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May 29th, 2022, 20:53
As usual, you selectively quote to score a point. The Bloomberg article's opening sentence is "A logistically risky and costly transfer of crude between tankers at sea highlights the steps at least one Chinese buyer is willing to take to ensure the smooth flow of oil from eastern Russia to Asia." Only after that sentence does the article include the text you cited.

Who cares? Fact: sales of oil to Asia (China and India) overgrew sales to EU first time ever at past week.

New data! #Russia's oil and gas revenues hit another record high in April. 1.8 trillion rubles in a single month, after 1.2 trillion in March. After only 4 months, Russia's federal #budget has now already received 50% of the planned oil and gas revenue for 2022 (9.5 trillion).

There is no way to completely remove Russian oil from the market without sending oil prices much higher — perhaps to $200 a barrel.

In other words, it is a classic catch-22. In attempting to punish Russia by keeping its oil off the market, Russia is enjoying a net benefit of higher oil revenues.

That is what I wrote here in November yet: it is not possible to exclude Russia from global market despite political dreams in some stupid heads, starting from Obama's speech where he told "Russia is regional country and producing nothing". Despite your words about "gas station" - close all gas station in your city and you will see how fast you'll be on the knees.

May 29th, 2022, 21:26
Who cares? Fact: sales of oil to Asia (China and India) overgrew sales to EU first time ever at past week.


That is what I wrote here in November yet: it is not possible to exclude Russia from global market despite political dreams in some stupid heads, starting from Obama's speech where he told "Russia is regional country and producing nothing". Despite your words about "gas station" - close all gas station in your city and you will see how fast you'll be on the knees.

Not as quickly as you think as we haven't imported Russian oil for five years - since 2016 - and the contract for LNG expired in March of this year. Supplies of coal did not form a major part of our imports.

"Even though Taiwan imports most of its energy, the diversification of sources means that its dependence on Russian coal and liquefied natural gas (LNG) is limited, reports said Wednesday (March 9).
Taiwan stopped importing oil from Russia in 2016, leaving Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United States as its three main suppliers, with Middle Eastern countries accounting for 74%, CNA reported.
According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) Bureau of Energy, 70% of LNG imports in 2021 were based on mid- and long-term contracts unlikely to be affected by sudden events. While 9.7% of Taiwan’s LNG supplies last year came from Russia, the contract ends this month, which will allow the country to turn to other suppliers, according to the report. Australia accounted for 32.2% of Taiwan’s LNG imports, Qatar for 24.5%, and the U.S. for 9.1%.
Russia also held third place for coal imports in 2021, with 14.7%, but well behind 54.7% from Australia and 24.4% from Indonesia. Taiwan’s power plants are the largest consumers of coal, accounting for 75% of imports, with state-run Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) using 28 million metric tons per year.
Taipower said sanctions against Russia would not impact its coal imports or consumption nor imperil its power production, as it had signed long-term contracts with suppliers while also disposing of reserves good for one month of production.

Source: "Taiwan relies on diverse oil and gas sources amid Russia sanctions. Russia is third-largest supplier of coal, LNG" - Taiwan News, 2022/03/09 18:51 https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4467263

The gas contract that was not renewed refers to that which state-owned CPC had - a 750,000 ton per year five-year contract with the Sakhalin-2 project.

While you are threatening to cut off oil and gas supplies and bring others to their knees, consider this headline: Taiwan’s semiconductor ban could spell catastrophe for Russia - https://www.ship-technology.com/special-focus/taiwan-semiconductor-ban-russia-catastrophe/, March 3, 2022. We can bite back.

June 1st, 2022, 08:16
A new report indicates that an anonymous Russian intelligence officer claims that President Vladimir Putin is on the verge of losing his eyesight and has a short lifespan as his health condition deteriorates further.

FSB officer said Putin is suffering from “rapidly progressing cancer” and has been given a maximum of three years to live by doctors.

“We are told he is suffering from headaches and when he appears on TV he needs pieces of paper with everything written in huge letters to read what he’s going to say. They are so big each page can only hold a couple of sentences. His eyesight is seriously worsening,” the spy told the news outlet.

The report further pointed out that the Russian president's health is in such a bad state that his limbs are 'shaking uncontrollably.'

However, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov refuted the reports and said there was no sign of any ailment.

Why It Matters: The rumors come as the Russia-Ukraine war drags on for over three months. Some have questioned Putin's motives and state of mind in launching the military invasion. On Monday, the European Union decided to place a ban on all Russian oil imports by the end of the year.


Soon to be in Hell with
the other Hitler

June 1st, 2022, 08:41
A new report indicates that an anonymous Russian intelligence officer claims that President Vladimir Putin is on the verge of losing his eyesight and has a short lifespan as his health condition deteriorates further.

FSB officer said Putin is suffering from “rapidly progressing cancer” and has been given a maximum of three years to live by doctors.

“We are told he is suffering from headaches and when he appears on TV he needs pieces of paper with everything written in huge letters to read what he’s going to say. They are so big each page can only hold a couple of sentences. His eyesight is seriously worsening,” the spy told the news outlet.

The report further pointed out that the Russian president's health is in such a bad state that his limbs are 'shaking uncontrollably.'

However, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov refuted the reports and said there was no sign of any ailment.

Why It Matters: The rumors come as the Russia-Ukraine war drags on for over three months. Some have questioned Putin's motives and state of mind in launching the military invasion. On Monday, the European Union decided to place a ban on all Russian oil imports by the end of the year.


Soon to be in Hell with
the other Hitler

I can write any bullshit from the mouth of "anonymous US intelligence officer" about health of Mr.Alzheimer. Putin every day shows himself in videoconferences with governors of provinces. Then TV shows it widely.

At least he doesn't handshake thin air and doesn't talks with spirits while he is on public like Biden did already many times. I even wonder does Biden still remember his own name?


And by the way: what do you think - does "anonymous officer FSB" has reason to talk with MSN for to inform them how is Putin's health? This is story, that is sucked from the middle finger.

June 1st, 2022, 08:48
US Rivals Shunning Dollar Lifts Yuan-Ruble Trading by 1,067%. Volumes between Russian, Chinese currencies near $4 billion

The emerging multi-polar world now includes foreign-exchange markets -- as China and Russia, the biggest challengers to U.S. supremacy, boost direct trading between their currencies.

Monthly volumes on the ruble-yuan pair have surged 1,067% to almost $4 billion since the start of the war in Ukraine as the two nations seek to reduce their reliance on the dollar and boost bilateral trade to overcome current and potential U.S sanctions.

That’s a sign Russians are increasingly turning to Chinese goods to replace stalled Western imports and international brands that have vanished from store shelves. For China, it creates the latest boost for the internationalization of the yuan just when growing tensions with the U.S. are slowing that process.

De-risking From Dollar
Efforts by Russia and China to pursue non-dollar transactions are part of a broader de-risking strategy gaining popularity among several emerging markets.

Saudi Arabia plans to price some oil contracts in the yuan, while India is exploring a rupee-ruble payment structure. Global central banks are diversifying reserves, sparking a drop in the dollar’s share in the holdings to 59% in the last quarter of 2020, the lowest in 25 years, according to the International Monetary Fund.


June 1st, 2022, 09:53
US Rivals Shunning Dollar Lifts Yuan-Ruble Trading by 1,067%. Volumes between Russian, Chinese currencies near $4 billion

The emerging multi-polar world now includes foreign-exchange markets -- as China and Russia, the biggest challengers to U.S. supremacy, boost direct trading between their currencies.

Monthly volumes on the ruble-yuan pair have surged 1,067% to almost $4 billion since the start of the war in Ukraine as the two nations seek to reduce their reliance on the dollar and boost bilateral trade to overcome current and potential U.S sanctions.

That’s a sign Russians are increasingly turning to Chinese goods to replace stalled Western imports and international brands that have vanished from store shelves. For China, it creates the latest boost for the internationalization of the yuan just when growing tensions with the U.S. are slowing that process.

De-risking From Dollar
Efforts by Russia and China to pursue non-dollar transactions are part of a broader de-risking strategy gaining popularity among several emerging markets.

Saudi Arabia plans to price some oil contracts in the yuan, while India is exploring a rupee-ruble payment structure. Global central banks are diversifying reserves, sparking a drop in the dollar’s share in the holdings to 59% in the last quarter of 2020, the lowest in 25 years, according to the International Monetary Fund.


Pity you didn't quote the rest of the article, so that board members can see the whole report and not just a selection to make a point:

The crippling sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine have highlighted China’s own vulnerability to US action. Any geopolitical dispute between them could isolate China’s economy from the dollar-dominated financial system, while pushing other nations and foreign investors to prune yuan holdings.

For Russia, the purpose is immediate survival. The nation depends on China more than on the US to keep its trade flowing. The world’s second-biggest economy accounts for a quarter of all the merchandise Russia imports, while the US accounts for less than 11%.

“Russia has a very weak domestic manufacturing industry; so the sanctions mean that it will necessarily have to rely more on China for machinery and consumer goods,” said Alvin Tan, the head of Asia currency strategy at RBC Capital Markets in Singapore. “At the same time, Chinese buyers are being enticed by discounts on Russian commodity exports.”

Yuan internationalization stalls amid Ukraine war
Despite recent shifts, the dollar remains the world’s most favorite medium of exchange and the main trading pair for most currencies including the ruble. In fact, after Russia’s central bank signaled last week that it wants a weaker currency, daily ruble-dollar volumes recovered to normal levels.
“It is obvious that the Central Bank of Russia is getting worried about ruble strength,” RBC’s Tan said. “The stronger ruble is exacerbating the domestic economic downturn by tightening financial conditions, which also has an adverse impact on Moscow’s tax revenues.” The ruble gained 1.5% against the dollar on Tuesday, and rose for a second day against the yuan.
In its biannual report on financial stability, the Bank of Russia said the yuan’s share in Russia’s currency markets is increasing.
“The main trend of the Russian foreign-exchange market in the near future will be the declining role of the US dollar and the euro in all aspects of economic activity, with the growing role of the currencies of friendly countries and the ruble,” the central bank said.
As for China, the share of yuan in international transactions remains minuscule, falling further since the war started.
“Larger central banks may be more reluctant to hold the yuan due to potential Western sanctions risk and the corresponding need for China to reimpose capital controls on foreigners,” Gene Frieda, a strategist at Pacific Investment Management Company LLC, wrote in a note last month. “The yuan should continue to attract reserve flows from smaller countries that China dominates as a trade partner.” *https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-30/yuan-ruble-trading-explodes-as-america-s-rivals-rebuff-dollar).

One unintended consequence of the strength of the ruble is that "Russian Soldiers Refuse to Fight Due to Shrinking Paychecks: Report" (https://www.newsweek.com/russian-soldiers-refuse-fight-shrinking-paychecks-report-1711475). The report states: "Some Russian soldiers who fought in Ukraine are refusing to return and fight due to lower paychecks, according to a report from the Russian news outlet Caucasus.Realities.
Members of the Russian Guard from Krasnodar, a city in Russia, have filed reports refusing to be sent back to Ukraine. According to a source from the Federal Troops of the National Guard, several of the soldiers cited dissatisfaction with the amount they were paid during their time in Ukraine from February to April as the reason for refusing to fight, Caucasus.Realities reported.
The source explained in the report that part of the reason paychecks were shrinking was due to the growing exchange rate of the ruble, Russia's currency.
"Just the other day, a payment for the second month of being there came. And if for the first month they paid 100 thousand, now it's 50. The command explained this by the fall in the dollar exchange rate—the payment is calculated from about 50 dollars per day of stay, but is made in rubles at the Russian exchange rate," the source said.
The report summarized that if the dollar rate in Russia on March 10 was 120 rubles, it was 56 rubles by May 26, hence why payments from the military had changed.
Despite the international economic sanctions against Russia that have slowed economic growth even more than countries predicted, the ruble's value has grown significantly, jumping nearly 150 percent since it initially collapsed right after the invasion began, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Decreasing soldiers' paychecks does little to help with the current issue of low morale and mistreatment within the Russian military. While paychecks shrink, soldiers have been asked to pay for weapons and supplies with their own money."

Another shining example of Russian strategic thinking, and what happens when a "war" is not officially a "war" under Russian domestic legislation but a "special military operation," akin to a police operation. Under Russian military rules, troops who refuse to fight in Ukraine can face dismissal but cannot be prosecuted.

This legal situation is why there are reports of other soldiers, including members of "Putin's Private Army," refusing to fight in Ukraine (e.g., https://www.businessinsider.com/putins-private-army-115-members-fired-refusing-fight-ukraine-2022-5_.

June 1st, 2022, 11:04
Yes-yes... "crippling sanctions" :)))))))) these sanctions multiplicate Russian income from oil and gas sales almost twice :)))

even yesterday, when EU just announced future embargo, oil prices rocketed and since yesterday Russia will receive $50 millions USD daily more in addition to daily $1 billion USD...

everyday we reading proud announces about "most destructive sanctions" that are running against Russia, it is "on the knees", while Bloomberg publishing news what forecast for Russian GDP'22 fall will be not 12% but 8%... and that is correction has been earned by Russia just in 3 months... "most destructive sanctions" what are postponed for 6 months... for some countries till the end of 2024, and for some sanctions are only on the paper since these countries are exemptions...

Inflation in EU in May is 10% without any sanctions from Russia...

for how long you will repeat western propaganda here? today at press-conference in White House they announced what almost 60% rise of fuel price is "Putin's fault"... do you read? prices are raised because of Putin, not because US canceled Russian oil import and after it offer of oil on the US market shrinks

meanwhile SWIFT reports what Chinese yuan just in 3 months took almost the same share in global trading that has Japanese currency, and is just twice lower than British pound...

June 1st, 2022, 13:50
Yes-yes... "crippling sanctions" :)))))))) these sanctions multiplicate Russian income from oil and gas sales almost twice :)))

even yesterday, when EU just announced future embargo, oil prices rocketed and since yesterday Russia will receive $50 millions USD daily more in addition to daily $1 billion USD...

everyday we reading proud announces about "most destructive sanctions" that are running against Russia, it is "on the knees", while Bloomberg publishing news what forecast for Russian GDP'22 fall will be not 12% but 8%... and that is correction has been earned by Russia just in 3 months... "most destructive sanctions" what are postponed for 6 months... for some countries till the end of 2024, and for some sanctions are only on the paper since these countries are exemptions...

Inflation in EU in May is 10% without any sanctions from Russia...

for how long you will repeat western propaganda here? today at press-conference in White House they announced what almost 60% rise of fuel price is "Putin's fault"... do you read? prices are raised because of Putin, not because US canceled Russian oil import and after it offer of oil on the US market shrinks

meanwhile SWIFT reports what Chinese yuan just in 3 months took almost the same share in global trading that has Japanese currency, and is just twice lower than British pound...

As you don't share from where you drag up this information, it is difficult - but not impossible - to correct it.

Oil prices did not "rocket" after the EU announced its future embargo, e.g., "The global oil price rose above $120 a barrel after European Union leaders agreed to a partial ban on Russian oil imports, lifting oil-producer stocks. Brent crude, the international benchmark, ended the day up 1% at $122.84, after rising as high as $125.28." https://www.barrons.com/articles/russian-oil-embargo-wti-brent-prices-51653985165?tesla=y, May 31, 2022. A 1% rise is hardly significant in the long term of things.

Bloomberg reported that the Russian "Gross domestic product is likely to shrink as much as 12% this year, deeper than the 8% decline expected by the Economy Ministry, according to people familiar with the estimates who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-09/russia-s-economy-facing-worst-contraction-since-1994. You have transposed the figures.

Eurozone inflation in May was 8.1%, not as you claimed ("Inflation in EU in May is 10% without any sanctions from Russia) "as the war in Ukraine stokes energy and food prices." Reports, however, also add, "Prices had already been increasing because of supply chain problems in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic," https://www.dw.com/en/eurozone-inflation-reaches-record-81-in-may/a-61983683.

If the renminbi/yuan has risen, it is because in April, "China's currency just had its worst month ever. It's still dropping" https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/13/investing/china-covid-yuan-usd-weakening-intl-hnk/index.html. "The Chinese currency is declining rapidly as the world's second largest economy falters under the weight of Covid restrictions. Since the start of the year, investors have been moving money out of China, driven by concerns about rising lockdowns in major cities, and Beijing's close ties with Moscow in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The links have raised fears that China could be targeted by Western sanctions if it helps Moscow."

As for SWIFT, you do know that it is not a trading forum for currency? SWIFT does not actually move money; it is only a messaging system banks use to send instructions, using standard codes and formats, from banks in one country to banks in other countries. If the renminbi/yuan has risen to the position you state, it is because people and firms are moving money out of the PRC rather than into it.

The 60% rise in price of gasoline is only in the USA. A website called "Politifact" fact-checked the White House comment, and concluded that "The most recent spike in gas prices has stemmed largely from Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. However, gas prices were rising long before the Russian troop buildup around Ukraine became front-page news, primarily from growing demand due to the economic recovery from the pandemic" https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/mar/16/joe-biden/joe-biden-blame-putin-high-gasoline-prices/. The press in western democracies is free to fact-check politicians' statements. The website lists its sources. The US, by the way, is famous for its usually cheap gasoline prices compared with other countries. Its present US price of around US$4.70 is about the same price as gasoline in Taiwan at the moment - equivalent to US$4.41 - the highest seen in seven years, and in part caused by Saudi Arabia's announcement that it would increase its official contract price for crude oil in April. The CPC adjusts its fuel prices weekly based on changes in crude oil prices, using a weighted oil price formula composed of 70 percent Dubai crude and 30 percent Brent crude. https://focustaiwan.tw/business/202203130008.

In the UK, over 12 months (i.e., a longer period than the Russian incursion into Ukraine), the price rise was 34.4% (https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/timeseries/dogq/mm23) for Petrol and Oil, including Fuel Oil.

While you're crowing about Russia oil sales, why don't you comment on the effect of sanctions on ordinary Russians? "Annual inflation accelerated to 17.83% in April, its highest since January 2002. The central bank, which targets inflation of 4%, said the annual increase in consumer prices was on track to reach to 18-23% in the whole of 2022." https://www.reuters.com/business/russian-weekly-inflation-eases-further-after-recent-spike-2022-05-18/. We all know it is the oligarchs who are taking the major share of oil profits - though they can't move them out of Russia at the moment because Russian banks have been cut off from SWIFT and they themselves are sanctioned.

By the way, have you noticed that I mostly post responses to your statements, rather than "posting Western propaganda"? I also cite my sources so you can check them.

If you stop posting nonsense, I'll stop responding in this thread.

June 1st, 2022, 18:21
Bloomberg reported that the Russian "Gross domestic product is likely to shrink as much as 12% this year, deeper than the 8% decline expected by the Economy Ministry, according to people familiar with the estimates who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...ion-since-1994. You have transposed the figures.

don't read "old news" - they are useless - you are quoting May 9 news... I'm writing what is now, you are argue what was month ago...

Eurozone inflation in May was 8.1%, not as you claimed ("Inflation in EU in May is 10% without any sanctions from Russia) "as the war in Ukraine stokes energy and food prices." Reports, however, also add, "Prices had already been increasing because of supply chain problems in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic," https://www.dw.com/en/eurozone-infla...may/a-61983683.

could you please read carefully? I wrote EU, not "Eurozone" - 19 countries where euro is in use...

As for SWIFT, you do know that it is not a trading forum for currency? SWIFT does not actually move money; it is only a messaging system banks use to send instructions, using standard codes and formats, from banks in one country to banks in other countries. If the renminbi/yuan has risen to the position you state, it is because people and firms are moving money out of the PRC rather than into it.

SWIFT is only system in world what is able precise calculate share of any currency in world in global trade - almost all payments in world are going via SWIFT... why you are talking about currency trading???

The 60% rise in price of gasoline is only in the USA. A website called "Politifact" fact-checked the White House comment, and concluded that "The most recent spike in gas prices has stemmed largely from Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. However, gas prices were rising long before the Russian troop buildup around Ukraine became front-page news, primarily from growing demand due to the economic recovery from the pandemic" https://www.politifact.com/factcheck...soline-prices/. The press in western democracies is free to fact-check politicians' statements. The website lists its sources. The US, by the way, is famous for its usually cheap gasoline prices compared with other countries. Its present US price of around US$4.70 is about the same price as gasoline in Taiwan at the moment - equivalent to US$4.41 - the highest seen in seven years, and in part caused by Saudi Arabia's announcement that it would increase its official contract price for crude oil in April. The CPC adjusts its fuel prices weekly based on changes in crude oil prices, using a weighted oil price formula composed of 70 percent Dubai crude and 30 percent Brent crude. https://focustaiwan.tw/business/202203130008.

You again wrote a lot of lines just to confirm my one sentence: gasoline prices in US raised on 60% and White Hose blames Putin for it, instead confirm what prises are raised because of own embargo of Russian oil

In the UK, over 12 months (i.e., a longer period than the Russian incursion into Ukraine), the price rise was 34.4% (https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/infla...ries/dogq/mm23) for Petrol and Oil, including Fuel Oil.

Thank you for confirmation, that Boris Johnson lies, when blames Putin for raised prices in UK

While you're crowing about Russia oil sales, why don't you comment on the effect of sanctions on ordinary Russians? "Annual inflation accelerated to 17.83% in April, its highest since January 2002. The central bank, which targets inflation of 4%, said the annual increase in consumer prices was on track to reach to 18-23% in the whole of 2022.

Because it isn't true anymore. Why you always quote old as a shit of mammoth news? It is deflation here already: prices what was under influence or weakened ruble, are going down here third week and forecast for yearly inflation is already below 15%

P.S. Please use search tools - its shows news for past 24/72 hours...


June 1st, 2022, 19:22
don't read "old news" - they are useless - you are quoting May 9 news... I'm writing what is now, you are argue what was month ago... could you please read carefully? I wrote EU, not "Eurozone" - 19 countries where euro is in use...
SWIFT is only system in world what is able precise calculate share of any currency in world in global trade - almost all payments in world are going via SWIFT... why you are talking about currency trading???
You again wrote a lot of lines just to confirm my one sentence: gasoline prices in US raised on 60% and White Hose blames Putin for it, instead confirm what prises are raised because of own embargo of Russian oil.
Thank you for confirmation, that Boris Johnson lies, when blames Putin for raised prices in UK.
Because it isn't true anymore. Why you always quote old as a shit of mammoth news? It is deflation here already: prices what was under influence or weakened ruble, are going down here third week and forecast for yearly inflation is already below 15%
P.S. Please use search tools - its shows news for past 24/72 hours...


I"don't read "old news" - they are useless - you are quoting May 9 news... I'm writing what is now, you are argue what was month ago." If you give the link to your sources, I'll quote more up-to-date-information.

I accept your correction regarding inflation in the eurozone rather than in the EU. However, in the EU, "In turn, the projection for inflation has been revised up significantly. In the EU, HICP inflation is now expected to average an all-time high of 6.8% in 2022, before declining to 3.2% in 2023. In the euro area, inflation is projected at 6.1% in 2022 and 2.7% in 2023. This compares with 3.5% and 1.7%, respectively, in the WiF" (WiF refers to the Winter 2022 interim forecast. HIPC refers to the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices, which is an indicator of inflation and price stability for the European Central Bank. It is a consumer price index which is compiled according to a methodology that has been harmonised across EU countries) (https://ec.europa.eu/info/business-economy-euro/economic-performance-and-forecasts/economic-forecasts/spring-2022-economic-forecast_en).

"SWIFT is only system in world what is able precise calculate share of any currency in world in global trade - almost all payments in world are going via SWIFT... why you are talking about currency trading???" WRONG. SWIFT is primarily a service for communications. It acts as a messenger between banks rather than participating in financial transactions, and it accounts for nearly 50% of all global cross-border payments. I use SWIFT to transfer my money between my bank account in Taiwan and my relatives overseas which have nothing to do with international trade. There's a neat little diagram at https://qz.com/2135680/a-visual-explainer-of-swift-the-payment-system-cut-off-to-russia/ which shows the transfer of money between individuals.

Biden's exaggeration was based on the fact that "the most recent spike in gas prices has stemmed largely from Putin’s invasion of Ukraine." That was Putin's fault.

As usual, you drag in information that was not mentioned in your posting - in this case, Boris Johnson.

With regard to your "P.S. Please use search tools - its shows news for past 24/72 hours..., " it is ironic that you write this when none of your statements are linked to sources. That is a point I have made repeatedly.

You harp on the lies of leaders such as Biden and Johnson - try an Internet search for "Putin's lies" and their effect and see the number of articles listed - About 114,000 results (0.34 seconds). You can take Putin out of the KGB but not the KGB out of a 3rd-generation KGB/NKVD apparatchik.

According to Putin himself, his paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879-1965), worked as a cook for both Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov/Lenin and Stalin. It is unlikely that he would have had such a job without being part of the state security apparatus, aka the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs or NKVD.

Putin’s father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911-1999), served in an NKVD Destruction Battalion early in the Great Patriotic War, the term used to describe the conflict fought from June 1941 to May 195 during the Second World War.

"The “Destruction Battalions” (истребители, "destroyers", "exterminators," abbreviated: istrebki in Russian), and strybki in Ukrainian). The instructions given to these battalions are eerily similar to reports of what Russian troops are currently doing in Ukraine: “The destruction battalions have no mercy for our enemies – bandits and other fascist cankers. They shall be not just destroyed, but sent directly under the ground, where is their right place. In every village and settlement, the destruction battalion has a number of tasks in addition to directly breaking the enemy. With bolshevist grimness, everybody who imparts provocational rumors or generates panic, must be extirpated. Everybody, who directly or indirectly helps the enemy, must be found out and exterminated (What is the Destruction battalion and what are its tasks. Tartu Kommunist, 22 -07-1941 on Wikipedia)."

Does the last part read like a blueprint for the "special military operation" in Ukraine?

June 1st, 2022, 20:06
I accept your correction regarding inflation in the eurozone rather than in the EU. However, in the EU, "In turn, the projection for inflation has been revised up significantly. In the EU, HICP inflation is now expected to average an all-time high of 6.8% in 2022, before declining to 3.2% in 2023. In the euro area, inflation is projected at 6.1% in 2022 and 2.7% in 2023. This compares with 3.5% and 1.7%, respectively, in the WiF" (WiF refers to the Winter 2022 interim forecast. HIPC refers to the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices, which is an indicator of inflation and price stability for the European Central Bank. It is a consumer price index which is compiled according to a methodology that has been harmonised across EU countries) (https://ec.europa.eu/info/business-e...ic-forecast_en).

That's only dream of some EU clerks. In March EU already had 7.8% when sanctions even didn't pushed inflation up. https://www.statista.com/statistics/685943/cpi-inflation-rate-europe/

For example April's inflation in Estonia is 18,8%, UK 9%, Czech Republic 14,2%, Latvia 14%, Poland 13,9%...

Biden's exaggeration was based on the fact that "the most recent spike in gas prices has stemmed largely from Putin’s invasion of Ukraine." That was Putin's fault.

Sure. What else can he says? "I stopped import of oil into US and that why prices for gasoline are rocketed so high"? When you saw politician who says "My fault"? Especially if it is representative of Democracy party of US? Socialists never understands how market works. Every president of US from dems made US debt just more huge. Every!

With regard to your "P.S. Please use search tools - its shows news for past 24/72 hours..., " it is ironic that you write this when none of your statements are linked to sources. That is a point I have made repeatedly.

I hope you know how to use Google.

June 1st, 2022, 20:51
That's only dream of some EU clerks. In March EU already had 7.8% when sanctions even didn't pushed inflation up. https://www.statista.com/statistics/685943/cpi-inflation-rate-europe/

For example April's inflation in Estonia is 18,8%, UK 9%, Czech Republic 14,2%, Latvia 14%, Poland 13,9%...

Sure. What else can he says? "I stopped import of oil into US and that why prices for gasoline are rocketed so high"? When you saw politician who says "My fault"? Especially if it is representative of Democracy party of US? Socialists never understands how market works. Every president of US from dems made US debt just more huge. Every!

I hope you know how to use Google.

I am to use up-to-date figures but you're not? Your figures form Statistica are the "Harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) inflation rate of the European Union from January 1997 to March 2022." We are now in June.

You wrote, "Socialists never understands how market works. Every president of US from dems made US debt just more huge. Every! "

But you cite no statistics - but I will, as you are wrong.

Top 5 Presidents Who Contributed to the Debt by Percentage (https://www.thebalance.com/us-debt-by-president-by-dollar-and-percent-3306296). By Kimberly Amadeo. Updated February 07, 2022. In the original article, the presidents' political affiliations were not noted, so I have added them.

Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) - DEMOCRAT. (This was during the Great Depression).
President Roosevelt added the largest percentage increase to the national debt. Although he only added $236 billion, this was an increase of about 1,048% from the $22.5 billion debt level left by President Herbert Hoover before him. The Great Depression and the New Deal contributed to FDR's yearly deficits, but the biggest cost was World War II—it added $186.3 billion to the debt between 1942 and 1945.3

Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) - DEMOCRAT - This was during World War I.
President Wilson was the second-largest contributor to the debt, percentage-wise. He added about $21 billion, which was a 723% increase over the $2.9 billion debt of his predecessor. World War I contributed to the deficits that raised the national debt.

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) - REPUBLICAN
President Reagan increased the debt by $1.86 trillion, or by 186%. Reagan's supply-side economics didn't grow the economy enough to offset the lost revenue from its tax cuts. Reagan also increased the defense budget by 35%.4

George W. Bush (2001-2009) - REPUBLICAN - this included both the Iraqi and Afghan special military operations - I use Putin's words as the US Congress has not declared war since 1942.
President Bush added $5.85 trillion to the national debt. That's a 101% increase, putting him in fourth. Bush launched the War on Terror in response to the 9/11 attacks, which led to multi-trillion-dollar spending on the War in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq. Bush also dealt with the 2001 recession and the 2008 financial crisis.5

Barack Obama (2009-2017) - DEMOCRAT - this was during the continuation of the Iraqi and Afghan special military operations.
Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most in dollar terms ($8.6 trillion) and was fifth by percentage at 74%. Obama fought the Great Recession with an $831 billion economic stimulus package and added $858 billion through tax cuts. Even though the fiscal year 2009 budget was set by President Bush, Obama added to it with the Economic Stimulus Act in 2009.657

You cite April's figures for Estonia is 18,8%, UK 9%, Czech Republic 14,2%, Latvia 14%, Poland 13,9%...not even as current as those of mine you criticized.

"I hope you know how to use Google." I do - as this report shows: Russian economic forecasts improve despite lingering conflict in Ukraine - Reuters poll
Reuters, May 31 (Reuters) - Russia's economy will contract less than expected this year and inflation will be lower than previously thought, a Reuters poll showed on Tuesday, after what Moscow calls a "special military" operation in Ukraine entered its fourth month. May 31, 202210:34 PM GMT+8Last Updated a day ago.
Western sanctions hammer Russian economy
Inflation expected to accelerate to 16.4% in 2022
Economy seen shrinking 7.6% in 2022
Central bank expected to cut key rate to 8% by year-end.

Current enough for you?

The famous Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz, a military theorist who stressed the "moral" and political aspects of war, wrote that "War is merely the continuation of policy by other means. We see, therefore, that. war is not merely an act of policy but a true political instrument, a continuation of. political intercourse, carried on with other means." We can paraphrase his words in the modern era as "the world’s democracies must recognize that disinformation is nothing but the continuation of war by other means. Defending against such threats will require not just stronger logistical means, but also stronger legal tools." Sanctions, anyone?

June 2nd, 2022, 21:15
Today is sad anniversary. At June 2, 2014, Ukraine made first rocket strike by city Lugansk - city, what was yet Ukrainian at that time. 8 were killed, 20 injured.

In this video are clips from mobile phones and CCTV from streets, including moment of the strike from aircraft. Once again: June 2, 2014, 8 years ago.


June 3rd, 2022, 01:35
Today is sad anniversary. At June 2, 2014, Ukraine made first rocket strike by city Lugansk - city, what was yet Ukrainian at that time. 8 were killed, 20 injured.

Ukraine is striking at its own territory, and Russia is rushing to help this work with best efforts. Looking at the Ukrainian cities they doing pretty well...

June 3rd, 2022, 03:05
Ukraine is striking at its own territory, and Russia is rushing to help this work with best efforts. Looking at the Ukrainian cities they doing pretty well...

Not only own territory, but also own citizens. Barbarians.

"And Russia" waited for Minsk protocols implementation almost 8 years before to intervene.

June 3rd, 2022, 07:24
Not only own territory, but also own citizens. Barbarians.

"And Russia" waited for Minsk protocols implementation almost 8 years before to intervene.

Why would Russia wait when the implementation of the Minsk Protocols was not its concern? The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova publicly stated in March 2016 that "Russia is not a party to the Minsk agreements. They are devoted to two conflicting sides. We must exert influence on the conflicting sides and, likewise, France and Germany must exert influence on Kiev. That’s all. We don’t have to do anything else."

And again in September 2021, "Diplomat reminds US, Ukraine that Russia is not a party to Minsk agreements," https://tass.com/world/1334327. She wrote: "MOSCOW, September 6. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has stressed that Russia is not a party to the Minsk agreements and urged the US Embassy in Moscow to inform the US diplomatic mission in Kiev about that.
Zakharova was commenting on reports saying that the US Embassy in Ukraine had called on Russia to fully honor its commitments under the Minsk accords. "I did not know that the US Embassy in Ukraine also performed the functions of the American diplomatic mission in Russia. Is that how they are optimizing or what?" she wrote on her Telegram channel.
"As long as we do not know anything about that, I urge the US Embassy in Russia to tell the US Embassy in Ukraine that Russia is not a party to the Minsk agreements. At the same time, the Package of Measures is mandatory for the parties to the intra-Ukrainian conflict: Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk," she stressed.
Zakharova noted that the Minsk Package of Measures made no mention of any obligations by Russia, but specified the parties to the conflict, which are the Ukrainian authorities and Ukraine’s armed forces on the one hand and the representatives of certain districts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and their militias on the other, do have such obligations."

Al Jazeeera noted that "A major blockage has been Russia’s insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms" ("Why has the 2015 agreement failed to end fighting in eastern Ukraine? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement-and-why-is-it-relevant-now).

If Russia is not a party to the Minsk protocols, and indeed is a major cause of them not being implemented, it has no right to intervene in what its Foreign Ministry clearly stated - stressed - is an intra-Ukrainian conflict in which Russia had no obligations!!

June 3rd, 2022, 09:23
Not only own territory, but also own citizens. Barbarians..

Crocodile tears and blatant hypocrisy! Read Russia's own history of attacking and killing its own citizens!

Russia's wars in Chechnya offer a grim warning of what could be in Ukraine, March 12, 20228:27 AM ET, https://www.npr.org/2022/03/12/1085861999/russias-wars-in-chechnya-offer-a-grim-warning-of-what-could-be-in-ukraine

Russia unleashes a heavy bombing campaign. Cities and towns are reduced to rubble. Thousands of civilians are killed.

Russia did this twice — against fellow Russian citizens — in Chechnya in the 1990s. That raises the question of whether Russian President Vladimir Putin is using the same playbook as he wages war in Ukraine today.

In Chechnya, a tiny Muslim republic in southern Russia with just 1.5 million people, resistance to Russian rule dates back at least two centuries. Rebels there began agitating for independence after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
After a couple of years of increasing tension, Russia unleashed a major invasion marked by relentless airstrikes and salvos of heavy artillery. Thousands of fighters and tens of thousands of Chechen civilians were killed. The Chechen capital, Grozny, was laid to waste.
Block after block, most every building was completely gutted. No other city had been so intensely bombed for decades. The devastation evoked those black-and-white photos of European cities pummeled in World War II.
Russia waged the campaign for two years, with its powerful military trying and repeatedly failing to crush a small band of rebels. Remarkably, Russia lost.

President Boris Yeltsin's government in 1996 signed a peace treaty with Chechnya, removed all Russian troops from the territory and granted broad autonomy to Chechnya, though not formal independence.

Putin comes to power
But three years later, as Yeltsin was about to leave office, he named an obscure spy turned politician to be his prime minister — Vladimir Putin.
Putin assumed that office on Aug. 9, 1999, and by the end of that month, Russia was waging a renewed bombing campaign against Chechen rebels in an attempt to reverse the earlier humiliation.
The second Chechen war was also brutal, though it proved more effective. Russian forces took control of the breakaway republic after just a few months.
In March 2000, a triumphant Putin, who had by this time become president, flew to Grozny in a Russian fighter jet. He emerged from the aircraft in a full pilot suit, to commemorate the victory.
Putin installed a Kremlin-friendly leader, Akhmad Kadyrov, to strengthen his hold of the territory. Kadyrov was assassinated in 2004, but his son, Ramzan Kadyrov, now rules Chechnya.

In the current battle in Ukraine, Chechen forces have been sent in to fight with the Russian military."

June 3rd, 2022, 14:38
Crocodile tears and blatant hypocrisy! Read Russia's own history of attacking and killing its own citizens!

Russia's wars in Chechnya offer a grim warning of what could be in Ukraine, March 12, 20228:27 AM ET, https://www.npr.org/2022/03/12/1085861999/russias-wars-in-chechnya-offer-a-grim-warning-of-what-could-be-in-ukraine

Russia unleashes a heavy bombing campaign. Cities and towns are reduced to rubble. Thousands of civilians are killed.

Russia did this twice — against fellow Russian citizens — in Chechnya in the 1990s. That raises the question of whether Russian President Vladimir Putin is using the same playbook as he wages war in Ukraine today.

In Chechnya, a tiny Muslim republic in southern Russia with just 1.5 million people, resistance to Russian rule dates back at least two centuries. Rebels there began agitating for independence after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
After a couple of years of increasing tension, Russia unleashed a major invasion marked by relentless airstrikes and salvos of heavy artillery. Thousands of fighters and tens of thousands of Chechen civilians were killed. The Chechen capital, Grozny, was laid to waste.
Block after block, most every building was completely gutted. No other city had been so intensely bombed for decades. The devastation evoked those black-and-white photos of European cities pummeled in World War II.
Russia waged the campaign for two years, with its powerful military trying and repeatedly failing to crush a small band of rebels. Remarkably, Russia lost.

President Boris Yeltsin's government in 1996 signed a peace treaty with Chechnya, removed all Russian troops from the territory and granted broad autonomy to Chechnya, though not formal independence.

Putin comes to power
But three years later, as Yeltsin was about to leave office, he named an obscure spy turned politician to be his prime minister — Vladimir Putin.
Putin assumed that office on Aug. 9, 1999, and by the end of that month, Russia was waging a renewed bombing campaign against Chechen rebels in an attempt to reverse the earlier humiliation.
The second Chechen war was also brutal, though it proved more effective. Russian forces took control of the breakaway republic after just a few months.
In March 2000, a triumphant Putin, who had by this time become president, flew to Grozny in a Russian fighter jet. He emerged from the aircraft in a full pilot suit, to commemorate the victory.
Putin installed a Kremlin-friendly leader, Akhmad Kadyrov, to strengthen his hold of the territory. Kadyrov was assassinated in 2004, but his son, Ramzan Kadyrov, now rules Chechnya.

In the current battle in Ukraine, Chechen forces have been sent in to fight with the Russian military."

So how your tens of lines excuse Ukraine for 8 years of bombing own citizens? 16000 killed...

July 2, 2014, 6 killed 11 injured


June, 2014 Kramatorsk, Slavyansk Ukraine,


June 2, 2014, Slavyansk, kindergarten


June 3rd, 2022, 15:08
August 2014, tens killed, phosphorus bombs, bombed hospital and living area, family with kids killed by soldiers right in own car at time of evacuation


July 2014 Mariupol


October 2014 Donbass, phosphorous bombs


June 3rd, 2022, 16:26
[QUOTE=Moses;290997]So how your tens of lines excuse Ukraine for 8 years of bombing own citizens? 16000 killed... /QUOTE]

As usual, you ignore my comments when they are unfavorable to the Russian position and respond by dragging in propaganda statements about so-called Ukrainian atrocities. Your video clips are less informative than my so-called "tens of lines" because they could have come from anywhere.

There is nothing in any of my comments that indicates I defend the deaths in the Donbas region as I was responding to your comment about the barbarity of Ukraine attacking and killing its own citizens. I was pointing out that Russia was in no position to condemn Ukraine when it had done exactly the same in Chechnya - also under Putin's administration.

As for comparing death tolls, consider the reported tolls in Chechnya. In the First Chechen War, between 1994 and 1996, the Russian troops invading Chechnya killed between 80,000 and 100,000 people, most civilians. Figures for the Second Chechen War from 1999 vary wildly, from 25,000 to 200,000 civilian dead plus 8,000 to 40,000 Russian military. They usually don't include the death toll in Dagestan, Ingushetia, and other neighbouring regions of North Caucasus, where the violence spilled over from Chechnya. Sources: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=number+killed+in+russian+invasion+of+chechnya; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Second_Chechen_War; https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/026349300750057964?journalCode=ccas20.

You will probably ignore the above statements as being untrustworthy and biased, so consider the following one. In August, 2005, A "Chechen Official Puts War Death Toll At 160,000" (https://www.rferl.org/a/1060708.html): A top official in Chechnya's pro-Kremlin government said on 15 August that up to 160,000 troops and civilians have died or gone missing in the two wars waged by Russia against Chechen separatist rebels. The statement has created a stir in Russia -- not only because the figure exceeds by far previous official data, but also since ethnic Chechens make up only one-quarter of the toll. Experts have denounced the figure as purely political.

The article continues (more 10s of lines): Moscow, 16 August 2005 (RFE/RL) - Between 150,000 and 160,000 people -- this is the total death toll of the two wars in Chechnya, according to Taus Djabrailov, the head of Chechnya's interim parliament.

The toll includes federal troops, rebel fighters, and civilians who died or went missing during both the first conflict -- from 1994 to 1996 -- and the second, which began in 1999 and continues today.

Djabrailov also said ethnic Chechens make up no more than one-quarter of that death toll, although he failed to provide any explanation for this.

He told RFE/RL's Russian Service that his estimates were virtually impossible to confirm.

"This figure is for the total losses in the Chechen republic, of federal forces as well as of people who went missing," Djabrailov said. "We quote this figure, although, officially, it is almost impossible to back up with facts."

The Russian government has yet to issue official death tolls for either conflict, although officials occasionally mention various figures. But these are, as a rule, dismissed by human rights groups as gross underestimates.

According to official figures, some 10,000 federal troops have been killed in both wars so far. Independent experts and rights advocates put this figure at up to 40,000.

The high death toll given by Djabrailov therefore comes as a surprise for many Russians, particularly since the Chechen government remains largely loyal to the Kremlin, and would likely not be likely to highlight the grimmest aspects of the war."

The rest of the article discusses reasons why the figures might or might not be correct - in essence, highlighting the fact that "official" figures produced by Russian Federation authorities are not to be trusted.

[QUOTE=Moses;290997][SIZE=3][B] August 2014, tens killed, phosphorus bombs, bombed hospital and living area, family with kids killed by soldiers right in own car at time of evacuation. /QUOTE]

If you change the date to February to May, 2022, this comment would refer to the Russian Federation's targeting of civilian sites in Chernihiv, etc.

June 3rd, 2022, 17:34
August 2014, tens killed, phosphorus bombs, bombed hospital and living area, family with kids killed by soldiers right in own car at time of evacuation.

If you change the date to February to May, 2022, this comment would refer to the Russian Federation's targeting of civilian sites in Chernihiv, etc.

So, tell me - what was early: 2014 or 2022?

And where was your tongue from 2014 till Feb 24 2022? These videos are on YouTube since 2014. Where was all Western tongues?

And now West cooperates with Nazi, supply them with weaponry, moneys. Shame!


June 3rd, 2022, 17:47
Everything started in 2014 - from nationalists coup:


Coup has been inspired and supported by US:

Nuland in Kiev, 2014


Biden in Kiev, in chair of speaker of parliament, 2014:


June 3rd, 2022, 19:47
So, tell me - what was early: 2014 or 2022?

And where was your tongue from 2014 till Feb 24 2022? These videos are on YouTube since 2014. Where was all Western tongues?

And now West cooperates with Nazi, supply them with weaponry, moneys. Shame!


Your responses are becoming increasingly wilder, almost hysterical and, as usual, you drag in something new that is supposed to answer your own questions. I could ask you "Where your tongue was between 2014 and 2022?" I do not recall any postings on the subject by you until this thread began.

Pictures of people marching don't mean the national government or the majority of the population support them. Right-wing candidates for the Ukrainian parliament in the last election gained around 2% of the vote!! Ukraine does have a far right like most countries of the world have, but both their organizational strength and electoral support are smaller than in many other European countries, including in Russia (using the commonly accepted meaning of the term)!

I have already stated that I (and many others) don't accept the peculiarly Russian new definition of "Nazi," and your repeated use of the term will not convince me that it is accurate. There have existed at least 12 Russian far right Neo-Nazi parties, including both the Russian National Unity party (now officially banned) and Oprichny Dvor which used a Nazi swastika or other swastika form on their flags. The fact these parties ever existed (legally or clandestinely) indicates that Russia has its own neo-Nazi problem - in the old sense of the word. I don't see you writing about them.

Let me quote comments by your own esteemed leader views on the Ukrainian situation in 2021. . They are from an article he wrote in response to a question on his annual Direct Line Q&A program in that year.

"ON THE HISTORICAL UNITY OF RUSSIANS AND UKRAINIANS, By Vladimir Putin (2021) (https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/On_the_Historical_Unity_of_Russians_and_Ukrainians ; https://web.archive.org/web/20211210002245/http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/66181).

During the recent Direct Line, when I was asked about Russian-Ukrainian relations, I said that Russians and Ukrainians were one people – a single whole. These words were not driven by some short-term considerations or prompted by the current political context. It is what I have said on numerous occasions and what I firmly believe. I therefore feel it necessary to explain my position in detail and share my assessments of today’s situation. .....

First of all, I would like to emphasize that the wall that has emerged in recent years between Russia and Ukraine, between the parts of what is essentially the same historical and spiritual space, to my mind is our great common misfortune and tragedy. These are, first and foremost, the consequences of our own mistakes made at different periods of time. ....

The throne of Kiev held a dominant position in Ancient Rus. This had been the custom since the late 9th century. The Tale of Bygone Years captured for posterity the words of Oleg the Prophet about Kiev, “Let it be the mother of all Russian cities.“ ....

Russia is open to dialogue with Ukraine and ready to discuss the most complex issues. But it is important for us to understand that our partner is defending its national interests but not serving someone else's, and is not a tool in someone else's hands to fight against us.
We respect the Ukrainian language and traditions. We respect Ukrainians' desire to see their country free, safe and prosperous. .....

Today, these words may be perceived by some people with hostility. They can be interpreted in many possible ways. Yet, many people will hear me. And I will say one thing – Russia has never been and will never be “anti-Ukraine”. And what Ukraine will be – it is up to its citizens to decide. "

Note the last sentence - "And what Ukraine will be – it is up to its citizens to decide." In Putin's own words, it is not up to Russian citizens to decide what Ukraine will be.

And as is well-known, Putin is famed for meaning what he writes and says - until he doesn't.

I should point out that Oleg the Prophet is a semi-legendary figure, and what it is claimed he said is in a citation in the 12th century Primary Chronicle. In fact, what he is supposed to have said was "Kyiv was called the “mother of the Rus' cities.” The “mother of cities” is a loan translation from Greek word “metropolis,” which denoted a capital city. So this expression really means that Kyiv was the capital of Rus', not Russia - which didn't then exist. Modern Russia descends from the 13th century Grand Principality of Moscow, one of several successors of Rus' state. Kyiv was founded in 482, and "Ukraine" was first used in reference to a part of the territory of Kievan Rus' in 1187. The name "Moscow" doesn't appear until 1147 in the Russian Chronicles, when prince Yuri Dolgorukiy called upon his brother, the prince of the Novgorod-Severski to "come to me, brother, to Moscow." As Yuri didn't fortify Moscow with wooden walls and a moat.in 1156, it was probably not a very important place. Ukraine has no less claims to Rus' heritage than modern Russia.

By the way, when I tried to open your attachment in the posting beginning "Everything started in 2014 - from nationalists coup:" they didn't open. So I will ignore it.

June 3rd, 2022, 19:57
Your responses are becoming increasingly wilder, almost hysterical

only in your dreams, dear...

but I understand your confuse: it is hard to explain why bombing in 2022 is bad and in 2014 - is good (if it is bad, where was your tongue then all 8 years?), moreover - you see Nazi marching by Ukrainian streets, you see Nazi in Ukrainian army, and must give good explanation why your minority supports Nazi, who started that war.

Shame on US and EU, shame on Nazi supporters. Full responsibility for ongoing war in on US, who inspired and supported nationalists coup in Kiev in 2014.

Now you may watch results, and don't tell me, what you don't see SS and other Nazi emblems on uniform:



June 3rd, 2022, 22:35
only in your dreams, dear...

but I understand your confuse: it is hard to explain why bombing in 2022 is bad and in 2014 - is good (if it is bad, where was your tongue then all 8 years?), moreover - you see Nazi marching by Ukrainian streets, you see Nazi in Ukrainian army, and must give good explanation why your minority supports Nazi, who started that war.

Shame on US and EU, shame on Nazi supporters. Full responsibility for ongoing war in on US, who inspired and supported nationalists coup in Kiev in 2014.

Now you may watch results, and don't tell me, what you don't see SS and other Nazi emblems on uniform:



And where was your tongue for the last 8 years?

I can see the Ukrainian flags and the German Nazi emblems on uniforms.

BUT, as you don't show the sources of the images you post, I can only assume that they come from a Russian propaganda film produced by either of the KGB's main successors - the FSB (Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) and the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service), given Putin's membership of both the KGB and the FSB. Or they were staged for Russian media.

I did a Google search for the last year for "funerals of ukrainian soldiers with nazi symbols" (https://www.google.com/search?q=funerals%20of%20ukrainian%20soldiers%20wi th%20nazi%20symbols&tbm=isch&hl=en&tbs=qdr:y&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=0CAUQpwVqFwoTCMi_qMXMkfgCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD&biw=1519&bih=667) and found no such images.

June 3rd, 2022, 23:32
Old Google News not factoring all the big new Russian "mortuary money"
and body fertilizer profits?

June 4th, 2022, 00:09
Dragonman, I for one, have to say, your responses to Moses have always been on-point and very concise. I enjoy your debating skills and am impressed with your thoroughness in separating fact from fiction. Thank you very much for helping to clear the air and setting the record straight.

June 4th, 2022, 00:31
I did a Google search for the last year for "funerals of ukrainian soldiers with nazi symbols" (https://www.google.com/search?q=funerals%20of%20ukrainian%20soldiers%20wi th%20nazi%20symbols&tbm=isch&hl=en&tbs=qdr:y&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=0CAUQpwVqFwoTCMi_qMXMkfgCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD&biw=1519&bih=667) and found no such images.

For sure it is proof.

Why you just don't copy image to https://tineye.com you will easy find proof of existence - photos are from funeral of 3 of members Nazi Galicia SS division. Event was in 2014 at time of Maidan at West of Ukraine. There were a lot of angry posts in Twitter from Poland about this event.

For convenience here is big report in Chinese https://chaoglobal.wordpress.com/2014/02/28/19442014/

Also copyrights at the left bottom corner shows source Pavlo Palomarchuk (author) / Galinfo news agency from West of Ukraine https://galinfo.com.ua/

You again wrote disinformation and ideas from own mind.

June 4th, 2022, 00:51
Today EU made most funny declaration about Ukraine. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/06/03/ukraine-declaration-by-the-high-representative-on-behalf-of-the-eu-on-attempts-of-the-russian-federation-to-forcefully-integrate-parts-of-ukrainian-territory/

The European Union strongly condemns any attempts by Russia to replace democratically elected and legitimate Ukrainian administrations.

Let me remind you coup what EU calls "democratic elections"




June 4th, 2022, 03:48


It is very shameful to publish here this obvious fake with nazi symbols.

June 4th, 2022, 05:36
Yes yes they were wearing funny uniforms and deserved to get their whole country murdered.

What kind of iDIOTS believe this?

What kind of lowlife mentality thinks this is justification?

June 4th, 2022, 07:10
For sure it is proof.

Why you just don't copy image to https://tineye.com you will easy find proof of existence - photos are from funeral of 3 of members Nazi Galicia SS division. Event was in 2014 at time of Maidan at West of Ukraine. There were a lot of angry posts in Twitter from Poland about this event.

For convenience here is big report in Chinese https://chaoglobal.wordpress.com/2014/02/28/19442014/

Also copyrights at the left bottom corner shows source Pavlo Palomarchuk (author) / Galinfo news agency from West of Ukraine https://galinfo.com.ua/

You again wrote disinformation and ideas from own mind.

In an earlier post, you were annoyed that I cited events that were not contemporary with what is happening now in Ukraine. You, however, continue to post material from years past in support of Putin's claim of Nazi influence in contemporary Ukraine, such as photos of a funeral in 2014. The Nazi Galicia SS was a World War II military formation that was largely destroyed in the battle of Brody, reformed, renamed the first division of the Ukrainian National Army and surrendering to the Western Allies by 10 May 1945. Ancient history.

The report in Chinese is from a Mainland Chinese organization, citing an Al Jazeera report from 2014 relating to incidents following former President Yanukovych's removal from office following his impeachment by the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada Committee.

The original Al Jazeera report noted "Yanukovich, who enraged much of the population by turning away from the European Union to cultivate closer relations with Russia three months ago, made sweeping concessions in the deal brokered by European diplomats on Friday after days of pitched fighting in Kiev that saw police snipers gun down protesters." It also noted "Underscoring Ukraine’s regional divisions, leaders of Russian-speaking eastern provinces loyal to Yanukovich voted to challenge anti-Yanukovich steps by the central parliament. Eastern regional bosses meeting in Kharkiv – the city where Yanukovich had apparently sought refuge – adopted a resolution saying parliament’s moves “in such circumstances cause doubts about their … legitimacy and legality. “Until the constitutional order and lawfulness are restored … we have decided to take responsibility for safeguarding the constitutional order, legality, citizens’ rights and their security on our territories.” Kharkiv Governor Mikhaylo Dobkin told the meeting: “We’re not preparing to break up the country. We want to preserve it” (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2014/2/22/ukraine-president-yanukovich-impeached).

Again, however, you are referring to events eight year's ago, not contemporary ones.

The photographs may be copyrighted but they are not dated. A top story yesterday,however, on Galinfo was "Today Lviv will say goodbye to Hero Serhiy Trotsan." The opening text reads, "On June 3, Lviv will say goodbye to the Hero Serhiy Trotsan, who died near Bakhmut in the Donetsk region, defending the Motherland from Russian invaders." The article also carried the following statement from the Administration of the Mayor "Eugene Boyko: "We ask Lviv residents to take to the streets between 11:30 and 12:00 to attend the funeral procession to honor the Hero. We must pay tribute to those who gave their most valuable lives for us. guests of the city to join. During the funeral, please refrain from holding entertainment events or celebrations. Trotsan's motto was ""It's not scary to die, it's scary to lose comrades." He died in the fight against the Russian occupiers near the city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region. He was aged 27. (https://galinfo-com-ua.translate.goog/news/sogodni_lviv_proshchatymetsya_z_geroiem_sergiiem_t rotsanom_386075.html?).

Some more contemporary photos, etc., please.

Galinfo also carries an article headed "Vladimir Gulima: Some Russian soldiers in the army saw a warm toilet for the first time," that notes that wealthy St. Petersburgers and Muscovites manage to avoid conscription so that "Those who live in the countryside serve in the Russian army. Those who do not know what sewerage is, what cultural institutions are. For most Russian youth, the army is the most significant event in their lives. There they saw for the first time a larger circle of people, a kind of civilization, some saw bed linen, a warm toilet for the first time, and so on. That's why it makes a strong impression on them. Their army remained the stage that will be remembered for a lifetime" (https://galinfo-com-ua.translate.goog/articles/volodymyr_gulyma_chastyna_rosiyskyh_soldativ_v_arm ii_vpershe_pobachyla_teplyy_tualet_384919.html?).
You stated "You again wrote disinformation and ideas from own mind." No, I always give the sources on which I base my comments - unlike you.

June 4th, 2022, 07:24
Today EU made most funny declaration about Ukraine. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/06/03/ukraine-declaration-by-the-high-representative-on-behalf-of-the-eu-on-attempts-of-the-russian-federation-to-forcefully-integrate-parts-of-ukrainian-territory/

Let me remind you coup what EU calls "democratic elections"

It was a people's coup, aka revolution, something like that in Russia in 1917

There is an English-language expression that is a version of an old Spanish saying about the "pot calling the kettle black." It means something you say that means people should not criticize someone else for a fault that they have themselves.

"Russia election: Putin's party wins election marred by fraud claims, 20 September 2021 (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58614227). "Russian President Vladimir Putin's party has won a parliamentary majority following an election marred by reports of fraud." The report states, "With almost all of the votes counted, the United Russia party had won nearly 50% of the vote, marking a slight drop in support from the previous election. Mr Putin's biggest critics were barred from running, and there were reports of ballot stuffing and forced voting. Russia's electoral commission rejected claims of widespread irregularities."

"Russian elections once again had a suspiciously neat result. Opponents were jailed and barred. For good measure, the authorities cheated at the polls too," https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/10/11/russian-elections-once-again-had-a-suspiciously-neat-result.

Many similar reports on Google.

Russia is ranked as the #134 (Authoritarian regime) most democratic country in the world according to the Democracy Index. Ukraine is ranked #86 (Hybrid regime). Taiwan is ranked #8 (Full democracy). Talk to me convincingly about democratic elections.

June 4th, 2022, 08:37
Dragonman, I for one, have to say, your responses to Moses have always been on-point and very concise. I enjoy your debating skills and am impressed with your thoroughness in separating fact from fiction. Thank you very much for helping to clear the air and setting the record straight.

In Taiwan, we are used to dealing with disinformation - which Stalin originated as дезинформация or dezinformatsiya.

Almost all of it comes from the People's Republic of China's "content farms" and fake accounts targeting Taiwanese on social media. Recently, they have been targeting the country's COVID-19 measures as well as altering posts on Taiwan’s most popular online bulletin board system, targeting Taiwanese on Facebook, and so on.

Taiwan's Investigation Bureau (part of the Ministry of Justice) and its Information and Communication Security Division are very conscious that this is part of the CPC's "cognitive warfare" campaign against the country. They try to ensure that all social media users are aware of the dangers of fake news and disinformation. The Bureau in particular urges ordinary people to try to verify any content they access online, especially before sharing it, as otherwise they might contravene the law by spreading fake news without due diligence.

That is what I try to do here with Moses' postings.

The Russian Federation's President Putin, on March 18th of this year, signed two laws (Law No.31-FZ and Law No.27-FZ) limiting access to foreign media and imposing a jail term of up to 15 years for spreading intentionally "fake" news about the military, thus stepping up the information war over the conflict in Ukraine. Russian officials have repeatedly said that "false information" has been spread by Russia's enemies such as the United States and its Western European allies in an attempt to sow discord among the Russian people (see, e.g., https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-introduce-jail-terms-spreading-fake-information-about-army-2022-03-04/). The laws effectively constitute censorship - which the Russian Federation's Constitution forbids in Paragraph 5 of Article 29. But what's a Constitution to a President like Putin?

The laws don't define "fake news" except as information considered as "unreliable information" by Russian authorities. As I consider much of what Moses posts as "unreliable information," I feel that my comments are in the spirit of Russian law.

June 4th, 2022, 13:18
Yes yes they were wearing funny uniforms and deserved to get their whole country murdered.

What kind of iDIOTS believe this?

What kind of lowlife mentality thinks this is justification?

Yes-yes... just reminder: June 2, year 2014, Ukrainian aircraft bombing Lugansk city, central square of peaceful city


June 4th, 2022, 13:46
It was a people's coup, aka revolution, something like that in Russia in 1917

Yes. And right after Russian revolution in 1918 UK, US, Canada and even Australia + 10 more countries intervened into Russia for to terminate revolution.

June 4th, 2022, 14:05
It is very shameful to publish here this obvious fake with nazi symbols.

First stage is always denial... I understand you: "It cannot be true". But it is.

Here is full report of Galician news agency with original photos. They show Nazi adepts of Ukraine in full colors. https://galinfo.com.ua/photo/na_lvivshchyni_perepohovaly_16_voyakiv_dyvizii_gal ychyna_foto_138749.html
one more https://lb.ua/news/2017/07/24/372205_lvovskoy_oblasti_perezahoronili.html

you for sure may read Ukrainian. They are proud to use SS symbols. At the event one of speeches held real veteran of Galicia SS division.




June 4th, 2022, 14:23
First stage is always denial... I understand you: "It cannot be true". But it is.

Even if the images a real i beleave it is just a group of idiots. I think that such narrow-minded people could be found in Russia and even in Germany as well. But it is for sure not the reason to invade and ruin all country.

June 4th, 2022, 14:31
Even if the images a real i beleave it is just a group of idiots. I think that such narrow-minded people could be found in Russia and even in Germany as well.

Sure. But there is difference: such idiot spend time in prisons in Russia, some even died there. But in Ukraine such idiots controling country, marching parades in the center of Kiev and forming battalions in Ukrainian army. They are marginals in Russia, but not in Ukraine - there they are mainstream.


June 4th, 2022, 14:39
Maybe then, this is an internal problem of Ukraine, and not ours? And why should we here in Russia sacrifice our future for this "denazification"?

June 4th, 2022, 15:25
And why should we here in Russia sacrifice our future for this "denazification"?

Maybe because our grandfathers and fathers did the same in 1941-1945, and later - till about 1960s - at the West of Ukraine?

June 4th, 2022, 16:32
Yes. And right after Russian revolution in 1918 UK, US, Canada and even Australia + 10 more countries intervened into Russia for to terminate revolution.

Don't forget the Chinese troops sent by the-then government to Vladivostok (Hǎishēnwǎi) at the request of the Chinese merchant community in the Russian Far East for their protection - about 1600 soldiers and 700 support personnel (https://books.openedition.org/ceup/1231?lang=en) Of course, the region had been Chinese territory until the 1858 Treaty of Aigun of 1858 and the 1860 Treaty of Peking. Given the desire of the present PRC government to unite under their banner all the lands and territories seen by them as previously part of the Chinese Empire, they'll probably want the territory back soon.

June 4th, 2022, 16:46
First stage is always denial... I understand you: "It cannot be true". But it is.

Here is full report of Galician news agency with original photos. They show Nazi adepts of Ukraine in full colors. https://galinfo.com.ua/photo/na_lvivshchyni_perepohovaly_16_voyakiv_dyvizii_gal ychyna_foto_138749.html
one more https://lb.ua/news/2017/07/24/372205_lvovskoy_oblasti_perezahoronili.html

you for sure may read Ukrainian. They are proud to use SS symbols. At the event one of speeches held real veteran of Galicia SS division.




The Galinfo report is dated MONDAY, JULY 20TH, 2013.

The headline states "In Lviv region reburied 16 soldiers of the division "Galicia."

The text refers specifically to searchers who "found a sanitary burial of the victims of the Second World War. In the common grave, which in its size reached 2x2 meters and was 1.2 meters deep, the remains of sixteen people rested. According to the searchers of kp ENT "Dolya", the found remains belong to the soldiers of the division "Galicia", which in July 1944 as part of the Wehrmacht troops participated in the battle known in history as the "Brody boiler". The fact that the remains belong to the soldiers - divisional soldiers is confirmed by the artifacts found in the research excavation of the grave: remnants of fabric from uniforms, buttons from German uniforms, shoes, rings, awards and other things of military ammunition."

It notes at the end, "However, the specialists of the KR ENT "Dolya" have some doubts that all the remains belong to the soldiers of the division. One of the awards in the excavation, the so-called Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, with a swastika and the specified year of 1939, could not belong to a soldier-divisional. Therefore, as the director of the enterprise Svyatoslav Sheremet stressed, there are reasons to say that among the buried in the grave are the remains of at least one Wehrmacht soldier."

So, the bodies found and reburied may all be those of Ukrainian dead, or Slovak dead (the division also contained Slovaks), or German dead, or some combination thereof.

Today's (June 4: 12.53) Galinfo contains the following information:
Russian invaders continue to suffer heavy losses on Ukrainian soil.
Thus, according to the General Staff, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 04.06 are approximately:
personnel - about 31,050 (+100) military personnel,
tanks - 1376 (+9),
armored combat vehicles - 3379 (+13),
artillery systems - 680 (+5),
MLRS - 207 (+0),
air defense means - 95 (+0),
aircraft - 210 (+0),
helicopters - 175 (+0),
Tactical-level UAVs - 540 (+5),
cruise missiles - 122 (+1),
ships/boats - 13 (+0),
automotive machinery and tanker trucks - 2337 (+8),
special equipment - 52 (+1).
The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Zaporizhzhya direction.

The data is being clarified (https://galinfo.com.ua/).

June 4th, 2022, 19:26
More small minded Russian lies and propaganda again...

June 4th, 2022, 22:10
The part I like the most is how apparently, China is doing military exercises on their north eastern border with Russia, and may pull the trigger and invade Russia:


If you think about the oil supplies, and the fact that those oil fields in eastern Russia are going to run dry in 24 - 36 months due to Western companies pulling out which China simply can't allow, then it makes sense.

Now wouldn't that be a cool twist of fate? China invades Russia to secure their own energy supply, haha.

June 5th, 2022, 02:55
The Galinfo report is dated MONDAY, JULY 20TH, 2013.

The headline states "In Lviv region reburied 16 soldiers of the division "Galicia."

The text refers specifically to searchers who "found a sanitary burial of the victims of the Second World War. In the common grave, which in its size reached 2x2 meters and was 1.2 meters deep, the remains of sixteen people rested. According to the searchers of kp ENT "Dolya", the found remains belong to the soldiers of the division "Galicia", which in July 1944 as part of the Wehrmacht troops participated in the battle known in history as the "Brody boiler". The fact that the remains belong to the soldiers - divisional soldiers is confirmed by the artifacts found in the research excavation of the grave: remnants of fabric from uniforms, buttons from German uniforms, shoes, rings, awards and other things of military ammunition."

Victims??? Nazi.

The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) (German: 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS [galizische Nr. 1],[2] Ukrainian: 14а Гренадерська Дивізія СС (1а галицька)), prior to 1944 titled the 14th SS-Volunteer Division "Galicia" (German: 14. SS-Freiwilligen Division "Galizien", Ukrainian: 14а Добровільна Дивізія СС "Галичина"), was a World War II German military formation made up predominantly of military volunteers with a Ukrainian ethnic background from the area of Galicia (me; i.e. Western Ukraine), later also with some Slovaks. Formed in 1943, it was largely destroyed in the battle of Brody in the fight with USSR army.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/14th_Waffen_Grenadier_Division_of_the_SS_(1st_Gali cian)

They are "victims" only in the eyes of the same Nazi like they were. They are volunteered in SS. Nobody forced them.

And you support them. Shame.

June 5th, 2022, 03:00
More small minded Russian lies and propaganda again...

I'm glad what you again shows your cultural level. Thank you.

June 5th, 2022, 03:05
Kiev 1943:


Kiev 2022:


June 5th, 2022, 03:10
dab69, one more attempt to vandalize board by posting here Nazi symbols without any comments, and I will ban you for 3 months.

It is moderator's warning, you can't reply on it in public forum (see Rules).

June 5th, 2022, 08:10
Victims??? Nazi.

The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) (German: 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS [galizische Nr. 1],[2] Ukrainian: 14а Гренадерська Дивізія СС (1а галицька)), prior to 1944 titled the 14th SS-Volunteer Division "Galicia" (German: 14. SS-Freiwilligen Division "Galizien", Ukrainian: 14а Добровільна Дивізія СС "Галичина"), was a World War II German military formation made up predominantly of military volunteers with a Ukrainian ethnic background from the area of Galicia (me; i.e. Western Ukraine), later also with some Slovaks. Formed in 1943, it was largely destroyed in the battle of Brody in the fight with USSR army.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/14th_Waffen_Grenadier_Division_of_the_SS_(1st_Gali cian)

They are "victims" only in the eyes of the same Nazi like they were. They are volunteered in SS. Nobody forced them.

And you support them. Shame.

1. The word "victim" is that used in the article from which I quoted - it is not my original usage.

2. A war victim is defined as "A person that suffers from the destructive action undertaken as a result of an armed conflict between two or more parties, particularly death, injury, hardship, loss of property or dislocation" (https://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/en/concept/13324). Soldiers killed in a war are war victims.

3. I was not questioning, and do not question, the ethnic composition of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, and my response was not about that topic. I was responding to your posting about the funeral of three bodies found in a common grave with 13 others, where items found with the bodies indicated at least one of them was probably a German. I was questioning the assumed ethnicity of the bodies being buried. On the balance of probability, the remains may all be of Ukrainian ethnicity but in the absence of DNA testing (which was not done), the ethnic composition (or perhaps decomposition) of the trio buried remains only a probability, not the certainty that you have assumed.

4. Despite the dezinformatsiya (дезинформация) invented by Stalin and spread by Putin, Ukrainian members of this Division were NOT Nazis. NAZI is a contraction of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. To be a Nazi, someone had to be a member of the NSDAP. To become a member of the NSDAP, a person had to be either (a) a German national, or (b) a member of an approved Volksdeutsche group, i.e. “people whose language and culture had German origins but who did not hold German citizenship.” So, by the rules of the Nazi Party, there were no Ukrainian Nazis.

5. Members of the Division were certainly volunteers who may have sympathized with Nazi ideology, OR they may have been men from Western Ukraine (also known as Galicia) who had little to no loyalty towards the USSR because the Soviet Army had seized the territory during the USSR's invasion of Poland in September 1939. Nationalists in Western Ukraine were Nazi collaborators because they hoped that their efforts would enable them to re-establish an independent state. This is a part of USSR history that Putin would like people to forget - perhaps because of the actions of the USSR's Destruction Battalions in Galicia. You and Putin don't know the reasons why those buried had joined the Galicia Division after it was formed in 1943 (i.e., some 3-4 years after the Soviet Union had seized Western Ukraine) - and neither do I.

6. I have never written, stated or implied in any of my postings that I "support them." I am not responsible for any inferences you may draw from my questioning of, or responses to, your postings.

June 5th, 2022, 13:20
Maybe because our grandfathers and fathers did the same in 1941-1945

That was nearly 80 years ago and this time no one invaded our country unless i missing something.

June 5th, 2022, 15:33
4. Despite the dezinformatsiya (дезинформация) invented by Stalin and spread by Putin, Ukrainian members of this Division were NOT Nazis. NAZI is a contraction of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. To be a Nazi, someone had to be a member of the NSDAP. To become a member of the NSDAP, a person had to be either (a) a German national, or (b) a member of an approved Volksdeutsche group, i.e. “people whose language and culture had German origins but who did not hold German citizenship.” So, by the rules of the Nazi Party, there were no Ukrainian Nazis.

Whole SS has been declared war criminals by Nurnberg without any exempts.

June 5th, 2022, 15:45
As the answer to embargo on export to Russia chips and processors, Russia declared ban of export gas neon.

Neon is used in lasers for lithography during chips and processors manufacturing. Russia controls 90% of neon import to US (Russia 100% supplies neon to 2 Ukrainian purification plants which supply US) and about 60-65% of world neon market. Rest of neon market is controlled by China.

Since February neon prices grew 4 times already.

I think at next few weeks we will hear about processors and chips embargo lifting.

June 5th, 2022, 16:56
Whole SS has been declared war criminals by Nurnberg without any exempts.

While it is correct that the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg Trial declared the SS "a criminal organization" in 1946, this is just another example of your continued practice of citing past events (in this case, 75 years ago) to justify present activities - something for which you have criticized others, including me.

June 5th, 2022, 17:37
While it is correct that the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg Trial declared the SS "a criminal organization" in 1946, this is just another example of your continued practice of citing past events (in this case, 75 years ago) to justify present activities - something for which you have criticized others, including me.

I'm critic of your habit to bring outdated news, because situation that you cited already has been changed. Nothing is changed since Nurnberg decision to declare whole SS "war criminal" - they are still war criminals.

June 5th, 2022, 17:53
As the answer to embargo on export to Russia chips and processors, Russia declared ban of export gas neon.

Neon is used in lasers for lithography during chips and processors manufacturing. Russia controls 90% of neon import to US (Russia 100% supplies neon to 2 Ukrainian purification plants which supply US) and about 60-65% of world neon market. Rest of neon market is controlled by China.

Since February neon prices grew 4 times already.

I think at next few weeks we will hear about processors and chips embargo lifting.

Actually, as Reuters reported two day ago, Russia "limits" exports of noble gases, a key ingredient for making chips," until the end of 2022 to strengthen its market position. A limitation is not an embargo (which is an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country), and "Exports of noble gases, which Russia used to supply to Japan and other countries, will be allowed only with special state permission until Dec. 31, the Russian government said on May 30" (https://www.reuters.com/technology/russia-limits-exports-noble-gases-key-ingredient-making-chips-2022-06-02/).

The Reuters report also cites the Russian Trade Ministry representative as saying "Russia accounts for 30% of the global supply of three noble gases - neon, krypton and xenon, according to the ministry's estimate."

This limitation will make it more difficult for Russia to obtain chips at any price. It has already been widely reported that, since the announcement of restrictions on technology exports in February 2022, that Russia has had difficulty obtaining microchips to replenish its supply of precision guided munitions (including reports it is using chips from home appliances, washing machines and refrigerators - https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/05/11/russia-sanctions-effect-military/). If such home appliances break down and cannot be repaired, the mood of the great Russian public towards the "special military operation" may change, leading to domestic dissatisfaction with the war and with the current political regime.

Firms like Rostselmash (whose share of the world's combine harvester market you boasted about earlier) and Avtovaz (maker of the Lada Niva) which rely on imported electronic components have had to shut down already (https://www.motor1.com/news/572548/lada-production-halted-russia/). Russian military weapons (from its Pantsir air defense systems to its Ka-52 “Alligator” attack helicopters) are packed with foreign micro-chips (https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/captured-russian-weapons-are-packed-with-foreign-microchips), and repairing or replacing them has just got more difficult.

Taiwanese semi-conductor manufacturers TSMC and UMC (which together accounted for almost 75% of the global market by revenue in 2021 - Statistica) are known to regularly conduct risk assessments of all critical materials, and are careful to always have up to a year's supply of the most important gases like neon and argon on hand or secured through contracts. The two companies have also been looking for alternative sources of such gases since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure production continuity. Most chip-makers, including those in Taiwan, have already kept high levels of neon on hand because of the previous shock of likely Russia-Ukraine tensions in and after 2014. Suppliers have also developed ways to use recycled neon. And "Russia is a small market for the chip industry and its invasion of Ukraine doesn’t represent a threat to global chip supplies, America’s Semiconductor Industry Association said on Thursday, February 24th" - https://asiatimes.com/2022/02/taiwan-chipmakers-weigh-russia-ukraine-war-risks/).

I assume that the competent Russian authorities have considered the effect of this decision on the economies of those countries which have not declared sanctions on Russia but which rely on micro-chips in their own domestic economies and daily lives - and how they might react?

I expect you will have to wait more than the "next few weeks" to "hear about processors and chips embargo lifting." The "next few weeks" may be something like Putin's claim "Russian forces 'could conquer Ukraine capital in two weeks" (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/02/putin-russian-forces-could-conquer-ukraine-capital-kiev-fortnight) (and Yes, I acknowledge the claim was in 2014, but this year seems important in your Russian mythology).

June 5th, 2022, 18:47
Actually, as Reuters reported two day ago, Russia "limits" exports of noble gases, a key ingredient for making chips," until the end of 2022 to strengthen its market position. A limitation is not an embargo (which is an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country), and "Exports of noble gases, which Russia used to supply to Japan and other countries, will be allowed only with special state permission until Dec. 31, the Russian government said on May 30" (https://www.reuters.com/technology/russia-limits-exports-noble-gases-key-ingredient-making-chips-2022-06-02/).

The Reuters report also cites the Russian Trade Ministry representative as saying "Russia accounts for 30% of the global supply of three noble gases - neon, krypton and xenon, according to the ministry's estimate."

This limitation will make it more difficult for Russia to obtain chips at any price. It has already been widely reported that, since the announcement of restrictions on technology exports in February 2022, that Russia has had difficulty obtaining microchips to replenish its supply of precision guided munitions (including reports it is using chips from home appliances, washing machines and refrigerators - https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/05/11/russia-sanctions-effect-military/). If such home appliances break down and cannot be repaired, the mood of the great Russian public towards the "special military operation" may change, leading to domestic dissatisfaction with the war and with the current political regime.

Firms like Rostselmash (whose share of the world's combine harvester market you boasted about earlier) and Avtovaz (maker of the Lada Niva) which rely on imported electronic components have had to shut down already (https://www.motor1.com/news/572548/lada-production-halted-russia/). Russian military weapons (from its Pantsir air defense systems to its Ka-52 “Alligator” attack helicopters) are packed with foreign micro-chips (https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/captured-russian-weapons-are-packed-with-foreign-microchips), and repairing or replacing them has just got more difficult.

Taiwanese semi-conductor manufacturers TSMC and UMC (which together accounted for almost 75% of the global market by revenue in 2021 - Statistica) are known to regularly conduct risk assessments of all critical materials, and are careful to always have up to a year's supply of the most important gases like neon and argon on hand or secured through contracts. The two companies have also been looking for alternative sources of such gases since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure production continuity. Most chip-makers, including those in Taiwan, have already kept high levels of neon on hand because of the previous shock of likely Russia-Ukraine tensions in and after 2014. Suppliers have also developed ways to use recycled neon. And "Russia is a small market for the chip industry and its invasion of Ukraine doesn’t represent a threat to global chip supplies, America’s Semiconductor Industry Association said on Thursday, February 24th" - https://asiatimes.com/2022/02/taiwan-chipmakers-weigh-russia-ukraine-war-risks/).

I assume that the competent Russian authorities have considered the effect of this decision on the economies of those countries which have not declared sanctions on Russia but which rely on micro-chips in their own domestic economies and daily lives - and how they might react?

I expect you will have to wait more than the "next few weeks" to "hear about processors and chips embargo lifting." The "next few weeks" may be something like Putin's claim "Russian forces 'could conquer Ukraine capital in two weeks" (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/02/putin-russian-forces-could-conquer-ukraine-capital-kiev-fortnight) (and Yes, I acknowledge the claim was in 2014, but this year seems important in your Russian mythology).

again a lot of lines from February...

dear, could you please use Google tools and limit there to at least May?

whole industry is in panic already, even Intel:

Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger warns microprocessor shortages likely to run into 2024 due to Ukraine invasion and China lockdowns.

And that was even before Russian neon embargo (that you call "limitation"). Are you so naïve to think what Russia will sell neon to "unfriendly" countries? All joined to sanction countries will meet countersanctions.

Russian minister clearly stated in political correct words what will be next, read him:
"We plan to increase our production capacity (of noble gases) in the near future. We believe that we will have an opportunity to be heard in this global chain, and this will give us some competitive advantage if it is necessary to build mutually beneficial negotiations with our colleagues," Shpak said.

June 5th, 2022, 19:20
I'm critic of your habit to bring outdated news, because situation that you cited already has been changed. Nothing is changed since Nurnberg decision to declare whole SS "war criminal" - they are still war criminals.

My habit - it is you and Putin who keep referring to events from WWII and 2014 as an excuse for the current special military operation!

Any person who was a member of the Waffen-SS when it was disbanded on 8 May 1945 or a former member when declared a criminal organization in 1946 is long dead, so "were" would be the correct past tense form.

June 5th, 2022, 19:41
My habit - it is you and Putin who keep referring to events from [..] 2014 as an excuse for the current special military operation!

Any person who was a member of the Waffen-SS when it was disbanded on 8 May 1945 or a former member when declared a criminal organization in 1946 is long dead, so "were" would be the correct past tense form.

Protests in Germany against sending weapons to Ukraine


June 5th, 2022, 19:49
again a lot of lines from February...

dear, could you please use Google tools and limit there to at least May?

whole industry is in panic already, even Intel:

Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger warns microprocessor shortages likely to run into 2024 due to Ukraine invasion and China lockdowns.

And that was even before Russian neon embargo (that you call "limitation"). Are you so naïve to think what Russia will sell neon to "unfriendly" countries? All joined to sanction countries will meet countersanctions.

Russian minister clearly stated in political correct words what will be next, read him:
"We plan to increase our production capacity (of noble gases) in the near future. We believe that we will have an opportunity to be heard in this global chain, and this will give us some competitive advantage if it is necessary to build mutually beneficial negotiations with our colleagues," Shpak said.

I will limit sources quoted to May 2022 if you stop quoting events in WWII and/or 2014.

The "whole industry" is not in a panic - the news hasn't yet been mentioned in Taiwanese press - using Google's 24 hour limit on reports.

Do you seriously think that the present "special military operation" will last another two years and affect microprocessor availability in 2024?

I didn't call it a "limitation" - "limit" and "restriction" are the terms used in English-language reports such as, e.g., this from Tass, "3 Jun, 02:36
Inert gas export restriction to strengthen Russia’s position on microelectronics market. Russia restricted exports of inert gases, including neon, to unfriendly states in late May" (https://tass.com/economy/1459877?utm_source=google.com&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=google.com&utm_referrer=google.com).

I never mentioned anything about Russia selling to "unfriendly nations" in my posting, but those are the words used in reports such as that from Tass referenced above. But Deputy Trade Minister Vasily Shpak is quoted as saying, "Exports of noble gases, which Russia used to supply to Japan and other countries, will be allowed only with special state permission until Dec. 31, the Russian government said on May 30 (https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/russia-limits-exports-noble-gases-172858402.html). I though Japan was one of those "unfriendly countries."

Deputy Trade Minister Vasily Shpak may say such things - you didn't actually provide a link to the source, though, so I found another one at https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-06-02/russia-limits-exports-of-noble-gases-a-key-ingredient-for-making-chips. But we already know how well the present Russian government's plans work - like that for the rapid conquest of Ukraine.

However, you should note that all of the noble gases are present in Earth’s atmosphere and, except for helium and radon, their major commercial source is the air, from which they are obtained by liquefaction and fractional distillation. Most helium is produced commercially from certain natural gas wells in the US, Qatar, etc. Radon usually is isolated as a product of the radioactive decomposition of radium compounds. Other countries can, and probably will, ramp up their production of those noble gases that are present in the world's atmosphere, and seek alternatives to helium (such as argon and hydrogen where its flammable nature is not an issue) where possible - and go with party balloons filled with it. Moreover, as I noted in my earlier post, firms have been introducing ways of conserving, recovering and recycling neon in chip manufacturing since its price rose in 2014 from roughly $1,000 for a 6,000-liter bottle of the gas, to approximately $6,000 for the same quantity in late 2015. when Russia seized Crimea.

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

June 5th, 2022, 19:59
I will limit sources quoted to May 2022 if you stop quoting events in WWII and/or 2014.

Are you kidding? I'm citing history. I understand what it disturb you because there is no argumentation why Ukraine uses Nazi and accepts Nazi ideology.

As per 2014 - it is where whole story started: nationalist coup and bombing East of Ukraine by current nationalist govt. Everything started there: inspired by US coup -> bombing of East of Ukraine by Ukrainian air forces -> ignorance of Minsk protocol for almost 8 years -> Recognizing of Donetsk and Lugansk as sovereign states by Russia -> Russian military operation

Pro-Russian rally, Frankfurt, Germany, April 10, 2022



June 5th, 2022, 20:08
Protests in Germany against sending weapons to Ukraine


The line under the photo reads, "“Supply weapons? No!” reads a banner in Berlin. The anti-militarist mindset has been a powerful force in postwar German politics." You do not give a link to the photo, so it is taken out of context.

It comes from an article entitled "WAR IN UKRAINE | COMMENT. Never again? Germany’s timid leaders are failing to learn from history. The chancellor’s decision to refuse Ukraine the weapons it really needs is inexcusable, argues a senior editor at Germany’s bestselling newspaper," published in The Times on April 22, 2022 (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/never-again-germanys-timid-leaders-are-failing-to-learn-from-history-ssjj3vhsl).

You don't mention those demonstrations in favor of sending arms, though.

Why can you post material from April but demand I limit mine to May?? Or this this an example of double standards?

June 5th, 2022, 20:11
Why can you post material from April but demand I limit mine to May?? Or this this an example of double standards?

it is not news - it is argument against "only you and Putin"

just reminder: even under heaviest pressure from US and EU, only 20% of countries in world supports sanctions against Russia...

Premier-minister of Pakistan said straightforward to such pressure: "Are we your slaves to follow your orders?".


As about doubled standards: do you want to discuss Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Vietnam?

June 6th, 2022, 00:45
I don't know about you guys, but I'm still waiting for that news headline to popup that says China has invaded Russia to secure the oilfields in eastern Russia.

That will be a good day.

June 6th, 2022, 05:09
Are you kidding? I'm citing history. I understand what it disturb you because there is no argumentation why Ukraine uses Nazi and accepts Nazi ideology.

As per 2014 - it is where whole story started: nationalist coup and bombing East of Ukraine by current nationalist govt. Everything started there: inspired by US coup -> bombing of East of Ukraine by Ukrainian air forces -> ignorance of Minsk protocol for almost 8 years -> Recognizing of Donetsk and Lugansk as sovereign states by Russia -> Russian military operation

Pro-Russian rally, Frankfurt, Germany, April 10, 2022



The photos come from an article published by Reuters on April 11, 2022, entitled "Ukraine supporters outnumber pro-Russians in German protests" (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pro-russian-protesters-germany-outnumbered-by-ukraine-supporters-2022-04-10/). I guess you forgot that bit of information.

The rest of your post simply recites what you have posted before, nothing new, but again ignores the point that Putin has repeatedly stated that Russia is not a party to the Minsk protocols.

Selectively citing from history is propaganda. Let's also the series of pogroms against Jews in the city of Odessa, Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire, that took place during the 19th and early 20th centuries - in 1821, 1859, 1871, 1881 and 1905. Or those in the 20th century. Or those in Kyiv between 1918 and 1921, carried out by a number of groups including the Volunteer Army, a faction of the Russian White Army. Or the Holodymyr (or Holodomor if you prefer the Russian rather than Ukrainian translation), Stalin's man-made famine which killed roughly 3.5 million to 7 million people (with some estimates going higher) in Ukraine in 1932-33, part of a wider famine also affecting Kazakhstan and other parts of the Soviet Union, and which is now considered genocide in Ukraine. Or the 1941 NKVD Prison Massacres in Western Ukraine when, during the German invasion of the USSR, the Soviet Secret Police (NKVD) murdered between 10,000 and 40,000 political prisoners in Western Ukraine over the course of eight days.

Or let's discuss the use of rape as a tool of warfare, given the reports that Russian soldiers have raped not only women but also men and small boys. Soviet soldiers were notorious for raping women in the territories they occupied during and immediately after World War II. When Joseph Stalin learned that his soldiers were engaging in mass rape in occupied areas, he made light of it, saying that they were merely “having a little fun.” In Ukraine over the past several weeks, Russian soldiers have earned a similar reputation by engaging in widespread rape, and leaders in the Kremlin once again view the practice with equanimity and have made no effort to curtail it. When Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, was asked about sexual crimes perpetrated by Russian soldiers in Bucha, he replied that the accusations were mere “lies” and “fabrications.” Or the fact that this "special military operation is remarkably similar to Russian incursions in WWII (https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2022/05/04/russians-invasion-ukraine-overtones-wwii-mark-kramer).

Let's also discuss that fact that over 92% of Ukrainians voted for independence, or the fact the Ukrainian Russian-speakers are abandoning Russian as their language (https://www.npr.org/2022/04/24/1094567906/the-war-has-many-ukrainians-who-speak-russian-abandoning-the-language) because they don't support what Putin is doing.

June 6th, 2022, 05:35
it is not news - it is argument against "only you and Putin"

just reminder: even under heaviest pressure from US and EU, only 20% of countries in world supports sanctions against Russia...

Premier-minister of Pakistan said straightforward to such pressure: "Are we your slaves to follow your orders?".


As about doubled standards: do you want to discuss Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Vietnam?

If, which I dispute, my comments are "only you and Putin," it is because history is full of incidents that would parallel the present situation but which are not relevant to the fact that Putin's excuse is a fabric of lies.

The Economist ran an article entitled "Russia can count on support from many developing countries, Wednesday, 30th March, 2022 (https://www.eiu.com/n/russia-can-count-on-support-from-many-developing-countries/), citing an EIU study that shows that two-thirds of the world’s population lives in neutral or Russia-leaning countries regarding war in Ukraine. By Global GDP 70.5% of countries support sanctions or are West-leaning, and 10.1% are neutral. with China and India accounting for nearly two-thirds of this group’s economic footprint. By global population, 36.4% support sanctions or are west-leaning, and 32.1% are neutral. Of the remainder, only 3.9 % are "supportive" of Russia.

With regard to Imran Khan, his views are now irrelevant as he is the FORMER Prime Minister of Pakistan because he lost a no-confidence vote. However, earlier it was reported on February 22 that "Pakistan's PM Urges Peaceful End to Ukraine Crisis Ahead of Visit to Russia" (https://www.voanews.com/amp/pakistan-s-pm-urges-peaceful-end-to-ukraine-crisis-ahead-of-visit-to-russia/6454099.html). He was also reported as supportive of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

You asked, "do you want to discuss Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Vietnam?" Yes, but only if you want to discuss Russian involvement in the Korean War, the Hungarian revolution, the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the invasion of Afghanistan, and its involvement in a host of civil wars ranging from the Yemen to Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, etc. Not excluding its war with Georgia and its involvement in Tajikistan and Moldova/Transnistria, of course.

June 9th, 2022, 19:18

I don't know about you guys, but I'm still waiting for that news headline to popup that says China has invaded Russia to secure the oilfields in eastern Russia./QUOTE]

Maybe Russia should join NATO?

June 23rd, 2022, 15:07
What happened!

Did everyone here die at the same time?

June 24th, 2022, 06:00
I was thinking the same thing, Dodger, maybe everyone went and signed-up with the International Legion of Ukraine and are undergoing intensive training. We can only hope, right....NOT!

June 24th, 2022, 06:21
What happened!

Did everyone here die at the same time?

I didn't die but there has been nothing recently on which I could comment

June 25th, 2022, 02:46
Dragonman, nice to know that you and Dodger are still with the living. Take care, BE safe!

June 25th, 2022, 03:09
I didn't die but there has been nothing recently on which I could comment

You could comment this:


June 25th, 2022, 08:31
You could comment this:


As usual, you give no link to the item you posted, so it is difficult to respond to something that is presented without context – something on which I have commented previously. Posting "photo_2022-06-24_21-54-35.jpg" on Google produces no results.

I have identified however the articles listed in the left-hand column and will comment on those.

The Guardian headline is from an article by Oliver Bullough, published on Friday February 6, 2015, when Petro Poroshenko was Ukrainian president. It is as relevant to the present situation as the report from TPI that Russia is Europe's most corrupt country, at https://www.eu-ocs.com/russia-remains-most-corrupt-country-in-europe-according-to-transparency-international of January 29, 2020. Russia retained that position in 2021, but slipped 29 places in the global rankings (https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2021).

The report from Reuters is by Josh Cohen on March 20, 2018, and is marked as “Updated 4 years ago" (sic) (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cohen-ukraine-commentary-idUSKBN1GV2TY). The updating comment speaks for itself in showing its relevance to the current situation. More relevant is the report “Putin’s fascists: the Russian state’s long history of cultivating homegrown neo-Nazis”, published online on March 21, 2022 7.05pm GMT at https://theconversation.com/putins-fascists-the-russian-states-long-history-of-cultivating-homegrown-neo-nazis-178535.

You obviously haven’t read the Vox report (by Alex Ward on Sep 24, 2019,published online at https://www.vox.com/world/2019/9/24/20882359/trump-impeachment-ukraine-president-zelensky) as the opening paragraphs state in full “At the center of the latest scandal threatening to take down President Donald Trump is a comedian who just became president of his country four months ago. The current crisis has to do with whether Trump improperly used his position to try to coerce Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into investigating Trump’s 2020 political opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden — perhaps by withholding military aid to the Eastern European country until it agreed.” Again, irrelevant to the present situation as Zelensky had been president for only four months at the time the article was written, and the article is mainly about Trump, not Zelensky.

Perhaps you should read “Trump’s Mysterious Relationship With Putin,” September 14, 2020, by Stephen Schlesinger (https://www.passblue.com/2020/09/14/trumps-mysterious-relationship-with-putin/), which begins, “After President Trump’s nearly four years in office, we still do not have a good answer as to why the president has repeatedly deferred to Vladimir Putin on major issues. This is a central question that we face as a country, especially its consequences for American policies on Ukrainian sanctions, on the issue of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, on the trustworthiness of our United States intelligence agencies, recently also on the contretemps over possible Russian bounties for the killing of American soldiers in Afghanistan and finally on the US presidential election.”

The NewEurope report is by Oleg Sukhov, “A Kyiv-based reporter who moved to Ukraine from his native Russia in 2014. He previously worked as an independent opposition journalist for various publications in Russia and covers topics that include corruption, reforms, and politics in the former Soviet Union” (https://www.neweurope.eu/author/oleg-sukhov/). It was published on April 15, 2021, and updated on April 16, 2021. NewEurope proclaims itself to be “the only independent newspaper, published weekly, with no political affiliation and seeks to present factually-correct information in an accessible format.” As I don’t have a subscription to this publication, I cannot read Sukhov’s article in full. I can note, however, that NewEurope has also published such articles as “Why Russia needs to be isolated” (by Yuri Polakiwsky, June 23, 2022, update June 24, at https://www.neweurope.eu/article/why-russia-needs-to-be-isolated/), and “Europe’s “turning point” finally arrives after Russia’s sadistic invasion of Ukraine” (by US Congressman French Hill, published and updated June 23, 2022 at https://www.neweurope.eu/article/europes-turning-point-finally-arrives-after-russias-sadistic-invasion-of-ukraine/).

Oleg Sukhov’s entry on the website of The Kyiv Independent states, “Oleg Sukhov is a political reporter at the Kyiv Independent. He is a former editor and reporter at the Moscow Times. He has a master's degree in history from the Moscow State University. He moved to Ukraine in 2014 due to the crackdown on independent media in Russia and covered war, corruption, reforms and law enforcement for the Kyiv Post" (https://kyivindependent.com/author/oleg-sukhov). The fact that he can live and write such articles in Ukraine – but not in Russia – speaks volumes for the political differences between the two countries.

There is an English-language saying that "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones," meaning that people who have faults should not criticize other people for having the same faults.

June 25th, 2022, 10:11
I've been missing this, Dragonman, thank you.......or, maybe I should I be thanking Moses?

June 25th, 2022, 10:57
I've been missing this, Dragonman, thank you.......or, maybe I should I be thanking Moses?

A rhetorical question?

June 25th, 2022, 11:19
Of course!

June 25th, 2022, 18:22
There is an English-language saying that "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones," meaning that people who have faults should not criticize other people for having the same faults.

Again a lot of lines... But most funny fact is: you are quoting as a proof the same medias, that as we see, have changed their points of view 180 degree. They are like a weather vane - changing points of view with wills of owners. Today "nazi", tomorrow "hero". Just propaganda.

Meanwhile ruble is around 51 per USD, it becomes stronger and stronger, while officials from EU cries "we will not pay in rubles!", "sanctions!".

Does Western press is proud how strong USD is? (It is rhetorical question). Within past year ruble became 30% stronger against USD, 50% stronger against Japanese yen, 40% stronger against euro and pound.

Here is fifth week of deflation (it is bad for govt, but is very pleasant for people), forecast for yearly inflation is going lower and lower, while forecasts for inflation in US and European countries are going up and up.

In June Russia become oil supplier #1 for India and China, extra oil+gas income in Russian budget is now above $270 bln already, while EU and US cancel fuel taxes for to fight with historical high fuel prices and make preparations for gas rationing during incoming winter.

And everything what I described above is going with accompaniment of headlines in Western medias how "deep in shit Russia is from sanctions".

Western governments explains to own people what their situation with 9-20% inflation is "because of Putin". How else they will explain their fuckups? They can't say "We make you all victims of our miscalculations how sanctions will work", "you all will pay for our baseless political ambitions and blind proudness".

And one more funny fact is: everything what's going on, is going under control of American gerontocracy leading by mentally disabled president, who needs instructions to enter, sit, greet and talk "2 minutes", and even has no brains to keep his notes private:


June 25th, 2022, 20:32
Again a lot of lines... But most funny fact is: you are quoting as a proof the same medias, that as we see, have changed their points of view 180 degree. They are like a weather vane - changing points of view with wills of owners. Today "nazi", tomorrow "hero". Just propaganda.

Meanwhile ruble is around 51 per USD, it becomes stronger and stronger, while officials from EU cries "we will not pay in rubles!", "sanctions!".

Does Western press is proud how strong USD is? (It is rhetorical question). Within past year ruble became 30% stronger against USD, 50% stronger against Japanese yen, 40% stronger against euro and pound.

Here is fifth week of deflation (it is bad for govt, but is very pleasant for people), forecast for yearly inflation is going lower and lower, while forecasts for inflation in US and European countries are going up and up.

In June Russia become oil supplier #1 for India and China, extra oil+gas income in Russian budget is now above $270 bln already, while EU and US cancel fuel taxes for to fight with historical high fuel prices and make preparations for gas rationing during incoming winter.

And everything what I described above is going with accompaniment of headlines in Western medias how "deep in shit Russia is from sanctions".

Western governments explains to own people what their situation with 9-20% inflation is "because of Putin". How else they will explain their fuckups? They can't say "We make you all victims of our miscalculations how sanctions will work", "you all will pay for our baseless political ambitions and blind proudness".

And one more funny fact is: everything what's going on, is going under control of American gerontocracy leading by mentally disabled president, who needs instructions to enter, sit, greet and talk "2 minutes", and even has no brains to keep his notes private:


"Within past year ruble became 30% stronger against USD, 50% stronger against Japanese yen, 40% stronger against euro and pound."

To put this in some perspective, consider the figures in reverse. The following is from https://www.exchangerates.org.uk/RUB-USD-spot-exchange-rates-history-2022.html, and details, and deals with the Russian Ruble to US Dollar Spot Exchange Rates for 2022, and gives the exchange rate history data page for the year of 2022, covering 175 days of RUB USD historical data for the first part of 2022:
Best exchange rate: 0.0186 USD on 21 Jun 2022.
Average exchange rate in 2022: 0.0132 USD.
Worst exchange rate: 0.007 USD on 07 Mar 2022.

On Saturday 1 January 2022, the ruble was worth $0.0134. On Friday June 24, 2022, the ruble was worth = $0.0185. A 30% increase in value against the US dollar is an infinitesimal amount (https://www.exchangerates.org.uk/RUB-USD-spot-exchange-rates-history-2022.html).

The increase in the value of the ruble versus the Japanese yen can be attributed to the policy of the Japanese government and is related more to the structural problems of Japan’s economy than anything else (see "A Weakening Yen Puts Japan to the Test" at https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-topics/g02125/). Other reasons for the changing value of the ruble versus other currencies are explained by the article "Russia’s Economy Is Tanking but the Ruble Soared. Here’s Why" at https://www.wsj.com/articles/russias-economy-is-tankingbut-the-ruble-is-soaring-11653559916), the explanation being "Russia’s central bank lowers interest rates, making holding rubles less attractive."

With regard to Russian deflation, did you read the following in The Moscow Times? "Economists agree that, if deflation continues, it should be seen as a sign of worse times to come. Traditionally, deflation is a sign of reduced demand in the economy - which means that a prolonged recession is likely looming. “What Putin’s remarks actually mean is that the economy is getting worse,” analyst Nick Trickett told The Moscow Times. “He is just trying to sell the public the idea that economic technocrats are going to do things that prevent prices of basic items like food from increasing.” (Explainer: What Does Russia’s ‘Zero-Inflation’ Mean? By Leyla Latypova, Updated: June 11, 2022, https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/06/10/explainer-what-does-russias-zero-inflation-mean-a77952). Enjoy the Russian deflation while it lasts.

Western inflation, on the other hand, is exacerbated the the effects of Russia's "special military operation" in Ukraine, but is mainly driven (according to economists at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2022) by rising food and energy costs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic ("Why is inflation so high and will it stay that way? An economist explains," https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/05/inflation-rising-economist-explains/).

The so-called "Putin price hike" is a term used in the USA, and not more generally in western democracies. Last year, inflation there was blamed on General Secretary Xi JinPing. Don't assume all democratic governments use the same excuse.

Regarding President Biden's accidental exposure of his cue card, it is not uncommon for US and other politicians to have cue cards for speeches and meetings. The US far-right wing commentators have forgotten that Republic President Ronald Reagan also used them (and got more than merely cues (https://www.nytimes.com/1988/02/26/us/reagan-gets-more-than-cues-scripts-show.html), as did Republican President Donald Trump (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/feb/22/i-hear-you-trump-uses-cue-cards-to-remind-him-to-listen-to-shooting-survivors) which were also revealed. Synonyms for cue cards include idiot sheets and teleprompters - which newsroom readers use.

If I were a resident of Mainland China or India, I would probably also be rejoicing that Russia is now the country's biggest oil supplier - considering the 30% discount price that the country is paying for Russian oil (see, e.g., https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/oil-and-gas/russia-becomes-biggest-supplier-of-oil-to-china/92338251 and https://www.aa.com.tr/en/economy/russia-becomes-india-s-2nd-largest-oil-supplier/2613345).

With regard to the health of a country's president, would you like to explain why "Vladimir Putin mysteriously postpones marathon TV phone-in for first time in 18 years" (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/putin-mysteriously-postpones-marathon-tv-phone-first-time-russia, 9 June 2022)? Is it, as the article suggests, because he has cancer, or is suffering from Parkinson's disease, or because Putin might be trying to dodge scrutiny about the faltering — and costly — invasion of Ukraine (you know, the one where generals where ordered to take Kyiv within a couple of days)? Is it because of the questions of his health?

Will some of the extra "oil+gas income in Russian budget is now above $270 bln already" be spent on outfitting Russian troops properly so that soldiers don't have to crowd-fund their own food, weapons, etc. (e.g., "Russians turn to crowdfunding for ill-equipped soldiers in Ukraine. Everything from rifle scopes to boots have been sent to troops, paid for by ‘patriots’ through fundraising initiatives, 5 June 2022, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/06/05/russians-turn-crowdfunding-ill-equipped-soldiers-ukraine/)?

Or will it be siphoned off to buy more expensive watches ( Vladimir Putin’s $1 million luxury watch collection revealed. The Russian president boasts one of the most impressive collections of watches in politics. Here we list some of his most iconic pieces that he has amassed in his time in office including heavyweight names such as Patek Philippe, IWC and A. Lange & Söhne, 15/10/2021, https://somethingaboutrocks.com/article/vladimir-putins-luxury-watch-collection-revealed/), and expensive jackets such as that he wore when addressing a pro-special military operation rally in March 2022 (Putin’s expensive fashion - £10,000 coat, baffling workout gear and luxury watch collection. Vladimir Putin, recently 69, donned a Loro Piana jacket worth nearly 1.5million Russian roubles, equivalent to around £10,000, and he often favors designer outfits, https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/putins-expensive-fashion-10500-coat-26517337), all of which he apparently pays for out of his Presidential salary of $US123,000 as he reports he has not other source of income or wealth (e.g., Panama Papers: Putin rejects corruption allegations, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35989560)?

With regard to your comment that "And everything what I described above is going with accompaniment of headlines in Western medias how "deep in shit Russia is from sanctions," would you like to comment also on the following - which is from a Russian banker? The headline is "Russian economy may need a decade to return to pre-sanctions levels, Sberbank says" (https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/russian-economy-may-need-decade-return-pre-sanctions-levels-sberbank-says-2022-06-17/). The report cites German Gref, Sberbank CEO and a former economy minister, as noting that "countries that hit Russia with sanctions accounted for 56% of its exports and 51% of imports." "This is a threat to 15% of the country's gross domestic product, the bulk of the economy is under the fire. As a result - and if we do nothing - we may need around a decade to return economy to the 2021 levels." It seems to me to be a Russian admission that the Russian economy is indeed in глубокое дерьмо, and likely to be for some time..

Note that this is a report from June 17, 2022 of a speech made at an annual international economic forum in St Petersburg. But perhaps it wasn't reported in the Russian media?

June 25th, 2022, 22:48
If I were a resident of Mainland China or India, I would probably also be rejoicing that Russia is now the country's biggest oil supplier - considering the 30% discount price that the country is paying for Russian oil (see, e.g., https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/oil-and-gas/russia-becomes-biggest-supplier-of-oil-to-china/92338251 and https://www.aa.com.tr/en/economy/russia-becomes-india-s-2nd-largest-oil-supplier/2613345).

Looks like your medias forgot to tell you 2 points:

1. Urals oil always has discount to Brent oil, exactly 30%
2. It is discount to stock exchange prices what are on peak already almost year and forecast is "up to $200 per barrel till the end of the year".

That why every Western media now discussing Russian fossil fuel extra profit from sanctions, $240-270 bln , huh?

And yes: here are in discussion of contracting of export in natural units, but celebrating expanding of export in moneys

June 26th, 2022, 07:03
Looks like your medias forgot to tell you 2 points:

1. Urals oil always has discount to Brent oil, exactly 30%
2. It is discount to stock exchange prices what are on peak already almost year and forecast is "up to $200 per barrel till the end of the year".

That why every Western media now discussing Russian fossil fuel extra profit from sanctions, $240-270 bln , huh?

And yes: here are in discussion of contracting of export in natural units, but celebrating expanding of export in moneys


Thank you for pointing out something I had not sufficiently checked in my earlier response.

You prompted me to look further into the discount for Indian buyers of Russian oil, and this is what I found - an article entitled “European traders get more discounts on Russian oil than Indian buyers. Thanks to EU sanctions!” (https://www.timesnownews.com/business-economy/european-traders-get-more-discounts-on-russian-oil-than-indian-buyers-thanks-to-eu-sanctions, Updated Jun 8, 2022 | 03:57 PM IST. The article states, “Indian refiners are at a significant disadvantage as compared to European traders with respect to discounts on Russian oil. EU sanctions forbid European traders from selling outside Eurozone which means no non-Euro buyers and more discounts for local buyers.

It also states, “Agencies report Russian crude to be available at a discount of $35 per barrel to Brent, the global oil benchmark, but increased insurance, shipping and dealer margins in the aftermath of sanctions have effectively reduced the concession effectively to $10 for Indian buyers……This hasn’t deterred Indian buyers to shore up Russian crude supplies in the aftermath of the war. Russia’s share in India’s crude import kitty increased to 5% in April for the first time ever; up from 1% in entire 2021.”

So, 5% of a country’s oil imports is world-shattering news? India's Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas said that "energy purchases from Russia remain miniscule in comparison to India's total consumption," and "Pulling back from Russian imports "will lead to further volatility and instability, jacking up international prices," the ministry warned" (Nikkei Weekly, https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Energy/China-and-India-buy-more-Russian-oil-blunting-Western-sanctions).

You are incorrect in stating (a) that Ural oil has always been discounted against Brent oil, and (b) the discount is exactly 30% - according to Statistica.com’s data site entry entitled “Difference between Urals and Brent oil price from December 31, 2021 to June 23, 2022” (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1298092/urals-brent-price-difference-daily/). This shows the difference at the beginning of 2022 was less than 5%, and as much as much as 37.5% on April 18, 2022.
The 30% discount against Brent oil was reported by Bloomberg News as “Russian Oil Selling at 30% Discount to Global Benchmark, Data Show, on May 31, 2022 at 6:56 PM GMT+8 (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-31/the-deepening-discounts-on-russian-oil-in-the-country-s-own-data#xj4y7vzkg).

The New York Times cites JP Morgan by stating “J.P. Morgan commodities experts estimate that China can buy an additional million barrels of Russian crude a day as China recovers from Covid and attempts to add to its strategic crude stockpiles on the cheap. Russian Urals crude is selling for a $30 discount to Brent” (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/21/world/asia/asia-is-buying-discounted-russian-oil-making-up-for-europes-cutbacks.html). According to Statistica.com, the discount on July 21, 2022 was actually 34.65%.

According to the Financial Times, it is China’s independent refiners that have been discreetly buying Russian oil at steep discounts, rather than the state-owned refiners, and that this is because “Purchases come as Chinese state-owned commodity traders shy away to avoid sanctions” (China’s independent refiners start buying Russian oil at steep discounts, https://www.ft.com/content/4f277a24-d681-421a-9c94-29d6fd448b20, May 4 2022). State-owned
I have no idea why the Western press is fixated on Russia’s extra oil income this year, but noted with interest the following comment: “June 3 (Reuters) - Russia's finance ministry on Friday said it expects to receive 393 billion roubles ($6.35 billion) in additional oil and gas revenues this month. The Russian budget is set to record total additional receipts of 656.6 billion roubles in May-June thanks to higher-than-expected oil prices, it said in a statement. Due to the temporary suspension of certain provisions of the budget rule, the ministry does not plan to conduct market forex operations this year, it said.” (https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/russia-get-635-bln-extra-oil-gas-revenues-june-finance-ministry-2022-06-03/). In other words, all that money, but nowhere to spend it. So much for “celebrating the expanding export in moneys.”

June 26th, 2022, 11:14
Looks like your medias forgot to tell you 2 points:

2. It is discount to stock exchange prices what are on peak already almost year and forecast is "up to $200 per barrel till the end of the year".

Wrong on both counts.

I forgot to add:

(1) that the buying and selling physical oil is not an option for most investors, but liquid markets that track oil prices can be found via futures, options, ETFs, or oil company stocks (see, e.g., A Beginner's Guide to Investing in Oil Markets - Investopedia, https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/08/investing-in-oil-markets.asp). Most oil is bought through options contracts, which give the buyer or seller the option to trade oil on a future date. If they choose to buy futures or options directly in oil, they need to trade them on a commodities exchange, not a stock market.

(2) that the Turkish news agency Ankara reported that " US energy agency revises oil price forecast up for 2022. International benchmark Brent crude now estimated to average $107.37 per barrel in 2022 and $97.24 per barrel in 2023," Sibel Morrow, 08.06.2022, https://www.aa.com.tr/en/americas/us-energy-agency-revises-oil-price-forecast-up-for-2022/2608854). $107.27 per barrel for Brent crude for the rest of 2022 is a far cry from the figure in your posting, for which you do not give a source.

June 26th, 2022, 15:25
Imports of Russian oil rose by 55% from a year earlier to a record level in May, displacing Saudi Arabia as China's biggest provider.

China has ramped up purchases of Russian oil despite demand dampened by Covid curbs and a slowing economy.


June 26th, 2022, 16:38
Imports of Russian oil rose by 55% from a year earlier to a record level in May, displacing Saudi Arabia as China's biggest provider.

China has ramped up purchases of Russian oil despite demand dampened by Covid curbs and a slowing economy.


I have not disputed in any of my postings that Russia has replaced Saudi Arabia as PR China's main oil supplier, but China has been Russia's biggest market for crude oil since 2016, so what was the point you hoped to make?

I do not dispute that the BBC website stated that "China has ramped up purchases of Russian oil despite demand dampened by Covid curbs and a slowing economy." I note, however, that other sources cite different causes for the country's increased purchase of Russian oil. For example, "Discounted Russian oil shipments have created an opportunity for China to restock national strategic petroleum reserves" (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/06/20/china-russia-oil-exports/). And ""For now, it is just pure economics that Indian and Chinese refiners are importing more Russian-origin crude oil ... as such oil is cheap," said analyst Wei Cheong Ho" (https://www.voanews.com/a/sanctioned-russia-becomes-china-s-main-source-of-oil-customs-data-show-/6630543.html, June 23, 2022 4:04 PM).

However, you ought to be aware that "China has the second largest refining capacity in the world and is responsible for 16.2 percent of the world's refinery throughput, just after the U.S., which accounts for 20 percent. One of the reasons China has increased oil imports and refining capacity is to sell to other nations, particularly in Asia" (https://www.energypolicy.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/file-uploads/Where%20Does%20China%20Get%20Its%20Oil_%20-%20The%20Wire%20China.pdf).

The PRC will probably make more money from its import of Russian oil than Russia will by exporting it.

June 26th, 2022, 17:05
I have not disputed in any of my postings that Russia has replaced Saudi Arabia as PR China's main oil supplier, but China has been Russia's biggest market for crude oil since 2016

No, EU is still biggest market for Russian oil, it buys almost 2 times more than China. Still, despite of sanctions.

By the way, in May Russian oil took 18% of Indian oil import (comparing to 1% in February).

BRICS's meeting at past week shows: majority doesn't supports sanctions and doesn't want to follow US and EU in anti-Russian hysteria, Argentina and UAE declared intentions to join BRICS.


June 26th, 2022, 17:47
19 countries participated in BRICS meeting at past Friday, one of them - Thailand


June 26th, 2022, 18:27
No, EU is still biggest market for Russian oil, it buys almost 2 times more than China. Still, despite of sanctions.

By the way, in May Russian oil took 18% of Indian oil import (comparing to 1% in February).

BRICS's meeting at past week shows: majority doesn't supports sanctions and doesn't want to follow US and EU in anti-Russian hysteria, Argentina and UAE declared intentions to join BRICS.


The World Economic Forum cites International Energy Agency data as saying, “Collectively, European nations take about two-thirds of Russia’s oil exports while a fifth go to China which is the biggest single buyer of Russian oil and oil products importing 1.6 million barrels a day during 2021” (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/04/which-petroleum-products-does-russia-supply-to-world/). However, "European nations collectively” refers to 44 nations (according to the UN), while the EU comprises only 27 nations, so what is the source for your information for EU Russian oil imports?

Given that, like the PRC, India exports refined petroleum products, I am not surprised that they are increasing their imports of highly discounted Russian crude oil. In 2020, India exported $25.3B in Refined Petroleum, making it the 5th largest exporter of Refined Petroleum in the world. In the same year, Refined Petroleum was the 1st most exported product in India (https://oec.world/en/profile/bilateral-product/refined-petroleum/reporter/ind). They are, like the PRC, deeply appreciative of the cheap Russian oil imports from which they can profit.

Given that Russia, China and India comprise 3/5ths of the BRICS countries, their stance on sanctions is to be expected.

"Declaring an intention to join BRICS'" is not the same as actually being admitted to the grouping. For example, whether Argentina does join the BRICS group will depend on the attitude of Brazil (https://www.financialexpress.com/defence/is-it-feasible-that-argentina-joins-the-brics/2570793/). Argentina’s possible accession to the BRICS has been on the table for more than a decade but "Beyond the invitation received by Argentina from China, I do not see the incorporation as a full member of the BRICS as feasible, because it would break the founding spirit of the bloc of having as representatives the most important emerging countries of each continent”, says the Director of the Sino-Argentine Observatory, Patricio Giusto" (https://www.financialexpress.com/defence/is-it-feasible-that-argentina-joins-the-brics/2570793/, June 23, 2022 6:33:59 pm). The same logic would apply to the accession of the UAE, given that it is not one of the most important emerging countries in Asia.

June 26th, 2022, 21:04
Given that Russia, China and India comprise 3/5ths of the BRICS countries, their stance on sanctions is to be expected.

Whatever. Sanctions are supported only by 20% of countries in World. It is not possible to exclude Russia from World economic. These who think opposite should enjoy inflation in their respective countries because of stupid political decisions of their governments.

All does sanctions now - increasing polarization of the World - East and West.

June 27th, 2022, 05:19
19 countries participated in BRICS meeting at past Friday, one of them - Thailand


BRICS is an acronym for the grouping of the world's leading emerging market economies, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Despite the membership of both Russia and China, the BRICS mechanism aims to promote peace, security, development and cooperation (https://www.business-standard.com/article/international/14th-brics-summit-to-review-current-global-issues-reach-key-agreements-122062300037_1.html).

The meeting to which you refer was a meeting of what is known as "BRICS Plus." It was a virtual conference held as part of the main meeting, with ministers from countries such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Argentina, Nigeria, Senegal, and Thailand, etc. (https://brics-plus.com/). BRICS Plus countries are not members of BRICS. The BRICS Plus website shows a map of the world with the five BRICS member countries in black and the rest of the world's countries in red, along with the words BRICS+186 COUNTRIES.

June 27th, 2022, 05:39
Whatever. Sanctions are supported only by 20% of countries in World. It is not possible to exclude Russia from World economic. These who think opposite should enjoy inflation in their respective countries because of stupid political decisions of their governments.

All does sanctions now - increasing polarization of the World - East and West.

I have addressed the issue of 20% of the world's countries supporting sanctions in an earlier posting and won't repeat my comments here.

TASS, on 23 June, 2022, headlined a report on the Russian situation as "Russia reports weekly deflation of 0.12%. In annual terms, inflation as of June 17, reached 16.42%" (https://tass.com/economy/1470033). The 16.42% figure was against 16.69% a week earlier.

In May 2022, the inflation rate in Russia reached 17.1% compared to the same month of the previous year. This figure marked a decrease from April 2022, when it stood at 17.8% (https://www.statista.com/statistics/276323/monthly-inflation-rate-in-russia/).

The OECD has projected an inflation rate of nearly 9% for its 38 member countries, according to William Horobin of Bloomberg (8 June 2022; https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2022/6/8/russia-ukraine-war-threatens-long-lasting-impact-on-global-eco).

In contrast, the annual inflation rate of Taiwan rose to 3.39% in May of this year from 3.38% in the previous month, the highest inflation rate since August of 2012. On a seasonally adjusted monthly basis, however, consumer prices rose 0.32%, slowing from a 0.39% advance in the previous month (Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Taiwan; https://tradingeconomics.com/taiwan/inflation-cpi).

In an earlier posting, I referred to a view of the long-term Russian economy by the CEO of Sberbank, who forecast long-term deflation for the Russian economy as a result of sanctions. A report on Interfax on 17 Jun 2022 (https://interfax.com/newsroom/top-stories/80383/) was headlined "CBR sees no risks of deflation, Econ Ministry categorically disagrees: Russia already 'slipping' into it." In the long-term, deflation creates higher rates of unemployment and can eventually cause consumers to default on their debt obligations. The last time the world experienced an entrenched period of deflation that lasted for many years was the Great Depression.

So, according to Russia's own government ministries, Russia is currently experiencing higher inflation than OECD countries might expect, plus the prospect of prolonged deflation.

Perhaps you should consider this when reading that "These who think opposite should enjoy inflation in their respective countries because of stupid political decisions of their governments."

June 27th, 2022, 17:08
So, according to Russia's own government ministries, Russia is currently experiencing higher inflation than OECD countries might expect, plus the prospect of prolonged deflation.

Perhaps you should consider this when reading that "These who think opposite should enjoy inflation in their respective countries because of stupid political decisions of their governments."

Correct. Deflation for Russia means prices are going lower and that is good for people. And nobody cares here about unemployment rate since for many not years but centuries Russia has deficit of workforce. It is because of territory size. Even at most critical crisis like it was in 2008/2009 here never been unemployment rate higher than 9% - and this number was so high only because some cities are here "monocity" - i.e. city with one huge manufacturing plant where all citizens are working, at time of crisis unemployment rate in such cities may be even 20%. Typical unemployment rate in Moscow is around -2% (yes, minus).

Speaking about "higher inflation than OECD", we here know for what we are "paying" - for Russians in Ukraine, for safety of our relatives, for Crimea as a "whole Russia" resort, for elimination of Nazi, for additional territories which may join Russia. Also, crisis 2004, 2008, Crimean crisis 2014 were fixed quickly by Russian Central bank and govt within 1 year, so we know what to expect, we see already ruble is 25% stronger than year ago, import is cheaper 25% than year ago.

For what pay citizens of Western countries after stupid political decisions of their governments?

June 27th, 2022, 20:39
Correct. Deflation for Russia means prices are going lower and that is good for people. And nobody cares here about unemployment rate since for many not years but centuries Russia has deficit of workforce. It is because of territory size. Even at most critical crisis like it was in 2008/2009 here never been unemployment rate higher than 9% - and this number was so high only because some cities are here "monocity" - i.e. city with one huge manufacturing plant where all citizens are working, at time of crisis unemployment rate in such cities may be even 20%. Typical unemployment rate in Moscow is around -2% (yes, minus).

Speaking about "higher inflation than OECD", we here know for what we are "paying" - for Russians in Ukraine, for safety of our relatives, for Crimea as a "whole Russia" resort, for elimination of Nazi, for additional territories which may join Russia. Also, crisis 2004, 2008, Crimean crisis 2014 were fixed quickly by Russian Central bank and govt within 1 year, so we know what to expect, we see already ruble is 25% stronger than year ago, import is cheaper 25% than year ago.

For what pay citizens of Western countries after stupid political decisions of their governments?

As usual, claims without source.

World Bank data (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.UEM.TOTL.ZS?locations=RU-UA-EU&start=1990%0D) state that since 2000, the unemployment rate in Russia has varied from 10.58 % in 2000 to 5.2 % in 2020 during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, and 4.2% in the first quarter of this year. Current figures are unavailable.

In discussing the unemployment rate in Russia, one has to consider a tactic that is used in Russia – and Japan – to reduced unemployment by spreading the pain. Since 2014, Russian employers have responded to crises by cutting wages rather than laying off workers off. As a result, the effect on income was spread more or less equally across all employees, rather than being concentrated among those who lost their jobs. That is, people did the same work under the same conditions but for lower pay or salary. Therefore, focusing on low unemployment rates as an example of the effect of Western sanctions on Russia is misleading.

Consider, however, the number of Russians living below the poverty line. In the first quarter of 2022, 14.3% of the resident population of Russia, or 21 million people, already lived under the poverty line (Statista Research Department, Jun 15, 2022). Later figures are, as yet unavailable. To compare that with the poverty rate in one of those countries that supports sanctions, the poverty rate in Taiwan in 2022 is 1.29% of the total population (https://bti-project.org › Home › Reports › Country Report). The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Taiwan went down to 3.68 percent in April of this year (https://tradingeconomics.com/taiwan/unemployment-rate).

In discussing inflation and deflation, consider the effect of sanctions on household debt in Russia. In 2019, it was reported on August 16, 2019 that "Every fifth Russian pays 30%-50% of total family income to loan — opinion poll," https://tass.com/society/1073646). Russia has a consumer debt problem as household debt amounts to around 19.5% of Russian nominal GDP. Russian Household Debt reached US$377.5 billion in April 2022, of which non-performing loans represent about 16.75% (https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/russia/household-debt--of-nominal-gdp). I believe that in April 2022, the Russian bank lending rate was 15.22%.

Consider, too, that Russian banks approved 37,200 mortgage loans totaling 130.5 billion rubles ($2 billion) in April 2022. This was a 75% drop from March, when banks issued 529.3 billion rubles ($8 billion) in mortgage loans, and a 77% drop in the number of mortgage loans. “It’s the largest fall in history,” Equifax CEO Oleg Lagutkin was quoted as saying, warning of a further decline in May” (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/17/mortgage-loans-suffer-biggest-fall-in-russias-history-rbc-a77702).

Maybe the picture Russian life under inflation and deflation is not quite what you would like people to believe.

With regard to the rest of your posting on that Russians know they are paying for, much of what you wrote largely reproduces the imperial ambitions of Vladimir Putin as Peter the Great reincarnated (“Putin and Peter the Great: Russian leader likens himself to 18th Century tsar,” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61767191). Consider, however, that Peter the Great was physically impressive, reportedly standing 2.03 meters (or 6 feet 8 inches) tall. Vladimir Putin claims to be 170.18 centimeters (or 5 feet 7 inches) tall but is known to wear shoes with 10.16 centimeter (4 inch) heels. History may record Putin as being more like Emperor Nicholas II, who was 1.7 meters tall but was known to his family was “Nicholas the Short.”

June 27th, 2022, 22:08
Consider, however, the number of Russians living below the poverty line. In the first quarter of 2022, 14.3% of the resident population of Russia, or 21 million people, already lived under the poverty line (Statista Research Department, Jun 15, 2022). Later figures are, as yet unavailable. To compare that with the poverty rate in one of those countries that supports sanctions, the poverty rate in Taiwan in 2022 is 1.29% of the total population (https://bti-project.org › Home › Reports › Country Report). The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Taiwan went down to 3.68 percent in April of this year (https://tradingeconomics.com/taiwan/unemployment-rate).[/url]).

To compare country by poverty lines - is most useless and only propagandistic task, because of fact what each country sets own "poverty line level". If Russia will set poverty line on $100 monthly, then below poverty line will be only few hundreds of people, maybe few thousands of whole population... if it will set it to $1,000,000 then almost 95% of population will be below of such line.

Current poverty line here is $264 per adult, $240 per kid, means monthly income for family with 2 kids should be below $1008 after taxation for to include this family in to "poor" group. Such families receive support from state, for example monthly payment "per kid" which depends on parents income may be from $140 up to $600 per kid (than less is income, then higher is monthly payment, than more kids are living in family, then higher is payment).

Almost all low class (by income) here lives in social state owned apartments (minimum 18 sq.meters per person, but not less than 33 sq.m for solo living person and 42 sq.m per pair), they spend on living in such apartments about $100 including utilities by social prices (cold and hot water, heating, electricity, and so on, and gas isn't metered) monthly. Moreover, after living 15-20 years (depends on region) in such apartments each citizen once in life may register it private and became owner (will pay property tax, prices for utilities will be higher), but also may sell, exchange or give to rent it. One more point about houses and apartments in Russia - if citizen became bankrupt no one creditor may take his home or apartment if it is only place of living for broken person.

Also, please take in calculation what education up to high school, medical insurance are free here. And medical insurance 100% covers all cases besides cosmetology, and also includes hospitals, vaccination, yearly vaccination and yearly check up. Meals in schools are free for all children up to 8th grade and free for kids from low income families up to 11th grade.

And one more: each state owned or private university or college here must have at least 50% of seats what are 100% sponsored by state, kids take such seats by results of final exams at the end of 11-th year of studying in schools, and everything in UNI is free for such kids - hostel, books, sport, uniform (if applicable).

By the way, I wonder why you are so edger to protect Ukraine. Taiwan is under pressure of Mainland almost the same way as Donetsk republic is under pressure of "mainland' Ukraine. The same size, the same willing not to accept ideology of Mainland, the same willing to have own sovereign state, the same problem with partially recognition . The only difference is - Taiwan isn't under bombing from "mainland" at past 8 years.

June 28th, 2022, 06:09
To compare country by poverty lines - is most useless and only propagandistic task, because of fact what each country sets own "poverty line level". If Russia will set poverty line on $100 monthly, then below poverty line will be only few hundreds of people, maybe few thousands of whole population... if it will set it to $1,000,000 then almost 95% of population will be below of such line.

Current poverty line here is $264 per adult, $240 per kid, means monthly income for family with 2 kids should be below $1008 after taxation for to include this family in to "poor" group. Such families receive support from state, for example monthly payment "per kid" which depends on parents income may be from $140 up to $600 per kid (than less is income, then higher is monthly payment, than more kids are living in family, then higher is payment).

Almost all low class (by income) here lives in social state owned apartments (minimum 18 sq.meters per person, but not less than 33 sq.m for solo living person and 42 sq.m per pair), they spend on living in such apartments about $100 including utilities by social prices (cold and hot water, heating, electricity, and so on, and gas isn't metered) monthly. Moreover, after living 15-20 years (depends on region) in such apartments each citizen once in life may register it private and became owner (will pay property tax, prices for utilities will be higher), but also may sell, exchange or give to rent it. One more point about houses and apartments in Russia - if citizen became bankrupt no one creditor may take his home or apartment if it is only place of living for broken person.

Also, please take in calculation what education up to high school, medical insurance are free here. And medical insurance 100% covers all cases besides cosmetology, and also includes hospitals, vaccination, yearly vaccination and yearly check up. Meals in schools are free for all children up to 8th grade and free for kids from low income families up to 11th grade.

And one more: each state owned or private university or college here must have at least 50% of seats what are 100% sponsored by state, kids take such seats by results of final exams at the end of 11-th year of studying in schools, and everything in UNI is free for such kids - hostel, books, sport, uniform (if applicable).

By the way, I wonder why you are so edger to protect Ukraine. Taiwan is under pressure of Mainland almost the same way as Donetsk republic is under pressure of "mainland' Ukraine. The same size, the same willing not to accept ideology of Mainland, the same willing to have own sovereign state, the same problem with partially recognition . The only difference is - Taiwan isn't under bombing from "mainland" at past 8 years.

This time I can begin my reply with the words you have used several times - Again a lot of lines...

Unlike me, however, you continue not to provide links so that your assertions can be checked.

You cite the Russian poverty level in USD, not in rubles, but the Russian government sets the poverty level in rubles, not USD.

Many other governments also provide social housing, free medical care, university-level scholarships, free vaccinations, etc., for their poorer workers, so this is not something unique to Russia and thus is irrelevant to the point that many Russians live at or below the poverty level.

As you dispute the comments about the number of Russian people living in crisis, below I reproduce an article published on 15 June 2022 at https://frontnews.eu/en/news/details/33430:

"Rosstat reported a sharp increase in the number of poor people in Russia
During the first quarter of 2022, the number of Russians living below the poverty line increased by 69%. This follows from the publication of Rosstat, reports Ekho Kavkaza.
According to Rosstat calculations, in the first quarter of 2022 the number of people with incomes below the poverty line was 20.9 million. At the same time, at the end of 2021, the agency reported 12.4 million Russians below the poverty line. Thus, in the first three months of 2022 there were 8.5 million more poor people in Russia, or 68.5%. In the first quarter of 2022, Rosstat proceeded from 12,916 rubles - the minimum income, sufficient to live in Russia, according to the department.
Compared with the fourth quarter of 2021, the average income of Russians decreased from Br47.694 to Br36.234, a drop of 24%. At the same time, the average salary decreased from 62,828 rubles to 60,101 rubles, or 4.3%. The number of employed population decreased by 800 thousand people.
The volume of social payments in the first quarter of 2022 decreased by 19.4% compared to the previous one. At the same time, the share of income from entrepreneurial and other productive activities in the total structure of income increased by 0.7%.
Rosstat has been estimating the number of the population with monetary income below the poverty line since 1992. The methodology for calculating the poverty line was changed in 2021. Now it corresponds to the cost of the consumer basket in the fourth quarter of 2020, adjusted for inflation.
On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. In April, Russia's military expenditures amounted to about 21 billion rubles per day."

The Hindustan Times (June 13, 2022, https://hindustannewshub.com/russia-ukraine-news/rosstat-reported-on-the-rise-in-poverty-in-russia-to-a-3-year-high-the-moscow-times/) carried a story headlined "Rosstat reported on the rise in poverty in Russia to a 3-year high," citing a Moscow Times article, and including the sentences, "At the same time, 40% recorded a deterioration in their financial situation in the last year; 28% reported that they spend almost all their money on food, but they can no longer afford clothes and shoes, and 8% complained that they “do not even have enough money to eat” (according to the May survey of the Central Bank). At the end of the year, according to the official forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, real disposable incomes of the population will decrease by 6.8% – the maximum value since 1999, and real wages – by 3.6%. “People will become much poorer,” says Vladimir Gimpelson, director of the Center for Labor Studies at the Higher School of Economics."

A similar report is at https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-poverty-has-reached-critical-levels-2015-7, with the additional comment that "Russia's total population was estimated to be 144 million, according to Forbes, using Rosstat data. If the 22.9 million figure and the Forbes estimate (which removes Crimea from the data) are correct, then about 15.9 percent of Russia's total population lives below the poverty line." It also notes, "While inflation eased to 15.3 percent year-to-year in June, real wages were down 7.3 percent in May compared with the same period in 2014, according to Rosstat data. Unemployment in Russia is relatively low at 5.6 percent, but partial unemployment is rising quickly, with the number of part-time workers rising 8 percent." In an earlier post, you claimed unemployment was around 4%, I believe.

Rosstat (https://rosstat.gov.ru/) is the Federal State Statistics Service is the governmental statistics agency in Russia and is part of the Ministry of Economic Development. I cannot check the English-language version of the official website as it persistently "times out."

Odd how official data contradict your rosy view of life in Russia at the moment.

Taiwan (officially the Republic of China according to my passport) is not under the same pressure from the Mainland as Donetsk is under pressure from Ukraine. Like Donetsk, however, parts of the ROC were under bombing from the Mainland for years - look up the attacks on Quemoy and Matsu known as the First and Second Taiwan Strait Crises (the second was in 1958). Despite the claims of the PRC, it has never ruled Taiwan and the so-called "One China Consensus" is a lie. Until 1971 the Republic of China was a member of the UN and held a Security Council seat - something that Donetsk has never done. There are about 25 Foreign Embassies and 8 Consulates in Taiwan (https://www.embassy-worldwide.com/country/taiwan/) - how many are in Donetsk?. My passport allows to me to travel to every country except Georgia and Jamaica, while people living in Donetsk have to get Russian passports to travel. In fact, my passport allows me more visa-free travel than your Russian passport allows you - according to firms like Henley & Partners (https://www.henleyglobal.com/passport-index) and Passport Index (https://www.passportindex.org/byRank.php). The comparison is simply misguided.

June 28th, 2022, 06:33
Many other governments also provide social housing, free medical care, university-level scholarships, free vaccinations, etc., for their poorer workers, so this is not something unique to Russia and thus is irrelevant to the point that many Russians live at or below the poverty level.

So Taiwan also has free medical insurance including hospitals, free education including University degree? It is you who started to compare Russia and Taiwan, so lets continue.

and your quotation from Ukrainian "Frontnews" is bullshit... Ukrainians lies as usual. And Ekho Kavkaza is is even more worst - foreign opposition media living on grants from US.

average income as per official report of Rosstat has opposite numbers: average income increased in first quarter 2022 on 10.9% and became 36 234 rubles.

average salary also increased to 60К+ or 15%

unemployment rate contracted from 5.8 to 4.2%

Official report of Rosstat, use google translator https://rosstat.gov.ru/folder/313/document/168756

June 28th, 2022, 07:00
So Taiwan also has free medical insurance including hospitals, free education including University degree? It is you who started to compare Russia and Taiwan, so lets continue.

Number is correct, but since Eho Kavkaza is foreign media of opposition, they forgot to mention what methodology of counting poverty has been changed since start of 2022. It is usual for opposition, especially for opposition who is living abroad on grants from US like Ekho Kavkaza.

In 2022 first time is has been calculated as 42% of median income (pay attention: median, not average, it is huge difference). As result a lot of people who were in 2021 just low income group became in statistic "below poverty line" in 2022. Also in numbers poverty line itself has been raised. It gave to government legal rights to support more people in Russia whom income is low. Also from 2022 minimal wage has been raised.

With regard to your first misquote, you omitted the words "for their poorer workers" in my original comment. I did not claim that these were provided to everyone. Many other countries, however, also provide free university-level education (e.g., Czechia), so Russia is not unique here.

Why do you claim that Eho Kavkaza should have stated that the method of establishing the number of people living in poverty had been changed when the report in question was citing official Russian statistics? Kavkaza was under no obligation as a journalist to explain that Rosstat had changed it procedures - unless the original report made this distinction clear. As i noted, I cannot check the Rosstat report as their English-language website does not respond. Whether or not the method has changed, the fact remains that Rosstat was reporting that more Russians are living in poverty.

Do you have proof that Eho Kavkaza is living on grants from the US? If not, your comment is libelous mud-slinging.

Again, your last paragraph is irrelevant because, however the poverty level is officially calculated (whether it is as a percentage of median income or a percentage of average income), Rosstat was officially reporting a rise in poverty to a 3-year high, whether or not the change gave the government a legal right to provide more support.

June 28th, 2022, 07:21
Again, your last paragraph is irrelevant because, however the poverty level is officially calculated (whether it is as a percentage of median income or a percentage of average income), Rosstat was officially reporting a rise in poverty to a 3-year high, whether or not the change gave the government a legal right to provide more support.

so you don't see difference in methods? why you comment poverty at all?

look at my first comment about poverty: when state raises official poverty line, even when income didn't changed a lot of people will be counted as poor after it...

and yes, I paid attention what you don't compare Russia with Taiwan anymore after my explanation about state support of poor people in Russia...

It is official - "Ekho Kavkaza" is project of "Radio "Freedom"... do you need me to continue? or will just google it?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Free_Europe/Radio_Liberty check 4th from the end row in the table

could you please count how many times CIA of US is mentioned in this article? (35 times)

June 28th, 2022, 08:55
so you don't see difference in methods? why you comment poverty at all?

look at my first comment about poverty: when state raises official poverty line, even when income didn't changed a lot of people will be counted as poor after it...

and yes, I paid attention what you don't compare Russia with Taiwan anymore after my explanation about state support of poor people in Russia...

It is official - "Ekho Kavkaza" is project of "Radio "Freedom"... do you need me to continue? or will just google it?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Free_Europe/Radio_Liberty check 4th from the end row in the table

could you please count how many times CIA of US is mentioned in this article? (35 times)

Whether or not I see a difference in the methods used by Rosstat to calculate the Russian poverty level is irrelevant to the fact that Rosstat itself was reporting (according to its latest method of calculating the poverty level) that MORE Russians are living at or below that level.

I commented on the Russian poverty level to point out that the idyllic life you were reporting (e.g., that people were happy with deflation, etc.) was not borne out by official statistics.

Support for people at or below the poverty level in Taiwan is comparable to that provided in other countries, e.g., free health care, housing subsidies, free vaccinations, income subsidies, consumption vouchers, etc. I didn't go into the detail you did simply because poverty is not a major issue here as only about 1.3% of the population is classified as poor (https://www.statista.com/statistics/651253/asia-pacific-proportion-of-population-below-the-poverty-line-by-country/). Here, municipalities, rather than the central government, are responsible for the welfare of those with Household Registration (i.e., living legally) in their jurisdiction. Although I live well-above the poverty level, I am aware of what happens because the Household Registration Office officials check on me because of my age (I am almost 80 years old).

Thank you for the additional information on Ekho Kavkaza. I was assuming it was a person from the Caucasus.

If you want to dismiss that report, and the one in the Hindustan Times and that in Business Insider, what about reading one from https://runews24.ru/eng/economy/13/06/2022/f7591e1cdabc4e6c921937e5c8e82bd4, "Russian Federal State Statistics Service: nearly 21 million Russians are below the poverty line. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, this number has increased compared to last year due to the acceleration of inflation"?

Runews24 is a Russian internet service provider headquartered in Russia, registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) on November 17, 2014. Registration certificate El No. FS77-59875. Postal address: 123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya nab., 12. Phone: +7 (499) 409-85-24. E-mail: info@runews24.ru. I assume that, as its website is still operating, it is not reporting propaganda for the USA.

The body of the report states: "The number of Russians whose income was below the poverty line in the first quarter of 2022 amounted to almost 21 million people, or 14.3% of the total population. According to Rosstat, their number has grown due to the acceleration of inflation to 11.54%. The department reported that the poverty line in the first quarter of this year for Russians was set at 12,916 rubles a month. At the same time, according to the calculations of Rosstat, the average per capita nominal income in the first quarter amounted to 36,234 rubles per month. This is 10.9% more than in the same period in 2021.

Earlier, the Central Bank reported that the residents of Russia were again interested in cash. The amount of cash in the period from June 1 to June 9 increased by 150.4 billion rubles - almost one and a half times compared to 2021."

The figure of 12,916 rubles a month is presently US$246.13 per month. The "interest in cash" is indicative of a distrust in banks. Note that this report, like the others earlier quoted, does not state that Rosstat has changed the basis for calculating the poverty level - only that more Russians are living in poverty, and that Rosstat attributes the cause to an increase in inflation. It makes no mention of the benefits of deflation, but does state that average per capita income increased in the same time period by 10.9% over the previous year's same time period.

Are you aware of Radio Sputnik (https://sputniknews.com/), established by the Russian government-owned news agency Rossiya Segodnya in 2014, that broadcasts Russian propaganda in 26 languages? It is usually seen as broadcasting dezinformatsiya - or propaganda - and is a counterpart to Radio Freedom. It has been banned in the EU since the beginning of the "special military operation." Why complain that other countries broadcast propaganda when your own developed it to a fine art under Stalin, who coined the term dezinformatsiya?

Finally, why are you so concerned to establish that any increase in the number of people living in poverty is attributable only to a change in the way the poverty level is calculated when Rosstat does not make such a claim itself?

July 29th, 2022, 22:45
‘RUSSIA HAS TO PAY’ Horrifying footage shows ‘Russian soldiers castrating Ukrainian prisoner of war with box-cutter knife’ sparking outrage
The deranged soldiers shout insults at the man and then hold his castrated genitals up to the camera.

It's not clear where or when the video - which is too graphic to publish - was taken, but sleuths claim to have found some of the troops had been filmed on the frontlines in Donbas in June.

It is also unclear what happened to the Ukrainian soldier, though it's believed he would not have survived without immediate medical treatment.

Journalist Aric Toler said there was no evidence the video had been doctored and said Russian state media showed the same Russian soldiers in Severodonestsk back in June after it was seized from Ukrainian forces.

The chilling clip has caused outrage in Kyiv with Ukrainian MP Inna Sovsun tweeting the footage, saying: "Russia has to pay for it".

She said: "Give Ukraine the weapons we need to stop this nightmare once and for all.

"The world can't pretend like this isn't happening."

Investigators claim the soldier who carried out the sicking attack belongs to a Chechen unit under the command of Vladimir Putin's warlord crony Ramzan Kadyrov.
Investigative outlet Bellingcat told The Times the video appears to be genuine.

August 2nd, 2022, 10:41
‘RUSSIA HAS TO PAY’ Horrifying footage shows ‘Russian soldiers castrating Ukrainian prisoner of war with box-cutter knife’ sparking outrage
The deranged soldiers shout insults at the man and then hold his castrated genitals up to the camera.

It's not clear where or when the video - which is too graphic to publish - was taken, but sleuths claim to have found some of the troops had been filmed on the frontlines in Donbas in June........

Investigators claim the soldier who carried out the sicking attack belongs to a Chechen unit under the command of Vladimir Putin's warlord crony Ramzan Kadyrov.
Investigative outlet Bellingcat told The Times the video appears to be genuine.

The treatment of prisoners of war is governed in international humanitarian law by the Geneva Convention - of which the Russian Federation is a signatory, although in 2019 Putin revoked Russia's signing of Additional Protocol 1 which deals mainly with the protection of civilians, civilian objects, medical organizations, and the environment.
Ukraine has not revoked this protocol, though.

So far, Putin has not revoked other protocols, including those protecting POWs. Part 12, Article 12 of the Geneva Convention deals with the treatment of Prisoners of War, and states, "Article 12. Prisoners of war are in the hands of the enemy Power, but not of the individuals or military units who have captured them. Irrespective of the individual responsibilities that may exist, the Detaining Power is responsible for the treatment given them."

In 2016, Ramzan Kadyrov's Chechen troops, although still under direct control of Kadyrov, were placed under nominal control of the National Guard of Russia, an independent agency that reports directly to the President of Russia (currently Vladimir Putin) under office's powers as Supreme Commander-in-Chief and Chair of the Security Council.

The website of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has a series of lessons on the Law of Armed Conflict. The sixth lesson is instructive in this case as it deals with the issue of Command Responsibility. Point Four concerns "CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY OF COMMANDERS FOR ACTS COMMITTED BY THEIR SUBORDINATES
Commanders will be held criminally responsible under the law if:
• they knew, or should have known, that subordinates were going to break the law, i.e. commit a war crime, but did nothing to prevent it;
• they fail to take any action against (punish or report) subordinates who have already committed a war crime.
A commander therefore cannot use the excuse, “I did not know”.
Command means just that – being in control and being responsible for what is happening in your command all the time, every time." (https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/assets/files/other/law6_final.pdf)

It would logically follow, therefore, that either or both of Putin and Kadyrov is accountable for this war crime.

August 4th, 2022, 04:09
im more concerned about the nuclear power stations, if we have another chernobyl it will be an utter disaster, that part of the world is exrelemely agriculturally productive & it woukld seriously affect world food production if it was permanantly excluded due to contamination.
I recall that after chernobyl dozen sof the companies I consulted for had to test raw materials that were grown (fruit/berries, dairy....) in the path of the nuclear plume that spread across europe after that disaster, cost a small fortune & was hugely disruptive.

August 4th, 2022, 06:12

Seriously? People who trust "The Sun" still exists?

What is wrong with The Sun newspaper?
The publication has attracted extensive amounts of controversy since its foundation in 1964, having been repeatedly accused of regularly falsifying information and having misleading headlines, as well as allegations of being a perpetrator of the spread of fake news.

It is OK, I know why Ukraine spreads this forged "news" within country - they just announced next wave of mobilization "from 18 till 60" and need motivation for "soldiers", also I understand why "The Sun" publish it - they need shocking news. But why you bring that here?

August 5th, 2022, 15:52
Seriously? People who trust "The Sun" still exists?

It is OK, I know why Ukraine spreads this forged "news" within country - they just announced next wave of mobilization "from 18 till 60" and need motivation for "soldiers", also I understand why "The Sun" publish it - they need shocking news. But why you bring that here?

I cannot answer for why Dab69 posted the report, but I can point out that "The Sun" was not alone in reporting this event.

The report was also carried by more reputable outlets in a range of countries, e.g., The Guardian (Video appears to show Russian soldier castrating Ukrainian ...https://www.theguardian.com › world › jul › video-app...), The Times of Israel (In video, Russian troops appear to castrate Ukrainian war ...https://www.timesofisrael.com › in-video-russian-troops...), the Indian TV news program WION (Horrific video shows Russian soldiers castrating Ukrainian ...https://www.wionews.com › world › horrific-video-sho...), Newsweek (Video of Russian Soldier Allegedly Castrating Ukraine POW ...https://www.newsweek.com › ... › Ukraine › War Crimes), the Australian publication News.com.au ('Sickening' video shows gagged Ukrainian POW being castrated... https://www.news.com.au › world › europe › news-story), UPI (Russian soldier allegedly castrates Ukrainian prisoner on video... https://www.upi.com › World-News › 2022/07/30 › rus...), and even Fox News (Graphic video of Russian soldier allegedly castrating ..https://www.foxnews.com › world › graphic-video-russia...).

A long list of outlets carried the report, as an internet search shows ("About 389,000 results (0.42 seconds)). Not all these outlets "need shocking news." It would be strange if none of them thought the news was "forged"! In fact, many reports, such as that on WION, explicitly noted that they could not independently verify the authenticity of the clip which was being circulated. They also noted that, though it could not be determined exactly when or where the footage was taken, several reports indicated that the act could have happened weeks before near the Azot chemicals plant in the eastern city of Sievierodonetsk. They also stated that the Russian soldier committing the act was previously filmed in the vicinity of the Azot chemical works in Sievierodonetsk in eastern Ukraine and that he was serving with a Chechen formation known as the Akhmat battalion.

Your own quote "What is wrong with The Sun newspaper?" comes from an article entitled "Why is The Sun hated by Liverpool fans & banned in many places?" (https://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/why-the-sun-is-hated-by-liverpool-fans-banned-in-many-place/2hrhnj5tch2r1ae7tllvac6fb," written by Cady Siregar, and published on 16 Jan 2022 07:00+08:00 ). The article deals with the reason why the tabloid is hated in the city of Liverpool because of its coverage of the Hillsborough football ground tragedy in 1989, when it published an article about the police wrongly attributing all blame surrounding the human crush to the Liverpool fans in attendance, accusing them of being drunken hooligans. "Goal" is an international association football news website (see, e.g., https://www.goal.com/zh-tw). It specializes in sports journalism only, and is hardly a credible source on other issues.


August 5th, 2022, 16:28
Dragonman, specially for you. That advertising got huge viral distribution in China and World few days ago.


August 5th, 2022, 18:31
Dragonman, specially for you. That advertising got huge viral distribution in China and World few days ago.


For board members who do not read Chinese, the message below the condom is "拦人这块. 从不会让你生望."

One of the several ways to translate/interpret this message in English is as a threat: "Stop this. Never let you live."

August 5th, 2022, 18:55
For board members who do not read Chinese, the message below the condom is "拦人这块. 从不会让你生望."

One of the several ways to translate/interpret this message in English is as a threat: "Stop this. Never let you live."

Heh, in conjunction with grandma Pelosi's visit it means different... something like "This barrier will never let you down". This is exactly why advertising is so viral now.

August 5th, 2022, 19:17
Heh, in conjunction with grandma Pelosi's visit it means different... something like "This barrier will never let you down". This is exactly why advertising is so viral now.

"Never let you down" would be better translated in your version as "Never disappoint you."

If this "viral advertisement" is a veiled allusion to shooting down an airplane, it raises memories of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 17/KLM Flight KL4103 over the Donbas Region in 2014.

September 4th, 2022, 19:30
211 pages has to be an all-time record for the loooooooongest post in Gay Forum history and we're still only on "The Brink".

Just imagine how long this post would be if a real war broke out.

Hey...come to think of it, I thought this whole thing was going to be over in 2 days. Go figure!

September 4th, 2022, 19:48
For board members who do not read Chinese, the message below the condom is "拦人这块. 从不会让你生望."
Typo, it is "拦人这块 从不会让你失望". When run through google translate with wrong hanzi, it gives wrong translation, whereas correct hanzi gives "This block will never let you down".

September 5th, 2022, 17:57
211 pages has to be an all-time record for the loooooooongest post in Gay Forum history and we're still only on "The Brink".

Just imagine how long this post would be if a real war broke out.

Hey...come to think of it, I thought this whole thing was going to be over in 2 days. Go figure!

And it doesn't look like it's going to end in the some near future...

September 5th, 2022, 19:20
......And it doesn't look like it's going to end in the some near future...

Now entered in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest "Brink" in modern history...LOL.

September 7th, 2022, 07:55
Typo, it is "拦人这块 从不会让你失望". When run through google translate with wrong hanzi, it gives wrong translation, whereas correct hanzi gives "This block will never let you down".

Christianpfc, Chinese writing can be interpreted in many different ways depending on context. Google Translate gives the version you mentioned. Systran and Yandex gives "Stop people. I never let you down."

However, those are literal translations, but Chinese can be interpreted in many different ways depending on context. The idioms section of FreeDictionary.com (https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/let+someone+down), for example, lists six different meaning of "let someone down," number 2 of which is "To fail or disappoint someone; to neglect or be unable to do what was wanted, required, or promised to someone." If you had looked at Reverso (https://context.reverso.net/translation/chinese-english/%E4%B8%8D%E4%BC%9A%E8%AE%A9%E4%BD%A0%E5%A4%B1%E6%9 C%9B), you would have found "不会让你失望" translated as either "let you down" or "disappoint you" depending on context.

However, as a Taiwanese, I didn't have to run it through Google translate to get the most appropriate translation in the context of a condom advertisement.

September 7th, 2022, 10:08
Typo, it is "拦人这块 从不会让你失望". When run through google translate with wrong hanzi, it gives wrong translation, whereas correct hanzi gives "This block will never let you down".

PS. "Hanzi" means "Han character," not punctuation, but the meaning of a character depends on context, so there is rarely one "correct" translation. The hanzi in my translation are those in the advertisement, and therefore correct.

Written Chinese does not necessarily require punctuation marks, though. Because of the advertisement's formatting, however, I assumed a full stop at the end of the first line of characters. Without that full stop, the text as it appears in the advertisement could read, "Stop People This Never Makes You Live" (which makes no sense) or (in more sensible translations) as "The barricade never makes you look bad" or "The barricade never fails you." The latter two translations make more sense in English in the context of a condom advertisement.

September 11th, 2022, 15:57
Putin being told to GTFO of Moscow by his own people.

Can you blame them?


September 11th, 2022, 16:20
Putin being told to GTFO of Moscow by his own people.

Can you blame them?



September 11th, 2022, 18:00
Any form of protest in our country is now severely suppressed by the authorities. Even for an online comment condemning Russia's actions in Ukraine and calling for a stop to the war, you can be arrested, fined or even imprisoned. No one takes to the streets for fear of arrest. Many activists were detained simply for posters with the inscription "NO WAR". Putin has created an atmosphere of total terror against dissent inside the country, an atmosphere of fear. People are afraid to talk. This is our reality now.

September 11th, 2022, 20:41
Any form of protest in our country is now severely suppressed by the authorities. Even for an online comment condemning Russia's actions in Ukraine and calling for a stop to the war, you can be arrested, fined or even imprisoned. No one takes to the streets for fear of arrest. Many activists were detained simply for posters with the inscription "NO WAR". Putin has created an atmosphere of total terror against dissent inside the country, an atmosphere of fear. People are afraid to talk. This is our reality now.

That's true. That why above I wrote "Fake".
Some people call it "terror", some people call it "order".
By the way: support of Kremlin in country after Feb 24 grew to 80% at first 2 months. Now it is going down because of too long lasting military operation. But it is still above 60%.

Election days on this weekend will show trends. Will see how much seats will take ruling party on municipal and regional elections.

September 11th, 2022, 21:42
All you need to know about current situation in 17 minutes with Tucker Carlson:


September 12th, 2022, 00:31
All you need to know about current situation in 17 minutes with Tucker Carlson:

Sitting on a gas pipe and blackmail Europe... is that what we really should be proud of?..

September 12th, 2022, 08:43
A stunning week for Ukrainian success and Russian military failure.

Probably just more of that "fake news".


September 12th, 2022, 13:57
A stunning week for Ukrainian success and Russian military failure.

Probably just more of that "fake news".


No, this is true. US suppled Ukrainians with weapon and they made advance near Kharkiv and took back few towns. Also made few rocket strikes by Russian territory. In total Ukraine took back about 600 sq.km of about 60 000 controlled by Russia, Ukraine lost 4000 killed, 8000 injured and about 100 tanks.

As a warning Russia made about 10 rocket strikes yesterday in 5 regions of Ukraine. Now these 5 Ukrainian regions sits in blackout and have no electricity and water, and Ned Price (State Dep.) complains about it.

September 12th, 2022, 18:03
Possibly more fake news, but now they're saying Russian troops are "Collapsing" as a result of this recent Ukrainian offensive.

The news is reporting that MANY towns and strongholds in the northeast which were previously help by Russian troops are now back n Ukrainian hands and Russian troops are retreating in mass.


September 12th, 2022, 18:09
Possibly more fake news, but now they're saying Russian troops are "Collapsing" as a result of this recent Ukrainian offensive.

The news is reporting that MANY towns and strongholds in the northeast which were previously help by Russian troops are now back n Ukrainian hands and Russian troops are retreating in mass.


Did they said what after yesterday cruise missiles strikes all railroads has been stopped without electricity and now Ukrainian army sitting in "MANY towns and strongholds in the northeast" without supplies, ammo and calling for help?

September 13th, 2022, 05:22
Did they said what after yesterday cruise missiles strikes all railroads has been stopped without electricity and now Ukrainian army sitting in "MANY towns and strongholds in the northeast" without supplies, ammo and calling for help?

Some have, but with somewhat different versions of events, e.g.: "Late Sunday, in a strike that Ukrainian officials condemned as a fit of pique over its losses, Moscow attacked infrastructure facilities in Kharkiv, leaving many civilians without power and water. President Volodymyr Zelensky said there was a “total blackout” in the regions of Kharkiv and Donetsk. No military facilities,” he wrote on Twitter. “The goal is to deprive people of light and heat. Russia’s retreat in the northeast is the biggest embarrassment for President Vladimir V. Putin’s larger and better equipped forces since their attempt to seize Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, was repelled at the start of the invasion. (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/11/world/europe/ukraine-kharkiv-russian-retreat.html).

Some have commented on the issue of ammunition for both sides, with one asking, "Who will win the ammunition war in Ukraine? Russia is buying shells from North Korea; the U.S. is burning through its stockpile of weapons. In a war of attrition, victory could come down to supplies," but concluding that "Russia’s stockpiles of weapons: smaller and dumber." (https://www.grid.news/story/global/2022/09/09/who-will-win-the-ammunition-war-in-ukraine-russia-is-buying-shells-from-north-korea-the-us-is-burning-through-its-stockpile-of-weapons/).

What news sources are reporting "after cruise missiles struck railroads," however, is events like this: "Joy in northeast Ukraine as residents return after Russian retreat. Ukrainian forces swept deeper into territory seized from fleeing Russian troops on Monday and joyful residents returned to former frontline villages, while Moscow's shells rained down on Kharkiv, setting off fires across the region's main city. (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-accuses-russia-attacking-power-grid-revenge-offensive-2022-09-11/)

And like this: "The swift fall of Izium in Kharkiv province was Russia’s worst military defeat since its troops were forced back from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv in March. As Russian forces abandoned town after town on Saturday, Putin was opening Europe’s largest ferris wheel in a Moscow park, while fireworks lit up the sky over Red Square to celebrate the city’s founding in 1147. And "Ramzan Kadyrov, a Putin ally whose troops have been at the forefront of the campaign in Ukraine, dismissed the loss of Izium, a critical supply hub. But he conceded the campaign was not going to plan. “If today or tomorrow changes are not made in the conduct of the special military operation, I will be forced to go to the country’s leadership to explain to them the situation on the ground,” said Kadyrov. Moscow’s almost total silence on the defeat - or any explanation for what had taken place in northeastern Ukraine - provoked significant anger among some pro-war commentators and Russian nationalists on social media." (https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/moscow-is-silent-russian-nationalists-rage-after-stunning-setbacks-in-ukraine-20220912-p5bh90.html). Kadyrov, however, will have his own problems with Ukrainian authorities as he is officially wanted by them for crimes under the Ukrainian Criminal Code - "Chechen leader Kadyrov now officially suspect in Ukraine" (https://news.yahoo.com/chechen-leader-kadyrov-now-officially-121035881.html, August 26).

And they have reported items like this: "Russian troops were forced to flee the strategic city of Izium -- their main bastion in northeastern Ukraine -- on Saturday after a swift Ukrainian counteroffensive. It was Moscow's worst defeat since its retreat from Kyiv in March -- and a sign that the war might be entering a new phase. Over the past week, Ukrainian forces have recaptured more than 3,000 square kilometers of territory -- more than Russian forces have captured in all their operations since April (https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/12/china/russia-ukraine-retreat-china-support-intl-hnk/index.html).

September 13th, 2022, 05:47
====President Volodymyr Zelensky said there was a “total blackout” in the regions of Kharkiv and Donetsk. No military facilities,” he wrote on Twitter===

No, he named 5 regions, not 2. And correct: strikes were by infrastructure - there were strikes by power plants. Now whole 5 regions have problems with electricity and railroads are stopped. TV, mobile networks, internet, other communications are shouted down. TEС-5 (Russian: ТЭЦ-5) hugest power plant (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kharkiv_TEC-5) (near Kharkiv) in Ukraine has been totally destroyed by 2 missiles "Kalibr" (watch video)


==========3,000 square kilometers of territory -- more than Russian forces have captured in all their operations since April============

Russia controls about 60000 sq.km (about 85 000 with Crimea), Front line is about 1500 km, if not count border Ukraine-Belorussia. That means they advanced in average 2 km...

Here you may watch these launches


September 13th, 2022, 07:03
[QUOTE=Moses;292110]====President Volodymyr Zelensky said there was a “total blackout” in the regions of Kharkiv and Donetsk. No military facilities,” he wrote on Twitter===

No, he named 5 regions, not 2. And correct: strikes were by infrastructure - there were strikes by power plants. Now whole 5 regions have problems with electricity and railroads are stopped. TV, mobile networks, internet, other communications are shouted down. TEС-5 (Russian: ТЭЦ-5) hugest power plant (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kharkiv_TEC-5) (near Kharkiv) in Ukraine has been totally destroyed by 2 missiles "Kalibr" (watch video)

==========3,000 square kilometers of territory -- more than Russian forces have captured in all their operations since April============

Russia controls about 60000 sq.km (about 85 000 with Crimea), Front line is about 1500 km, if not count border Ukraine-Belorussia. That means they advanced in average 2 km...

In the report I referenced, he named two regions as being totally without power. Other reports name five regions, but note that same are partially - not totally - without power; e.g., "On the evening of September 11, five regions of Ukraine were fully or partially without electricity. Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of the office of the president, said the lights are out in Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, and Donetsk regions (https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/09/12/zelensky-to-russia-no-lights-or-no-you-no-you).

I do not dispute your figures that "Russia controls about 60000 sq.km (about 85 000 with Crimea), Front line is about 1500 km, if not count border Ukraine-Belorussia. That means they advanced in average 2 km." But, if you have read carefully what I quoted, it referenced a comparison only with the Russian occupation of a land area since April of this year.

You commented that "That means they advanced in average 2 km." If the Ukrainians had been fighting along the entire length of the frontier, that you be an appropriate conclusion. But they are not - they are attacking only in specific areas where, apparently, they have advanced sufficiently far as to reach the Russian (not Belarussian) border - "Ukraine Soldiers Reach Russian Border After Driving Enemy Back, Video Shows" (https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-russia-retreat-russia-border-soldier-latest-update-conflict-1741910), and "Ukrainian forces have penetrated Russian lines to a depth of up to 70 kilometers in some places and captured over 3,000 square kilometers of territory in the past five days since September 6 – more territory than Russian forces have captured in all their operations since April" (https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/ukraine-conflict-updates, September 10th).

As your videos are in Russian, I cannot comment on them.

September 13th, 2022, 20:32
Did they said what after yesterday cruise missiles strikes all railroads has been stopped without electricity and now Ukrainian army sitting in "MANY towns and strongholds in the northeast" without supplies, ammo and calling for help?

Yes, and to make matters worse the Russian soldiers who are fleeing from these areas are apparently stealing bicycles from the local villagers to make their escapes. What a mess!

September 13th, 2022, 22:12
Yes, and to make matters worse the Russian soldiers who are fleeing from these areas are apparently stealing bicycles from the local villagers to make their escapes. What a mess!

yes-yes, also they steal rollerboards, scooters and wheelchair

meanwhile Ukrainians on taken territories arresting all teacher who had teaching in Russian language... punishment 7 - 15 years in prison for "collaborationism"

September 14th, 2022, 06:26
yes-yes, also they steal rollerboards, scooters and wheelchair

meanwhile Ukrainians on taken territories arresting all teacher who had teaching in Russian language... punishment 7 - 15 years in prison for "collaborationism"

I apologize in advance for the long quotations that follow. They are given in full to show that I am not cherry-picking selected information to prove a point.

Other news reports present this action differently, most noting that they are not Ukrainian teachers of Russian but Russian teachers who moved to Ukraine after the territories were occupied. For example: "Ukrainian authorities have detained an unspecified number of Russian teachers who moved to Ukrainian towns and cities after Russia took control of them after launching its invasion in late February.
Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said on September 12 that the teachers, who moved to Ukraine to teach a Russian curriculum at local Ukrainian schools "committed a crime."
"Of course, a court will decide on their punishment, but on the territory of our country there is still a big number of Russian citizens who came to temporarily occupied territories and they will surely face justice unless they leave our territory immediately," Vereshchuk said .
Vereshchuk added that the detained Russian teachers will not be included in prisoner-exchange lists as they are not combatants.
Ukrainian media reports said on September 10 that an unspecified number of Russian teachers were left behind as Russian troops and Russia-appointed officials fled several towns and villages in the Kharkiv region as Ukrainian armed forces recaptured territory during a lightning counteroffensive.
Ukrainian lawmaker Oleksiy Honcharenko said earlier that the Russian teachers were detained in the town of Kupyansk in the Kharkiv region.
On September 13, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied that there were Russian teachers in Ukraine's Kharkiv region.
Russian Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov added that all Ukrainian teachers who collaborated with Russian-appointed authorities and chose to move to Russia from the region, had been given assistance to do so." https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-detains-russian-teachers-occupied-territory/32031705.html. However, as you noted in an earlier post in this thread, Radio Free Europe is funded by the US (specifically The United States Agency for Global Media, formerly the Broadcasting Board of Governors, an independent agency of the United States government that broadcasts news and information), so it is probably an untrustworthy source.

And: "Russian teachers detained by Ukrainian military in liberated territories. They face up to 12 years in prison.Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said that schoolteachers were detained in settlements liberated from the Russian army. They had arrived in the occupied territories to work in local schools according to Russian educational programs. Vereshchuk is quoted by Strana as saying they will be tried under Article 438 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code (violation of laws and customs of war). This article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of eight to twelve years.
“They committed a crime against our state. We have repeatedly warned the Russian citizens who agreed to come to Ukraine and conduct activities prohibited by law. Of course, the measure of punishment for them will be determined by the court, but there is still a certain number of Russian citizens in our country who came to the temporarily occupied territories and who will definitely be punished if they don’t leave our territory without delay”, Vereshchuk said.
She said the Russian teachers will not be considered as prisoners suitable for exchange.
“No one will consider them as prisoners of war because they are not combatants, the Geneva Conventions do not provide for the exchange of persons who are not prisoners of war,” Vereshchuk said.
In July, it was reported that teachers were being recruited in Russian regions, especially in those with low salaries, to teach Ukrainian children “correct” history and, according to Russian Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov, correct geography and social studies. Teachers were offered salaries of approximately 190,000 rubles ($3130)." https://theins.ru/en/news/254970. (This source states "The Insider is a Russia-focused, independent media outlet. We're fully committed to investigative journalism and to debunking fake news. We're proud of our growing recognition, having received, among many others, The Council of Europe's Innovation Award, The European Press Prize and the Free Media Award).

"Collaborationism" is mentioned only in reference to Ukrainian teachers who agreed to teach the Russian curriculum, but there is not (at least as I read the reports) any mentioned that they have been arrested. Such teachers were warned as long ago as last April that this would happen, as this report from Pravda stated: "Ukrainian schoolchildren and teachers deported to Russia by Russian troops forced to adopt Russian curriculum. SUNDAY, 17 APRIL 2022, 16:33. 2352. Mykhailo Zahorodniy – Sunday, 17 April 2022." It concluded with the following words" Serhiy Horbachov, ombudsman for education, said that teaching in accordance with the Russian educational programs was an example of collaborationism, and that school teachers who will teach the Russian programs will be held accountable." https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/04/17/7340259/.

So, it seems that not all teachers who were teaching the Russian language are being arrested, but only Russian illegal immigrant teachers lured by promises of higher wages. Ukrainian teachers - at least so far - are not being arrested.

Given earlier reports of looting by Russian soldiers (e.g., https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/11/ukrainian-homes-looted-by-russian-soldiers), I would not be surprised if they did indeed "also steal rollerboards, scooters and wheelchair."

September 14th, 2022, 06:40
===So, it seems that not all teachers who were teaching the Russian language are being arrested, but only Russian illegal immigrant teachers lured by promises of higher wages. Ukrainian teachers - at least so far - are not being arrested.====

sure-sure... Ukrainians always says truth :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))

Russian language is forbidden on territories populated majority of Russians, tens political parties are forbidden, tens radio and TV station are closed and that is not about time after Feb 24, but about time before Feb 24. Any word about political situation not in favor of current govt will lead to immediately arrest, but you may continue to trust them...

Ukrainian oligarchs celebrating every donation from West, in Kiev are working night clubs and casinos - try in Google "night club Kiev" or "casino" Kiev and watch on map labels "opened", "opened"...

But you may continue to pay 2-7 times more for electricity and heating "for to stay for Ukraine"



September 14th, 2022, 08:01
===So, it seems that not all teachers who were teaching the Russian language are being arrested, but only Russian illegal immigrant teachers lured by promises of higher wages. Ukrainian teachers - at least so far - are not being arrested.====

sure-sure... Ukrainians always says truth :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))

Russian language is forbidden on territories populated majority of Russians, tens political parties are forbidden, tens radio and TV station are closed and that is not about time after Feb 24, but about time before Feb 24. Any word about political situation not in favor of current govt will lead to immediately arrest, but you may continue to trust them...

Ukrainian oligarchs celebrating every donation from West, in Kiev are working night clubs and casinos - try in Google "night club Kiev" or "casino" Kiev and watch on map labels "opened", "opened"...

But you may continue to pay 2-7 times more for electricity and heating "for to stay for Ukraine"



"Ukrainians always says truth.” Of course, just as official Russian spokespersons do.

Just as Sergei Lavrov spoke the truth when he stated on June 6, 2022 in a press conference that “Ukraine adopted “laws banning the Russian language.” In truth, “Russian has not been banned in Ukraine, despite repeated claims,” see https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jun/08/sergey-lavrov/russian-has-not-been-banned-ukraine-despite-repeat/. Moreover, since at least, 2018, “Russia is cracking down on minority languages – but a resistance movement is growing” (https://theconversation.com/russia-is-cracking-down-on-minority-languages-but-a-resistance-movement-is-growing-101493, September 11, 2018 and https://www.idelreal.org/a/28937644.html). These reports note that Russia itself has abolished the compulsory teaching of minority languages at schools in its own “ethnic republics” – part of a much larger project to remake the way Russia works, and to turn away from the relatively stable multiculturalism that Russia has maintained for decades.

According to Wikipedia, only 18 political parties are banned in Ukraine, not the “tens” you claim. Eleven are suspended for links with Russia (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/20/ukraine-suspends-11-political-parties-with-links-to-russia). Since March of this year, all national TV channels have been combined into one (“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has signed a decree that combines all national TV channels into one platform, citing the importance of a "unified information policy" under martial law, his office said in a statement on Sunday” (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/citing-martial-law-ukraine-president-signs-decree-combine-national-tv-channels-2022-03-20/). In the same month, “Russia orders shut down of country’s only independent TV channel and a liberal radio station” (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-shutdown-tv-channel-invasion-b2026139.html)

With regard to Ukrainian authorities cracking down on dissent, perhaps they learned this from Russia? For example. “Russia's crackdown on civil society has extended to antiwar protesters, independent news media and human rights organizations, silencing dissent and sources of information amid the war in Ukraine. Under Russia's foreign agents law, nongovernmental organizations receiving funding from another country experience increased scrutiny and risk of liquidation. We speak with Anna Dobrovolskaya, executive director of the Memorial Human Rights Center, one of Russia's oldest human rights organizations, which monitors human rights violations and provides legal assistance to asylum seekers. Russian courts ordered it dissolved in December 2021. "It's the approach of the Russian government to widely and silently put some limitations on people who are just willing to speak openly," says Dobrovolskaya. "The government is just trying to close everything down." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrvAkNRYjFs).

I do not grasp the relevance of your complaint that Kyiv nightclubs are operating, however, when there are lists of the best nightclubs still operating in Moscow (https://www.nightflow.com/best-nightclubs-in-moscow/) and St. Petersburg (https://www.nightflow.com/best-nightclubs-in-st-petersburg/), according to September 2022 updates. Presumably Russian oligarchs (at least those who have not died in suspicious circumstances since February 2022 - https://www.euronews.com/2022/09/12/accidental-defenestration-and-murder-suicides-too-common-among-russian-oligarchs-and-putin - or fled to other countries - https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnhyatt/2022/04/08/russian-oligarchs-fleeing-sanctions-are-house-hunting-in-dubai/?sh=1db61a0758ce ) are frequenting them. I understand nightclubs continued operating in London, for example, during World War II as well.

Your comment “But you may continue to pay 2-7 times more for electricity and heating "for to stay for Ukraine," at least for Taiwan is incorrect. That’s because the Electricity Price Review Committee announced at the beginning of July that power rates would increase by an average of 8.4% starting in August. Most households and small businesses have not been affected by the adjustment, as it was mostly aimed at large enterprises. Unlike the situation in other countries, Taiwan’s government still controls the price of energy, including electricity and gas - because the national electric utility, Taipower, and the largest gas company are state-owned.

Moreover, household electricity price rises in Europe range from the sharpest increase being in Estonia at 50.2 %, and biggest decrease in being in Slovakia at negative 5.8 % in the second half of 2022 (September 2, 2022, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Electricity_price_statistics). These are not "2-7 times more," surely.

September 14th, 2022, 10:30
Here's a single sentence taken from the article linked below which pretty much sums up reality:

......"a military that needs North Korean shells and St Petersburg convicts is at best down to the bare minimum strength needed to protect Russia itself".


Regardless if Putin is concerned with this or not, his decisions going forward could put Russia in an even worse situation. Up until now all the fighting, bloodshed, and mass destruction, has been across the border in Ukraine - but I wonder what would happen if Ukraine launched a major offensive against Russia? More nuclear saber rattling? Or, in reality, does Russia's nuclear might mirror that of it's unmaintained and obviously weak Military? If so, they should probably start thinking about piling up some sandbags along their border.

September 14th, 2022, 10:44
i do hope that putin the mad gets deposed soon and packed off to a nice cosy igloo in siberia so that someone realistically normal can govern Russia....

September 14th, 2022, 12:48
Here's a single sentence taken from the article linked below which pretty much sums up reality:

......"a military that needs North Korean shells and St Petersburg convicts is at best down to the bare minimum strength needed to protect Russia itself".


Regardless if Putin is concerned with this or not, his decisions going forward could put Russia in an even worse situation. Up until now all the fighting, bloodshed, and mass destruction, has been across the border in Ukraine - but I wonder what would happen if Ukraine launched a major offensive against Russia? More nuclear saber rattling? Or, in reality, does Russia's nuclear might mirror that of it's unmaintained and obviously weak Military? If so, they should probably start thinking about piling up some sandbags along their border.

Although Russia has the world's largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, an estimated 5,977 nuclear warheads as of 2022. Of this number, though, deployed missiles number about 1,588, and the remainder are either in reserve stockpiles, or have been retired and are marked for dismantling. Whether those deployed are actually capable of being fired is a great unknown, though they have looked good in various Russian military parades.

Statistica (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1294371/nato-nuclear-warhead-inventory/) states that the three NATO nuclear powers - France, Great Britain, and the USA - have a total of 4,172 nuclear weapons in 2022, with 3,708 of these nuclear warheads beloning to the US.

In this context, NATO's Ballistic Missile Defence systems, due to have been completed in 2020, becomes of interest. The NATO website (Ballistic missile defence, https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_49635.htm) was updated on 26 January, 2022, at 11:42, but stops short of stating whether the target was achieved. The key five functions of the system, when fully operational, are: planning; monitoring; information sharing; interception; and consequence management (https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/pdf_2016_07/20160630_1607-factsheet-bmd-en.pdf).

There are numerous videos on YouTube on the theme of the likeklihood and effcts of a nuclear war initiated by Russia, the outcomes of none of which is particularly inviting.

September 14th, 2022, 16:35
There are numerous videos on YouTube on the theme of the likeklihood and effcts of a nuclear war initiated by Russia, the outcomes of none of which is particularly inviting.

Hopefully the Russian people will take care of "containing" Putin before any of this would come even close to happening.

September 14th, 2022, 23:41
Hopefully the Russian people will take care of "containing" Putin before any of this would come even close to happening.

Results of past weekend elections in Russia, dark blue - pro-Putin party "United Russia":


Is is how Duma (Russian parliament) looks now since 2021


September 15th, 2022, 03:28
There is no such thing as elections in Russia for a long time.

September 15th, 2022, 08:36
i do hope that putin the mad gets deposed soon and packed off to a nice cosy igloo in siberia so that someone realistically normal can govern Russia....


When I read a news release yesterday describing how some of the Russian soldiers had changed into civilian clothes and were retreating to safety on bicycles they had stolen from local villagers - I was left with this vision of what's really at stake. And that's thousands of young (and adorable) Russian boys who would much prefer riding bicycles around the countryside enjoying life than dodging rockets and fighting with people who they don't even necessarily dislike. What's wrong with this picture?

Maybe when Putin is gone (this afternoon wouldn't be soon enough) they'll be able to hold a REAL election and put a Gay in charge who understands the true value of these young men.

I have never once since day one harbored any bad feelings about the Russian soldiers and hope for their sake Putin's War will end soon so they can get back to enjoying life like the rest of us.

September 15th, 2022, 16:21
When I read a news release yesterday describing how some of the Russian soldiers had changed into civilian clothes and were retreating to safety on bicycles they had stolen from local villagers - I was left with this vision of what's really at stake. And that's thousands of young (and adorable) Russian boys who would much prefer riding bicycles around the countryside enjoying life than dodging rockets and fighting with people who they don't even necessarily dislike. What's wrong with this picture?

Average age of contractors is 30 yo. And it was exactly their choice to sign contract and participate in military operation. So they "much prefer" to destroy Nazi in Ukraine.

September 15th, 2022, 16:26
U.S. shale gas and shale oil companies have warned they will not be able to ramp up supplies to Europe this winter. Their words are quoted by the Financial Times. According to the newspaper, the capacity for the extraction of these resources in the United States is already at the limit.

“It doesn't look like the US can pump more... Help will not come. Not from the gas producers, not from the oil producers,” said Wil Wen Lo, head of the private equity group at Quantum Energy Partners. Scott Sheffield, chief executive of the oil company Pioneer Natural Resources (one of the largest oil producers in the United States) adheres to the same position. “We're not opening new rigs and I don't see anyone else doing it,” he said.


September 15th, 2022, 18:12
Average age of contractors is 30 yo. And it was exactly their choice to sign contract and participate in military operation. So they "much prefer" to destroy Nazi in Ukraine.

Insofar as "they "much prefer" to destroy Nazi in Ukraine," that is probably because it is preferable to the "fourth Russia" (Zubarevich, Natalia, “Four Russias: the new Political reality,” Open Democracy, 1 February 2016. Four Russias: the new political reality | openDemocracy; https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/odr/four-russias-new-political-reality/) from which they come: "This is Russia beyond the big cities, in localities like Biysk or Porkhov. It’s all those townlets with a grey-on-grey color scheme and roads like they’ve just been bombed. Born there? Your alcoholic father has quite possibly been beating up your granny for her $150 pension, and junkies were doing salt in the back of your class in the eighth grade. Collection of scrap metal was an honorable alternative to petty theft, though the metal had to be stolen anyway. Your social circle was all sporting Adidas tracksuits, a third had done jail time. Chances are, you knew someone who killed someone. You sure knew someone who drank themselves to death (maybe it was your dad). And in lieu of the older generation to look up to, you got dames with permed hair, bloated from their cheap macaroni diet, hunched and dead-eyed before they turn 40. Somewhere, people were driving Ferraris, but you stood as much chance of becoming them as hitching a ride on the SpaceX Dragon. Not that you know what it is.
It's the young men from these low places who comprise a disproportionate percentage of the Russian invading force in Ukraine. Coupled with the simple fact that war breeds atrocity, especially a retro war like this one, is there any wonder that so many Russian soldiers, especially rank-and-file — but also some commanders from the same world — have turned to unspeakable crimes? Unspeakable to you and me, maybe; to them, it was just another Thursday — even in peacetime. The few who somehow picked up the importance of morals in spite of everything bailed out and never looked back. Or are dead. Morals are not conducive to survival in Biysk and Porkhov." (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/04/20/the-four-russias-and-ukraine-a77423).

September 15th, 2022, 18:26

September 15th, 2022, 19:37

Posting this image (for which you give neither a URL for its source nor a date and place for where the image was captured, but which I believe you have posted elsewhere in this thread) is an example of two logical fallacies.

The first is the rhetorical fallacy of “argument by repetition” in which a person states the same point over and over again, eventually wearing the other person down to the point where they no longer want to continue the argument.

The second is the fallacy of "proof by assertion," which is sometimes also known as "proof by repeated assertion," and which is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction and refutation.

The proposition can sometimes be repeated until any challenges or opposition cease, letting the proponent assert it as fact, and solely due to a lack of challengers - which is known as "argumentum ad nauseam" (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_nauseam). Repetition of such claims may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belief fallacies.

There are on the Internet numerous images of the front page of tabloid newspapers that show Prince Harry wearing a Nazi uniform, complete with swastika armband. As far as I know, no-one seriously believes he is a Nazi - though the case for his so being could be argued by the logical fallacies identified above.

September 15th, 2022, 22:41
Posting this image (for which you give neither a URL for its source nor a date and place for where the image was captured, but which I believe you have posted elsewhere in this thread) is an example of two logical fallacies.

The first is the rhetorical fallacy of “argument by repetition” in which a person states the same point over and over again, eventually wearing the other person down to the point where they no longer want to continue the argument.

The second is the fallacy of "proof by assertion," which is sometimes also known as "proof by repeated assertion," and which is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction and refutation.

The proposition can sometimes be repeated until any challenges or opposition cease, letting the proponent assert it as fact, and solely due to a lack of challengers - which is known as "argumentum ad nauseam" (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_nauseam). Repetition of such claims may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belief fallacies.

There are on the Internet numerous images of the front page of tabloid newspapers that show Prince Harry wearing a Nazi uniform, complete with swastika armband. As far as I know, no-one seriously believes he is a Nazi - though the case for his so being could be argued by the logical fallacies identified above.

yes, first reaction is always denying... just remember: you are their advocate, how do you feel yourself?



September 15th, 2022, 23:01
First two rows on black banner: "Nationalism is our religion"


September 15th, 2022, 23:07
Maybe you would like to comment that?


September 16th, 2022, 03:16
Meanwhile in Russia...


September 16th, 2022, 03:33
Meanwhile in Russia...


Sure... and one by one they have the same end: court and prison. No one of Russian nationalists is sitting in parliament nor govt.









September 16th, 2022, 03:45
By the way: it is good theme.

How looks court where is going hearing of "nationalists case" in Moscow:


How looks court where is going hearing of "nationalists case" in Kiev:



September 16th, 2022, 06:18
yes, first reaction is always denying... just remember: you are their advocate, how do you feel yourself?



I have to begin my response by noting that my post was a reaction to your posting - yet again - without comment, an undated photo from an unidentified source as a supposed response. The purpose of my posting was to indicate that your response was an example of at least two logical fallacies, i.e., you expect people to believe you simply because you keep posting such images.

Nowhere in any of my posts have I written anything that could be taken as advocating support for National Socialism in any of its forms. Nor have I denied anywhere that groups of people who self-identify as Nazis exist in Ukraine or elsewhere - including in Russia, as Andy indicates and your photos of various individuals in court seems to confirm. What I have consistently questioned is the excuse used by Putin to launch his "special military operation" that such Ukrainian groups formed a threat to the existence of the Russian Federation. I have nowhere seen any hard evidence that these groups were threatening the existence of the Russian Federation. If you know of any such evidence, why don't you post it here? Why has Putin not presented this evidence to the world instead of launching a "special military operation" on the excuse that "Its goal is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide... for the last eight years." Only after this opening sentence did he add, "And for this we will strive for the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine. And to bring to court those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation." Notice that "denazification" was not his main excuse but an objective.

With regard to the banner on "Nationalism is our religion," which was used in a march hosted by the militant white nationalist Karpatska Sich for Eastern European "radical youth" for the "Radical Alliance" in the city of Uzhhorod (which is at the border with Slovakia and near the border with Hungary) in April 2019 (see, e.g., https://twitter.com/kooleksiy/status/1117517097234587648 - note I reference the source), why didn't you mention also that the march also included Hungary's "Legio Hungaria," and that the march was also against "chauvinism, liberalism, and capitalism"?

I do not know in which context the march was using the slogan "Nationalism is our religion," so I cannot comment on what particular interpretation the marchers put on the expression. I note, however, that when I made a Google search, a range of links showed that it has been used in reference to articles such as "Nationalism as Religion" (Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, Vol. 86, No. 343 (Autumn, 1997), pp. 248-258), "Christian Nationalism Is ‘Single Biggest Threat’ to America’s Religious Freedom" (https://www.americanprogress.org/article/christian-nationalism-is-single-biggest-threat-to-americas-religious-freedom/), and "Russian ethnic nationalism and religion today" (Anastasia Mitrofanova, from the book "The New Russian Nationalism: Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism 2000–2015," edited by Pål Kolstø and Helge Blakkisrud, published by Edinburgh University Press, March 2016, and widely cited). Obviously, the term has difference meanings in different contexts, but the fact that Dr. Anastasia Mitrofanova, who is the Chair of Political Science, Church-State Relations and the Sociology of Religion at the Russian Orthodox University as well as Professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities, can use the term with reference to conditions inside the Russian Federation suggests that you should not throw the term about lightly.

The fact that no members of certain political and other groups have been elected to the present Russian parliament simply reflects what is widely known - Putin has either purged, forced into exile, imprisoned or disenfranchised political opponents such as Alex Navalny, as the BBC reported on March 22, 2022: "Russia Navalny: Putin critic given nine-year jail sentence in trial branded 'sham'" (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60832310).

With regard to the difference in the appearance of courts, is Russia taken credit for what I assume is war damage to that in Kyiv?

September 16th, 2022, 06:56
the old dinosaur is trying to justify murderous actions with pictures of salutes.
Sorry, it doesn't make any sense to me either...

September 16th, 2022, 07:07
I am also curious as to why you never mention that various elements of the mercenary Wagner Group (members of which are currently visiting Russian prisons to recruit convicts to fight in Ukraine) have had Neo-Nazi and far right-wing ties (e.g., "Russian mercenaries in Ukraine linked to far-right extremists," https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/20/russian-mercenaries-in-ukraine-linked-to-far-right-extremists)? Or that Dimitry Utkin, who many consider Wagner’s operational commander, has tattoos of Nazi “SS” epaulets along his collar bones (https://time.com/6180611/white-power-mercenaries-fighting-the-lost-cause/).

Or that their logo includes a death's head (https://www.npr.org/2022/06/06/1102603897/wagner-group-mercenary-russia-ukraine-war, and https://news.yahoo.com/what-is-the-wagner-group-and-are-they-in-ukraine-163313813.html).

Or that "Many founding members of Wagner also belong to the ultra-nationalist and white supremacist group known as the Russian Imperial Movement, which the U.S. State Department has declared a terrorist organization" (https://time.com/6180611/white-power-mercenaries-fighting-the-lost-cause/)?

Or the fact that other Russian Neo-Nazi groups, some affiliated with the Wagner Group are aiding Putin's fight (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/23/russian-neo-nazis-participate-in-denazifying-ukraine-der-spiegel-a77762, and https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-neo-nazis-fighting-ukraine/31871760.html)?

September 16th, 2022, 14:14
I wonder why you are so stubbornly trying to justify Ukraine, instead of recognizing the obvious facts - the current government came to power after a coup committed by nationalists, the state of Ukraine recognizes nationalism and Nazism as part of its policy, Nazis and nationalists sit in parliament and the government. Nationalism and Nazism are the foundations of the state policy of Ukraine.

Just admit it, instead of making clumsy attempts to explain why Nazis in Ukraine are good.

Once again "Nationalism is our religion". Central street of Kiev, every year on Jan 1st:



September 16th, 2022, 16:53
I wonder why you are so stubbornly trying to justify Ukraine, instead of recognizing the obvious facts - the current government came to power after a coup committed by nationalists, the state of Ukraine recognizes nationalism and Nazism as part of its policy, Nazis and nationalists sit in parliament and the government. Nationalism and Nazism are the foundations of the state policy of Ukraine.

Just admit it, instead of making clumsy attempts to explain why Nazis in Ukraine are good.

Once again "Nationalism is our religion". Central street of Kiev, every year on Jan 1st:



I wonder why you keep twisting what I write to justify you own views on the justification of Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

The current president did not come to power as a result of a coup but as the result of a landslide victory in the country's presidential election, receiving in the run-off vote more than 73% of the vote while the incumbent, Petro Poroshenko, trailed at 24%.

As I understand the Ukrainian situation, it is little different in terms of promoting nationalism than the nationalism promoted in Russia, which promotes Russian cultural identity and unity.

You claim that Nazis are in the Ukrainian government. I cannot find on listed, so please name one or more Nazis in the Ukrainian government.

As I said in my previous posting, I have never said anything in any of my postings that claims that Nazis in Ukraine are good. Again, you resort to twisting what I've written.

Again, you post pictures without citing their source so that your claims can be checked.

More examples of your resort of logical fallacy.

I note, though, that you did not respond to my comments about Neo-Nazis on the Russian side.

September 16th, 2022, 17:09
==== I note, though, that you did not respond to my comments about Neo-Nazis on the Russian side. ===
just look at prev. page - you will see destiny of Nazi in Russia - prison.

And speaking about Wagner group - they are private company. They are hired by Donetsk republic and Lugansk republic, not by Russia. Also they are serving contracts in Iran, Syria, Libya, Mali and so on.

Feel the difference: Nazi battalions like "Azov" and others are incorporated into state army, are part of state military structure. State Ukraine recognizes them and cooperates with them. Wagner group is private company with own policy, it isn't part of Russian army.


September 16th, 2022, 17:44
It's very kind of Putin to help with the Nazi problem in Ukraine. But don't you think we're burning down the house to fry eggs? In fact, both houses?..

September 16th, 2022, 18:16
It's very kind of Putin to help with the Nazi problem in Ukraine. But don't you think we're burning down the house to fry eggs? In fact, both houses?..

Year 2014


By the way, "burning both houses" is more global than you think. Today economical report from EU: inflation in Estonia 25,2%, Latvia 21,4%, Lithuania 21,1% .

September 16th, 2022, 18:27
==== I note, though, that you did not respond to my comments about Neo-Nazis on the Russian side. ===
just look at prev. page - you will see destiny of Nazi in Russia - prison.

And speaking about Wagner group - they are private company. They are hired by Donetsk republic and Lugansk republic, not by Russia. Also they are serving contracts in Iran, Syria, Libya, Mali and so on.

Feel the difference: Nazi battalions like "Azov" and others are incorporated into state army, are part of state military structure. State Ukraine recognizes them and cooperates with them. Wagner group is private company with own policy, it isn't part of Russian army.


Showing a few photos of alleged Russian Nazis in court without indicating dates, without text that can be checked, and without giving the URLs for your sources is hardly sufficient evidence of your claim that Russian Nazis end up in prison.

I am aware that the Wagner Group is a mercenary firm that has operated on Russia's behalf in the countries you mentioned. I am also aware that the Group is reportedly trained on installations belonging to the Russian Ministry of Defense and that it is widely considered to be an arm's-length unit of either the MoD or of Russia's military intelligence agency. Moreover, I am also aware that the Group is widely believed to be owned or financed by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman with close links to Putin and widely known as "Putin's Chef."

I am also of the difference between the Azov Battalion and the Wagner Group (and that the Kremlin always officially denies any relationship with the Wagner Group) is because the use of mercenaries is forbidden by the Russian Constitution. This difference allows Putin and the Kremlin to use "plausible deniability" in certain conflicts, and to obscure the number of casualties and financial costs of Russia's foreign interventions from the public.

However, their role in Ukraine has been openly celebrated on Russian state media. The group has been praised as heroes of President Vladimir Putin’s "special military operation." Moreover, they use attention-grabbing advertising across Russia to sign up new members. The group's efforts currently include recruitment campaigns in prisons, with their backer promising murderers and sex offenders that they "will be pardoned if they survive six months" but "killed if they run," and telling them that they should commit suicide rather than be taken prisoner (see, e.g., https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11214765/Putins-chef-recruiting-prisoners-join-Wagner-mercenaries-Ukraine.html, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/10/wagner-private-group-now-an-extension-of-russias-military, and https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-video-wagner-recruiting-mercenaries-russian-prison-2022-9).

September 16th, 2022, 18:48
Year 2014


By the way, "burning both houses" is more global than you think. Today economical report from EU: inflation in Estonia 25,2%, Latvia 21,4%, Lithuania 21,1% .

The video you posted is titled "A Night in Luhansk," and is on the website of "Kreosan." More recent videos on the website come from Pripyat and Chernobyl, which are in northern Ukraine, with one captioned "I've decided to stay in the abandoned city of Pripyat in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. We've repaired the abandoned flat, restored electricity, heating, and water. Yes, it wasn't easy, but we have made a decision. We are carefully exanimating Pripyat for radiation with a dosimeter" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMCLs_b9oXw). So I wonder if the video you posted really refers to the Russian invasion of Luhansk in 2014?

September 17th, 2022, 19:23
Putin is soon to be a man on an island. An island that he himself created.

Even Xi in China and Modi in India are snuffing Putin by delivering verbal body-slams and making concerted efforts to distance themselves from him on the global stage, at the same time as reports are circulating almost by the minute of top-ranking Russian figures starting to ask for his resignation.


September 18th, 2022, 02:32
i honestly feel sorry for the ordinary Russuan, trapped in that alternative universe....putin has wrecked the country....wrecked the future of its people...

September 18th, 2022, 18:52
Regardless if Putin is concerned with this or not, his decisions going forward could put Russia in an even worse situation. Up until now all the fighting, bloodshed, and mass destruction, has been across the border in Ukraine - but I wonder what would happen if Ukraine launched a major offensive against Russia?

As I reply to myself:

According to The Moscow Times - people in Russian border towns are now wondering the same thing.

Wouldn't it be something if Ukraine ends up annexing Russia?


September 19th, 2022, 02:47
====Wouldn't it be something if Ukraine ends up annexing Russia?===

Right now Russia uses "soft hands regime" - on the right bank of the Dnepr (central and west parts of Ukraine) almost all bridges, dams, power stations, manufacture plants, railroads are untouched and trains are running. All Ukrainian "heads" - president, his vices, government are alive and are freely moving by country. A lot of European officials including heads of states visit Kiev easy and often. All military actions are going only on the left bank - on the East.

Kiev with its working casinos and night clubs is located just in 200 km from the border, Russian aircrafts even don't need to cross Russia-Ukraine border for for to fire missiles for to "close" all this nightlife. Above Kiev by Dnepr river in 15 km is located huge water reservoir with dam.

So Ukrainians should afraid not "annexing", but "to annoy too much". Because Russia may change that. Russia controls whole Ukrainian sky. Better is do not push.

September 19th, 2022, 03:09
Russia may change that. Because Russia controls whole Ukrainian sky. Better is do not push.

I think they send that kind of reports to the bunker. Someone finally have to tell him...

September 19th, 2022, 03:28
not that our opiniuions matter but we do need to stop this silly sabre rattling, Russia has weapons (cheocasl/nuclear) that they havent deployted yet and are fighting withb a volunteer army, if the Russia itself was invadfed I'd imagine that all optuions would be actioned, a scary sxcenario. To top it all, as far as I can tell they are the same people, i cry for all the gorgeous bel ami model types being killed and maimed. Not even Russia's worst enemy could have conjured such am evil outcome...putin will burn brighter and longer than the sun when he finally makes it to hell

September 19th, 2022, 09:15
====Wouldn't it be something if Ukraine ends up annexing Russia?===

Right now Russia uses "soft hands regime" - on the right bank of the Dnepr (central and west parts of Ukraine) almost all bridges, dams, power stations, manufacture plants, railroads are untouched and trains are running.

Maybe the right bank of the Dnepr is unharmed TODAY, but just YESTERDAY Ukrainian forces crossed the Oskil River in the northeastern Kharkiv region and now control both banks of the river.

It doesn't appear like the Ukrainian military subscribes to the notion of "soft hands regime"in their offensive strategy, which is probably the reason why Russian border towns are living in fear right now. That seems logical to me anyway.

September 19th, 2022, 13:20
"So Ukrainians should afraid not "annexing", but "to annoy too much". Because Russia may change that. Russia controls whole Ukrainian sky. Better is do not push."

In one of his dispatches for the Associated Press , published on 7 February 1968, Peter Arnett, a New Zealand-born American correspondent, wrote about the Battle of Bến Tre: "''It became necessary to destroy the town to save it,' a United States major said today. He was talking about the decision by allied commanders to bomb and shell the town regardless of civilian casualties, to rout the Vietcong." In the same month, Fernand Gigon, in “Connaissance du Monde” (World Knowledge) (No. 111, February 1968), reported the conclusion of a commission sent by some US Churches to investigate vice and immortality in South Vietnam. He reported that the Americans concluded that "“They understand why, in our fight against the communist aggressors, we must use all means of destruction at our disposal.”

Substuting Ukraine of Vietnam, Neo-Nazis for the South Vietnamese supporters of the communist National Liberation Front in South Vietnam (aka Viet Cong), and Russia for the US, it seems to me that history may be repeating itself in Ukraine with the destruction of power plants, dams, hospitals, etc., and probably with a similar outcome. The photo of the last US helicopter evacuating Saigon may yet be replicated by one of Kremlin officials and Russian oligarchs frantically climbing into helicopters on the Kremlin helipad (for which President Vladimir Putin authorized the construction, and which was completed in May 2013).

September 19th, 2022, 17:02
"So Ukrainians should afraid not "annexing", but "to annoy too much". Because Russia may change that. Russia controls whole Ukrainian sky. Better is do not push."

In one of his dispatches for the Associated Press , published on 7 February 1968, Peter Arnett, a New Zealand-born American correspondent, wrote about the Battle of Bến Tre: "''It became necessary to destroy the town to save it,' a United States major said today. He was talking about the decision by allied commanders to bomb and shell the town regardless of civilian casualties, to rout the Vietcong." In the same month, Fernand Gigon, in “Connaissance du Monde” (World Knowledge) (No. 111, February 1968), reported the conclusion of a commission sent by some US Churches to investigate vice and immortality in South Vietnam. He reported that the Americans concluded that "“They understand why, in our fight against the communist aggressors, we must use all means of destruction at our disposal.”

Substuting Ukraine of Vietnam, Neo-Nazis for the South Vietnamese supporters of the communist National Liberation Front in South Vietnam (aka Viet Cong), and Russia for the US, it seems to me that history may be repeating itself in Ukraine with the destruction of power plants, dams, hospitals, etc., and probably with a similar outcome. The photo of the last US helicopter evacuating Saigon may yet be replicated by one of Kremlin officials and Russian oligarchs frantically climbing into helicopters on the Kremlin helipad (for which President Vladimir Putin authorized the construction, and which was completed in May 2013).

You don't have to go so far to past. Russia is wrong substitution for US.

Center of Mosul in Iraq war:

Center of Kiev now:


September 19th, 2022, 17:39
Is this the longest threadbare in Sawatdee history?

September 19th, 2022, 17:56
Is this the longest threadbare in Sawatdee history?

Well, COVID era and limits to travels made new travel reports rare, but life is boring, so why not?

September 19th, 2022, 18:07
Substuting Ukraine of Vietnam, Neo-Nazis for the South Vietnamese supporters of the communist National Liberation Front in South Vietnam (aka Viet Cong), and Russia for the US, it seems to me that history may be repeating itself in Ukraine with the destruction of power plants, dams, hospitals, etc., and probably with a similar outcome. The photo of the last US helicopter evacuating Saigon may yet be replicated by one of Kremlin officials and Russian oligarchs frantically climbing into helicopters on the Kremlin helipad (for which President Vladimir Putin authorized the construction, and which was completed in May 2013).

By the way, I forgot to explain why substitution is wrong.

US were allies of VietKong, now US are allies of Ukraine, like just year ago US were allies of Afghan govt.

So you don't have to remind destiny of VietKong. Is enough to remind destiny of pro-American Afghan govt

On the left evacuation from Saigon, 1975, on the right: evacuation from Kabul, 2021



September 19th, 2022, 19:21
By the way, I forgot to explain why substitution is wrong.

US were allies of VietKong, now US are allies of Ukraine, like just year ago US were allies of Afghan govt.

So you don't have to remind destiny of VietKong. Is enough to remind destiny of pro-American Afghan govt

On the left evacuation from Saigon, 1975, on the right: evacuation from Kabul, 2021


1. I understood that Russians understood both irony and sarcasm!
2. "US were allies of VietKong" is incorrect. The Viet Cong (not VietKong) were most decidedly NOT allies of the US in the American/Vietnamese War. Viet Cong (Việt Cộng, literally "Communist Viet") was an armed communist revolutionary organization in South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. They fought under the direction of North Vietnam, against the South Vietnamese and United States governments during the Vietnam War, eventually emerging on the winning side. I believe their name for themselves was National the Liberation Front of South Vietnam.
3. You don't mention that the US was an ally of the Soviet Union in WW II and, under its Lend-Lease Act supplied needed goods to the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945 in support of what Stalin described to Roosevelt as the “enormous and difficult fight against the common enemy — bloodthirsty Hitlerism." I believe the current value of the goods supplied is around $US180 billion in today's currency, The US Embassy in Moscow has a list of what was supplied (even before it entered the war) on its website "to help it defeat the Nazi invasion" - https://ru.usembassy.gov/world-war-ii-allies-u-s-lend-lease-to-the-soviet-union-1941-1945/: 400,000 jeeps & trucks; 14,000 airplanes; 8,000 tractors; 13,000 tanks; 1.5 million blankets; 15 million pairs of army boots; 107,000 tons of cotton; 2.7 million tons of petrol products; and 4.5 million tons of food. I don't believe it was necessary for the people of the Soviet Union to "crowdfund" their defense they way they have to "crowdfund" the "special military operation" that was supposed to last only a few days.

September 19th, 2022, 20:31

September 20th, 2022, 05:35

I concede that Russian politicians and oligarchs will probably not flee by helicopter - but only because Russia has lost so many in Ukraine: see "List_of_aircraft_losses_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War: Russian aircraft losses, 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine," at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/, and "Russia has already lost 215 planes and 180 helicopters in the war with Ukraine," https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/17/7353022/.

Crux - the India-based internet channel from which you took the video clip - also carries this report - "Will Ukraine Setback Unseat Putin? Why Russia's War Losses May Trigger Political Upheaval In Kremlin," Sep 15, 2022, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuZGLatobGk. It carries commentary on "The recent counteroffensive in Donbas has put Russian President Vladimir Putin in a difficult situation. The recent setback is being criticised by important figures within Russia. The Ukrainian fight back is also raising question over Putin's legitimacy. In this episode of DeCode we look at if Putin can survive this onslaught or will this be the end of the road for Putin."

September 20th, 2022, 07:04
There is an interesting opinion piece article in The Sydney Morning Herald today, which looks beyond the Russian Federation's attempt to annex Ukraine by their political and internation editor, Peter Hartcher, entitled "Russia is struggling to annexe Ukraine, but China is annexing Russia pretty effortlessly" (https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/russia-is-struggling-to-annexe-ukraine-but-china-is-annexing-russia-pretty-effortlessly-20220919-p5bj57.html). It contains an example of the change in standing of the two countries and their leaders: "One telltale sign was the summit shenanigans at a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s leaders last week. A notoriously petty Putin power play was turned against him. The Russian dictator often made foreign leaders suffer the humiliation of an extended wait before arriving for scheduled summits. For instance, he once kept Donald Trump waiting for 45 minutes and India’s Narendra Modi for 50. He routinely kept Ukrainian leaders waiting three or four hours. But the record was when he made German Chancellor Angela Merkel suffer an insufferable 4¼ hours. So there was notable schadenfreude last week when four nations’ leaders made Putin wait. Modi took his opportunity to drive home Putin’s downgrading in the international order, and so did the leaders of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan. “Putin used to make everyone wait,” observed a Ukrainian government adviser, Anton Gerashchenko. “Now he is the one waiting awkwardly. Times changed.”

The rest of the article is in a similar vein, but the conclusion is interesting: "When Xi formally is endorsed by the Chinese Communist Party Congress next month to serve a third five-year term as general secretary, he will not only become the first Chinese leader since Mao to serve a third term. He will be holding Russia, once China’s tutor, now its vassal, as a trophy. This is an undreamt-of asset for Beijing, one that only Putin’s misjudgement could have delivered."

September 20th, 2022, 07:08
===Anton Gerashchenko===
Do you want to quote more clowns?

There is proverb in political circles in Ukraine: "Listen Gerashchenko and do opposite". That clown wasn't right even once. Do you remember elections when Trump won? At that night Gerashchenko send congratulation to Clinton - he was so eager to be first politician who will congrats Clinton.

===The Ukrainian fight back===

Russia has inflicted serious damage on Ukrainian forces with recently introduced Iranian drones, in its first wide-scale deployment of a foreign weapons system since the war began, Ukrainian commanders say.

wait a little bit... maybe 2-3 weeks... and you will see helicopter above US embassy in Kiev

September 20th, 2022, 09:16
===Anton Gerashchenko===
Do you want to quote more clowns?

There is proverb in political circles in Ukraine: "Listen Gerashchenko and do opposite". That clown wasn't right even once. Do you remember elections when Trump won? At that night Gerashchenko send congratulation to Clinton - he was so eager to be first politician who will congrats Clinton.

===The Ukrainian fight back===


wait a little bit... maybe 2-3 weeks... and you will see helicopter above US embassy in Kiev

I didn't quote Anton Geraschenko, so I don't know why you referenced him. Grabbing at straws, maybe?

Why did you call Peter Hartcher "a clown"? Do you know anything about him - or was it just a gratuitous insult to someone with whose opinion you do not agree and about whom you know nothing? Perhaps you missed the wording in my posting that it was an opinion piece article and not a news article? People in the democracies are entitled to publish opinions, whether or not others agree with them.

Once again, when the conversation takes a turn to which you cannot respond, you introduce a diversion, in this case by referencing Iranian drones. I don't recall you commenting negatively on Ukraine's use of Turkish drones earlier in the conflict. I draw your attention to an earlier report that "Russia was planning to acquire military drones from Iran, which has made significant progress in developing UAVs to compensate for its lack of an effective air force" (https://www.iranintl.com/en/202209174000), and guess that the Russian Federation is acquiring them for the same reason, i.e., that it now lacks an effective air force?

I wait with bated breath the news reports of helicopters above the US embassy in Kiev. I wonder whom they will deliver?

September 20th, 2022, 17:22
Russian guy trolling EU: he burns gas in his home 24/7 with live nonstop streaming. He pays 1.44 Euro per month for unlimited gas.



September 20th, 2022, 18:05
Russian guy trolling EU: he burns gas in his home 24/7 with live nonstop streaming. He pays 1.44 Euro per month for unlimited gas.



A minor effort considering that State gas giant Gazprom's Portovaya liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility is burning off, or "flaring," about 4.34 million cubic meters of gas a day.

That's equivalent to 1.6 billion cubic meters on an annual basis, or about 0.5% of the European bloc's gas demand, and worth about $10 million a day based on last week's European spot gas price.

However, this flaring is an "environmental disaster," with about 9,000 tons of carbon dioxide being emitted every day. That's the same amount of emissions produced over a whole year by more than 1,100 average American homes.

The emissions are a contribution to global warming, which will probably contribute to the melting of the permafrost that underlies the Russian tundra. When the tundra melts, the ground is less solid, and that could be disastrous for Russian cities and critical infrastructure like buildings and oil pipelines, roads and railways, as well as can negatively affect the connectivity and accessibility of northern Russian communities by land.

However, if that person feels he is making a significant gesture to Europe, who are we to complain. As I noted in an earlier posting in this thread, people are entitled to express their opinions. I did notice, however, he doesn't seem to have anything to cook.

September 20th, 2022, 18:27
I did notice, however, he doesn't seem to have anything to cook.

He isn't at home, blue note at the bottom in Russian "Out to work till 18:00"

September 20th, 2022, 18:31
After enforced few waves of mobilization, Ukraine found new way how o instill patriotism to own soldiers.

Vostok battalion commander Alexander Khodakovsky (DNR) in his Telegram channel (Rus) https://t.me/s/aleksandr_skif

"The situation near Kherson is not easy, communication across the Dnieper is extremely difficult, it is likely that the enemy will again try to push us across the river, for which he is ready to take unprecedented measures. The other day, ours saw an enemy tank and were about to destroy it, but his atypical behavior suspended the decision : the tank lifted the barrel up and began to rotate the turret, as if signaling surrender. Our guys got close to the car and saw that the hatches on the tank were welded - the crew was simply walled up, like in a tin can, and sent to die...."

who is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Khodakovsky

September 20th, 2022, 20:25
After enforced few waves of mobilization, Ukraine found new way how o instill patriotism to own soldiers.

Vostok battalion commander Alexander Khodakovsky (DNR) in his Telegram channel (Rus) https://t.me/s/aleksandr_skif

"The situation near Kherson is not easy, communication across the Dnieper is extremely difficult, it is likely that the enemy will again try to push us across the river, for which he is ready to take unprecedented measures. The other day, ours saw an enemy tank and were about to destroy it, but his atypical behavior suspended the decision : the tank lifted the barrel up and began to rotate the turret, as if signaling surrender. Our guys got close to the car and saw that the hatches on the tank were welded - the crew was simply walled up, like in a tin can, and sent to die...."

who is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Khodakovsky

When did he return from Russia? In May 2018, Khodakovsky relocated to Russia and, in September 2018, he claimed that Russian border guards did not let him return to Donetsk. What led to a change of mind by the border guards?

Given that Khodakovsky is a Ukrainian defector who reportedly - according to the Wikipedia link you posted - changes the stories he tells the press, why should he be believed now? Just over a week ago, he told Newsweek: " that his unit sometimes has difficulty locating Ukrainian troops in combat, and that his unit does not have sufficient equipment. "I have fewer people than I would like—but the main difficulty I have is not in this, but in the fact that sometimes I cannot find the enemy's positions from which they are hitting us," he added. "If suddenly I can, then I don't have enough range to fire at them, or I don't have enough ammo."

And, given the reports of the uncivilized behavior of Russian troops towards defenseless men, women and children, as shown by the mass graves being exhumed and the targeting of hospitals and schools, I suppose the conclusion to Khodakovsky's story is that he obliged Ukraine by shelling the tank? Or did he just withdraw from Kherson, like other Russian troops?

September 20th, 2022, 20:45
===== In May 2018, Khodakovsky relocated to Russia and, in September 2018, he claimed that Russian border guards did not let him return to Donetsk. What led to a change of mind by the border guards? ====

in a few months after... that were power games within DNR - who will control region...

September 21st, 2022, 07:48
===== In May 2018, Khodakovsky relocated to Russia and, in September 2018, he claimed that Russian border guards did not let him return to Donetsk. What led to a change of mind by the border guards? ====

in a few months after... that were power games within DNR - who will control region...

Power games indeed. I wonder what game he is now playing, as I see that Khodakovsky is now saying "Russia Can't Even Think of Advancing in Ukraine Anymore, Commander Says that the Ukrainians' successful counteroffensive in Kharkiv last week has left Russia's troops unable to advance, September 19, https://www.newsweek.com/russia-advancing-ukraine-war-counteroffensive-commander-1744156.

The article reads in full: "Alexander Khodakovsky, a Kremlin-backed commander and former political leader in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in eastern Ukraine, suggested Monday that the Ukrainians' successful counteroffensive in Kharkiv last week has left Russia's troops unable to advance.
In a post on his Telegram channel, Khodakovsky, a commander for the pro-Russian Vostok Battalion, said Ukraine continues transferring its soldiers and equipment in preparation for additional offensives in such a way that prevents Russian President Vladimir Putin’s 's troops from even considering advancing themselves.
"The past week passed without significant changes on the front line, but the relative stability should not mislead anyone," Khodakovsky wrote. "The enemy is preparing, transferring forces and equipment, and accumulating resources."
In the city of Kurakhove in the eastern Donetsk region, Ukraine is regularly unloading trains with equipment and personnel, he said, adding that the Pokrovsk area "is almost not far behind in this regard."
"An interesting technique: they achieved success in one direction, brought us to a state where we do not think about any offensive in this direction, only about stabilizing the front line, and offensive surpluses are transferred to another sector," the commander said.
The successful Kharkiv counteroffensive launched by Ukraine in early September saw it recapture swathes of its territory in days.
"A developed transport infrastructure allows them to maneuver with limited forces, creating accumulations in places where it is necessary according to the plan, and the presence of a plan and success in its implementation is the possession of a strategic initiative," Khodakovsky added.
Khodakovsky said during Ukraine's counteroffensive efforts that he was "depressed by the results of this stage of the war" and that Russia's war efforts have been "sloppy."
The commander said that a lack of manpower is a more minor issue for Russia, and that his unit sometimes has difficulty locating Ukrainian troops in combat and does not have sufficient equipment.
"I have fewer people than I would like—but the main difficulty I have is not in this, but in the fact that sometimes I cannot find the enemy's positions from which they are hitting us," Khodakovsky said. "If suddenly I can, then I don't have enough range to fire at them, or I don't have enough ammo."

Nothing about Ukrainian tanks with welded-shut doors, though. The last sent of his speech suggest why he couldn't blow up such tanks, though - no armament left.

But his interpretation of the situation compares the Russian side as ineffectual compared with the Ukrainian side.

September 22nd, 2022, 11:02
Opps...here we go.

Putin orders partial mobilization as a result of his self-acknowledgement of the defeat that surrounds him.

3,000 Russian reservists are now forced (under punishment of imprisonment) to leave their peaceful lives behind and plunge blindly into the jaws of death, all at the whim of one insane Dictator that they allow to control their lives. Their family members must be ecstatic!

More nuclear saber rattling (fully expected) resulting in the loudest "International Yawn" ever recorded. Fake annexations (fully expected) don't seem to be causing anyone to blink an eye either. The UN, NATO and all allies of the Free World are standing even firmer than before.

There's a lot of people in the World that believe it's time to end Putin's reign of terror (including a sizable percentage of Russians). Where's SEAL Team 6 when you need them?

September 22nd, 2022, 14:55
Opps...here we go.

Putin orders partial mobilization as a result of his self-acknowledgement of the defeat that surrounds him.

3,000 Russian reservists are now forced (under punishment of imprisonment) to leave their peaceful lives behind and plunge blindly into the jaws of death, all at the whim of one insane Dictator that they allow to control their lives. Their family members must be ecstatic!

More nuclear saber rattling (fully expected) resulting in the loudest "International Yawn" ever recorded. Fake annexations (fully expected) don't seem to be causing anyone to blink an eye either. The UN, NATO and all allies of the Free World are standing even firmer than before.

There's a lot of people in the World that believe it's time to end Putin's reign of terror (including a sizable percentage of Russians). Where's SEAL Team 6 when you need them?

"Partial mobilization" is a euphemism like "special military operation," used to misinform the Russian people about the state of affairs on the Ukrainian border.

Russian President's Action:
Putin announces the activation of 300, 000 reservists, because events are so obviously going in Russia's favor.

Russian People's Reactions so far:
1. Hundreds of protesters take to the streets and more than 1,000 are arrested, e.g., "Russian police are reported to have arrested hundreds of protesters rallying against the Kremlin's decision to call up thousands of extra troops to fight in Ukraine," and "Dozens were held in Irkutsk and other Siberian cities, and Yekaterinburg" (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62981293). Some were "... directly conscripted into the military, according to a monitoring group" (https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/22/europe/russia-protests-partial-mobilization-ukraine-intl-hnk/index.html).

2. All one-way flights out of Russia to countries which do not have entry visa requirements for Russians sell out within hours of the announcement, e.g., "Large numbers of Russians rushed to book one-way tickets out of the country while they still could on Wednesday after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization of military reservists for the war in Ukraine," and "The price for flights from Moscow to Istanbul or Dubai increased within minutes before jumping again, reaching as high as €9200 ($13,600) for a one-way economy class fare" (https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/somebody-stop-putin-russians-rush-for-flights-out-amid-reservist-call-up-20220922-p5bk16.html). Moreover, "Flights leaving Russia sell out after Putin announces mobilization," and "Direct flights from Moscow to countries that don’t require visas to enter — including Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia — have sold out until at least Friday, according to Russian outlet RBC" (https://www.politico.eu/article/flights-leaving-russia-sell-out-after-putin-announces-mobilization/),

It is obvious to everyone that the Russian people are still solidly supporting this "special military operation" - isn't it?

September 22nd, 2022, 15:35
I think Putin may have sealed his fate with this decision. There's a chance the Russian populous won't put up with this, and Putin won't be President in the near future.

September 22nd, 2022, 16:14
Novosibirsk 70-100/1
Irkutsk 60-70/20
Voronezh 50-70/22
Ufa 80-100/30
Ekaterinburg 100-120/40
Sankt-Petersburg 2000-2500/490
Moscow 2500-3000/ below 600 (update: 468)
There were also more minor meetings below 50 participants in some cities (update: total number of cities including these above: 38). Medias publishing reports about such events without censorship. Example: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5571951 (Russian language)

In total arrested about 1300 (update: 1312). They got official warnings in police and were released within 3 hours.

Russia has 25 mln reservists. Govt call 300K of them: who served in army no more than 3 years ago, age below 35 yo. Payment starts from $3500 monthly and depends on military rang, state medical insurance, death insurance $60K.

September 22nd, 2022, 17:00
Moses, I'm blown away as to how you're still in support of this war after everything that has happened. When is enough enough?

Hell, Russia even just released a bunch of soldiers from the Azov battalion in a prisoner swap, so this bullshit about trying to de-nazify Ukraine is obviously a lie.

September 22nd, 2022, 17:15
Just one: vice-head of "Azov" battalion has been exchanged on one of relatives of Putin (Medvedchuk (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Medvedchuk)).

The most amazing thing: Putin's relative is citizen of Ukraine as well - Medvedchuk was head or president office of the second Ukrainian president Kuchma, leader of forbidden now opposition party "Opposition for life" and before arrest was 57-th richest Ukrainian. So Ukraine changed one own citizen to another own citizen. Most corrupted state in world trades own citizens. It is huge humiliations of Ukraine.

Rest exchange is just random: Russians to Ukrainians.

September 22nd, 2022, 17:58
Novosibirsk 70-100/1
Irkutsk 60-70/20
Voronezh 50-70/22
Ufa 80-100/30
Ekaterinburg 100-120/40
Sankt-Petersburg 2000-2500/490
Moscow 2500-3000/ below 600 (update: 468)
There were also more minor meetings below 50 participants in some cities (update: total number of cities including these above: 38). Medias publishing reports about such events without censorship. Example: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5571951 (Russian language)

In total arrested about 1300 (update: 1312). They got official warnings in police and were released within 3 hours.

Russia has 25 mln reservists. Govt call 300K of them: who served in army no more than 3 years ago, age below 35 yo. Payment starts from $3500 monthly and depends on military rang, state medical insurance, death insurance $60K.

Did you mistype the number of reservists as 25 million? Published sources put the figure at only 2.5 million (International Institute for Strategic Studies (25 February 2021). "The Military Balance 2021." London: Routledge. p. 191. ISBN 9781032012278). The Institute for the Study of War, a U.S.-based think tank that closely tracks the war in Ukraine, previously said Russia has more than 2 million reservists, including former conscripts and contract soldiers (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/09/21/russia-partial-mobilization-putin-war-ukraine/). A reservist force of 25 million would be somewhere around 17% of the current Russian population, not counting those killed in the special military operation, those who fled Russia at the beginning of the special military operation, and those who have fled since the announcement of the call-up of the reservists.

"Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Wednesday following Putin’s address that Russia would call as many as 300,000 reservists to military service" (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/09/21/russia-partial-mobilization-putin-war-ukraine/). The wording (at least in translations) is interesting because it is not precise, i.e., the inclusion of "as many as" suggests the number could be smaller.

What dent in all the extra revenue from oil exports to China and India will the monthly payments, state medical and death insurance put? Assuming the revenue is still available, of course.

However, the number of reservists "called up" is irrelevant. What is relevant is how may actually report for duty, how many are fit for duty, how many can be transported to the front lines, and whether or not the Russian military has the resources to arm and clothe, etc., them properly, given how "crowd-funding" had to be used earlier as so many personnel sent to the front had nothing.

September 22nd, 2022, 18:04
==== Did you mistype the number of reservists as 25 million? Published sources put the figure at only 2.5 million (International Institute for Strategic Studies (25 February 2021) ===

Nope. Reservists in Russia is every one who has military ID (in direct translation from Russian "Military ticket"). Here are 2 types of reservists.
- professionals, they have monthly salary (very small, like a compensation for troubles, about $250 monthly, or maybe even yearly, I don't remember), they sign special contracts and must participate in yearly trainings for one month
- other holders of military ID, they must to participate in one-month long trainings once per 5 years, but state calls for training usually only reservists who is below 35 yo, or below 45 yo if he is officer.

2,5 mln are professionals, total q-ty of reserve is 25 mln.

September 22nd, 2022, 19:07
==== Did you mistype the number of reservists as 25 million? Published sources put the figure at only 2.5 million (International Institute for Strategic Studies (25 February 2021) ===

Nope. Reservists in Russia is every one who has military ID (in direct translation from Russian "Military ticket"). Here are 2 types of reservists.
- professionals, they have monthly salary (very small, like a compensation for troubles, about $250 monthly, or maybe even yearly, I don't remember), they sign special contracts and must participate in yearly trainings for one month
- other holders of military ID, they must to participate in one-month long trainings once per 5 years, but state calls for training usually only reservists who is below 35 yo, or below 45 yo if he is officer.

2,5 mln are professionals, total q-ty of reserve is 25 mln.

The clarification was most useful.

So, in effect, any fighting on the Russian side from now on is likely to be by military personnel whose contracts have been unilaterally extended without consultation (and who probably don't want to be there), and by people suddenly called up and who have received only a short period of training/retraining (and who also probably don't want to be there), just as winter approaches. I know that General Winter (or General Frost, if you prefer) has been a Russian ally in the past, but I wonder if that will be the case this time as temperatures begin to drop as September draws to a close?

September 22nd, 2022, 19:19
I wonder if Putin will threaten the Russian protestors with nukes?

September 22nd, 2022, 19:29
=== and by people suddenly called up and who have received only a short period of training/retraining ===

you again didn't get... every reservist is person who served in army at least one year, of had military education in university as a officer for 5 years (almost each state civilian university here has military department, where males 5 years study military subjects and receive officer's degree (and range) along with civilian diploma)

so my post was not about "short period", it is about yearly "short period" for "to keep / up to date" skills which they got in normal army service in past

September 22nd, 2022, 19:50
Moses, Russia has lost the war my son. And a long time ago as well.

Get over it, Russia is not going to win this war. Just the fact they've had to turn to conscription is proof they have lost the war. It's over, Russia lost, deal with it.

September 22nd, 2022, 20:25
=== and by people suddenly called up and who have received only a short period of training/retraining ===

you again didn't get... every reservist is person who served in army at least one year, of had military education in university as a officer for 5 years (almost each state civilian university here has military department, where males 5 years study military subjects and receive officer's degree (and range) along with civilian diploma)

so my post was not about "short period", it is about yearly "short period" for "to keep / up to date" skills which they got in normal army service in past

I read the qualifications for calling up but my comment about "a short period of training/retraining referred to the period after being recalled to service, not what happened before, to acquaint them with possible/probable changes in equipment brought about by the losses so far sustained by the Russian forces (e.g., thousands of tanks, and considerable quantities of other equipment) and older replacements brought out of storage (such as including decades-old T-62 tanks) - or even weapons, etc., brought from abroad, such as Turkish or Iranian drones ("Russia Is Scouring the Globe for Weapons to Use Against Ukraine," https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/russia-is-shopping-around-the-world-for-military-weapons-for-its-war-in-ukraine).

September 22nd, 2022, 20:54
I read the qualifications for calling up but my comment about "a short period of training/retraining referred to the period after being recalled to service, not what happened before, to acquaint them with possible/probable changes in equipment brought about by the losses so far sustained by the Russian forces (e.g., thousands of tanks, and considerable quantities of other equipment) and older replacements brought out of storage (such as including decades-old T-62 tanks) - or even weapons, etc., brought from abroad, such as Turkish or Iranian drones ("Russia Is Scouring the Globe for Weapons to Use Against Ukraine," https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-09/russia-is-shopping-around-the-world-for-military-weapons-for-its-war-in-ukraine).

As of 2021, the Russian Ground Forces have 2,840 tanks in service and 10,200 tanks in storage, as well as 330 tanks in the formations of the Coastal Forces of the Navy and 160 tanks in the Airborne Forces

Iranian drones already made Ukrainians cry https://www.wsj.com/articles/russias-use-of-iranian-kamikaze-drones-creates-new-dangers-for-ukrainian-troops-11663415140

September 22nd, 2022, 21:05
Moses, Russia has lost the war my son. And a long time ago as well.

Get over it, Russia is not going to win this war. Just the fact they've had to turn to conscription is proof they have lost the war. It's over, Russia lost, deal with it.

"your son" is in your pants, dear... soft and useless

As per your wet dreams about results of this military conflict, I'm very happy what you are predicting "Russia lost" since no one your prediction in this thread is correct. Do you remember Matty "200 rub per dollar"? "15% of GDP fall"?

Ruble is 60:1 - 18% stronger than before conflict, current GDP shows this year will be -2.8% of GDP. Inflation in Russia 12%, while in some countries of EU is over 25%.

So then more you "predict" lost of Russia, then more I'm sure in positive results.

By the way, have you seen Gazprom shares?


September 23rd, 2022, 06:30
As of 2021, the Russian Ground Forces have 2,840 tanks in service and 10,200 tanks in storage, as well as 330 tanks in the formations of the Coastal Forces of the Navy and 160 tanks in the Airborne Forces

Iranian drones already made Ukrainians cry https://www.wsj.com/articles/russias-use-of-iranian-kamikaze-drones-creates-new-dangers-for-ukrainian-troops-11663415140

The number of tanks "As of 2021" is irrelevant, given that a considerable percentage of them - some estimates as high as 40% (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/09/06/russian-tank-losses-in-ukraine-hit-1000-open-source-analysis-a78727) - have already been destroyed in only 6 months. The number of tanks in storage is impressive - but in reality, nobody – likely not even Russia – knows precisely how many of those estimated thousands can emerge from storage and be made operational again. Even if they can be made operational, that will take time and human resources that may not be available, and probably require retraining those tank personnel whose original training was on more modern machines. Moreover, any tanks recovered from storage will have to be transported from wherever they are, which will require considerable logistical power.

Weapons and personnel are only useful when they are operational and when they can be deployed.

The Iranian drones may have made Ukrainians cry, but the Ukrainian resistance has forced Putin to call for the mobilization of 300,000 reservists because a "special military operation" to take the whole of Ukraine would take a matter of days has now last seven months - and the Russians have been retreating. Russian forces look spectacular when marching in choreographed Victory Day parades, less so when they are in precipitate humiliating retreat, leaving everything behind.

September 23rd, 2022, 08:48
=== and by people suddenly called up and who have received only a short period of training/retraining ===

you again didn't get... every reservist is person who served in army at least one year, of had military education in university as a officer for 5 years (almost each state civilian university here has military department, where males 5 years study military subjects and receive officer's degree (and range) along with civilian diploma)

so my post was not about "short period", it is about yearly "short period" for "to keep / up to date" skills which they got in normal army service in past

According to a report in the UK publication "The Telegraph," a considerable number of either those 25 million ordinary reservists or the 2.5 professional reservists might soon find themselves on the front line - "Putin ‘passes secret law to send one million Russians to fight in Ukraine,’ Nataliya Vasilyeva - Yesterday 21:24" (https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/putin-passes-secret-law-to-send-one-million-russians-to-fight-in-ukraine/ar-AA127ga9?cvid=621e489a07f34ad4baf116d3586ed01c). The article claims that "Vladimir Putin has secretly approved a law that could send a further one million men to fight in Ukraine, according to information leaked from the Kremlin."

The claim is in reference to the redacted Section 7 of Putin's decree, and a claim that the number of personnel to be reactivated "had been revised several times and that the Russian military insisted on it being classified."

Other newspapers are reporting this claim as well, e.g., https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1672873/Putin-news-russia-partial-mobilisation-one-million-soldiers-fight-ukraine-classified and https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/vladimir-putin-will-mobilise-1million-28056046.

This is another instance of where we will have to wait to see if fact is stranger than fiction.

September 23rd, 2022, 14:34
===The article claims that "Vladimir Putin has secretly approved a law that could send a further one million men to fight in Ukraine, according to information leaked from the Kremlin."===

With the same result they may claim "secret number" is 100 000 000... why not? Nobody can check it. Unreliable gossips.

September 23rd, 2022, 14:43
===The article claims that "Vladimir Putin has secretly approved a law that could send a further one million men to fight in Ukraine, according to information leaked from the Kremlin."===

With the same result they may claim "secret number" is 100 000 000... why not? Nobody can check it. Unreliable gossips.

Hence my closing sentence: "This is another instance of where we will have to wait to see if fact is stranger than fiction."

But if Putin does not expect speculation about his motives for mobilizing reservists, or about the number of reservists to be mobilized, Section 7 should not have been censored.

September 23rd, 2022, 14:48
Hence my closing sentence: "This is another instance of where we will have to wait to see if fact is stranger than fiction."

But if Putin does not expect speculation about his motives for mobilizing reservists, or about the number of reservists to be mobilized, Section 7 should not have been censored.

Hahahaha... Sure-sure: opposite part should know to what to prepare, right? Why so many things every government has to classify? They should to publish it on websites: plans of advances, schedules and ways of supply lines.

By the way: I like this article and I think it should make panic in Ukraine because they never will be able to mobilize additional 1 mln for to response. Is it inspired by Kremlin?

September 23rd, 2022, 17:07
We should shove Putin's face into a massive pile of cow shit, and hold it there until he suffocates and dies. That would be a good news story to read.

Doesn't really matter at this point. If the actual volunteer Russian military got decimated by Ukrainian forces, I can only imagine what's going to happen when a bunch of ill trained conscripts show up on the front lines. I just don't see how Russia can come out of this intact. Either there's a revolution and the Russian people overthrow the government, or Russia splits up into about 12 different countries.

Those are really the only two outcomes I can see here. I can't see any way how Russia becomes successful at the end of all this.

September 23rd, 2022, 17:16
We should shove Putin's face into a massive pile of cow shit, and hold it there until he suffocates and dies. That would be a good news story to read.

Doesn't really matter at this point. If the actual volunteer Russian military got decimated by Ukrainian forces, I can only imagine what's going to happen when a bunch of ill trained conscripts show up on the front lines. I just don't see how Russia can come out of this intact. Either there's a revolution and the Russian people overthrow the government, or Russia splits up into about 12 different countries.

Those are really the only two outcomes I can see here. I can't see any way how Russia becomes successful at the end of all this.

conscripts can't be used in military operations by Russian law... when in February about 600 conscripts were involved, there were 12 criminal cases agains offices who send them to Ukraine...

only contractors and experienced reservists may be used...

September 23rd, 2022, 17:53
I don't know, here in the West it's being reported as a "partial mobilization of 300,000 Russian civilians who have prior military experience", or in essence, conscription / military draft. Little difficult to describe it as anything else.

Again, doesn't really matter anymore anyway as Russia has already lost this war. Don't worry, regardless of what Putin says, the West has absolutely no desire whatsoever to invade Russia. Well, unless Putin decides to be a total fucken moron and start firing nukes, then the West will have no choice but to go into Moscow.

Aside from that though, the West is totally fine letting Russia send all of its 20 somethings off to die in Ukraine as cannon fodder, and watch the country implode on itself. After all, it's up to you Russians to fix your broken country, not us. We have more than enough of our own problems.

Btw... Russian demographics are horrible. Russia barely has enough 20 somethings to put together a strong military anymore, so if they're going to call up another 300,000 people, who's going to make the next generation of Russian babies?

September 23rd, 2022, 19:22

I just don't see how Russia can come out of this intact. Either there's a revolution and the Russian people overthrow the government, or Russia splits up into about 12 different countries.

At least if Russia split into 12 different countries Putin would have achieved his goal of rebuilding the Soviet Union. A bit smaller granted...but at least he would have an Empire to rule.

September 23rd, 2022, 20:03
I don't know, here in the West it's being reported as a "partial mobilization of 300,000 Russian civilians who have prior military experience", or in essence, conscription / military draft. Little difficult to describe it as anything else.

Again, doesn't really matter anymore anyway as Russia has already lost this war. Don't worry, regardless of what Putin says, the West has absolutely no desire whatsoever to invade Russia. Well, unless Putin decides to be a total fucken moron and start firing nukes, then the West will have no choice but to go into Moscow.

Aside from that though, the West is totally fine letting Russia send all of its 20 somethings off to die in Ukraine as cannon fodder, and watch the country implode on itself. After all, it's up to you Russians to fix your broken country, not us. We have more than enough of our own problems.

Btw... Russian demographics are horrible. Russia barely has enough 20 somethings to put together a strong military anymore, so if they're going to call up another 300,000 people, who's going to make the next generation of Russian babies?

Man from British colony Canada tells me about demographic. Country that yet exists only because permanent immigrant inflow.

September 24th, 2022, 00:10
Man from British colony Canada tells me about demographic. Country that yet exists only because permanent immigrant inflow.

At least immigrants actually want to come to Canada, unlike Russia which is experiencing a mass exodus. Must be getting tough to find skilled labor over there these days.

September 24th, 2022, 05:07
At least immigrants actually want to come to Canada, unlike Russia which is experiencing a mass exodus. Must be getting tough to find skilled labor over there these days.

Are you sure?



September 24th, 2022, 07:19
Because posting images is always an excellent way to converse with a blind guy.

September 24th, 2022, 10:42
For seven months we've watched families in Ukraine being forced to witness their homes and towns turned to dust and their loved-ones violently murdered in the streets. Only now, after Putin's partial mobilization which forces the average Russian citizen to take up arms and fight are the Russian people standing in protest against the war. Hmmm...human nature at its best.

Russian citizens now have "skin-in-the-game" as we say in Chicago - and the realities of war have reached their doorsteps. For seven months Ukrainian families have been living this reality - and now Putin has thrown his own people in the mix. Poetic justice? Who knows. Who cares. The only thing that matters is that more innocent people are going to die in support of this insane madman's vain glory.

Ukraine will NEVER surrender its land (any of its land) to Putin. This much has been proved to the World as witnessed by the Ukrainians absolute steadfast and heroic defense of its homeland. NATOs full and unconditional support to Ukraine will never be compromised. That much we also know.

Turkey just dropped its objections regarding Sweden and Finland's entry into NATO and we're just a heartbeat away from them becoming members. Evan without Sweden and Finland's formidable militaries NATO is the most powerful military alliance in the World...and that includes its combined nuclear arsenal and nuclear defense systems (shields).

People have every right to fear a tyrant like Putin when he's backed in the corner with his huge nuclear stockpile (or so he says), but honestly, I really don't think the average person (like me) is as concerned about this as they were before Putin started his war. Frankly, and I know this is a serious subject, after seeing the condition of Russia's military equipment during this conflict I wonder if his nukes (and the systems used to deploy them) even work. And if they do, does the current Russian Military Leadership have the skills and expertise (capabilities) to even figure out how to launch them??? If they're afraid to stand up on a battlefield - do you really think they have the balls to launch a nuclear strike? Sorry, I don't, and I don't think NATO and Europeans Commands think so either.

As far as forcing "Reservists" into a combat situations goes, Putin has just placed an order that will get many Russian soldiers needlessly killed. Plain and simple. If anyone here has ever served in the military, especially during wartime (I have), they know that new recruits that arrive on front-lines during combat situations are at high risk for at least the first few months and considered liabilities by the other soldiers. This status doesn't change until they've worked under the wings of their fellow platoon members...know their moves... show their ability to standup and not lose their nerve in combat situations...and honed the skills needed to stay alive and keep their brothers alive. This is just a no-brainer for people who have served in the Military.

That said, Putin has made it abundantly clear that he places his own "Vain Glory" over that of human life. And that includes the lives of his own people. For this reason I think the Russian People will ultimately deal with him the best way they see fit. He's only one man. And without the total and unflinching dedication of his Generals and Oligarchs I believe his days are numbered...and the countdown has already started.

September 24th, 2022, 11:47
Are you sure?



What the URL report in your posting doesn't show, however, is that the great majority of immigrant to Russia come from states that were formerly part of the Soviet Union and now are predominantly members of the CIS. Nor does it show how many of them are ethnically Russian.

Reports of mass emigration from Canada have been wildly exaggerated, while the reports about the long lines of vehicles trying to cross land borders and the number of people trying now to leave Russia probably under-report the real situation (e.g., https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/23/border-queues-build-as-people-flee-russia-to-escape-putin-call-up; https://www.news.com.au/world/europe/sky-high-airfares-queues-at-borders-and-thousands-arrested-following-putins-partial-mobilisation/news-story/6d51dc2fcd800b5c634b70e947e7948d; https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-23/russian-draft-spurs-exodus-by-some-men-as-air-fares-soar/101467146).

I understand that the social media report of 35 km long queue at the Finnish border was incorrect, though, and it was only 250 meters long (https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/09/22/debunked-russians-were-not-in-a-35km-queue-at-finland-border).

September 24th, 2022, 15:58
This... that... whatever...

Guys, all you have to know:
- population of Russia is 145 mln,
- population of Ukraine is 42 mln minus 2.5 mln in Crimea, minus 3 mln in DNR and LNR, minus 8 mln of workers and refugees in EU, minus 3 mln of refugees in Russia. Total = 25.5 mln

Russia just called first time partial mobilization. Ukraine already has 6 waves of mobilization and now is going 7th wave. Total mobilization. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobilization_in_Ukraine

Time is working in favor of Russia anyway. But than longer Ukraine will have support from West, then more people will die, but result of conflict will be the same. It is unavoidable: 145 : 25.

Russia has just wait till time when Ukraine will be ready to peace talk. Now Zelensky declines any attempts to talk in empty hopes on Western miracle.

September 24th, 2022, 16:26
Moses, I think you have to mentally settle in for the fact that no longer can Russia win this war under any scenario.

Military man power is depleted to the point that Russia is forced to go the draft route, military hardware is running low and Russia no longer has access to the chips or technology necessary to manufacture modern military hardware anymore, and I could go on for several pages about this.

The US Secretary of Defense has already said Russia will not be allowed to leave Ukraine, and Ukraine has already said they will not stop until they reclaim every square meter of their territory including Crimea. Think Afghanistan, but will full support including financial and military aid from the entire Western world, plus a bunch of battle hardened Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting for their very freedom and homeland. now put that up against a bunch of ill trained conscripts / reservists who have no desire to be there and are suffering from very low morale.

It doesn't take a genious to figure out how this goes. Russia was expecting to take Kiev within the first week or two, and it's 7 months in now and Ukraine is pushing Russia back in loads of regions at the moment. Russia being able to take Odessa and Kiev is a total pipe dream, much less going into Poland or Romania.

You may want to settle in for the fact that at the very least, Putin's days are now numbered. That's the best case scenario for Russia, but if Putin continues to run amuck like this, there's also the chance various regions of Russia are going to declare independance and Russia will break up into a dozen or more countries ala 1991. Obviously, us in the West would be thrilled with that result, but that's for the people of Russia to decide, not us.

September 24th, 2022, 16:41
Moses, I think you have to mentally settle in for the fact that no longer can Russia win this war under any scenario.

Military man power is depleted to the point that Russia is forced to go the draft route, military hardware is running low and Russia no longer has access to the chips or technology necessary to manufacture modern military hardware anymore, and I could go on for several pages about this.

The US Secretary of Defense has already said Russia will not be allowed to leave Ukraine, and Ukraine has already said they will not stop until they reclaim every square meter of their territory including Crimea. Think Afghanistan, but will full support including financial and military aid from the entire Western world, plus a bunch of battle hardened Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting for their very freedom and homeland. now put that up against a bunch of ill trained conscripts / reservists who have no desire to be there and are suffering from very low morale.

It doesn't take a genious to figure out how this goes. Russia was expecting to take Kiev within the first week or two, and it's 7 months in now and Ukraine is pushing Russia back in loads of regions at the moment. Russia being able to take Odessa and Kiev is a total pipe dream, much less going into Poland or Romania.

Ukraine mobilized 1 mln and already lost over 65K. They mobilized all - from 18 till 60. Also they started to mobilize woman (medics, biologists, chemists, journalists). Population is almost drained.

Winter is coming. Green forests what are shelters for Ukrainian army will be transparent soon. Drones will wait for them.

September 24th, 2022, 16:45
More than likely, Ukraine will be getting battle tanks from the West shortly such as Leopard 2 which so far the West has been unwilling to send. Let's see how that goes.

September 24th, 2022, 16:50
More than likely, Ukraine will be getting battle tanks from the West shortly such as Leopard 2 which so far the West has been unwilling to send. Let's see how that goes.

Whatever. 145:25. Now is going 7th wave of Ukrainian mobilizations. End is unavoidable. West is fighting with Russia "till last Ukrainian".

September 24th, 2022, 16:58
So far, Ukraine has been holding up just fine with Western aid, and that doesn't seem like it's going to stop any time soon.

Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs was even on the Late Show with Steven Colbert a few days ago, and he doesn't seem detered at all:

September 24th, 2022, 17:08
So far, Ukraine has been holding up just fine with Western aid, and that doesn't seem like it's going to stop any time soon.

Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs was even on the Late Show with Steven Colbert a few days ago, and he doesn't seem detered at all:

Exactly that I call "war till last Ukrainian".

Ukraine already lost about 70,000 sq.km of territory, tens thousands of soldiers, but regime what still is in power only because of Western support, insists "we may win" and calls for 7th mobilization.

Well, 145:25, time is working in favor of Russia.

New elections will be in Italy in 2 weeks. Right and conservators will win. They already announced quit from sanctions and limitation of support of Ukraine.

By the way Matt, yesterday Biden started to talk about next sanctions. After his speech ruble become 4% stronger.

September 24th, 2022, 17:15
You're dreaming Moses. You may want to revisit reality. It's pretty cool down here.

September 24th, 2022, 17:41
Quote from Moses: Guys, all you have to know:
- population of Russia is 145 mln,
- population of Ukraine is 42 mln minus 2.5 mln in Crimea, minus 3 mln in DNR and LNR, minus 8 mln of workers and refugees in EU, minus 3 mln of refugees in Russia. Total = 25.5 mln. End Quote from Moses

Looked at that another way:
The population density in Ukraine is 75 per Km2
The population density in Russia is 9 per Km2. Transporting people to the frontline will be time consuming and expensive.

Quote from Moses: minus 8 mln of workers and refugees in EU. End Quote from Moses

Currently, September 2022, there are “more than 7.4 million refugees from Ukraine across Europe.” (https://reliefweb.int/report/ukraine/lives-hold-intentions-and-perspectives-refugees-ukraine-2-september-2022). Proportion of those that are women and children, according to UNHCR reports, is 90%.

Quote from Moses: Also they started to mobilize woman (medics, biologists, chemists, journalists). Population is almost drained. End Quote from Moses

MOSCOW, September 22. /TASS/. Women who have certain military specialties may take up some positions during Russia’s partial mobilization campaign but the need for such specialists is minimal, Spokesman for the Main Organizational and Mobilization Department of the Russian Armed Forces’ General Staff Rear-Admiral Vladimir Tsimlyansky said on Thursday. “Women may take up certain positions during mobilization — Russian Defense Ministry. Tsimlyansky also specified that privates and sergeants under 35 years, junior officers under 50 and senior officers under 55 were subject to mobilization (Tass: 23 Sep, 02:59, https://tass.com/society/1511943)(

Quote from Moses: Winter is coming. Green forests what are shelters for Ukrainian army will be transparent soon. Drones will wait for them. End Quote from Moses

Forests that sheltered Russian troops will be transparent soon - we have all seen the videos. On 22 September, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed seven UAVs that belonged to Russian invaders; four of them were the Iran-made Shahed kamikaze drones ("Armed Forces of Ukraine destroy seven Russian UAVs, including an Iran-made Shahed in one day, https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/09/23/7368736/ ).

Meanwhile, “Russia has taken out more of its Soviet-era tanks from storage to be deployed in the Ukraine war as the conflict reaches its seventh month, a video circulating on social media appears to show. Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to Ukraine's minister of internal affairs, shared a clip on his Twitter page that appears to show multiple 50-year-old T-62 tanks lined up on railway tracks in Russia. "And new Russian conscripts (also with no protection against modern weapons and a modern army - we've seen what they fight in). Perfect combination, doomed for success, I would say," he added” (https://www.newsweek.com/video-russian-old-soviet-tanks-storage-ukraine-war-1745776). The Twitter posting is at https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1573239697144520713.

Quote from Moses: Time is working in favor of Russia anyway. But than longer Ukraine will have support from West, then more people will die, but result of conflict will be the same. It is unavoidable: 145 : 25. End Quote from Moses.

Smaller countries that have beaten larger ones: North Vietnam against the United States, 1961–1975. The United States against Britain in 1775– 1783. Israel against the larger Arab countries in 1948–1949, 1956, 1967, 1973. Poland against Russia in 1920. Not counting the more recent fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Or, of course, Afghanistan against the Soviet Union in 1979 - 1989, when Soviet losses included over 15,000 Soviet troops killed in Afghanistan and the loss of hundreds of aircraft, and billions of dollars’ worth of other military machines. Various sources already put Russian and allied forces deaths at 15,000, with deaths in Russian-occupied Donetsk and Luhansk around 3,600. The Afghan forces did not have western support or equipment, if I remember correctly, though I believe that the Soviets then, too, thought that time and winter were on their side.

September 24th, 2022, 18:47
===Looked at that another way:
The population density in Ukraine is 75 per Km2
The population density in Russia is 9 per Km2. Transporting people to the frontline will be time consuming and expensive.

Time is working on Russia. Money? Russia got additional $100 bln of profit from gas and oil at first 6 months of 2022.

And just had unseal reserves of 10,000 tanks, just part of which is T-62, T-64 and mostly they are t-72 and T-80

By the way: "50-old" T-62 is widely in use tank in Ukrainian forces. Ukraine still manufactures them and even trying to sell abroad https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Т-62-5ТДФ (use Google translator)

September 25th, 2022, 09:07
===Looked at that another way:
The population density in Ukraine is 75 per Km2
The population density in Russia is 9 per Km2. Transporting people to the frontline will be time consuming and expensive.

Time is working on Russia. Money? Russia got additional $100 bln of profit from gas and oil at first 6 months of 2022.

And just had unseal reserves of 10,000 tanks, just part of which is T-62, T-64 and mostly they are t-72 and T-80

By the way: "50-old" T-62 is widely in use tank in Ukrainian forces. Ukraine still manufactures them and even trying to sell abroad https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Т-62-5ТДФ (use Google translator)

Cherry-picked answers.

If Russia has so many modern tanks, why do the international headlines refer to the tanks being used in Ukraine as "Russia’s Ancient T-62 Tanks Are On The Move In Ukraine" (https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/06/06/russias-ancient-t-62-tanks-are-on-the-move-in-ukraine/?sh=21138f2a12be), and to tanks such as T-72 in terms such as "Russia’s tanks in Ukraine are old, obsolete and failing (https://asiatimes.com/2022/06/russias-tanks-in-ukraine-are-old-obsolete-and-failing/)?

I understand that Ukraine's main battle tank is the T-84, based on the Soviet T-80 MBT, and specifically the Diesel engine version: T-80UD, and which entered service in the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 1999. Many of the other tanks the Ukrainians are using as described as being supplied by Russia, e.g., "Russia Is Supplying Ukraine With Lightly Used Tanks. Ukraine plans to use Russia’s own armor against it" (https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/09/13/russia-ukraine-counteroffensive-tanks-kharkiv/, September 13).

Time, money and population are working for Russia? Just as they worked in 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan?

The Afghan population in 1979 was under 14 million people; the Soviet Union population, according to the January 1979 population was 262,084,654 people. Population numbers clearly on the side of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union economy in terms of GDP was around a nominal $US1.21 trillion, while the Afghan economy was around $US3.698 billion (1979). Funding clearly on the side of the Soviet Union.

Despite the population and money imbalances, the Soviet Union withdrew its military forces without achieving the demilitarization that had been one of its aims - denazification was not an excuse that time for its invasion.

Time was clearly on the Afghan side as the outcome of the invasion was the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.

The Russian Federation military forces and politicians seem to have learned nothing from history.

September 25th, 2022, 13:35
Whatever :)

145:25. End is unavoidable.

September 25th, 2022, 14:00
Whatever :)

145:25. End is unavoidable.

But surely, Moses, you know that size isn't everything!

September 25th, 2022, 14:02
Right, the end is unavoidable. Russia's end is near.

Aren't you the guy that quite a few months ago were saying that the war will be over in a few weeks, and Russia will prevail?

And if you think number of soldiers matters that much, you may want to research Sparta a little bit, for one of many examples.

September 25th, 2022, 14:15
Slovenia just "gift" to Ukraine 28 tanks M-55 (T-55). Nice gift for museums - 70 year old tanks. Pity: Ukraine has no shells for them.

September 25th, 2022, 14:44
Slovenia just "gift" to Ukraine 28 tanks M-55 (T-55). Nice gift for museums - 70 year old tanks. Pity: Ukraine has no shells for them.

Recent Ukraine victories resulted in the largest arms transfer since WWII due to how much Russian military equipment and ammunication they were able to seize, so not sure what you're talking about.

September 25th, 2022, 15:24
Slovenia just "gift" to Ukraine 28 tanks M-55 (T-55). Nice gift for museums - 70 year old tanks. Pity: Ukraine has no shells for them.

Your information is incorrect, and the tanks are not museum pieces.

What Slovenia is donating to Ukraine are M-55S tanks, a modernized version of the Soviet T-55. The tanks have new guns - 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 with a thermal insulation jacket, one of the most successful tank guns of all time. The tower and hull have been covered with additional reactive armor, which has changed the silhouette of the tanks to bringing it closer to modern ones. The M-55S have received a digital ballistic computer and gun stabilization, a Fotona SGS-55 sight with a laser rangefinder, as well as a LIRD-1A laser radiation detector linked to the smoke grenade launcher IS-6.

In terms of mobility, the M-55S has been motorized with a new 600 hp Diesel engine, which replaces the V-12 water-cooled diesel developing 580 hp of the original T-55. To improve the cross-country mobility of the tank, the suspension has been replaced and now each side consists of five rubber-tired road wheels, with a drive sprocket at the rear, an idler at the front, and four return rollers. The new 580 mm wide track has been fitted with replaceable rubber pads and to reduce driver fatigue a hydraulic steering system has been installed.

The armament is an 105 mm L7 gun (36 rounds), a 7.62 mm machine gun (2800 rounds), and 12 mm machine gun (250 rounds). The L7 tank gun is compatible with a wide array of ammunition types, including High Explosive Anti-Tank-Tracer and High Explosive Squash Head-Tracer rounds.

This is part of the so-called chain swap, which Germany uses to supply arms to Ukraine. Slovenia will send 28 M55s tanks to Ukraine and receive 40 German military trucks.

September 25th, 2022, 16:16
Your information is incorrect, and the tanks are not museum pieces.

What Slovenia is donating to Ukraine are M-55S tanks, a modernized version of the Soviet T-55. The tanks have new guns - 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 with a thermal insulation jacket, one of the most successful tank guns of all time. The tower and hull have been covered with additional reactive armor, which has changed the silhouette of the tanks to bringing it closer to modern ones. The M-55S have received a digital ballistic computer and gun stabilization, a Fotona SGS-55 sight with a laser rangefinder, as well as a LIRD-1A laser radiation detector linked to the smoke grenade launcher IS-6.

In terms of mobility, the M-55S has been motorized with a new 600 hp Diesel engine, which replaces the V-12 water-cooled diesel developing 580 hp of the original T-55. To improve the cross-country mobility of the tank, the suspension has been replaced and now each side consists of five rubber-tired road wheels, with a drive sprocket at the rear, an idler at the front, and four return rollers. The new 580 mm wide track has been fitted with replaceable rubber pads and to reduce driver fatigue a hydraulic steering system has been installed.

The armament is an 105 mm L7 gun (36 rounds), a 7.62 mm machine gun (2800 rounds), and 12 mm machine gun (250 rounds). The L7 tank gun is compatible with a wide array of ammunition types, including High Explosive Anti-Tank-Tracer and High Explosive Squash Head-Tracer rounds.

This is part of the so-called chain swap, which Germany uses to supply arms to Ukraine. Slovenia will send 28 M55s tanks to Ukraine and receive 40 German military trucks.

To read by letters: Ukraine has no 105mm shells.

September 26th, 2022, 04:38
To read by letters: Ukraine has no 105mm shells.

I am not sure what you mean by the message in the quote above, but I doubt that Ukraine's supporters would be supplying billions of dollars worth of equipment if Ukraine did not have the necessary ammunition, e.g.,

"New aid package for Ukraine includes 105-mm ammunition, HIMARS – Pentagon," (https://mil.in.ua/en/news/new-aid-package-for-ukraine-includes-105-mm-ammunition-himars-pentagon/).

"Ukrainian servicemen start using 105mm L119 howitzers" (https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ukrainian-servicemen-start-using-105mm-l119-howitzers/)

"The foreign weapons that enable Ukraine to hold out against Russia" (https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2022/09/21/the-foreign-weapons-that-enable-ukraine-to-hold-out-against-russia_5997794_8.html)... "The United Kingdom also announced the delivery of 36 105mm howitzers, while Washington promised 20.)

"New Ammo For Ukraine? US Could Supply Excalibur Munitions To Kiev To Target Dug-In Russian Positions & Command Posts" (https://eurasiantimes.com/new-ammo-for-ukraine-us-to-supply-excalibur-artillery-munitions/) ....and sixteen 105mm howitzers (36,000 rounds of ammunition.

Russian military supplies, despite the reactivation of thousands of aged tanks, don't seem plentiful, either:

"Russia buying weapons from North Korea for Ukraine war, U.S. intelligence says" (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/09/06/north-korea-russia-weapons-ukraine/) - "Russia's Defense Ministry is preparing to buy “millions of rockets and artillery shells” from North Korea as it runs low on weapons... The North Koreans have denied this is true, but...

"Iran sends first shipment of drones to Russia for use in Ukraine" (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/08/29/iran-drones-russia-ukraine-war/) ..."Russian cargo planes left Tehran 10 days ago with UAVs, some of which have already malfunctioned, U.S. and allied officials say."

and "Russia Can’t Fight a War and Still Arm the World. How the Country’s Shrinking Weapons Exports Could Change the Middle East" (https://www.foreignaffairs.com/russian-federation/russia-cant-fight-war-and-still-arm-world).

and "Putin seeks to 'make Ukraine run out of bullets before Russia runs out of soldiers' (https://www.dw.com/en/putin-seeks-to-make-ukraine-run-out-of-bullets-before-russia-runs-out-of-soldiers/a-63220424)..."A security expert told DW that Russian forces are spent, explaining how the partial mobilization could be a one-shot chance against Ukraine. A successful defense may depend on the West's timely supply of further weapons."

September 26th, 2022, 05:21
To read by letters: Ukraine has no 105mm shells.

Perhaps you mistyped "Ukraine" for "Russia" in the above quote?

Ukrainians capture Russian ammo, weapons, vehicles in Kharkiv Oblast (https://kyivindependent.com/national/ukrainians-capture-russian-ammo-weapons-vehicles-in-kharkiv-oblast, September 12) “When the Russians fled, they left behind stockpiles of mines, grenades, portable rockets and multiple types of fighting vehicles. Under the pressure of Ukrainian warriors, the Russian occupiers are fleeing and leaving behind entire arsenals," Vladyslav Abdula, spokesman for the Kharkiv Region Department of the Security Service of Ukraine wrote on Facebook. "We know what to do with them and will definitely use them as intended — against the enemies."

“How Ukraine’s Counteroffensives Managed to Break the War’s Stalemate” (https://www.usip.org/publications/2022/09/how-ukraines-counteroffensives-managed-break-wars-stalemate). “ (In the weeks leading up to the Ukrainian counteroffensives, the Ukrainian military used HIMARS to destroy Russian ammunition depots and to kill Russian military leadership — two resources that are very difficult for Russia to replace and are necessary for their military to be effective.”

“Ukraine, using captured Russian tanks, firms up its lines. Ukraine is now deploying captured Russian tanks to solidify its gains in the northeast amid an ongoing counteroffensive” (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/ukraine-captured-russian-tanks-firms-lines-90193508). “Earlier this month, Ukraine launched its counteroffensive, pushing into territory around its second-largest city of Kharkiv. Videos and photos showed Ukrainian troops seizing tanks, ammunition and other weaponry left behind by Moscow in an apparently chaotic withdrawal.”

September 26th, 2022, 14:07
Well, looks like Xi Jinping is now under house arrest and a military coup is underway with a 80km long military convoy headed towards Beijing to secure the city. India has also begun voting against Russia in the UN, so looks like Russia is quickly running out of friends. I guess they always have Syria to fall back on.

Interesting times ahead. I still wonder what's going on in China, but military blackout from Beijing at the moment. Hopefully some information comes out in the next few days.

September 26th, 2022, 17:45
Well, looks like Xi Jinping is now under house arrest and a military coup is underway with a 80km long military convoy headed towards Beijing to secure the city. India has also begun voting against Russia in the UN, so looks like Russia is quickly running out of friends. I guess they always have Syria to fall back on.

Interesting times ahead. I still wonder what's going on in China, but military blackout from Beijing at the moment. Hopefully some information comes out in the next few days.

As all other your "news" it is fake. Western news-media are full of such fakes.

Exactly that "news" has been started from Youtube post of Canadian Chinese dissident 2 days ago. You are so "fast" :)))

Here how it started on Sep 24:


Then Newsweek repeated it,

Meanwhile Xi already appeared on public.

September 26th, 2022, 19:08
Meanwhile Xi already appeared on public.

In fact, Chinese media and officials have commented "No comment" on the reports that XI has been overthrown, and made no comment on his whereabouts. Nor has he been reported reliably to have appeared in public.

It is probable that he and those who accompanied him to Samarkand are in quarantine as everyone entering the PRC has to go into quarantine.

September 28th, 2022, 11:18
Seems like Putin may have shot himself and Russia in the foot with the whole mobilization thing. Latvia has even declared a state of emergency due to how many Russians are flooding into the country, let alone what's going on at all other exit points in Russia, and there's lots of them.

Putin already scared off a good amount of the skilled labor during the beginning of the war, and now he's scaring off literally every male in their 20s or 30s. Who exactly is going to make the next generation of Russian babies? The ones supposed to be making the babies are already out of country, or are going to get called up to the front line to get killed.

This really doesn't look good for Russia.

September 28th, 2022, 16:58
What amazes me is just how effective the Kremlin is when it comes to controlling the media, and ultimately, the people. Based on how many average Russian's have been in the dark regarding the reality of what's going on right next door to them lays testament to these abilities.

No wonder the average Russian citizen has remained neutral over the war with their neighbors for the past 7 months. They literally believed that this whole thing was a Special Military Operation focused on "Nazi's" - remaining totally oblivious to the fact that their Emperor had launched a full-fledged war for the purpose of taking over their neighbors sovereign country. Simply amazing, and at the same time scary, just how much power the media and state sponsored propaganda has on an entire population.

Along with Putin's so-called "partial mobilization" comes a reality that's impossible for the Russian media to hide and that's the stories that will now avalanche back from the front lines to the general population about the horrors of war...the REAL death counts...the Russian militaries total lack of control...lack of supplies...and of course the lack of any resemblance of leadership on a battlefield they have been dragged onto forcibly.

This has already inflamed the "Mothers" of Russia". Remember that old saying "Hell hath no fury like a women's scorn".

I've listened to countless interviews with young Russian boys who have either escaped across one of the borders or hopped a plane to dodge Putin's draft - and every single one of them says the same things, e.g., they don't know why the Russian military is attacking their neighbors, they don't want to be part of it, and they'd rather leave Russia than be imprisoned for their refusals to support Putin's war.

A tyrant like Putin will never admit defeat. Unfortunately this will probably cost many more people their lives on both sides of the border before this thing is over. I don't believe Putin is insane enough to start a nuclear war for the simple fact that he's too intelligent (yes, even insane people can be intelligent) to know that he, his family, and his legacy, would immediate be turned to dust if he were to make that fatal mistake.

I hate to imagine what will happen next, but I can see massive missile strikes on civilian targets conducted for the purpose of unleashing his anger on people he blames for his failed strategies...while he continues his "fake annexations" in a desperate attempt to walk away from this thing with at least something he can paint as a victory.

I still believe that this thing will end when, and only when, Russia stops him. I think he knows that too. I also think that's what NATO and the West are banking on. He's alone on his island surrounded by shark-infested waters and the clock is ticking.

Stay tuned folks...this is sure to have a humdinger of an ending.

September 28th, 2022, 18:19
Yep, I think Putin calling the mobilization spelled the beginning of the end for him. Previously, this war was just something Russians watched on TV while they patriotically waved the flag, but now the war is real and has arrived at their door step as mobilization orders go out. There's even loads of reports of university students getting their orders, so this "partial mobilization" thing is pure bullshit.

I'll even go as far to say it wouldn't surprise me if another 1991 comes about, especially in eastern Russia. Folks in eastern Russia are about 6000kms away from the front lines, and simply don't give a shit about the war. However, they do very much care about the degrading oil pipelines and fields since all the Western oil companies pulled out and they don't have the tech to maintain that infrastructure.

Wouldn't surprise me if various provinces in eastern Russia decided "fuck this", seceded, declared independance, and began to re-negotiate with Western oil companies like Halibutron, Slumbergiegh, ExxonMobil, Shell, et al... and get them to come back in to help service their oil fields. If you're going to secede and declare independance, now is kind of the time, as quite obviously Russia doesn't currently have the military man power to do anything about it.

As for the nuclear strikes, I don't know, I can't predict what an insane person is going to do. He must be intelligent enough to know that if he fires a nuke, NATO will have no choice but to fully engage and go all the way into Moscow.

I guess let's see what happens.

September 29th, 2022, 14:14
All we're seeing on the news here is a mass exodus of people fleeing Russia to escape the war.

It's not only young military-age boys that are fleeing, it's teachers, doctors, taxi drivers, lawyers and builders – ordinary Russians who have no appetite for war. And although they say they don’t agree with the government, they believe there’s nothing they can do to force Putin to change course.

I can't help but thinking about all those young blond-haired boys running across those friendly borders looking for a place to sleep. I sure I was there to lend a helping hand.

September 29th, 2022, 16:04
Where did little Putin go? Thought he'd be here telling us we're all wrong about how miserably Russia is conducting itself and the draft.

September 29th, 2022, 18:29
Where did little Putin go? Thought he'd be here telling us we're all wrong about how miserably Russia is conducting itself and the draft.


September 29th, 2022, 18:38
how miserably Russia is conducting itself and the draft.

145 mln : 22.5 mln... end is unavoidable...

September 29th, 2022, 20:09
It's more like 20.5 million males of military age, that is between the ages of 18 - 44.

Those census numbers are from before the war, so we can drop that down to probably around 16 million by now, as a whole lot of people have died, been wounded, or have gotten out of dodge. Then considering there's reports of people ending up on the front lines 72 hours after reporting for the draft, I think it's safe to say it's probably not the most well trained fighting force on the planet.

If you still want to believe Russia has the upper hand, have fun with that. It's looking rather bleak for Russia though.

September 29th, 2022, 20:36
I have a German friend who has all kinds of conspiracy delusions and claims that the "evil empire" (USA) sabotaged those gas pipeline. He may have a point this time.

How does it benefit Russia to destroy a bargaining chip?

September 29th, 2022, 20:59
I have a German friend who has all kinds of conspiracy delusions and claims that the "evil empire" (USA) sabotaged those gas pipeline. He may have a point this time.

How does it benefit Russia to destroy a bargaining chip?

Does it really matter? No matter what, that gas pipeline was getting cut in the near future. That was inevitable.

I'm just curious as to what happens now. If the EU decides it was an act of sabotage from Russia, and NATO decides to consider that an act of war and a threat to the national security of the EU, shit could get very real very quickly.

September 29th, 2022, 21:13
Does it really matter? No matter what, that gas pipeline was getting cut in the near future. That was inevitable.

It does. Right now Russia still acting with "soft hands": Russia still pumping gas via Ukrainian pipeline and pays to Ukraine for gas transportation. Ukraine has gas from it as well even when they in documents recording it as a gas what is bought from EU. We are talking about $1.2 bln for transportation. Winter is coming. Nord Stream pipeline has been sabotaged for to force Russia to keep that pumping and payments.

But result may be opposite: Russia will cut gas pumping via Ukraine and Ukraine will find itself without gas and money. EU and USA may easy to subsidize these money, but nobody cam to substitute gas. This winter on Ukraine will be very cold then.

September 29th, 2022, 22:14
Again, better just hope EU and NATO don't decide that it was an act of sabotage from Russia and constitutes an act of war.

September 29th, 2022, 22:20
Again, better just hope EU and NATO don't decide that it was an act of sabotage from Russia and constitutes an act of war.

Place of sabotage is located in Danish zone. Who can act in Danish zone without any problem? Only Danish or other EU-located forces or best allies - US.

September 29th, 2022, 22:56
I don't know who did it, and you don't either. I wouldn't put it past either, Russia or the US to pull this type of stunt.

Who knows... as it turns out, I'm not director of the CIA, so not really privy to that type of information.

What I do know is Russia started this war.