14:23
yes, think u r right, they had these silly little round stages the boys would hop onto...very sleazy..,.sticky couches...filthy cushions...id get to my room & would shower fully clothes...ok slight exageration...but oh so much fun...

May 4th, 2024, 16:36
===sticky couches...filthy cushions===

yeah, Eros was quite dirty place...

May 5th, 2024, 02:21
yeah, Eros was quite dirty place...

You'd occasionally see a rat run across the floor. I think they lived in the filthy toilet which was frequently out of order. Ironically they did clean things up a bit but just in time for it to close.

When I first used to visit you could pay to take a boy behind a screen which was opposite the toilet so anyone going for a pee could watch you having sex.

May 5th, 2024, 12:18
When I first used to visit you could pay to take a boy behind a screen which was opposite the toilet so anyone going for a pee could watch you having sex.

Oh...just too much fun!

Listening to people right across from you peeing in a filthy toilet must have been a real turn-on.

May 5th, 2024, 16:56
omg...what a prima donna...soooo fussy...dont knock it until you've done it.....

May 5th, 2024, 23:24
Beer. 150 plus 50 tip.
Boy from stage. 250 plus 50 tip.
Direct tip for boy. 200
Total. 700
That's for the company of the boy in the bar or karaoke?
Absolutely not my idea of fun, that's why I stick to gogo and online dating and street trade in Bangkok.

May 6th, 2024, 04:45
kinda agree Christuian, but if you read arsenal's comments it involves french kissing and the fondling og his pert butt and erect dick..and the boys straight and its done in public..so kinda kinky...i used ti really enjoy similar antics ar eros only it went a good deal further than kissing
Must say that now days most of my dates are online and do involve full on BB anal....no exceptions..especiually if I'm paying..

May 30th, 2024, 01:10
You're absolutely right Wolzek. Why stop at 1000, Try for 900.

500 just a few days ago to a most charming and handsome young gent. Sure the normal Pattaya price is 1000, but there are discounts to find out there!

May 30th, 2024, 02:36
ah....the voice of sanity...so refreshing

May 30th, 2024, 08:41
Excellent. 450 Next.

mr giggles
May 31st, 2024, 07:00
Or they will pay you ... :yes: