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June 25th, 2023, 17:05
I thought it might be worth starting a thread with anecdotes of some of our experiences in the Jomtien Complex.
To start the ball rolling, this is the story of Ten and how he came by his name.

About a year ago I started my holiday with an evening at Question Mark Bar, drinking with an old Cambodian friend, Pee. He decided to play mamasan and introduced me to a new boy called N. After a few drinks, and with Pee's enthusiastic encouragement, I paid the bar fine and left the Complex in the company of N.
N was a typical young Cambodian, handsome though perhaps not cute, and with a winning smile.

On arriving back in my room, I offered him a drink and we played high-low with a deck of cards to break the ice and get naked, as you do.
During this time, N was fielding messages on his mobile phone, which was becoming distracting.
In a short time we were both down to the bare essentials and, just as things were getting interesting, N's phone rang.
His friend had been in an accident and needed N to come with him to the hospital immediately. I was shocked at this development and readily agreed to curtail our encounter so that he could hurry to the aid of his friend.
He dressed quickly and, as he was about to leave, asked for the agreed tip of 1000 baht. I paid him without thinking much about it.
It was only after he left that I realised that I had been duped and that the phone call had been a set up by his friend to "rescue" N before things had gone too far.
Needless to say, I wasn't happy with the encounter.

The next night found me drinking again with Pee in Question Mark bar, with N in close attendance. Pee quizzed me about N's performance the previous night, having recommended him to me.
I interrupted him, saying that his name is not N but Ten, as he had only stayed for ten minutes. Pee thought this was hilarious and from that point on N was always referred to as Ten.

It turned out that Ten was in a relationship with a tall, handsome Cambodian boy called Thi (not his full name). Like many young couples, it was an intense affair and Thi could often be seen walking through the Complex with Ten following obediently behind like an attentive puppy. It was also a jealous affair, apparently, and Thi was not happy with the idea of Ten going all in with customers from the bar.
Therefore, they set up the phone call ruse, which was triggered by a message from Ten saying that things with the customer were coming to a head, so to speak.

Ironically, Ten adopted his new name, which I had intended as an insult, and now wears it as a badge of honour.

I am told by Pee that he has a completely different explanation as to why he is called Ten!

June 26th, 2023, 01:29
...some people never learn....

July 4th, 2023, 16:22
I recently had a run of four young men in a row in Bangkok finding reasons they had to leave early: 'have to go to hospital', 'friend needs room key', 'have to go work karaoke bar', 'brother says I have to go home with him'. And then they are surprised when the tip is adjusted. I'm currently in Jomtien and doing better. I'm trying to decide whether the men are gayer in Pattaya, I am choosing more wisely, or service delivery is better in Pattaya than Bangkok. In Bangkok I think most of the male sex workers don't like to do long time, even if they have agreed to do it.

July 4th, 2023, 17:17
...a big part is to do with attitude, dont be too nice, i tend to be brisk and almost in a hurry, like get your clothes off, why isnt your throat around my dick already...stop wasting my time...they take advantage of nice guys because nice=weak

July 4th, 2023, 20:18
I couldn't agree with you less!

July 5th, 2023, 04:16
....and I too couldnt agree with you less!!!...finally something we can agree on...

July 5th, 2023, 05:52
I realize it is easy to fall for that kind of scam when you're not prepared for it and are caught off guard. But once you realize that some boys will try to pull that kind of stunt and now you are prepared for it, what I would do is tell him I understand the problem and of course you can go. Next time I come to see you we will finish what we started. Then, and only then, I will be happy to give you your tip.

July 5th, 2023, 08:29
...but them he will get all emotional and sad and say he has no money for the taxi to go rescue his sick dying friend and besides he will need money to pay for his sick dying friend/buffalo/mother....and how heartless you are being a rich farang...

Some may engage a mb for company or as a pretend boyfriend that cares...I dont...I know what I want and I almost always get it...

July 5th, 2023, 19:48
how heartless you are

I would give him taxi fare in any case. Other than that he would be correct. To me the true heartless one is the guy trying to scam me. I've lived in Thailand too long not to know what is going on and to let any of them get away with it . . .

July 5th, 2023, 19:50
I just had a message from a bit in Siem Reap, asking for $50, as he had an accident. He attached pics, which looked pretty bad, and were him. That makes it difficult!

July 5th, 2023, 22:05
I just had a message from a bit in Siem Reap, asking for $50, as he had an accident. He attached pics, which looked pretty bad, and were him. That makes it difficult!

I'd say if you believe and trust him, want to help, and the amount involved won't be a problem for you then send it to him.

I have a general rule to NEVER give money to anyone who I won't see in person at the time (not specifically because I don't want to help, but just too many requests that I deem not really genuine and it's just easier to have a blanket 'sorry, I can't help with that right now').

However, just before Covid started I met a lovely guy in Manila, non-moneyboy who was working hard in a low paying job to look after his grandma and younger siblings. Once Covid hit his job disappeared and their situation became pretty desperate.

I (somewhat reluctantly) broke my rule (only reluctant because I knew if I did it once I'd likely do it again for other guys). But seeing his genuine gratitude and photos of him and his family being able to eat again made me glad I did so. We still keep in touch and he's never asked for money again.

July 6th, 2023, 02:02
I just had a message from a bit in Siem Reap, asking for $50, as he had an accident. He attached pics, which looked pretty bad, and were him. That makes it difficult!
It's a question of how well I know someone and what we did. For most money boys, I pay and that's where my commitment ends. But a few money boys, and higher percentage of free with several encounters, I would send 100 USD to make sure they get all necessary treatment. But that (me sending money) has to be earned (not by sex, but by commitment and reliabiltiy) by the boy before it comes to the accident.

July 6th, 2023, 02:07
I recently had a run of four young men in a row in Bangkok finding reasons they had to leave early: 'have to go to hospital', 'friend needs room key', 'have to go work karaoke bar', 'brother says I have to go home with him'.
In my early year I fell once or twice, but now I wouldn't buy this.

I had boys who told me online while we were setting up a date "I don't have much time", in that case "never mind, let's meet another day when you have time". Those whose company I would like to enjoy longer than they were with me, next time I meet them I give a time frame I have in mind.

The key issue can be real, I had cases where a boy really had to leave because there were only n keys for n+x people in the household.

July 6th, 2023, 06:02
" I had cases where a boy really had to leave because there were only n keys for n+x people in the household." nah you were scammed

July 6th, 2023, 06:06
for me its 100% a cold business arrangement, i pay, you perform as agreed...dont even have to smile or pretend you are into me...just assume the position and let me enjoy your body

July 6th, 2023, 06:43
He attached pics, which looked pretty bad, and were him. That makes it difficult!

It's not always a scam. Sometimes it is genuine. That's when you have to decide whether you feel that you are under any obligation. Many years ago, when I first came to live in Thailand, I had a Thai language teacher. I asked her how to handle such situations if you don't want to send money. She said think about what he would do if he had never met you.

One thing I've learned over the years - if you do help out a boy by sending money to him just once, the pleas for money keep coming.

My favorite quote came from Richard Burk, who used to own the now long gone Amor restaurant in Boyztown. I've posted it many times and this seems like a good place to post it again:

"If you want love in Thailand, rent it."

July 6th, 2023, 07:55
oh dear gaybutton, you come across as cynical as me...maybe if i lived in Thailand I would have time to get to know locals and establish relationships & trust...but as a tourist who never stays more than 2 weeks my only objective is fresh butt every day...at least 2 a day...i dont wanna know their names or their life history or how many sick buffalos they have...in fact Id rather they not speak except to say "yes" to my every demand...my motto is ' fuck & go"....

July 6th, 2023, 09:36
I expect it's theirs, too.

July 6th, 2023, 09:47
oh dear gaybutton, you come across as cynical as me.

You call it cynical. I call it realistic.

July 6th, 2023, 13:06
omg....there u go again...kinda scary..

July 6th, 2023, 16:50
The Boys from Madagascar

In January 2020, shortly before Covid struck, the Complex was lit up by a group of boys from Madagascar. They arrived under the watchful eye of their commanding trans mamasan and based themselves mostly in Question Mark Bar.

To the credit of its owner, the bar welcomed them with open arms and it wasn't long before they took to the small stage with their exotic and erotic dance routines.

(Here, I have altered their names, however, anyone who remembers them will have little difficulty in recognising the individuals)



They were an instant hit, their sexy dance moves and natural friendliness drawing a regular crowd to the bar. They were plied with towers of Chang and the parties ran late. It was a memorable high point before the lows that were soon to follow.

After a month or so the group began to disperse. Nike, with his signature dance moves, followed his star to Bangkok, where he enjoyed a measure of success. He also hit the gym and put on some muscle. Eventually, as the lockdown closed its grip on the country, he departed for one of the Gulf states, where I understand he still works.

Neddy, possibly the youngest of the group, was quickly picked up by a well-heeled patron from Europe. In his new situation, dancing in bars was off the table, and he returned to Madagascar.
There, with the support of his new benefactor, he became the successful owner of two bars and enjoys an envious lifestyle to this day.

Sadly, the dark cloud that swept over us all also paid a visit to the group and their mamasan succumbed to covid.

Just one of the group, Zac, hung around. Finding a welcome home in Jomtien he was in no hurry to leave. He became popular in his own right and will be familiar to many readers here. When visa issues forced his departure, Zac left for the Gulf, and later home to Madagascar. However, Thailand was on his mind and he returned last year and has remained ever since. He is a familiar sight today as he lopes down the soi at a pace that few of us could hope to match.

In January just past, a new group from Madagascar arrived and based themselves in Bangkok. They made a pilgrimage to Jomtien and passed a fun night dancing at Question Mark Bar, with Zac as their local host. It didn't quite reach the heights of 2020, but it was a memorable night nonetheless.

Vive Madagascar!

July 6th, 2023, 16:50
omg....there u go again...kinda scary..

My most sincere apologies . . .

July 6th, 2023, 17:05
Thanks. The other issue is that last time I sent money to Cambodia, half disappeared in Bank charges!

July 7th, 2023, 02:10
" I had cases where a boy really had to leave because there were only n keys for n+x people in the household." nah you were scammed
No I wasn't. We have known each other for two years and no money changed hands the many times we met, my hotel or his place.