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August 21st, 2006, 08:17
Who is Hedda now?

August 21st, 2006, 10:31
So, if boygeorge is Elephantspike, boygeorge is Monty and boygeorge is Pearl, then....?

Makes me wonder who I am!

August 21st, 2006, 10:37
oh Dboy you are losing your marbles and will have to do better than that concoction.

Monty is certainly not LMTU as I have seen and drunk with them in the same room..and even though I see double after 4 gins I can still attest I have seen them both when I've been sober.

I protest on behalf of The Colonel..the old bastard would be furious to think some thought I was he..and rightly so.

I am rightly honoured that I would be thought to be Dame Sanitree Na Parkin..she was adorable, if somewhat ugly but she has retired temporarily to her home country for work.

Edith is just plain ugly and certainly mad..even worse, Belgian !

Elephantspike as far as I know lives in the USA and Smiles in Canada although both are frequent Thai visitors.

For all I know, Aunty could really be my aunt..I do have some crazy ones.

Catwampus lives in a pond somewhere in Bangkok..I or so believe, and boygeorge is a real and seperate person to all the others, according to Monty whose establishment he has resided in.

I am am simply me, beautiful and chic but with pressing matters elsewhere..

The only thing we don't know is..who are you ???

August 21st, 2006, 10:47
As is said, "We are known by association," or something like that.
So to hazzard a guess, Pearl, Dboy is Hedda. Or her publicity agent.
And don't you think it was sweet of the Tampax people to name their new product after you?

August 21st, 2006, 11:43
Pearl, you replied to Dboy as if he were the original poster, wx40afp. Does that imply that they, too (two?), are one? <head spinning>

August 21st, 2006, 11:46
Monty is OBVIOUSLY Pearl. They both have a double-comma problem. Check the threads.

(the one, the only, the about to be out of a job but I hated it anyway so fuck it, Dboy)

August 21st, 2006, 11:48
We already know who Jollyjacktar is/was. He seems to have disappeared since his outing, though.

August 21st, 2006, 11:59
Pearl, you replied to Dboy as if he were the original poster, wx40afp. Does that imply that they, too (two?), are one? <head spinning>

Yeah I just caught that as well. Probably because I was the first responder to this thread. Sorry. I'm only me here. If I change handles I will announce it. American Teacher should be able to verify that I actually exist. He's the only one here that I've met in person as far as I know. However since it appears I'm about to lose my job this week or next, will be moving to the Kingdom for awhile. This soul-killing corporate job has really beaten my ass the past few years and its time to have some fun.

My post above concerning Hedda interests me because there's no way she just left the asylum. She's gotta be here somewhere.


August 21st, 2006, 12:12
I wonder if wx40afp works for the Boulder, Colorado District Attorney's office?

August 21st, 2006, 13:49
It is a swamp not a pond..Sorry, to be picky but this is my home you are talking about.. Your little catnap must have been refreshing
but somehow I thought you were going to take a slightly longer break but you are always welcome here, and free to visit me in the swamp..

August 21st, 2006, 15:46
Oh, my. We have Hedda with a bog and catawampuscat living in a swamp. Now there's fodder for speculation. (just kidding!)

August 21st, 2006, 16:27
lurkers; firecat69, Lionheadzzz and watercat56.
I think we're running out of kitty litter.

August 21st, 2006, 16:58
I know this topic has been brought up before but recently I have been trying to work out Who is Who,and I finally figured this out.


Well that would make her a very busy women, and I don't think she's been that busy (or had that many names) since her days in the err, hospitality industry.

But I can assure you that I am me, (not Pearl, or Edith - who would want to be that cheap!) and I've not posted under any other names

But I do know that Hommerturd = Capt. Klinker (aka The Colonel) = Miss Syphilis Thorpe. And no matter what guise he chooses to post in, all without merit and all without dignity.

August 21st, 2006, 17:37

MONTY - Thailand Resident (Australian)
LMTU - Thailand Resident (British)
SMILES - Canada
DODGER - USA (Chicago)
COLONEL - Thailand Resident (Australian)
PEARLE - USA (New York I Believe)
DAME SANITREE - (Retired from Board Action)

Now who are you?

August 21st, 2006, 19:01
as bkk gwm points out..I replied to you instead of WD40. That's what comes of taking my doctors advice and having a mug of medicinal gin for breakfast.

I can only point to those who I have met personally..LMTU..John Botting (the only other on here like me to use his/her real name) Teepee ( I think)and the famous Monty..( my God..who should be more insulted to be called each other -Monty or I ?). And I never did met Monty's sister from Israel who he promised would be at one of his famous barbeques.

I could well have met many other posters on here in Pattaya bars but they haven't admitted to their identities and I was once in a Sunne Plaza restaurant and a hush fell over the room as a tall man entered and my dining companions pointed out that it was the infamous ( for it was she) HEDDA !!

I have been to several of the great Dame Sanitree Na Parkin's grand soirees in Bangkok when she ruled there as a society queen..but it was only ever to help her Fillipino maid Consuela with the washing up.

I once verbally attacked a bald old codger in Bangkok and accused him of being The Colonel and screamed at him that that Melbourne hooker was correct.."you are a right old c**t"..until my companion pointed out I was talking to my own refelection in a store window.

I did have an early life in the beautiful burrough of Yonkers where a local identity by the name of Hymie Ripps ( long since pased away)-noted for being the owner of the House Of Ripps, fine purveyors of pot smoking regalia and a close associate of a large Italian family who ran florist shops called the Gambinos-took a great shine to me and engaged me as companion to accompany him to various community social functions-weddings , christenings and funerals where for some reason all the guests were photographed by the local constabularly. I fell out with the charming Mr Ripps when he once held me by the ankles , naked , out of a 20 story building because of some alledged slight, and this was very distressing for me as he had promised me a gala 18th birthday party at which I was to be "entertained" by at least 6 Peurto Rican lads.

Now I shall be departing shortly for the strange place called New Zealand for many months where I hope to engage in the charming Maori custom of nose rubbing and much more. If anyone on here resides in the city of Wellington, which I believe has a population of over 1000 residents I would be most pleased to hear from them. The only other people I know in what I believe are called the "Shakey Isles" is a scientist in some far flung remote country area, and a major Auckland TV star called Charlotte Dawson who is great fun and who I once met in Bangkok.

Unfortunately I see they have already crowned a new Moari King but that leaves room for another queen..and from what I hear there are quite a lot of queens in NZ and not all of them are sheep ( although apparently many of the sheep are quite attractive).

So you see it's all cleared up..there is only me , myself and I and I am no-one else on here although there has much discussion by psychiatrists whether I really am me or just a figment of my own imagination.

August 21st, 2006, 21:36
There is actually only one person on this board, multiple personality disorder etc.

So what do I win?

No hold the night out with you all (or one) at Niddy's, Pascal, Panorama, Sunee, Montys - just send the cash, as you probably own the lot.

Captain Swing
August 21st, 2006, 21:40
Last month I visited Monty's Pool for the first time and after a few drinks fell into conversation witth several pleasant farang gentlemen. I asked them if they were regular visitors to this board. Both knew what I was talking about but denied any familiarity with it. One man pointed to another fellow who was, shall we say, dominating the conversation at a nearby table and said "He's the head of it; that's Pearl." Needless to say, I was shocked to find myself in the presence of such a luminary, but somewhat confused, since Pearl, for all her celebrity, is not exactly the head of this board, And it was impossible to reconcile the gentleman in question with the image of Pearl I've formed from reading her posts.

A few days later, my last day in Pattaya, I got up the nerve to ask the genltlman in question if he was really the famous Pearl of the Orient. He was as shocked and amused by the question as I was by his answer. He said he was, in fact, Let Me Tell U !! I thought he was pulling my leg, but as the conversation went on I realized he was telling the truth. He said he was acquainted with the real Pearl and joshingly chastised my informant for spreading false rumors. He also proved to be friendly, witty, good natured, and good-hearted, not entirely as i might have expected from his posts. Part of the fun of this board is trying to figure out who's who and, if you have the opportunity, pinning board names on real individuals. Beware: you never know who may be lurking at the next table.

August 21st, 2006, 22:38
not entirely as i might have expected from his posts

You mean he was intelligible? You're right, that would come as quite a surprise.

August 21st, 2006, 23:32
I think you misheard the man and he was more likely saying :"bring me the head of Pearl" !

But be warned..I have been to Monty's pool on many an ocassion and can't really be missed. Just look for one in the Jackie O sunglasses.

However I believe you must have met the real LMTU as you describe him perfectly :"He (also )proved to be friendly, witty, good natured, and good-hearted," ..he is all of this and more and the most delightful person and if you have the ocassion to see him-as we his friends describe it as "full cabaret" you will be on the floor in stitches.

Strangely this wonderful wit doesn't always translate into comprehendable written prose but I do believe he is at times, having us on with his jottings. Why he inspires such wrath I do not understand..you will not find a kinder nor more generous man in Pattaya.

Others on here have had goes at him..which he treats like water off a duck's back but know little of his generosity or about the house he rents at his own expense to house a number of former working lads who are HIV positive.

Apparently to be temporarily short of cash and living at Monty's is considered some sort of sin .

Your are right..beware-you never know who may be lurking at the next table, or in my case, under it.

August 21st, 2006, 23:40
Apparently to be temporarily short of cash and living at Monty's is considered some sort of sin .

I am sure that is a great consolation to the 'friend' he borrowed a large amount of money from to get himself out of deep shit in an underage situation and has failed to repay.

August 22nd, 2006, 00:16
if that were the case then they should consider they have made a great investment which will be returned to them eventually with a handsome profit. Things don't always pan out the way one would like them to and I'm still of the opinion that if one hits rocky times they shouldn't be blamed.

Those who stand behind the person and offer support are demonstrating true friendship and having a 30 year history of who we are talking about, I can assure he forgets nothing or no person and he will produce a positive solution.

After all if you have a friend who did as you say..no-one forced him to do it and he willingly handed over money so must in the back of his mind, believe what I am saying.

In the end, it's only money and it's intentions that count..and this man's intentions are as honorable as any I have found..and whatever your friend has contributed, I have done likewise several times since 1970 and been amply rewarded not only with a handsome profit but a rare friendship.

August 22nd, 2006, 04:02
I for one, would really like to meet all you maniacs (Dodgers term) one of these days. I imagine it would be loads of fun. Wonder if Monty could put something together for New Years Eve? Or a bash at Niddy's? Of course some will be required to wear more than one nametag.


August 22nd, 2006, 05:22
I have several very memorable meetings with Board members...most of which have cultivated into genuine friendships.

LMTU is exactly as described by Pearle. We first crossed paths at Monty's B&B early one morning while Monty and I were in the throws of a very deep conversation. Actually we were both mending our hangovers over a cup of Leks coffee - as Ms. Bonnie sat patiently waiting for my breakfast to arrive. After Monty made the introductions, LMTU replied in a somewhat whimsical manner..."oh, so you're the infamous Dodger." I think I can safely say that we enjoyed each others company right from the start.

Monty, for those who haven't had the opportunity to meet him yet, is also exactly as he's been described in numerous posts. He reminds me of Popeye the Sailor, with a saucy attitude...great sense of humor...and always with a twinkle in his eye.

My first meeting with Hedda was at Jomtien Beach, only she, to this day, doesn't know - that I know who she is. And even after weathering the Hedda wars of 2004, I can say that he presents himself as a true gentleman with a warm and friendly personality. He was also pointed out to me by another Board member, although, I never let on to him that I knew his identity.

Most of the other members I met during get togethers at Memories Cafe including Monkleigh, who I've exchanged e:mails with for the past 2 -1/2 years, Rainwalker, John Botting, Traveler Jim, Lester, Bud from DC, RichLB, Pattayagay (Alan), Colmx, and many others. All are wonderful people in my book who always contribute to adding substance to my holidays...and my life.

I recommend for any newcomer, or even those who visit PTY frequently, to stop in at Memories Cafe (Soi Sunee) to rub elbows with the maniacs. This has become a regular hangout for visiting gay farangs, as well as some of our expat Board members.

The one thing I've learned along the road, is not to judge someone by their demeanor on a forum such as ours. Wait until you have a chance to meet them face-to-face before making any final judgments. I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised.

mai pen rai

August 22nd, 2006, 10:43
Or a bash at Niddy's?Heavens. Hasn't Niddy's Nook taken enough bashing?

August 22nd, 2006, 11:06
[quote="Pearl of the Orient":334r6tf0]

Apparently to be temporarily short of cash and living at Monty's is considered some sort of sin .

I am sure that is a great consolation to the 'friend' he borrowed a large amount of money from to get himself out of deep shit in an underage situation and has failed to repay.[/quote:334r6tf0]

Lets be careful here. Isn't this how Martini Man got banned? Anyone have the real story on what LMTU's deal is. Is he broke? Is he having legal problems? Is he banned from this board?

August 22nd, 2006, 11:23
Lets be careful here. Isn't this how Martini Man got banned? Anyone have the real story on what LMTU's deal is. Is he broke? Is he having legal problems? Is he banned from this board?I agree with the first part: Let's be careful here. And considerate. Are any of those questions really necessary or appropriate?

If somebody wants to voluntarily expose the intimate details of their private life, fine, but is it proper to be speculating about, slandering or outing fellow forum members?

disclaimer: I have never to my knowledge met LMTU, and have no vested interest in protecting or promoting any forum member, even though I have met several forum members "in 3D."