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August 28th, 2006, 17:14
I don't know how others feel, but I am feeling slightly, just ever so hesitant, posting these days. Since this forum vanished so remarkably and completely, it has left me feeling a bit edgy. I am sure it will pass. Has the moderator indeed come back or have we a new one?

I don't for one moment want to start all the hideous speculation rolling again, concerning the whereabouts of Spike, but as far as I can work out he has not returned here as such? Are we on firm footing here again? There was a brief moment when i saw a post supposedly from him on another forum, but here? No nothing, nothing at all :cyclopsani:

August 28th, 2006, 17:29
how to keep a fool in suspense.

August 28th, 2006, 17:31
I don't know how others feel, but I am feeling slightly, just ever so hesitant, posting these days. Since this forum vanished so remarkably and completely, it has left me feeling a bit edgy. I am sure it will pass. Has the moderator indeed come back or have we a new one?


Do you mean that the BIB are now running the website behind the scenes? :thin:

Stranger things have heppened.

August 28th, 2006, 17:50
Hmm my sentiments exactly LMTY. I have been using the other boards but it's all a bit frazzled of late. Spike posted there on the old site, a bit odd, when it was this one that he left to abruptly die. You do get that feeling that he has lost his way back somehow don't you?

Brad the Impala
August 28th, 2006, 18:03
As far as the owner of this site is concerned, I think he should let us at least know what his future plans are, is he trying to sell should we get a cooperative up to buy or is he feeling a little more secure now hopefully his crisis has may be past .

Who said there is a crisis? Who said that anyone has a financial problem? ES's explanation was that the payment for the site was due to be automatically taken from a credit card that, by the due date, was no longer valid. It sounds reasonable to me. In fact it's happened to me in the past. Credit card expires, payment isn't made. So let's leave out the big drama!

As for the constant cry of "where is the moderator?" When moderators do intervene they are usually criticised by some posters for their actions, and I find it quite refreshing to be unmoderated, relatively, as opposed to the size twelve boots of the moderator crashing across the forum. All the calls for the moderator sound rather like school children playing in the playground asking for "teacher"!

August 28th, 2006, 18:10
So there is total freedom of speech - the American dream.

Thank Buddha for the INGNORE button.

With freedom comes responsibility?

August 28th, 2006, 19:06
I share your unease. :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops:

August 28th, 2006, 21:26
You all tink too much.

August 28th, 2006, 22:43
"You all tink too much."


August 29th, 2006, 09:51
I am assuming, perhaps wrongly, that Spike is still here and posting to his heart's content as and when he feels the need, albeit I suspect under another guise. The trouble with being a moderator or board operator is that you can get the crit's for something you say whereas if you are just a member of the board you can get away with murder, as some of us do frequently! I also suspect that sometimes you just get fed up with being the font of all knowledge, fed up of constantly being asked questions or taking flak for how the board is running or percieved to run. If I was Spike, i'd keep a low profile and register myself under another name. :blackeye:

August 29th, 2006, 11:33
The drama surrounding the disappearance of Spike's remains, a mystery, and has not reached closure, it only escalates. Could it be that he has not returned at all, and that Spikish thing seen by the few, was no more than a ploy to make us believe he was again amongst us, back at the helm of the original cult of Sawatdee?
No more than a cold avatar, propped up with the help of rigor mortis and over zealous campaigners for ezboard victory?

August 29th, 2006, 11:51
" ... The drama surrounding the disappearance of Spike's remains, a mystery, and has not reached closure, it only escalates. Could it be that he has not returned at all, and that Spikish thing seen by the few, was no more than a ploy to make us believe he was again amongst us, back at the helm of the original cult of Sawatdee?
No more than a cold avatar, propped up with the help of rigor mortis and over zealous campaigners for ezboard victory ... "?
Cedric, you are beyond idiocy.

Elephantspike forgot to renew a credit card ... the one that he used to pay the server or the Phpbb dudes. That's it.

He's explained it all, both on this Board and the old EZBoard ( HERE (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=87671&highlight=#87671) and HERE (http://p092.ezboard.com/fsawatdeeforumfrm21.showMessage?topicID=6036.topic ) )... which jinks re-opened simply because he had not been informed of the particulars by his boss, and did the Members of this Board a temporary courtesy by giving them a place to express their befuddlement and surprise at the unexplained loss of this Board. Thanks to jinks for doing that.

Elephantspike never posted here as a general poster on general topics very much anyway, just a bit less now.

You want to make a ridiculous mountain out of an even more ridiculous molehill, go ahead ... (see above re: "idiocy")

" ... I suspect under another guise ... "
Elephantspike has no other "guise". He is who he is, Elephantspike and only Elephantspike.
I believe ElephantSpike has another handle which he uses to "view" the Board as it looks like to a "regular" poster. The Board has a different "look" to Admins and Moderators because they have available other and more complex functions ... all to do with Board moderation. ElephantSpike can only "view" the Board as we all see it if he logs in with a non-admin handle ... thus his 2nd one.

(Before you all go off wildy looping through paranoia-land and wonder why I know such "insider" stuff ... the answer is that I admin-ed and moderated the old EZBoard for some years, so I know a bit about the insider stuff).

ElephantSpike I believe has made a mistake and posted on this "other" handle exactly once. And when he realized the mistake, posted a message of explanation.

Perhaps if we weren't all Hydra-Hedda-ized to such a ridiculous and paranoid level, these nonsensical and juvenile speculations wouldn't be so rampant, and wouldn't waste so much of the Board's bandwidth.

Cheers ...

August 29th, 2006, 13:07
I, am at least, not asking how you know all that Smiles, as alluring you want to make it all sound.
Though if you dont mind pointing to where it is, that Spike was meant to have made his re-appearance, here on this board. Because I am sure many would like to know he is well?
As too the reasons behind the sudden demise of this board and disappearance of his good self, well that is his private business, along with Pearl, who seems to have made a remarkably quick business of settling her relatives estate, just in time for the reappearance of this board. Her timing remains as ever, impeccable.

Dont you just have to admire?

August 29th, 2006, 13:18
Wanting to deprive widdle Cedi her favorite sport, stirring shit to see if it stinks. Or is American Bashing her favorite and S.S. a close second?

Lest we forget, back in the olden days of pattayagay this thread would have been deleted as soon as the moderator saw it. And the indignant author'd have had a hissing, spitting hissy-fit, and stirred more shit, for days! Rather like a coat-tail guest who makes fun of the flowers and furniture, eats enough for three and runs straight to the bar to criticize the food, "Domestic pat├й de foie gras! No truffles! Cheap Iranian caviar! Medium shrimp! Spanish champers!..." (At home, in her bed-sit, she eats bangers and mash.)

Some moderators rule with a light touch, others with a heavier hand; it's their domain to run as they wish, some moderators actually have more important things to do with their lives. Those who don't like the way things are run it are free to trundle off to better bitching grounds. I hope someone will move this to the Posting Guidelines & Discussion Forum. Then, ignore it.

August 29th, 2006, 13:27
Well then Elephantspike could alley all our fears and put our minds at rest by simply popping into this thread and saying hi, it's business as usual folks. I would have thought that would be the quickest way to make this thread die. Let's see what happens.

August 29th, 2006, 14:19
What a can of worms.

I think this board is very well moderated, or not, depending on how you look at it. And as for multiple personalities or even the moderator himself having his own little clutch of special little friends, I think it is tremendous.

It means that inbetween the mundane postings, about concerns for being trapped beneath underaged boys in back rooms, and bus fares too Pattaya, that you get real live entertainment too. What would it be for example, without the general bustle and breathless excitement at the mere promise of the arrival of Dame Sanitree's entourage?