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View Full Version : Massage - how to choose and how much tip

January 6th, 2024, 19:16
Today was first time special massage. Bangkok. Unisex massage room but in gay area and lots of cute guys outside so thought it’d be safe bet.

How do you choose one without it being awkward? There were about 25 masseuse outside and I feel weird sizing them all up and then choosing one. And when they notice u looking, random ones will shout massage and want you to pick them and then need to reject them. I find the whole process so awkward. The only reason I went through was because he was sitting next to the menu board so I could go to the menu board and pretend to be looking then casually ask him lol. How do you do this process please? At first I actually walked past a couple times and just kept walking because it felt too awkward.

After 15-20 mins of the massage I asked him to take his clothes off and he said 4k tip!!!!! Wtf. Negotiated 2k, then he negotiated another 500 to cum together. Plus massage shop fee on top, that is the price of a full service gogo boy lol.
Did I get severely ripped off? What should the cost be? And any tips on negotiating? I was not expecting him to negotiate the tip up front.

January 6th, 2024, 19:34
That why I use massage parlors for massages and avoiding "massages" there. I tell to manager what I want regular massage and don't want any special service. Then tips are 100-200-300 BTH (depends on how long was regular massage).

It is much more easy to off boy from bar without any complications.

January 6th, 2024, 19:52
I see what you mean but this massage parlour had some really cute guys ;(

January 6th, 2024, 20:16
I see what you mean but this massage parlour had some really cute guys ;(

Well, you can't f*ck every cute boy on the globe :)

January 6th, 2024, 23:18
sawat, I can only speak for Pattaya regarding massages. For me, if a happy ending massage I give 1000 Baht; otherwise a minimum equal to the house cost for the massage fee. I have a friend who gives 100 Baht for a full massage but no happy ending. He claims the masseur was pleased with 100 Baht.Go figure! From my standpoint, you were ripped off! 555

January 6th, 2024, 23:19
lol I guess you’re right. doesn’t help I can only shoot once a day

January 7th, 2024, 02:00
...sawat u need to exude confidence but in a relaxed way..walk up to the place like u own it and like u have done this a 1000 times before...but agree with Moses that getting a Mb off an app is so much easier...but in saying thios sometimes too easy and done over an app one misses the cruising aspect...love having the MB cruising jomtien beach..cheeky ones will approach you...for the cost of a beer they will sit on your lap...open to exploration and negotiation...so much fun...when they startwith 2000 but end up accepting 800....when i compare their butt to mangoes...like "when no customer but tree full of mango then mango is cheap"...really love the live face to face cruising negotiation aspect...

January 7th, 2024, 11:59
I see what you mean but this massage parlour had some really cute guys ;(

Unfortunately many of them are straight, and not into gay sex(unless v high tip and then only do what suits them)

January 7th, 2024, 14:34
...they may be straight...and i dont dispute that...but they r working in a gay enviornment...and come july when its stinking hot & wet & not many tourists and they still gotta pay rent and eat...then sudenly all is possible...one mans misfortune is anothers feast...

January 7th, 2024, 20:30
After 15-20 mins of the massage I asked him to take his clothes off and he said 4k tip!!!!! Wtf. Negotiated 2k, then he negotiated another 500 to cum together. Plus massage shop fee on top, that is the price of a full service gogo boy lol.
Did I get severely ripped off? What should the cost be? And any tips on negotiating? I was not expecting him to negotiate the tip up front.
Yes you were severely ripped off. I assume that place was in Silom. I don't go there any more for happy ending massage, for precisely these reasons.

I go to Saphan Khwai / Inthamara, were prices are reasonable (on average 400 for one hour oil massage, minimum tip starting from 800, set by masseur, and most are 800 or 1000). There massage is in underwear or nude, no negotiation to take off clothes (or situation where the boy thinks: "shirt up, pants down" is enough) or price.

I skip those who have minimum tip 1000 and take those who are 800. In other places where no minimum tip is stated, like all (?) massages in Pattaya, I tip 800 as well. I consider 800 reasonable. But altogether, 800 + massage shop fee is expensive, considering I can get boys from online for 1000 (boy coming to my room, place and time are not restricted by massage shop, and we can do much more in my room than in massage shop).

January 8th, 2024, 01:33
... "massage is in underwear or nude, no negotiation to take off clothes"...exactly...I really fail to understand why this is even a thing....in a gay massage place or one catering to gays this is the norm for me...when walking to the massage room I'll already gave slipped my hand down the masseurs shorts and will be playing with his butt....when we get there he undresses first & I'll fondle his genitals and play with his butt...just setting the boundaries...making sure he's ok with me having full use of his body...then I get him to help undress me & fold my clothes ...often we shower first...,he showers with me & lathers me up...often I'll attempt to slip it in...noithing like a gleaming slippery bubble butt to turn me on...sometimes i succeed...give him a few strokes...once back in the room (masseuse has dried me off while I stand there...its massage time...i insist on full sensual experience...needs to lick/suck on my nipples...not only on my dick....insist that he does my hole too...love having it tongued...but I also want a massage...so that has to be done inbetween/together with the sensual stuff...if he tries to negotiate a tip i tell him..."not now..tip you after"...in a kinda stern irritated tone..followed by "I come to BKK many times, not first time"....like he mustnt interrupt...once on my back I'll get him to sit on my lap while he's massaging me...will then slip in my dick...nice slow fuck... no condom...I dont even ask...so the service consists iof a long massage interpersed with short bouts of fucking...finale is the happy ending...i like to watch him furiously work at it..head bobbing up & down with the hand going trying to make me cum...I like to choose masculine lightly muscled guys taller than me...love controlling someone that physically could easily overpower me ...shower at the end is the same routine...he washes and dries me and helps me get dressed..he's paid for and has to serve me..i never tip more than 1000...agree that i could get the same/more from a grindr MB but this has amn element of semi public exhibitism...everyone around us can hear us fuck...he gets chosen publicly...dunno...its just different...if a massage is really good I'll text my partner (we almost always holiday together) & let him know(he's not really into massages)...if he's free he'll make his way after...meet me at reception while masseur is patiently waiting for his tip...I will let my partner & everyone within listening distance know what a good fuck the masseur was...often my partner will then go with him..he's joke again loudly that should be easy as masseur comes pre lubed and stretched....

January 8th, 2024, 15:24
I assume that kind of experience is done at a gay massage shop, and not one that just caters to gays like the one I went to?

January 8th, 2024, 15:25
Actually I walked around Saphan khwai, but none of the shops had masseurs sitting outside. How do you know if you would like any of them? Going inside and then rejecting them would feel awkward

January 8th, 2024, 15:46
Actually I walked around Saphan khwai, but none of the shops had masseurs sitting outside. How do you know if you would like any of them? Going inside and then rejecting them would feel awkward

Like in any shop: you haven't obligation to buy when you are visiting shop.

January 9th, 2024, 00:30
sawat...i fear u r not equipped for this sort of thing...u have to be able to say no in a nice non offensive way...if the masseurs presnted r not to my liking I will just say..sorry i come back another day...if the manager starts insisting then i will give theb least offensive reason like "i prefer yoinger" or older or taller or more muscle...

Marc K
January 9th, 2024, 08:08
sawat...i fear u r not equipped for this sort of thing..

Frankly sawat I rarely agree with LTxxx but on this topic I do agree: One should never buy merchandise which one feels obligated/pressured into buying. That feeling is a real turnoff. How exactly one decides what is one's "type" remains a mystery to me after all these years. Those with the most latitude in that judgment will most likely end up having the best fun. It's not necessarily the most handsome guy, or the most "gifted" guy, or the best conversationalist, or... shall I go on? ... I've had situations when the "perfect guy" turned out to be a real dud and when a real "oh my will this work out?" turned out to be a real delight! You never truly know until you try.

January 9th, 2024, 18:49
In the many Spn Kwai (=buffalo bridge, but in Thai very, very similar to a naughty word) shops ALL will let you choose from a tablet or the like, in case you do not have made an advacne booking. Some-the larger ones like K-man or G-beat, will always have a small sample of guys hidden inside, the others fone/mail the guy and have him come over. On the pix=the same as you can see on their websites, it will be stated what role they do, size and fee.
In my own exp-some 20-30 visits when I was in TH/BKK early+late ´23 (not now-in freezing EUR) around 60-70% of them were Lao and the rest Birmese or KHmer=Cambodia. Have met maybe just 1 or 2 Thai and those were minority/just 1/2 Thai anyway. Esp the Lao guys were all well above average and stamina, so they really made me hooked on them. Many of them were quite fun too.
@CHris: I get the impression though that most of the 1000 bt guys (I have followed 1 or 2 who raised their fee from old 800 to 1000) are more talented/experienced and/or more often booked-and for a reason. Once a guy even excused himself he did not have 200 bt change when I gave him a grey note. This is ikely a little different from what Silom&around handles this.

January 10th, 2024, 01:15
yes, i shopped around the old soi twilight...silom soi 2&4 and Tawan bar triangle...quite a few massage shops...need to get out of my lazy comfort zone and visit these k-man type places...guess google will tell me where they are...guess that as I always fuck and get good quality experiences Ive never felt the urge to wander... am not terribly keen on choosing via a photo...like to see them up close and in the flesh before I select...pong assume you speak Thai...I dont apart from hello/thank you...I have no kidea if the gorgeius guys Im enjoying are locals or not...doesnt really matter to me..Vietnamese I can usually spot as they are more Chinese looking and I tend to avoid them as its all kiss and tickle and expensive but no real action...

January 10th, 2024, 19:08
Hi ltn/X: Somehow I fear this area might not be the best choice for you, remembering the many, many all-the-same remarks you made aboutt your preference on what you want them to do. So it would be very wise to check a few of those sites-easy to find on google, and check what the labels say->80% will be MAN or TOP only.
Lucky enough to have never hit a VN guy there-and also hardly ´real´ Thai either.
But there remains of course always that often so busy sauna close by and/or the ciname beside it. All in same area.
Newspprs/radio here in EUR suddenly had all kind of remarks about normal sauna´s that have to lay on more surveillance and patrouille to keep out men seeking more as a sweat.

January 11th, 2024, 01:10
"Newspprs/radio here in EUR suddenly had all kind of remarks about normal sauna´s that have to lay on more surveillance and patrouille to keep out men seeking more as a sweat."

Really, in what country is this happening, in my experience cruising can happen in any enviornment, saunas/change rooms/showers lend themselves to this as there is nudity & its easy to show ones interest....but agree that the action can get too blatant which the straights find offensive leading to complaints...in my gym the showes and toilets now have a huge gap between the floor and the door so its very easy to see how many people are in the cubicle (used to be totally enclosed & private,I would fuck in one every day every afternoon) the sauna now has a glass door & is well lit ( used to have wooden door with small window) and the spa pool is CCTV monitored....used to be a very "active" gym but now all tha action takes place off premises...

January 12th, 2024, 08:28
Frankly sawat I rarely agree with LTxxx but on this topic I do agree: One should never buy merchandise which one feels obligated/pressured into buying. That feeling is a real turnoff. How exactly one decides what is one's "type" remains a mystery to me after all these years. Those with the most latitude in that judgment will most likely end up having the best fun. It's not necessarily the most handsome guy, or the most "gifted" guy, or the best conversationalist, or... shall I go on? ... I've had situations when the "perfect guy" turned out to be a real dud and when a real "oh my will this work out?" turned out to be a real delight! You never truly know until you try.

Couldn’t agree more with these sentiments! I’ve found that my “type” varies a great deal with the situation and my mood. The whole thing should be and quite often is very enjoyable!