View Full Version : Thais HATE Pattaya...?!

February 16th, 2023, 01:30
Thought I had landed in paradise....met this very fine looking 19 year old starting university (studing engineering...soooo butch) ...slim waist...hunky legs...pert butt...modern hairdo...perfect teeth...tight T-shirt showing off his pecs...we were like a house on fire....chatting away....mentioned I had 2 spare bedrooms...hint...hint...he seemed terribly intersted......then mentioned I had been to Thailand...and loved Thailand...especially Pattaya...he gave me this "look"....swivelled away and ignored me for the rest of the evening...except to shoot hateful withering looks my way... I didnt even get a chance to tell him what I liked about Pattaya...once the word Pattaya came out...that was the death knell

February 16th, 2023, 08:46
You were branded as a whore ... and a cheap whore. lol

February 16th, 2023, 09:55
I also had a similar experience shortly after I moved to Pattaya last year.
Out of the blue, this sexy Thai guy writes me on Hornet to meet. He offers to take me to dinner and that he will pass by at the condo where I live to pick me up.
We go to the restaurant overlooking the sea - and he says to me, so where you from and for how long will you stay in Thailand?
I respond, I just moved here and I now live here in Pattaya.
Well, the mood of the dinner dampened and he ranted to me about why Hi-So Thais hate Pattaya and since I am a new falang that it was his job to keep me from settling in Pattaya. I responded, sorry, too late, I already signed a 2 year lease and I am happy to live here because there is a big gay ex-pat retirement community here and this will be the place that I call home.
Never heard from him again - as he was quite upset that I decided to make Pattaya my home.
He reminded me of the Mormons who sometimes come to visit you and decide that they need to convince you to change your life.....

February 16th, 2023, 16:15
.....yes was very odd...we didnt even chat about Pattaya or what i got up to...its almost like...if u r a foreign man and u like/visit Pattaya...then u must be a perverted sex tourist...no question about it...its a fact...

February 16th, 2023, 17:20
.....yes was very odd...we didnt even chat about Pattaya or what i got up to...its almost like...if u r a foreign man and u like/visit Pattaya...then u must be a perverted sex tourist...no question about it...its a fact...

Well, they're not exactly wrong.

February 16th, 2023, 20:56
Thais regard Pattaya as the lowest of the low. They regard any visitors there as perverts and anyone working there as prostitutes.

Never mention that you are a regular.

Matter of fact I never mention the place to people at home in the UK either. When they ask where I stay I tell them about 100 km from Bangkok and leave it at that.

February 17th, 2023, 00:29
...well then that does beg the question...what does bring you to Pattaya specifically speaking...i have to confess that the availability of bus loads of very affordable MBs is THE prime attraction followed by ...safety...ample reasonably priced accomodation...peasant weather....beach/seaside...food i enjoy...

February 17th, 2023, 07:38
I also had a similar experience shortly after I moved to Pattaya last year.
Out of the blue, this sexy Thai guy writes me on Hornet to meet. He offers to take me to dinner and that he will pass by at the condo where I live to pick me up.
We go to the restaurant overlooking the sea - and he says to me, so where you from and for how long will you stay in Thailand?
I respond, I just moved here and I now live here in Pattaya.
Well, the mood of the dinner dampened and he ranted to me about why Hi-So Thais hate Pattaya and since I am a new falang that it was his job to keep me from settling in Pattaya. I responded, sorry, too late, I already signed a 2 year lease and I am happy to live here because there is a big gay ex-pat retirement community here and this will be the place that I call home.
Never heard from him again - as he was quite upset that I decided to make Pattaya my home.
He reminded me of the Mormons who sometimes come to visit you and decide that they need to convince you to change your life.....

Maybe he was concerned about the "competition"???

If he found himself attracted to you, at least in the sense that he wanted to meet you, you think he would have judged you on your merits (personality) - versus - going into a meltdown because of the city you chose to live in.

Sounds like a temperamental bitch to me.

February 17th, 2023, 09:57
Maybe he was concerned about the "competition"???

If he found himself attracted to you, at least in the sense that he wanted to meet you, you think he would have judged you on your merits (personality) - versus - going into a meltdown because of the city you chose to live in.

Sounds like a temperamental bitch to me.

I have a sneaking suspicion that he had a hidden agenda.
That he wanted to sell me real estate (outside of Pattaya) and he used his youthful charm and sex appeal as a way to try to capture me as a potential new customer. He alluded to the fact that his family had a nice condo for sale.
He really became unraveled when I told him that I was a frequent customer of the Jomtien Supertown Complex - he barked at me - do you know what kind of people work there? What they really want from you??
I responded, yes, I am well aware of all of that and are the primary reasons that I wanted to retire here. His look of disgust was incredible and there was going to be NO dessert - to my disappointment, as he was very much my type; sexy, good swimmers build, and very intelligent.
I knew he was Hi-So when I asked him about his fancy ring on one of his fingers and he explained to me that it depicted his family's crest symbol and that each member of his family had one. What was weird to me was that he was living in eastern Pattaya - as he worked in a hospital over on the east side and he clearly told me that he would NEVER step foot in either Boyztown or Jomtien Complex.

February 17th, 2023, 12:42
......... he barked at me - do you know what kind of people work there? What they really want from you??
I responded, yes, I am well aware of all of that and are the primary reasons that I wanted to retire here.


What a perfect line.

February 17th, 2023, 12:55
Thais regard Pattaya as the lowest of the low. They regard any visitors there as perverts and anyone working there as prostitutes.

Can't argue with them there.

I wonder if Thai people considered the U.S. soldiers who were on R&R in Pattaya back in the 60's as perverts - and all their daughters (and sons) who flocked to the shores of Pattaya to have sex with them simply as "low-life prostitutes".

Actually I already know the answer: The Thai mothers considered the soldiers as fair game - and used their sexually enticing silk-skinned children merely as a means of putting some food on the table (or floor) while their alcoholic husbands were busy fucking local prostitutes for 50 baht.

February 17th, 2023, 15:45
I remember it was always uneasy being in the villages with Kim, especially his father's village, but mother's village as well.

People would ask Kim how we met, and he'd nonchalantly say Pattaya. This would almost always result in a shit eating grin and a look in the eyes of "ohh, I get it". heh, good times.

February 17th, 2023, 21:01
I suspect many villagers depend on funds from Pattaya to pay for the kids' school uniforms, the electric bill and much else. And why the assumption that all Pattaya workers are involved directly in the commercial sex trade? What about the labourers building new hotels and apartments? or shop-keepers? hotel staff or bank -workers, teachers, lawyers?

Pattaya was undeniably "made" by the trade but because many gay men confine themselves to a tiny part of the city (as do their straight counterparts), they shouldn't assume that commercial sex is what draws every worker from Isaan. Or Cambodia and Laos.

And I suspect that those families that turn their noses up at the word Pattaya, also thank the Lord Buddha for its existence. Not to mention the money that ex-Pattaya workers , returning home and spending money (falang money?) on the new houses that are being built in the countryside.

P's closest friend lived in Pattaya for a decade. One day we invited him to see the Throb show. It was the first time he'd been to Boyztown. He barely know where it was....and he's gay.

February 19th, 2023, 09:28
grinding poverty in God forsaken villages in the middle of nothing makes selling your butt seem like a very attractive proposition...in Thailand thr majormdifference is that its a loy easier and much more public

mr giggles
February 19th, 2023, 10:00
When the shoe fits

SHITHOLE - noun See definition in Dictionary

-a dirty unpleasant place


Dirty and untidy places or things
vile lodging
bomb site

February 19th, 2023, 13:39
I would say that sex tourists are a minority of visitors to Pattaya especially now that Chinese tour groups have started to arrive. Western couples and backpackers are seen in significant numbers. Str farang men sex tourists and expats are now to a much greater extent concentrated in the Soi Buakhow area where they are not too visible to Thai families. Gay men, (a tiny proportion) looking for sex have our own ghettos in BT and the Jomtien Complex where they too are rather invisible to str’s (although occasionally I feel like a tourist attraction when occasionally a str couple walks through the Complex viewing us with our young Asian boyfriends).
Pattaya undoubtedly makes a big contribution to the Thai economy, but being a proud people they do not like their country being regarded as the worlds brothel.

February 19th, 2023, 14:09
...have u been to pattaya...walking street??? Id say that Pattaya exists for one thing only....

February 19th, 2023, 14:18
Daveuk is correct. The next time you're queuing-up for check-in, look around; at Heathrow you'll see very few single men, certainly many fewer than two decades ago and even then we were a minority. To confirm that this impression is applicable not only to London, look at the tourists waiting at BKK immigration; same story.

Walking Street may have been the hub, the beating heart of Pattaya twenty years ago; now its Terminus 21 and its environs. That's where the money is. And much of this, I suggest, is still reaching the rural areas. Which is why the workers in shops, restaurants and so on tend to be so young.

February 19th, 2023, 21:42
I don't remember a negative response when I mentioned Pattaya to Thai or foreigners.

But come to think of it, I rarely mention Pattaya, because there many other, more interesting, places to talk about.

That doesn't mean that I don't go to Pattaya, even regularly, for very specific purposes. But I wouldn't talk about that the first time I meet someone, unless they ask.

February 20th, 2023, 00:55
Oliver...twerminus21...care to elaborate?? any gay places??

February 20th, 2023, 05:58
T21 is a shopping centre started in BKK-Asoke, then after raging success opened a 2nd one in the far south, along this BRT=express Bus line and also in the far north of Pty-is that called Dolphin roundabout? Extremely populair due to its dirt cheap foodcourt-cheaper as even streetcart food, and worse too and very small servings.
I went to the oldest one many times and it was always late PM full of students-as you know in Th easily recognisable due to their black+white prescribed clothing. How approachable they are never tried. Plus that Pty does not have any real uni (but the real life uni perhaps in teaching how to survive)
Oh yes-last yrs it was also extremely populair among the mainland Chinese tourists. To the extent that tourbuses dropped of their load of them to eat there.
Today will check out of this HTL and after some 23 yrs absent or so travel to Pty, booked in Jomtien.
Other posting suggest that soi Buakao, that is behind 2nd rd. is growing as magnet for budget-aiming farang tourists or longer time staying patrons.

February 20th, 2023, 09:22
And now sitting in ARR of swampy for the next Jomtien bus, loads of Russky to go on what I hear around.
Further to this T21: was a rather small centre with also many cinema on top floor and started with the idea to open many small shops for enterprising new entrepreneurs, preferably in fashion and clothes and the like. As you all know a big % of these will be gay. So as could also be expected: most go broke after a few monthes. But some seem to survive. No idea if that also holds for the other saakhaa=places.
It was at time of opening also famous for its JPNese style loos-with those automatic watersprays etc to clean the bums. And contrary to what usually happens with that in TH they are maintained and still work properly. Or perhaps that real JPNse quality production. But then a proper Thai loo has an even better provision for that-so that latinś hot&willing babes can get their backside cleaned and rinsed properly for what he likes too much.

February 20th, 2023, 09:30
And on the subject of this thread-Patters,PTY- Sin City or whatever.
Thai are full of prejudice-or rather, they parrot: repeat what they have once heard without own thinking. The most prevailing general idea is that ´farang are stupid´. Which it has to be admitted many are indeed or in some aspects.
The sniff on Pty is for hi-so circles, which you will not meet that much anyway. Their disdain of farang will keep them away. The nice elderly lady who did the room cleaning in the HTL I just checked out even asked when i informed I would be away a few days and then come back, if I would go to PTY. In general when one does some small talk whilst waiting for a us or the like is often asked where one goes and even ´Why you not go Pty?
In fact I was at a local Thai Tourist fair last weekend in the Sirikit new centre (much bigger and brighter as the old one) and it was overcrowded with Thai eager to go on holiday, and for the upcoming middle-classes Pty is also a kind of dream-destination. As those who live there can probably know from the rot-thit= traffic jams on Thai holidays.