View Full Version : match maker...

January 8th, 2024, 01:58
I'm starting to reconsider my habit of inviting guys to live in my place in exchange for light duties but mostly sex. Many (not all) leave within 4 months...worst of all they form relation ships within my circle of friends... now I'm being labelled the match maker...can count at least 5 of my friends who are in a relatiionship with my ex house boys...my latest one (gorgeous lightly haired Brazilian 22 years old) hates being fucked but does it as he's too lazy to work more than 20 hours/week as a commercial cleaner (something to do with his student VISA)...has just announced he's fallen in love with one of my oldest and dearest friends who's 55 and a total bottom......

January 8th, 2024, 02:37
===hates being fucked====
===in love ... who's ... a total bottom===

so, you know reasons...
next time you should choose bottoming houseboy

January 8th, 2024, 08:17
YES....I know...but like they say a leopard cannot change its spots...I need to top...and i love reluctant bottoms...love the tensionn thats created when its all about the conditions..like free room..car...food..booze..dont want a bottom thats gonna fall in love with me...

January 10th, 2024, 21:56
"dont want a bottom thats gonna fall in love with me..."

Little chance of that methinks....

January 11th, 2024, 02:11
thank the heavens for that....I already have a partner to whom Im very well suited.to....last thing I need is a needy emotional 20 something falling in love with me....they need to know that its a 100% physical arrangement...and btw it can't be such a bad experience as almost all are still on speaking terms with me...some have even thanked me for helping set themselves up in a new country...most recent example was a Brazilian ....helped him with visa issues, got him a job and finally he found his now husband through one of my friends....must say that apart from great sex I've also become friends with some of the local south americans which has proved to be invaluable in finding new candidates...guess like they say "one hand washes the other"...

January 12th, 2024, 20:24
Based on everything you have said.... sounds good. or is it that you invest too much $ for the length of time they stay? Maybe need a contract. sex continues until xx months even if they find a BF and moveout.......?

January 13th, 2024, 00:22
doesnt cost much ....i got a 3 bedroomed place so there is always 2 spare bedrooms...if they are new to the country it can be a little tiring helping them find their way around...sort out the mountain ofn paperwork involved in becoming a resident & eventually a citizen...so it is a bit annoying when a fresh bright eyed bubble butted specimen departs soon after I've set him up....but thats life i guess...nothing is guaranteed...