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July 15th, 2022, 00:17
There ist hope in the air! Today there is on their facebook site a new post that says,
that they are doing now some maintenance work and will be open again soon.
Good news!!

Good news indeed!
When and if the younger Russians return, will be important to their success.
Serene beer bar in Boyztown was where the younger Russians hung out in large numbers. The Russians were only interested
in other younger Russians ( 25 y.o. to 40 y.o.) .
The same dynamic was at Sansuk. Almost no interest in Thai boys and older farangs were invisible to the Russians..

July 15th, 2022, 01:23
I don't want to sound prejudicial but doyou really enjoy being around a bunch of unfriendly, arrogant Russians? I go to Thailand to experience beautiful Thai boys not a bunch of Men who undoubtedly support that Communist m horrible regime of Putin...

July 15th, 2022, 03:47
Yesssssssssssss,,,who the hell goes to Thailand to want to meet Russians?? Well not me...and not 99.999% of anyone else...

July 15th, 2022, 04:05
....not true...ive had the pleasure of enjoying a few europeans of varying nationalities...all under 30 naturally as after that they turn into cock blocks....not every tourist is attracted to asians...the few europeans ive ridden have all been "kept boys" ...all here with much older hideous wealthier partners...I was glad I could be of service...

July 15th, 2022, 08:00
Thanks Davidmelba.....Putin has become a Communist? I missed that extraordinary story.

July 15th, 2022, 08:59
If I had have met a Russian during my recent trip to Pattaya I hope I would tell him how nearly everyone in the world hates what Russia is doing in Ukraine and how repugnant we find their their leader Putin. I do remember them round the pool at Sansuck but my attentions were elsewhere I.e. hopes of finding a pretty Asian boy there in the dark maze.

July 15th, 2022, 11:38
Believe me, 80% of Russian gays share your feelings about the situation in Ukraine, as well as in relation to Mr. Putin. Especially now, when Russian parliamentarians are ready to adopt another law against gays in order to make them completely invisible in their own country. Some gay Russians go to Sansuk and meet each other only because they can't do it openly in their own small towns, where they'll probably be beaten to death if anyone finds out about them. They just want to feel free, and Sansuk was the right place.

July 15th, 2022, 14:26
Believe me, 80% of Russian gays share your feelings about the situation in Ukraine, as well as in relation to Mr. Putin. Especially now, when Russian parliamentarians are ready to adopt another law against gays in order to make them completely invisible in their own country. Some gay Russians go to Sansuk and meet each other only because they can't do it openly in their own small towns, where they'll probably be beaten to death if anyone finds out about them. They just want to feel free, and Sansuk was the right place.

I believe..

July 15th, 2022, 16:02
daveuk...un r a complete twat

July 15th, 2022, 18:09
If I had have met a Russian during my recent trip to Pattaya I hope I would tell him how nearly everyone in the world hates what Russia is doing in Ukraine and how repugnant we find their their leader Putin. I do remember them round the pool at Sansuck but my attentions were elsewhere I.e. hopes of finding a pretty Asian boy there in the dark maze.

Advise: try to do it from other side of the pool and then run! Sansuk has no security guards. Russians almost never travel alone.

By the way: how you will recognize Russian? Belarusians and Ukrainians also mostly speak Russian in their life, Moldavian, Kazakhs as well. You may get troubles.

Percent of Ukrainians by regions who speak Russian in their families


July 21st, 2022, 11:02
I'm grateful that I, as a Briton, wasn't blamed for the numerous massacres in Iraq, the executions by UK forces in Afghanistan, the bombing of Libya....and numerous other atrocities.
Odd, isn't it, that when the victims are white and (more or less) Christian, the fury of the West is unbounded. The Black and Muslim peoples we have killed, or helped to kill, just don't register.
I wasn't blamed for Blair's war-crimes, even when I was among his victims in Palestine. I was seen as an individual.

July 21st, 2022, 11:48
why were the palestinians his victims....did the Uk bomb them??

Brad the Impala
July 21st, 2022, 16:14
I'm grateful that I, as a Briton, wasn't blamed for the numerous massacres in Iraq, the executions by UK forces in Afghanistan, the bombing of Libya....and numerous other atrocities..

On the other hand you didn't(I assume) choose to both support and defend your government's actions however repugnant those actions were.

July 21st, 2022, 16:42
"....or helped to kill," Arms sales of ordinance as well as political/diplomatic cover. And as for the US, Obama actually replenished Israel's stock of bombs after Gaza had been bombed.

Only White Lives Matter....even for a Black American President.

July 22nd, 2022, 17:33
I'm grateful that I, as a Briton, wasn't blamed for the numerous massacres in Iraq, the executions by UK forces in Afghanistan, the bombing of Libya....and numerous other atrocities.

I'm afraid you probably are, by some people. Just not when you're in the room. That's how these people operate.

The thing that I find annoying about Russia is all the apologists. I know full well that's not all of them, and I'm not even sure it's the majority of them. But there's definitely a lot of them there.

July 22nd, 2022, 17:52
"These people"....Black people? Muslim people? My experience is extensive, dating back over fifty years and, bluntly,it just doesn't fit in with what I know. It includes a lot of time in the Caribbean and Africa (including Muslim West Africa) and Palestine, Egypt and Morocco.
I suppose some would say the same of Thais....again, not my experience.

July 23rd, 2022, 09:12
Only White Lives Matter....even for a Black American President.

Nobody cares what color a person is any more. That's a myth. Those days are over.

The only thing that matters to the leaders of countries (all countries) is POWER - WEALTH - and VAIN GLORY...not necessarily in that order.

People who are the poorest continue to get the least amount of attention - and it doesn't matter what color they are.

Who was it that said "the meek shall inherit the earth"?

July 23rd, 2022, 10:41
Who was it that said "the meek shall inherit the earth"?


July 23rd, 2022, 15:27
From the age of twenty-three, I experienced UK racism almost day to day. Police racism towards my Black friends and workmates and in particular towards their youngsters, political racism insofar as power in the UK was and continues to be exercised by the white and wealthy, cultural racism in that Black experience was often denied media examination.

And then, as a retired traveller, I experienced the most shocking, even genocidal, racism when I was travelling in Palestine between 2004 and 2017; from the police, the military and the colonists.

As Dodger notes, ordinary citizens aren't usually tainted with this disease. But "ordinary" people don't run my country: and they never have. Nor are they in power in the countries I know well. Including Thailand. We know what happens when the "wrong" party wins an election here.

Like others here, I am a beneficiary of an imbalanced power structure, based on race, wealth and class. Some would add gender to that list. Let's be honest and accept it.

July 23rd, 2022, 18:32

Thank you francois for that enlightenment.

I thought perhaps it was Frank Zappa.

July 23rd, 2022, 22:53
I'm grateful that I, as a Briton, wasn't blamed for the numerous massacres in Iraq, the executions by UK forces in Afghanistan, the bombing of Libya....and numerous other atrocities.
Odd, isn't it, that when the victims are white and (more or less) Christian, the fury of the West is unbounded. The Black and Muslim peoples we have killed, or helped to kill, just don't register.
I wasn't blamed for Blair's war-crimes, even when I was among his victims in Palestine. I was seen as an individual.

I'm not a supporter of Tony Blair but I would not say he was a war criminal if you do you might like to become a supporter of the corbinisas

July 24th, 2022, 04:19
fully agree with oliver...damn interlopers gotta go...those colonialists gotta pack their shit and go...jews have been there since before JC made an appearance....not called Jewrusalem for nothing...

July 28th, 2022, 07:48
fully agree with oliver...damn interlopers gotta go...those colonialists gotta pack their shit and go...jews have been there since before JC made an appearance....not called Jewrusalem for nothing...

Which colonialists? The Canaanites established the city of "Rashlemum" about 8 centuries before King David conquered and occupied it,

July 28th, 2022, 09:02
...yes but the Jews never actually left the Holy Land...thyeyve been there since long before the most famous Jew of all...JC made his appearance....sure others (yes u Romans...) tried to muscle in on that God forsaken piece of nothing desert...but the Jews stayed...am kinda surprised they didint pick a nicer spot...their homeland is a desert hell hole...therir neighbours hate them...of all the land in that region they had to pick the one with no oil...they cant enjoy bacon...have to chop the tip off their dicks....whats all this about them being the chosen people???...chosen for what??