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March 26th, 2022, 15:46
Moses, quit being stupid. The Russian military is getting their asses handed to them, and there's really no way you can argue otherwise.

Brad the Impala
March 26th, 2022, 15:46
The BBC does a good job of Fact Checking the background to the denazification claims(10 minute video). Remember the BBC? They were the broadcasters that those invaded by the real Nazis in WW2 risked their lives to listen to because they wanted to hear the truth.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-60856533?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=623e86c75fbc655faa01ef05%26WATCH%3A%20 Fact-checking%20Putin%27s%20false%20%27Nazi%27%20claims %262022-03-26T03%3A30%3A08.149Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:c5cd21e3-bc87-4b8e-9d45-d9f8c5f8bbbf&pinned_post_asset_id=623e86c75fbc655faa01ef05&pinned_post_type=share

March 26th, 2022, 15:58
Moses, quit being stupid. The Russian military is getting their asses handed to them, and there's really no way you can argue otherwise.

Yes, yes. That why Ukraine controls own territory. Oh. Wait...

March 26th, 2022, 16:43
The BBC does a good job of Fact Checking the background to the denazification claims(10 minute video). Remember the BBC? They were the broadcasters that those invaded by the real Nazis in WW2 risked their lives to listen to because they wanted to hear the truth.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-60856533?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=623e86c75fbc655faa01ef05%26WATCH%3A%20 Fact-checking%20Putin%27s%20false%20%27Nazi%27%20claims %262022-03-26T03%3A30%3A08.149Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:c5cd21e3-bc87-4b8e-9d45-d9f8c5f8bbbf&pinned_post_asset_id=623e86c75fbc655faa01ef05&pinned_post_type=share

Do you means the same BBC, what wrote "Nuclear bombing of Japan is moral"?

Only 15% of Japanese are agree with that.

March 26th, 2022, 16:44
The BBC does a good job of Fact Checking the background to the denazification claims(10 minute video).

Brad, thank you for posting the BBC video.

This helped put things in perspective regarding Putin's false "neo-Nazi" claims in very clear terms.

Factual, clear, and concise reporting and commentary from BBC as always.

March 26th, 2022, 16:50
Brad, thank you for posting the BBC video.

This helped put things in perspective regarding Putin's false "neo-Nazi" claims in very clear terms.

Factual, clear, and concise reporting and commentary from BBC as always.

Yeah. And Israel canceled visa-free entrance for Ukrainians few weeks ago exactly because of "false claims"... Neo-Nazi and nationalists run from Ukraine now - they know their future... Israel doesn't want to be shelter for such people.

March 26th, 2022, 16:59
Sometimes words aren't needed:


March 26th, 2022, 19:43
1920 = swastika
2022 = Z

March 26th, 2022, 20:23
1920 = swastika
2022 = Z

It for sure explains why new jewelry collection from Louis Vuitton is so popular in March 2022


March 26th, 2022, 20:59
It for sure explains why new jewelry collection from Louis Vuitton is so popular in March 2022


https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=Awr9NEnLGz9i8iwAZTSJnIlQ;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBH NsawNpbWcEb2lkAzlmMjBlODVlNDI4NDU3MTkyMGZlN2EyNTZk ZWUyODE2BGdwb3MDMQRpdANiaW5n?back=https%3A%2F%2Fim ages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dsata n%2Bsteak%26fr%3Diphone%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&w=748&h=997&imgurl=metrouk2.files.wordpress.com%2F2016%2F03%2F ad_200971984.jpg%3Fw%3D748%26h%3D997%26crop%3D1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmetro.co.uk%2F2016%2F03%2F25%2F satan-makes-a-casual-appearance-in-someones-steak-5775379%2F&size=103.1KB&p=satan+steak&oid=9f20e85e4284571920fe7a256dee2816&fr2=piv-web&fr=iphone&tt=Satan+seen+in+a+rib+steak+in+La&b=0&ni=21&no=1&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=C0TTqFNWsYun&sigb=jpFQilgiCXDF&sigi=25Z2r1dY9_yM&sigt=R2OP1d6kwPw5&.crumb=hxUcKiELBmd&fr=iphone&fr2=piv-web

March 26th, 2022, 22:26
Yeah. And Israel canceled visa-free entrance for Ukrainians few weeks ago exactly because of "false claims"... Neo-Nazi and nationalists run from Ukraine now - they know their future... Israel doesn't want to be shelter for such people.

Dude, stop. We even have intercepted transmissions of Russians now saying, "just go ahead and level the residential area with artillery". You can't possibly say this has anything to do with Nazis.

Hell, there's even reports out now that Ukraine has more tanks than when the war started, because they keep picking up Russian tanks. There's videos out there of Ukrainian farmers hooking up a couple tractors to a Russian tank, and hauling it home. That must be a fun conversation to have with the wife, "hey honey, found a Russian tank this morning and decided to bring it home".

The desertions are understandable though, because this is about as stupid as the US invading Canada. I'm sure there's alot of Russian soldiers out there thinking, "WTF Putin, you want me to do what??!? My sister's husband is Ukrainian, so why would I invade Ukraine?". You even have reports now of Russian soldiers running over their commander with a tank. At what point to you take a pause, step bak and think to yourself, "maybe this was a bad idea?"

How you can possibly be in support of this war is beyond me. If the Canadian government ever tried to pull a stunt like this, I'd be in Ottawa right now, and I'm sure with millions of other Canadians to remove the government from power and stop this shit.

March 26th, 2022, 23:00
Dude, stop. We even have intercepted transmissions of Russians now saying, "just go ahead and level the residential area with artillery". You can't possibly say this has anything to do with Nazis.

Yes, sure. Russians are so stupid, what use open radio-channels for to control and manage fight.

Matt, do you really buy it?

March 26th, 2022, 23:18
Yes, sure. Russians are so stupid, what use open radio-channels for to control and manage fight.

Matt, do you really buy it?

Yeah, because all the destruction left behind kind of backs it up.

Unfortunately I'm blind, so I can't see for myself, but from what I hear entire towns have been wiped off the map, and cities leveled to the ground. Theaters, hospitals and schools all bomed out of existence. Even putting massive signs saying "children" that can be seen from the air is no defense, and it still gets leveled by Russian missiles.

Again, how you can possibly be in support of these atrocities is beyond me. If my government did this, I would be absolutely disgusted. Again, I'd be in Ottawa right now, and I'm sure with millions of other Canadians to remove the government from power.

This is 2022, everyone has a phone with a camera now, so hiding atrocities isn't going to happen anymore.

March 27th, 2022, 01:24
Enough already, Moses, only one word describes your reality -PATHETIC!

March 27th, 2022, 02:59
Enough already, Moses, only one word describes your reality -PATHETIC!

I can show you pathetic - look at Biden who is living in own realm in pair with Alzheimer - he again said what 1 USD is 200 rubles.

March 27th, 2022, 06:12
I can show you pathetic - look at Biden who is living in own realm in pair with Alzheimer - he again said what 1 USD is 200 rubles.

No, pathetic is Putin giving a speech and complaining that he's a victim of cancel culture. WTF?

March 27th, 2022, 08:13
Honestly, Moses, is this the best you can offer in response to the unimaginable devastation and loss of life your man putin has wrought on Ukraine? I pray for your enlightenment.

March 27th, 2022, 09:30
I can show you pathetic - look at Biden who is living in own realm in pair with Alzheimer - he again said what 1 USD is 200 rubles.

I'll hand you that.

Every time I hear Biden speak I shutter as he seems to be getting feebler (mentally and physically) with each passing moment.

He served the purpose of getting Trump out of office, and I have a great deal of respect for him, but I think we need someone with a bit more strength and stamina in the future - especially if the next U.S. President has to continue doing battle with tyrants. Arnold Schwarzenegger comes to mind, with possibly one of our top Navy SEAL Commanders as his Vice President.

One of the safe guards we have in the U.S. is that our country cannot be run or controlled by any "one person" which is deeply branded in our Constitution. As you well know we have several branches of government, including the U.S. Senate and U.S. Congress, that get involved when major decisions that affect the welfare of the country are being made. The handicap that any country has when one person, and one person only, is given the power to make these types of decisions without having these safeguards in place, is what gets them into trouble. And ultimately, it’s the citizens of those countries who pay the price. This epic catastrophe in Ukraine being a perfect example.

Also carved in the First Amendment of our Constitution is the right of each and every American to speak their minds freely - without any interference from any branch of our Government. This includes the right to protest...the right to disagree with our leaders (including our President)...and the total freedom to express our feelings without fear of reprisal.

The fact that Russia operates to a completely different set of standards when it comes to this, where one man can rule the entire Government with an “Iron Fist”...persecuting those who defy him...repressing freedom of speech and the press…and imprisoning those who dare to defy him, is what has led us to where we are now, i.e., Freedom versus Oppression. Democracy versus Authoritarianism.

I’m hoping that when the dust settles the people of Russia can one day start enjoying the same basic freedoms that the West enjoys…and I mean that sincerely. With all the money that Russia gains from its Energy Resources, the standard of living for Russian people should be at the highest level…even higher than most countries in the West if the wealth was distributed equally and not being stolen from the people. Right now you have ONE MAN, who’s one of the richest people on Earth, along with 100 Billionaire Oligarch’s who control YOUR MONEY. Haven’t you ever asked yourself…”what’s wrong with this picture”?

March 27th, 2022, 11:26
I think Biden is doing just fine, and is exactly who is needed at this moment. His message is strong, clear, and there's no mistaking where he stands. If some right-wing nutjob was in the Oval Office right now, who knows if NATO And Europe would have even united as strnogly as they did.

Oh, and Terminator can't be President without a change to your beloved constitution. He's Austrian.

March 27th, 2022, 11:31
dodger...me thinks u have been drinkin g the cool aid...

March 27th, 2022, 12:03
Cool, Snake Island soldiers who infamously told the Russian navy to go fuck themselves at the beginning on the invasion have been freed in a prisoner swap.


March 27th, 2022, 12:25
Oh, and Terminator can't be President without a change to your beloved constitution. He's Austrian.

Yeah, you're right.

OK, my second pick would be Judge Judy.

After watching the video clip below - just imagine Putin trying to spin all this neo-Nazi nonsense to her.:


March 27th, 2022, 12:29
I'd personally go with Elon Musk. If you guys were willing to put Trump into office, let's go on the other side of the crazy spectrum, and give Musk four years at the helm. Out the window with USD, and it'd be DogeCoin and electric robo taxis for everyone.

Pretty cool though Must just went ahead and repositioned his satellites to give Ukraine internet access, and just confirmed Startlink is now active in Ukraine over Twitter. heh, crazy world.

March 27th, 2022, 14:25
elon musk=south african

March 27th, 2022, 15:00
elon musk=south african

Oh, that's right, Musk is South African, isn't he? Alright, I guess he's off the table.

How about we assinate Biden, and let Harris take control? Even better yet, any chance of getting Michelle Obama in the Oval Office?

I would absolutely love to see a strong black woman tell Putin to go fuck himself on the world stage. Now that would be one for the history books.

March 27th, 2022, 15:25
I would absolutely love to see a strong black woman tell Putin to go fuck himself on the world stage.

No...better yet..."Pete Buttigieg" - Biden's Transportation Secretary.

Pete and his husband could sing a lullaby like "Don't be such a sour puss" for Putin at their first meeting - while blowing him kisses from across that looooooooog table of his.

March 27th, 2022, 15:32
Ohhh, I love mayor Pete. He's awesome, and was disappointed when he dropped out of the last presidential race, as I really think he should have stuck it out.

I also really like Andrew Yang, although don't think he's the type who's capable of squaring off with Putin though. Mayor Pete would do fine against Putin, but meh.... to be honest, I think either Harris or Michelle Obama would be far stronger against Putin and would make a perfect fit for the crisis at hand.

Again, a presidential address from the Oval Office televised all across the US with Harris in charge, tellling Putin he can go fuck himself would definitely be something for the history books. Harris seems solid too, so I'm sure she could handle the position.

March 27th, 2022, 16:26
Ohhh, I love mayor Pete. He's awesome, and was disappointed when he dropped out of the last presidential race, as I really think he should have stuck it out.

I also really like Andrew Yang, although don't think he's the type who's capable of squaring off with Putin though. Mayor Pete would do fine against Putin, but meh.... to be honest, I think either Harris or Michelle Obama would be far stronger against Putin and would make a perfect fit for the crisis at hand.

Again, a presidential address from the Oval Office televised all across the US with Harris in charge, tellling Putin he can go fuck himself would definitely be something for the history books. Harris seems solid too, so I'm sure she could handle the position.

Another businessman with a Messiah Complex is just what we need

March 27th, 2022, 16:42
Ohhh, I love mayor Pete. He's awesome, and was disappointed when he dropped out of the last presidential race, as I really think he should have stuck it out.

I also really like Andrew Yang, although don't think he's the type who's capable of squaring off with Putin though. Mayor Pete would do fine against Putin, but meh.... to be honest, I think either Harris or Michelle Obama would be far stronger against Putin and would make a perfect fit for the crisis at hand.

Again, a presidential address from the Oval Office televised all across the US with Harris in charge, tellling Putin he can go fuck himself would definitely be something for the history books. Harris seems solid too, so I'm sure she could handle the position.
Pete Buttplug is a great name for a gay politician whereas Harris is a bimbo who was comprehensively rejected in the Primaries. She is only Veep because of Biden’’’s attachment to political correctness. Every day she demonstrates how out of her depth she is

March 27th, 2022, 16:54
She is only Veep because of Biden’’’s attachment to political correctness. Every day she demonstrates how out of her depth she is

Yes, we should just put you in as Vice President instead, because I'm certain that would go splendidly.

March 27th, 2022, 18:36
Yes, we should just put you in as Vice President instead, because I'm certain that would go splendidly.

“Put me in”. From your knowledge of the US Constitution how would that work - detailed instructions please

March 27th, 2022, 21:04
I’m hoping that when the dust settles the people of Russia can one day start enjoying the same basic freedoms that the West enjoys…and I mean that sincerely. With all the money that Russia gains from its Energy Resources, the standard of living for Russian people should be at the highest level…even higher than most countries in the West if the wealth was distributed equally and not being stolen from the people. Right now you have ONE MAN, who’s one of the richest people on Earth, along with 100 Billionaire Oligarch’s who control YOUR MONEY. Haven’t you ever asked yourself…”what’s wrong with this picture”?

Looking back at the whole of Russian history, it is difficult to recall at least one more or less long period of time when ordinary Russian people lived well. As soon as it seems that everything is in order, another bullshit happens immediately. It seems our way is to permament suffer.

March 28th, 2022, 01:54
“Put me in”. From your knowledge of the US Constitution how would that work - detailed instructions pleaseObviously too hard for our Matt

March 28th, 2022, 05:00

Russian troops in Ukraine have relied, with surprising frequency, on unsecured communication devices such as smartphones and push-to-talk radios, leaving units vulnerable to targeting, and further underscoring the command-and-control deficiencies that have come to define Moscow’s month-long invasion, observers say.

“We’re seeing them use a lot more unclassified communications because their classified communications capability … for one reason or another, is not as strong as it should be,” a senior U.S. defense official, speaking on the condition of anonymity under terms set by the Pentagon, told reporters in a recent news briefing.

The Russian military possesses modern equipment capable of secure transmission, but troops on the battlefield have reached for simpler-to-use but less-secure lines because of uneven discipline across the ranks, an apparent lack of planning for conducting a sustained fight over long distances, and Russian attacks on Ukraine’s communication infrastructure that it, too, has relied on, experts say.
Russia behind hack of satellite communication devices in Ukraine at war’s outset, U.S. officials say

A European intelligence official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss NATO’s battlefield assessments, said that since the invasion began in late-February, there have been multiple instances of Russian commanders confiscating their subordinates’ personal phones for fear they would unwittingly give away a unit’s location.

March 28th, 2022, 05:36
Oh, for fuck sakes. There's reports out there that Russian soldiers had dress uniforms packed instead of food deto their impending liberation ceremony in Kiev. That liberation ceremony in Kiev quite obviously didn't happen, meaning the Russian military has no clue what it's doing.

I really wish NATO would just go in, and help clean this up. Forces are already deployed, it's one week of NATO involment and magically every Russian soldier will be outside of Ukraine.

Fuck Putin and his threats of nuclear war. We've done this before during the cold war, we called Russia's bluff, and we won. I know the Western media loves to paint Putin as some madman with 6000 nukes, but that's bullshit. He's a highly intelligent and calclating individual, and should be treated as such. He's not going to fire off nukes, because he knows full well what happens to Russia if he does that.

Democracy in the world has been getting hammered big time in the past several years. Right here and now is the opportune time to stand up, and send a strong message that democracy is alive and well. Fuck it, NATO should just go in. The Russian military is so weak right now, it probably wouldn't take more more than a week to scatter them all back home to Russia.

From intercepted transmissions and other medium, the Russian military is obviously weakened. How do you think the Russian solders would feel if over their communication channels they heared NATO forces were on the way? I'm pretty confident they would nopt the fuck out of there.

March 28th, 2022, 07:15
Oh, for fuck sakes. There's reports out there that Russian soldiers had dress uniforms packed instead of food deto their impending liberation ceremony in Kiev. That liberation ceremony in Kiev quite obviously didn't happen, meaning the Russian military has no clue what it's doing.

I really wish NATO would just go in, and help clean this up. Forces are already deployed, it's one week of NATO involment and magically every Russian soldier will be outside of Ukraine.

Fuck Putin and his threats of nuclear war. We've done this before during the cold war, we called Russia's bluff, and we won. I know the Western media loves to paint Putin as some madman with 6000 nukes, but that's bullshit. He's a highly intelligent and calclating individual, and should be treated as such. He's not going to fire off nukes, because he knows full well what happens to Russia if he does that.

Democracy in the world has been getting hammered big time in the past several years. Right here and now is the opportune time to stand up, and send a strong message that democracy is alive and well. Fuck it, NATO should just go in. The Russian military is so weak right now, it probably wouldn't take more more than a week to scatter them all back home to Russia.

From intercepted transmissions and other medium, the Russian military is obviously weakened. How do you think the Russian solders would feel if over their communication channels they heared NATO forces were on the way? I'm pretty confident they would nopt the fuck out of there.

Matt is still alive and well on Fantasy Isy

March 28th, 2022, 09:01
I unfortunately can't find it on Youtube, but CNN did a montage a while back of a bunch of retired generals who one after another said "never agains means never again" basically.

We already said never again back in 1945 (no Generfan, I wasn't alive then either), so what's it going to take to say it again? There's reports out now saying over 45,000 people have been forcibly deported from Mariupol to Russia.

Fuck Putin and his threats of nuclear war. Him being an asshole and constantly threatening the world with nuclear war is nothing more than a show of his weakness and desperation. He's not exactly the only nation with nukes. Hel, the US always has three nuclear submarines roaming the world at all times each armed with a dozen triple tipped Trident nuclear missiles, ready to attack anywhere in the world. It's just the US President doesn't feel the need to go on TV and brag about that shit.

Putin quite obviously isn't going to stop himself as he's already on TV calling for a new world order, so where does this end? What happens when he invades Moldova, Slovakia, or Poland? Just sit by helplessly, because we're scared he might send off a nuke?

Ukraine has been absolutely amazing, and has foght back and defended their homeland far more than anyone in this world thought possible. I think the West owes it to them to stop the bloodshed, because you know as well as I do, if those 30,000 NATO troops currently deployed on the Western border of Ukraine stepped in, this would all be over in the matter of a week.

Fuck Putin and his threats of nuclear war. By not going in, all we're doing is postponing the inevitable. You think Putin will stop his bullshit and threats? Of course not. Again, NATO is 50% of the world's military might, and they're already deployed in force to Ukraine's western border. You know as well as I do, this could be over in a week or two.

March 28th, 2022, 09:35
Oh, for fuck sakes. There's reports out there that Russian soldiers had dress uniforms packed instead of food deto their impending liberation ceremony in Kiev. That liberation ceremony in Kiev quite obviously didn't happen, meaning the Russian military has no clue what it's doing.

"All dressed up and nowhere to go".

You really have to feel sorry for those poor Russian boys.

There they were, all ready to dress in their neatly pressed dress uniforms poised for the Hero's Welcome they would receive while riding on top of their tanks down the main streets in Kiev...taking selfies with their smartphones while hordes of cute teary-eyed Ukrainian girls kissed them on their cheeks. They were all set to break out the wine and start posing for the cheering crowds - as they envisioned thousands of red roses being tossed from the balconies in proper fashion to grace the saviors.

Yes, this Peace-Keeping Liberation Operation would be the memory of a lifetime for the 18 year old Russian soldier who didn't even have any ammunition, let alone know how to use it.

Now ask yourself: Why are all these high-ranking Russian Generals running around in the front lines? I have this mental picture of a furious General yanking the smartphone out of a young soldiers hands while screaming at him historically to pick up his fucking gun and put his helmet on.

March 28th, 2022, 10:30
"All dressed up and nowhere to go".

You really have to feel sorry for those poor Russian boys.

No. For them who are still even alive, they need to go back home and tell their friends and families of the atrocities the Russsian government asked them to commit. Putin needs to be removed from power, and the Russian people are the only ones who can accomplish that.

March 28th, 2022, 12:15

Brad the Impala
March 28th, 2022, 22:54
Delusional! This will make the West worry!

Moscow is developing measures to restrict entry into Russia for nationals of "unfriendly" countries, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said.

"A draft presidential decree is being developed on retaliatory visa measures in response to the unfriendly actions of a number of foreign states," he said in televised remarks.

The state news agency Tass quoted him as saying the measures would "respond to unfriendly actions by the United States and its satellites", including "illegitimate sanctions" and "decisions that infringe on the rights of Russian citizens and legal entities".

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-60890199?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=6241ba7d4f71af55b4615f79%26Russia%20pl anning%20retaliatory%20visa%20measures%20-%20Lavrov%262022-03-28T15%3A23%3A10.349Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:d1bf33ef-3fbb-408b-a035-2e645cd289db&pinned_post_asset_id=6241ba7d4f71af55b4615f79&pinned_post_type=share

March 29th, 2022, 02:36
"You underestimate how many people live here and how little I care for their lives"
Stalin (and Putin)

March 29th, 2022, 06:55
heh, and sure enough Russia said it's keeping the 500 commercial planes worth $10 billion that were grounded in Russia when airspace was closed. Not going to give them back to the airlines.

Because of course...

March 29th, 2022, 12:30
heh, and sure enough Russia said it's keeping the 500 commercial planes worth $10 billion that were grounded in Russia when airspace was closed. Not going to give them back to the airlines.

Because of course...

I'm struggling with the number of planes that got grounded. I can see 5, or even 50, but 500???

March 29th, 2022, 12:38
I'm struggling with the number of planes that got grounded. I can see 5, or even 50, but 500???

"In 2019 some 4.5 billion passengers took 42 million flights worldwide. That is an average of 115,000 commercial flights everyday according to Flight Radar 24".

Google is your friend. :)

Oh, and Russia apparently went and poisoned that one Russian oligarch who was trying to help broker a peace deal. Really FSB?

March 29th, 2022, 13:58
"In 2019 some 4.5 billion passengers took 42 million flights worldwide. That is an average of 115,000 commercial flights everyday according to Flight Radar 24".

Google is your friend. :)

Oh, and Russia apparently went and poisoned that one Russian oligarch who was trying to help broker a peace deal. Really FSB?

BBC already withdrew this accusation. Abramovich also denied that.

March 29th, 2022, 13:59
heh, and sure enough Russia said it's keeping the 500 commercial planes worth $10 billion that were grounded in Russia when airspace was closed. Not going to give them back to the airlines.

Because of course...

Ah... again crocodile's tears? $10 billions you said? What about $300 billions stolen from Russian gold reserves?

March 29th, 2022, 14:06



March 29th, 2022, 14:16
Ah... again crocodile's tears? $10 billions you said? What about $300 billions stolen from Russian gold reserves?

Yeah, but we stole that from the Russian government. Fair play there.

Still pretty mystified as to why Russia completely leveled Mariupol. Population of ~450k, ~70% Russian speaking. Were all ~315,000 of the Russian speakers secretly Nazis, or something?

From the sounds of things, the city has basically been wiped off the map. What the fuck was the point of that?

March 29th, 2022, 14:38
Yeah, but we stole that from the Russian government. Fair play there.

Still pretty mystified as to why Russia completely leveled Mariupol. Population of ~450k, ~70% Russian speaking. Were all ~315,000 of the Russian speakers secretly Nazis, or something?

From the sounds of things, the city has basically been wiped off the map. What the fuck was the point of that?

Civilian fatalities within whole Ukraine is below 1500 as per UN Human Rights commissar. And yes, Mariupol is key for Ukraine to have control on Donbass region, that why Azov regiment has (had) headquarter there. They still have resistance point in industrial zone within "AzovSteel" manufacturing plant. Yesterday leaders of "Azov" tried to run from it on helicopter, but helicopter was destroyed before they left. Russia wants them alive.

March 29th, 2022, 14:53
Ukrainian Nazi published in social networks videos how they behave with captured Russian soldiers. German "Bild" published these videos with commentaries about war crimes.


March 29th, 2022, 15:14
Jeff Monson about situation (in English with Russian subtitles):


March 29th, 2022, 16:36
I just love it every time I hear the line" NATO is expanding", or "NATO was not supposed to expand", or "We must stop NATO from expanding", as if voluntary membership in an Alliance such as NATO, whose primary mission is to simply provide a heightened level of security for its members, is somehow a threat to anyone. Am I missing something here? (tongue in cheek)

I just hate it when politicians and news pundits beat around the bush with all these politically correct statements - when all they need to do is speak the truth, e.g., Russia doesn't like it when any European country joins the Alliance because the real estate those countries are sitting on has already been pre-planned (by Putin) to one day belong to the Russian Empire. The Empire that Putin's spent he's life dreaming of rebuilding. It's really just as simple as that.

This has nothing to do with Ukraine, it only has to do with one thing, and one thing only, and that's Putin's plans to invade more neighboring countries across Europe to construct his Empire. Nothing more. Nothing less. You could call this Putin's Continental Construction Project. Well, why don't they just say that?

I'd love to hear a consortium of World Leaders stand shoulder-to-shoulder and explain it to Putin this way:

"You're building a nuclear war machine for the purpose of conquering your neighbors and one day ruling the earth...you can't be trusted as far as we can spit...you've already invaded Crimea...now Ukraine...you've done everything in your power to undermine the Free World for decades both through your political actions and your cynical and underhanded spy rhetoric, and we've had enough. There will be no more negotiations or compromise regarding your invasion of Ukraine. If you stop the bombing and withdraw your troops immediately, we will release your prisoners and give them their smartphones back, and allow the rest of your Generals to live. That's the deal. Up2U"..

March 29th, 2022, 21:03
I just love it every time I hear the line" NATO is expanding", or "NATO was not supposed to expand", or "We must stop NATO from expanding", as if voluntary membership in an Alliance such as NATO, whose primary mission is to simply provide a heightened level of security for its members, is somehow a threat to anyone. Am I missing something here? (tongue in cheek)

I just hate it when politicians and news pundits beat around the bush with all these politically correct statements - when all they need to do is speak the truth, e.g., Russia doesn't like it when any European country joins the Alliance because the real estate those countries are sitting on has already been pre-planned (by Putin) to one day belong to the Russian Empire. The Empire that Putin's spent he's life dreaming of rebuilding. It's really just as simple as that.

This has nothing to do with Ukraine, it only has to do with one thing, and one thing only, and that's Putin's plans to invade more neighboring countries across Europe to construct his Empire. Nothing more. Nothing less. You could call this Putin's Continental Construction Project. Well, why don't they just say that?

I'd love to hear a consortium of World Leaders stand shoulder-to-shoulder and explain it to Putin this way:

"You're building a nuclear war machine for the purpose of conquering your neighbors and one day ruling the earth...you can't be trusted as far as we can spit...you've already invaded Crimea...now Ukraine...you've done everything in your power to undermine the Free World for decades both through your political actions and your cynical and underhanded spy rhetoric, and we've had enough. There will be no more negotiations or compromise regarding your invasion of Ukraine. If you stop the bombing and withdraw your troops immediately, we will release your prisoners and give them their smartphones back, and allow the rest of your Generals to live. That's the deal. Up2U"..

The only thing what destroys your rhetoric is: in 1989 it was promised not to expand to the East. And it isn't only voluntary membership, but also members should agree to accept new member. And "old" members gave promise.

Why you wonder now "what is going on?" after broken promise and multiple warnings about "red line"? Somebody expected what Russian balls aren't from steel?

Right now Ukraine and West say words what should be said half of year ago "no Ukraine in NATO at next 20 years", "neutral statut" and so on. Where were these tongues 6 months ago?

March 29th, 2022, 21:49
I just love it every time I hear the line" NATO is expanding", or "NATO was not supposed to expand", or "We must stop NATO from expanding", as if voluntary membership in an Alliance such as NATO, whose primary mission is to simply provide a heightened level of security for its members, is somehow a threat to anyone.

Yeah, this whole bs about NATO being too expansionary is pretty lame. Last I checked, it's Russia that keeps invading other nations via their peace keeping missions, whereas NATO hasn't invaded anyone.

NATO is inclusive, not expansionary. Two different things. Nobody is forcing anyone here, and it's actually quite the opposite with countries having to put in about a decade of work to reform and strengthen their countries before being granted membership. Like the President of Albania said, maybe Putin should step back and ask himself why all these countries keep wanting to join NATO instead of Russia?

March 29th, 2022, 22:31
Ukraine gave to Russia written offers for peace talk. Ukraine agrees to have neutral and non-nuclear status, forbidding for foreign military to visit Ukraine, forbidding military bases in Ukraine, removing from Ukrainian constitution words about NATO, forbidding bio- and chemical weapons.

It is good base for peace talk. Russia will add warranties for Russians citizens of Ukraine, and all it may lead to the end of fights after meeting of Zelenskiy and Putin in a few weeks.

March 29th, 2022, 23:40
Yeah, and Ukraine also gave up all its nuclear missiles in exchange for a promise from Russia to be never threatened with nuclear war. That didn't work out very well, now did it?

March 30th, 2022, 03:37
Yeah, and Ukraine also gave up all its nuclear missiles in exchange for a promise from Russia to be never threatened with nuclear war. That didn't work out very well, now did it?

Yeah, and UK, France and US were warrants. SO why US send plutonium 239 to Ukraine in 2021?

March 30th, 2022, 03:39
By the way, Matt, ruble already is below 80:


March 30th, 2022, 03:56
Wall Street Journal:

Russia Built Parallel Payments System That Escaped Western Sanctions

The domestic-payments system continued to work smoothly after Visa Inc. and Mastercard Inc. pulled out earlier this month. While the card giants’ exit from Russia was viewed as a significant move by many in the West, the reality on the ground was anything but. Most Russian consumers never lost the ability to use their Mastercard- and Visa-branded cards to pay for things within the country.


And "Russia built" many other "parallel systems" as well. People who are voting for switching off SWIFT will be very surprised, as surprised now people who canceled flying certificates of Russian aircrafts, or people who expecting what Western companies will close domestic business here...

March 30th, 2022, 09:27
Why you wonder now "what is going on?" after broken promise and multiple warnings about "red line"? Somebody expected what Russian balls aren't from steel?

What gives Putin the right to tell Ukraine ANYTHING?

It's their country. Why is that so hard to understand?

Every country on earth has the right to chose who they align themselves with, either as friends and/or allies, or by formal membership in an Alliance such as NATO. Who does Putin think he is trampling around on his neighbors property painting red lines as if he owns the place - and commanding them not to become allies with someone else???

All said, I'm a firm believer in diplomacy, especially when you're dealing with someone as trigger-happy as Putin.


If I were Zelinski, this type of an agreement would suffice, and I would then gladly agree to remain "neutral status" and forego joining NATO.

As far as Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk go - they belong to Ukraine. Separatists (Putin's mercenaries) would have to leave Donetsk, and Luhansk. Any neo-Nazi's hanging around in those areas would be asked to please move to Brazil like all the other Nazi's did after WW II.. Better yet, send them to America. Donald Trump is thinking of running for a second term and will need all the support he can get.

There you have it:

Ukraine remains neutral posing no threat to Russia - Russia remains neutral within the confines of its own borders...and NATO can rest assured that Putin's empire building aspirations have come to a halt.

Everyone's happy...right?

March 30th, 2022, 09:34
The only thing what destroys your rhetoric is: in 1989 it was promised not to expand to the East. And it isn't only voluntary membership, but also members should agree to accept new member. And "old" members gave promise.

Why you wonder now "what is going on?" after broken promise and multiple warnings about "red line"? Somebody expected what Russian balls aren't from steel?

Well, which is it then? I thought the invasion was to get rid of the Nazis? Then sometimes it's because Ukraine wants to join NATO, other times it's because there's lots of Russian speakers in Ukraine that need to be saved, other times it's because Ukraine is actually part of Russia as you don't recognize the 1954 transfer, sometimes it's due to perceived US expansionism, and sometimes it's simply "well, the US did it so why can't we", and the list goes on.

It's as if you guys just keep throwing different reasons at the wall, and hope something sticks.

March 30th, 2022, 10:11
What gives Putin the right to tell Ukraine ANYTHING?

It's their country. Why is that so hard to understand?

What gives US the right to tell Libya ANYTHING?
What gives US the right to tell Vietnam ANYTHING?
What gives to NATO and US the right to tell Iraq ANYTHING?
What gives to NATO and US the right to tell Yugoslavia ANYTHING?

It's their country. Why is that so hard to understand?

At least Russia has rights to worry about Russians who are living in Ukraine and were killed one by one by nationalists, and Ukraine has shared border with Russia and laying in Russian zone of safety and economical interests, while Iraq, Libya, Vietnam and Yugoslavia are (were) located even on another continent from US and NATO (3 of them).

Doubled standards? Where was you tongue at times of Yugoslavia, Iraq or Libya???

US and NATO opened Pandora's box when destroyed Yugoslavia. Well, what are you complain about now?

March 30th, 2022, 10:43
Yeah, this whole bs about NATO being too expansionary is pretty lame. Last I checked, it's Russia that keeps invading other nations via their peace keeping missions, whereas NATO hasn't invaded anyone?

Could you please find words "Iraq" and "Yugoslavia" in dictionaries and repeat your last sentence again after it? Or, maybe "Syria"?

NATO wiped whole country in 1999 from the map of Europa, 5700 fatalities within civilians. Invasion was without any resolution of UN.

March 30th, 2022, 12:55
I don't know who this guy is, but I found it quite interesting at least:


March 30th, 2022, 14:11
Doubled standards? Where was you tongue at times of Yugoslavia, Iraq or Libya???

My tongue was in exactly the same place back then as it is right now. If I didn't agree with the actions of my own country I'd protest against those actions just as loudly as I am now about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

I actively protested against 2 of the wars you referenced in your post, but that's totally irrelevant to the matter at hand.

There hasn't been a war fought in history where both sides haven't lost.

When I see crimes against humanity like the innocent civilian casualties we're seeing in Ukraine right now, like it or not, action has to be taken. I could care less what other countries did to each other in the past, because that has absolutely nothing to do with the solution at hand. And the solution is "saving innocent lives".

I saw a video of a Ukrainian mother carrying her 7 year old daughter who just had her left arm blown off by bomb shrapnel. That's all I care about. Not Yugoslavia, Libya, Vietnam, Iraq, Mars, Neptune, or anywhere else for that matter.

March 30th, 2022, 19:59
I don't know who this guy is, but I found it quite interesting at least

Peter Zeihan is a well-known geopolitical strategist.

Very interesting and tremendously insightful video.

April 2nd, 2022, 05:05
Hello, where is everyone? Moses? Dodger, cdnmatt? Anyone? Is the war over?

April 2nd, 2022, 05:51
I'm here, just swimming in work though.

Plate should clear in a few days, will grab a bottle then, and tell Moses how it is. :)

Ukrainians are getting balsy though... blew up an oil depot on Russian soil this morning. Cool. Had to laugh when Russia responded with, "don't be too agressive now, you might jepordize peace negotiations". Really, Russia?

I think for the most part I'm just patiently waiting for the inevitable second collapse of Russia, and just have my fingers crossed in the meantime that nukes don't fly.

April 2nd, 2022, 08:56
Nice to know you are alive and well. While I know we all wish the war in Ukraine never happened; I enjoyed the discussion, confrontation and the lessons learned of how ten men can look at a problem and one man's beliefs could be so way out of line with the other nine. I know this is what makes the world go round, but I have to say, for me, it's still a very unbelievable situation to observe first-hand. Stay safe, Matt.

April 2nd, 2022, 11:41
Hello, where is everyone? Moses? Dodger, cdnmatt? Anyone?

I think everyone's just taking a breather. Operations like this can be so exhausting...good thing it's not a real war.

Hopefully the successful completion of Phase One of Putin's Peace Keeping Mission (in his words only) will mark the beginning of the end of this mess. His military is stretched beyond it's limits...Ukraine is just too well-equipped/motivated/trained to be overtaken...and the distorted vision Putin had of ruling Ukraine has surely evaporated at this point.

Regardless if poor intelligence was to blame for Putin's miscalculations or not, the fact remains that the remaining Russian military does not seem capable of controlling a country the size of Ukraine. Evan Putin, in his delusional state-of-mind, must know this, but he remains determined to find an off-ramp to save face.

Personably, I don't think there is an off-ramp. Zelinski isn't about to make the type of concessions Putin is looking for, and Russia, will at some point, run out of soldiers and money.

The bad news is the only way Putin can delay losing the game (he started) is by not allowing the game to end. If that ends up being the case the fighting in Ukraine's eastern regions could go on until hell freezes over.

April 2nd, 2022, 11:50
the distorted vision Putin had of ruling Ukraine has surely evaporated at this point.

Not so sure about that. He's conscripting another 135,000 teenagers to send them off to the slaughter for his own delusional fantasies.

The kremlin has promised they won't be sent into Ukraine though, and considering how honest they always are, I guess there's nothing to worry about.

April 2nd, 2022, 13:19
===run out of soldiers ====

Right now Russia uses 180 000 - 200 000 soldiers in Ukraine... from 1 100 000

=== and money ===

yesterday Bloomberg's prediction: at 2022 under sanctions Russia will get $321 billions from oil and gas export and it will be $103 billions more than in 2021. Prediction of trade balance is $240 billions. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-01/putin-may-collect-321-billion-windfall-if-oil-gas-keep-flowing

=== He's conscripting another 135,000 teenagers ===
yes, and number is less than in 2021... every year at April 1 and October 1 they call guys who is older than 18 to 1-year training, students are free from training until they will finish to study in UNI or college... any guy may alternate military training to service in hospice, hospital or state houses for elders.

=== to send them off to the slaughter ===
bullshit... to send trainee to any real military operation is criminal here... prosecutors will came very fast... 3 weeks ago there found about 12 trainees in fighting military parts, few officers are now in jail...

2/3 of population supports operation, but if public will found what conscripts are fighting in Ukraine, it will lose support just in one week, and Kremlin knows that. So they watch this and reacting very aggressively on each case where trainee is involved into operation.

And this may very easy to be controlled by public: trainees have mobile phones, every evening they have time to talk with friends and relatives. Soldiers in Ukraine have no phones with them - phones are forbidden because signal may show where military parts are located. So if trainee will not call to home at evening - then parents will start to panic in current situation and will call to officials.

April 2nd, 2022, 15:29
yesterday Bloomberg's prediction: at 2022 under sanctions Russia will get $321 billions from oil and gas export and it will be $103 billions more than in 2021. Prediction of trade balance is $240 billions.

Well, Russia is just on top of the world now, isn't it? You have to actually be able to sell the oil, which means getting it out of younr country:


Due to not being able to get oil out for a multitude of reasons, Russia currently has so much oil it's almost at capacity and close to having to shutdown the pipelines. That wouldn't be good, because you can't just turn those back on like a lightswitch.

April 2nd, 2022, 16:18
You have to actually be able to sell the oil, which means getting it out of younr country:

As per EIA statistics at the week March 19-25 US oil import from Russia to US grew 40%. Russia is second largest oil exporter to US.

April 2nd, 2022, 16:35
Guessing Nalvany was a Nazi also then?

Didn't Nazis control their press also?

April 2nd, 2022, 16:57
Guessing Nalvany was a Nazi also then?

No. He is not ultras even, but yes, he is nationalist. He supports Crimean operation 2014 and counts Crimea Russian territory. Few times he had speeches at meeting of right wings here "Russia for Russians", "Kick off migrants" and so on...


Black-Yellow-White flag - flag of nationalist-patriots here (formerly colors of Russian Imperia)

April 2nd, 2022, 17:22
Looks like Russia is actually moving troops around and will concentrate on the Donbas region. Feel bad for folks in Donbas right now. You know, the folks who Putin swears this invasion is to save.

I wonder if they'll be saved in the same fashion as the folks in Mariupol were saved, and have 90% of their buildings reduced to rubble, follows by the Wagner mercenaries going in?

April 2nd, 2022, 17:27
Looks like Russia is actually moving troops around and will concentrate on the Donbas region. Feel bad for folks in Donbas right now. You know, the folks who Putin swears this invasion is to save.

I wonder if they'll be saved in the same fashion as the folks in Mariupol were saved, and have 90% of their buildings reduced to rubble, follows by the Wagner mercenaries going in?

Matt, fatalities within civilians is still below 1500 as per UN commissar, and for half of them Ukrainian army is responsible as per report

April 2nd, 2022, 18:11
Matt, fatalities within civilians is still below 1500 as per UN commissar, and for half of them Ukrainian army is responsible as per report

Put down the kool aid.

April 2nd, 2022, 18:16
Here is short advertising of nationalistic movement "Narod" (People) with Navalniy. Video lasts only 42 sec and dated 2006-2007, it is in Russian language, but you will understand everything without knowledges of Russian - just watch it till the end. Navalniy speaks about migrants and compares them with cockroaches.


April 2nd, 2022, 18:19
Thanks Dax for giving us that little boost.


April 2nd, 2022, 18:51
Here is short advertising of nationalistic movement "Narod" (People) with Navalniy. Video lasts only 42 sec and dated 2006-2007, it is in Russian language, but you will understand everything without knowledges of Russian - just watch it till the end. Navalniy speaks about migrants and compares them with cockroaches.

Now what the fuck are you on about? Jesus christ is it ever frustrating trying to converse with you. Ok, let's get this straight...

So you have Navalniy on tape saying he doesn't like migrants, and that makes him a horrible person, right? Yet, your dear leader has openly called for a cleansing of the Russian population because some people aren't adequately pro-Russian, and that's fine and dandy?

Jesus christ, about as bad as a Trump supporter. Don't worry about expending the mental energy required to devise your own moral compass, and instead just follow along with whatever the fuck your dear leader says any given day, and good to go.

April 2nd, 2022, 19:00
Now what the fuck are you on about? Jesus christ is it ever frustrating trying to converse with you. Ok, let's get this straight...

So you have Navalniy on tape saying he doesn't like migrants, and that makes him a horrible person, right? Yet, your dear leader has openly called for a cleansing of the Russian population because some people aren't adequately pro-Russian, and that's fine and dandy?

Jesus christ, about as bad as a Trump supporter. Don't worry about expending the mental energy required to devise your own moral compass, and instead just follow along with whatever the fuck your dear leader says any given day, and good to go.

Matt, you better shut up. You didn't saw video. Navalniy in video at last seconds shows gun as a method how to expel migrants.

April 2nd, 2022, 19:56
Matt, you better shut up.

No, you shut up, you karen.


The sitting President during a public address says he needs to cleanse and purify the Russian population. I do'nt even...

April 4th, 2022, 07:19
Matt, you better shut up. You didn't saw video. Navalniy in video at last seconds shows gun as a method how to expel migrants.

What kind of poison did Putin have them use on him?

Navalny was hospitalised in serious condition after being poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent.[20] He was medically evacuated to Berlin and discharged a month later.[21] Navalny accused Putin of being responsible for his poisoning, and an investigation implicated agents from the Federal Security Service (FSB).[22][23][24] The EU, UK and US responded by imposing sanctions on senior Russian officials.[25][26][27][28] In January 2021, Navalny returned to Russia and was immediately detained on accusations of violating parole conditions while he was in Germany which were imposed as a result of his 2014 conviction.[29][30][31] Following his arrest and the release of the documentary Putin's Palace, which accused Putin of corruption, mass protests were held across Russia.[32] In February, his suspended sentence was replaced with a prison sentence of over two and half years' detention

April 4th, 2022, 07:33
The invasion marked a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which began following the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity. Russia subsequently annexed Crimea, and Russian-backed separatists seized part of the south-eastern Donbas region of Ukraine, sparking a war there.[36][37] In 2021, Russia began a large military build-up along its border with Ukraine, amassing up to 190,000 troops along with their equipment. In a broadcast shortly before the invasion, Russian president Vladimir Putin espoused irredentist views,[38] questioned Ukraine's right to statehood,[39][40] and falsely accused Ukraine of being dominated by neo-Nazis who persecute the Russian-speaking, ethnic Russian minority.[41] Putin said that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), by expanding eastward since the early 2000s, had threatened Russia's security – a claim disputed by NATO[42] – and demanded Ukraine be barred from ever joining the alliance.[43] The United States and others accused Russia of planning to attack or invade Ukraine, which Russian officials repeatedly denied as late as 23 February 2022.[47]

On 21 February 2022, Russia recognised the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, two self-proclaimed statelets in Donbas controlled by pro-Russian separatists.[48] The following day, the Federation Council of Russia authorised the use of military force abroad, and overt Russian troops entered both territories.[49] The invasion began on the morning of 24 February,[50] when Putin announced a "special military operation" to "demilitarise and denazify" Ukraine.[51][52] Minutes later, missiles and airstrikes struck throughout Ukraine, including the capital Kyiv, shortly followed by a large ground invasion from multiple directions.[53][54] In response, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy enacted martial law and general mobilisation.[55][56]

Multi-pronged offensives were launched from Russia, Belarus, and the two occupied territories of Ukraine (Crimea and Donbas). The four major offensives are the Kyiv offensive, the Northeastern Ukraine offensive, the Eastern Ukraine offensive, and the Southern Ukraine offensive. Russian aircraft and missiles also struck western parts of Ukraine. Russian forces have approached or besieged key settlements, including Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kyiv, Mariupol, and Sumy,[57] but met stiff Ukrainian resistance and experienced logistical and operational challenges that hampered their progress.[58][59] Three weeks after launching the invasion, the Russian military had more success in the south, while incremental gains or stalemates elsewhere forced them into attrition warfare, resulting in mounting civilian casualties.[60]

The invasion has been widely condemned internationally. The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution which condemned it and demanded a full withdrawal. The International Court of Justice ordered Russia to suspend military operations and the Council of Europe expelled Russia. Many countries imposed new sanctions, which have affected the economies of Russia and the world,[61] and provided humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine.[62] Protests occurred around the world; those in Russia have been met with mass arrests and increased media censorship,[63][64] including banning the terms "war" and "invasion".[54] Numerous companies withdrew their products and services from Russia and Belarus, and Russian state-funded media were banned from broadcasting and removed from online platforms. The International Criminal Court opened an investigation into allegations of Russian military war crimes in Ukraine.[65]

April 4th, 2022, 08:40
Are the images coming out of Ukraine showing what the Russian soldiers left behind as graphic and brutal as news anchors are making them out to be? Are they being overly dramatic, or is it really that brutal?

Anyone who has seen those images, if you don't mind chiming in, would be appreciated. Except you Moses, don't give a shit what your opinion is on this.

April 4th, 2022, 10:58
Are the images coming out of Ukraine showing what the Russian soldiers left behind as graphic and brutal as news anchors are making them out to be? Are they being overly dramatic, or is it really that brutal?

It's hard to imagine anything being more brutal than bombing heavily populated civilian populations.

Getting an accurate count of the civilian casualties will be next to impossible until after this war is over and the concrete and building debris that's concealing most of the corpses can be removed.

I love the way Russian controlled media presents these extremely low civilian casualty numbers, as if they would even know. All a person has to do is look at the amount of devastation and total destruction that's taking place across Ukraine to know that the number has to be "high".

The news anchors aren't making anything up, and I don't believe for a minute that the news, as reported in the West, is tainted one bit. If a sitting U.S. President can have the details of him having sex with a prostitute spread all over the news - do you really think the news on a war between Ukraine and Russia would (or could) be fake or censored?

April 4th, 2022, 11:27
I just saw this on YouTube, truly appalling. Who does this to human beings? War crimes evidence for sure. Prayers and love for Ukraine.


April 4th, 2022, 11:43
Lord, help the Ukraine people. Putin and his military must answer for these atrocities.



April 4th, 2022, 11:52
Here, I guess this news report shows the images. She sounds pretty startled.


April 4th, 2022, 11:55
It's hard to imagine anything being more brutal than bombing heavily populated civilian populations.

Getting an accurate count of the civilian casualties will be next to impossible until after this war is over and the concrete and building debris that's concealing most of the corpses can be removed.

No, I mean bodies of civilians found with bullets in the back of their heads and hands tied behind their back, kind of thing.

April 4th, 2022, 13:17
I don't know what is prompting me to post this comment; my outrage I guess. I had a good cry after watching these videos, I can't remember the last time I cried. Hanging is too good for Putin, he should be tortured, drowned and then torched to ashes.

April 4th, 2022, 13:21
I am sure that Moses will explain to us later, using irrefutable facts, how all this was inspired by the Ukrainians themselves.

April 4th, 2022, 15:52
I am sure that Moses will explain to us later, using irrefutable facts, how all this was inspired by the Ukrainians themselves.


I will ask question:
1. Why these bodies appears only in FOUR days after Russian army left this town?
2. Why bodies still have fresh wounds after 4 days?
3. Why some bodies have white strips on the clothes and hands of some bodies are tied by white strips - white is color of pro-Russian civilians.

That what I see more looks like Ukrainian Nazi tortured civilians who cooperated with Russian army and then call for TV...

April 4th, 2022, 16:15
Lord save us with people like you, Moses, who are actively helping to prolong this outrage on innocent people. Shame on you! I invite you to watch this video and respond.


April 4th, 2022, 16:18
Lord save us with people like you, Moses, who are actively helping to prolong this outrage on innocent people. Shame on you! I invite you to watch this video and respond.

So you haven't answers, but still insist what Russians did that just because your TV told that to you?

Russia already calls UN Security Council for investigation. It will be today.

I have zero trust to any TV, but I see red blood on videos. It is not possible what blood will be red after 4 days - it will be black. In any conditions - hot or cold weather in 4 days it will be black.

April 4th, 2022, 16:24
So you haven't answers, but still insist what Russians did that just because your TV told that to you?

Are you seriously going to go with "fake news" as your response?

What's next? This is a CIA mind experiment and all those Ukrainians on TV are just paid crisis actors?

April 4th, 2022, 16:34
Are you seriously going to go with "fake news" as your response?

What's next? This is a CIA mind experiment and all those Ukrainians on TV are just paid crisis actors?

Let do international team of criminalists to do this investigation. If Ukraine will allow that, but I doubt they will allow. At last few years I saw already many propaganda: from British "highly likely Russians did that" at the next day after "Novichok accident" via White Casks setup with chlorine in Syria, till "hospital bombing" setup by Ukrainian Nazi.

By the way: about Novichok after so many years still no exists any criminal court decision. Why? Maybe because there are no any proofs?

April 4th, 2022, 16:43
That's just beyond pathetic.

April 4th, 2022, 19:15
That's just beyond pathetic.

Wanna see pathetic? Read this: UK voted against meeting UN Security Council for to investigate "Bucha case".

April 4th, 2022, 19:27
Wanna see pathetic? Read this: UK voted against meeting UN Security Council for to investigate "Bucha case".

I'm not even going to bother responding to you anymore. I hope the other folks in this thread join with me, and simply ignore you while we continue discussing the war and events as they unfold.

April 4th, 2022, 19:29
I'm not even going to bother responding to you anymore. I hope the other folks in this thread join with me, and simply ignore you while we continue discussing the war and events as they unfold.

I hope you will keep your promise.

For rest members here is proof what "Bucha case" is forged by Ukraine. Please watch this video - it is video form Ukrainian (!) National Guard military part - they first entered to the Bucha and filmed everything what they saw.

There is no any dead body on streets, they speak with civilians and nobody of civilians says any thing about murdering and torturing. Once again: there was no dead bodies on the streets - the same streets what are filled with dead bodies in Ukrainian propaganda late. And National Guards are first Ukrainians who entered to town after Russian army left town.

Looks like they weren't warned about future propagandist filming, so they show town as it was found by them.


April 4th, 2022, 23:23

April 5th, 2022, 01:28
Mayor of Bucha town speaks at March 31 - next day AFTER Russian army left town but 2 days BEFORE propaganda has been filmed. Mayor looks happy, and speaks in Ukrainian with congratulations to citizens of Bucha. He not mentions any problems.


April 5th, 2022, 03:56
...after a while one doesnt know what to believe anymore...

April 5th, 2022, 04:28
...after a while one doesnt know what to believe anymore...

Believe this


Putin is as evil as Stalin and Hitler.

Yahoo News Video
Bucha massacre: ‘Horrifying’ footage shows evidence of war crimes inflicted on Kyiv suburb
Mon, April 4, 2022, 2:40 PM

Content warning: This video contains graphic images that may be disturbing to viewers.

As allegations of potential war crimes committed by the Russian military against Ukrainian civilians continue to mount, video footage from Bucha and other towns on the outskirts of Kyiv shows indiscriminate violence inflicted upon the local population. Images show dead bodies bound, executed, and discarded on the street among the rubble of heavy artillery, as well as in improvised mass graves filled with corpses. Although the Russian government has denied responsibility, many leaders from around the world are amplifying calls for prosecution of war crimes.

April 5th, 2022, 04:48
I'm not even going to bother responding to you anymore. I hope the other folks in this thread join with me, and simply ignore you while we continue discussing the war and events as they unfold.

I see your Wet Dream of NATO joining hasn’t happened

April 5th, 2022, 04:50
...after a while one doesnt know what to believe anymore...

A massive foreign military invaded a sovereign nation, and laid absolute siege to its cities. In some cities such as Mariupol, 90% of the buildings are simply gone an reduced to rubble.

When said military was forced to withdraw due to getting their asses kicked, a bunch of murdered bodies of civilians were left in their place. Now said military actually has the gall to goto the UN and say, "we don't know, we should really open an investigation and find out who did that".


April 5th, 2022, 05:04
...agree, fully agree that Putin invaded and devastated large areas/cities in Ukraine....Im referring specifically to the Bucha scenario....was the mayor not aware of the massacre...was it limited to one localised area only being the reason he was not aware...is he actually the mayor??

April 5th, 2022, 05:08
Poland's deputy prime minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski has said his country is "open" to hosting US nuclear weapons as Russia continues its war in neighbouring Ukraine.

Kaczynski added that Poland was ready to host more US troops. "Poland would be pleased if the Americans increased their presence in Europe from the current 100,000 soldiers up to 150,000 in the future due to Russia's increasing aggressiveness," Jaroslaw Kaczynski said.

Poland has been increasingly worried over Russia's military campaign in Ukraine even as thousands of US troops are already stationed in Europe. In an interview with a German newspaper, Kaczynski called the "eastern flank" to be better protected than before while calling for a 50 per cent increase in US troops in Europe.


I say great idea, but put them well east of Warsaw. I guess how this plays out, assuming it's true that Russia views those nine land gateways into its territories as an extential threat, that means they're after two more right now. For one, they'll need to take Moldovo and even partially go into Romania as that's the one Turkey came through a couple times to invade Russia.

Then apparently between Poland and Ukraine there's massive flatlands that happen to narrow dramatically the most just east of Warsaw, which is another gateway Russia is probably trying to close to feel more secure from invasion. Putting a large contingent of US soldiers in eastern Poland would mean Russian soldiers know full well if they move into Poland, there will be direct combat with US soldiers. After taking on Ukrainians, I'm going to guess Russian soldiers wouldn't be overly enthusiastic about taking on American soldiers.

If this does happen, it'll be a huge play by the US as it'd most likely require a status of forces agreement, and the US only has three of those right now -- Germany and Japan since WWII, and South Korea since the Korean War.

April 5th, 2022, 05:38
...agree, fully agree that Putin invaded and devastated large areas/cities in Ukraine....Im referring specifically to the Bucha scenario....was the mayor not aware of the massacre...was it limited to one localised area only being the reason he was not aware...is he actually the mayor??


whole Bucha is just 26 sq.km https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucha,_Kyiv_Oblast

April 5th, 2022, 09:06

whole Bucha is just 26 sq.km https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucha,_Kyiv_Oblast

surely worth murdering and butchering people for...
then run away like cowards

April 5th, 2022, 09:27

The pictures emerging of atrocities in Bucha, Ukraine, are shocking, but are they really surprising?

Consider the Russian way of war during the past decades, from Afghanistan to Chechnya to Syria. All these wars were characterized by mass casualty attacks against civilians by the Russians, as well as credible allegations of the summary executions of civilians by Russian forces.

In the 1980s, the Soviet Union waged a nine-year war in Afghanistan during which time Human Rights Watch reported, "Over one million Afghan civilians are believed to have been killed ... most in aerial bombardments. Tens of thousands have disappeared -- many of them the victims of summary executions. ..."

The atrocities continued in the following decade, this time closer to home. During Russia's first war in Chechnya in 1994, according to Russian human rights experts, around 25,000 civilians died during just two months of fighting in the capital, Grozny.

During the second Russian war in Chechnya, Russian soldiers summarily executed at least 38 civilians in Grozny between late December 1999 and mid-January 2000, according to Human Rights Watch

The International Federation for Human Rights found the Russians in Chechnya in 2000 had engaged in "summary executions and murders, physical abuse and torture; intentionally causing grave harm to people not directly involved in hostilities; deliberate attacks on the civilian population. ..."

During their two wars in Chechnya, the Russians flattened Grozny, once a city of more than 400,000 people. Indeed, the United Nations once declared Grozny the "most destroyed city on Earth."

More recently during the Syrian civil war -- a war that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad was in danger of losing before Russia intervened in 2015 -- 8,683 civilians were killed by Russian bombardments, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Atrocities are not only committed by Russia's conventional forces. Last year the European Union imposed sanctions on the Russian mercenary organization the Wagner Group, which operates as a proxy for the Russian government and military. The sanctions related to "serious human rights abuses, including torture and extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions," the EU said, citing the Wagner Group's actions in Libya, Syria and the Central African Republic. The Wagner Group has reportedly deployed 1,000 of its men to Ukraine.

What we are seeing in Bucha now is the Russian way of war at work, which seems designed to bludgeon civilian populations into submission, so as to expunge any possible resistance. Unfortunately, we can expect to see more Buchas in coming weeks.

April 5th, 2022, 10:52

I will ask question:
1. Why these bodies appears only in FOUR days after Russian army left this town?
2. Why bodies still have fresh wounds after 4 days?
3. Why some bodies have white strips on the clothes and hands of some bodies are tied by white strips - white is color of pro-Russian civilians.

That what I see more looks like Ukrainian Nazi tortured civilians who cooperated with Russian army and then call for TV...

The struggle for the truth continues between Russian controlled State Media (the truth according to Moses) and the truth from the rest of the entire world (and from many different sources).

Hard to believe we even have one member here still believing the bullshit.



April 5th, 2022, 11:35
All I need are my own two eyes to tell me what the civilian population in Ukraine is up against.

Putin’s war is now over a mouth in the running and thanks to the scores of international correspondents and news journalists covering the story there are literally tens of thousands of photographs being published which show the devastation taking place across Ukraine very clearly. When I see towns completely destroyed…buildings and homes where people lived turned to smoldering embers…and over 2 million traumatized people fleeing across friendly borders to save themselves and their children, that’s all the information I need.

In Russia's military, a culture of brutality runs deep


April 5th, 2022, 13:47
The struggle for the truth continues between Russian controlled State Media (the truth according to Moses) and the truth from the rest of the entire world (and from many different sources).

Hard to believe we even have one member here still believing the bullshit.



Whole world many times trusted to bullshit. And it wasn't Russian bullshit:



"We have heard that half a million [Iraqi] children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima," Stahl said. "And, you know, is the price worth it?"

"I think that is a very hard choice," Albright answered, "but the price, we think, the price is worth it."


April 5th, 2022, 13:56
=======tens of thousands of photographs==========

It is how German ARD shows meeting of Klitchko (mayor of Kiev, 2 meters tall) and Olaf Scholz (1m 70 cm)


April 5th, 2022, 14:01
During their two wars in Chechnya, the Russians flattened Grozny, once a city of more than 400,000 people. Indeed, the United Nations once declared Grozny the "most destroyed city on Earth."

Lie and false. Grozny never had population 400.000 in Russia - it has 400K in USSR but after 1991 many Chechens left country and settled in Europe. In 1994 when first war started Grozny has just slight above 200K. Right now it is 320,000+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grozny

"Indeed" United States propaganda declares false as usual

Chechens are now Russian special forces and are fighting against Azov's Nazi. Watch video how Chechens kill Nazi form Azov Nazi battalion in Mariupol https://t.me/RKadyrov_95/1762

Presidential election in Chechnya gave 96% for Putin.

By the way
It is how Grozny looks now.



April 5th, 2022, 14:16
Oh, for fuck sakes. According to Russian state TV, they were just actors making a film, not murdered civilians.

April 5th, 2022, 14:31
BERLIN--Germany and France said they were expelling dozens of Russian diplomats on Monday in response to Moscow's alleged war crimes against civilians in Ukraine.

The images of dead bodies on the streets of Bucha, near Kyiv, bore witness to the brutality of Russia's leadership and those who follow their propaganda, Germany’s foreign minister Annalena Baerbock said as she announced her country's decision to expel 40 Russians.

“We will counter this inhumanity with the force of our freedom and our humanity,” Ms. Baerbock said.

The diplomats, who must leave Germany within five days, had worked to undermine the freedom and unity of German society, she said.


April 6th, 2022, 01:10

New York Times' analysis of satellite images pokes holes in Russia's denials about civilian bodies found in Bucha

A New York Times analysis debunks recent Russian denials of civilian deaths in the town of Bucha.
Satellite imagery reveals that many of the bodies have been in the streets for weeks.
Russian forces occupied Bucha and much of the surrounding region for weeks following the invasion.

Satellite images out of the Ukrainian town of Bucha corroborate recent reports of civilian deaths in the Kyiv-Oblast suburb, while simultaneously refuting Russia's denials about the civilian bodies found, according to a New York Times visual analysis.

Gruesome images and videos of dead bodies lying in the streets of Bucha emerged on social media over the weekend, prompting international outcry and condemnation.

Russia's Ministry of Defense denied responsibility for the casualties in a Sunday Telegram post, accusing Ukraine of staging the footage and calling the scene a "hoax." The Russian Ministry even suggested that Ukraine had placed the bodies in the street sometime after March 30, after "all Russian units withdrew completely from Bucha."

Satellite images from Maxar Technology reviewed by The Times (and also sent to Insider), however, show that some of the bodies have been lying in the streets for more than three weeks, during a time when Russian troops occupied the town.

The outlet conducted a before-and-after analysis of the satellite imagery, which shows the dark objects appearing along a half-mile section of Yablonska Street between March 9 and March 11. The objects are in identical positions to the bodies recorded in a graphic video filmed by a local council member in early April, after Ukrainian forces retook Bucha, according to the report.

A separate video reviewed by The Times shows three more bodies on a different section of Yablonska Street next to abandoned vehicles. Satellite photos show that the abandoned car and body appear sometime between March 20 and 21, the outlet reported.

More recent Maxar satellite images, taken Thursday, appear to show a partially excavated mass grave outside a church in Bucha. The photos show a 45-foot long trench where social media video appeared to show officials placing the bodies of Ukrainian civilians.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Bucha on Monday after accusing Russian forces of killing 300 civilians in the town over the weekend.

Bucha, which is home to more than 28,000 people, was the site of some of the heaviest fighting immediately following the Russian invasion on February 24. The surrounding region spent weeks under Russian military control, but Ukrainian officials said the country had regained control of the "whole Kyiv region" over the weekend.

Lowlife Nazi bastards...

April 6th, 2022, 08:05
War criminals in Russia are being investigated now by the ICC and other organisations. The UN Human Rights Council will soon expel Russia from membership. These atrocities are utterly disgraceful and more must be done to support Ukraine and to punish Russia.

April 6th, 2022, 09:30
War criminals in Russia are being investigated now by the ICC and other organisations. The UN Human Rights Council will soon expel Russia from membership. These atrocities are utterly disgraceful and more must be done to support Ukraine and to punish Russia.

What good are ICC investigations and charges going to do? They'd only be impactful if the West invaded Russia, toppled the government, and occupied it for a while, which quite obviously nobody has any interest in doing.

I know Russians love to think NATO wants to invade them, but that's just stupid. If NATO actually wanted to invade Russia, then what are they waiting for? Pretty opportune time at the moment, as Russia has given them all the justification they could possibly need.

NATO has no desire in invading Russia. Never has, never will.

April 6th, 2022, 11:24
Oh, for fuck sakes. According to Russian state TV, they were just actors making a film, not murdered civilians.

Now that you ,mention it - one of the corpses did look a bit like Robert Downey Jr.

Maybe they were filming an action scene for Iron Man IV?

April 6th, 2022, 11:46

whole Bucha is just 26 sq.km https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucha,_Kyiv_OblastLinguistivally how are ucha and Bucharest related??

April 7th, 2022, 01:55
Oh good, now the US, UK and Australia have entered into an agreement to develop hyper sonic missiles.

Just what we need, a new arms race. Apparently, just killing people isn't enough, we have to be able to do it at hyper sonic speed now.

April 7th, 2022, 02:27
Linguistivally how are ucha and Bucharest related??

They aren't. Bucha pronunciation is Boo-chaa ch like Ch in cheese. In Bucharest native ch pronunciation is much close to kh in Khmer.

April 7th, 2022, 08:04

Ukrainian MP tweets image with claims that Russian soldiers carved a swastika onto a woman they raped and killed

Cheryl Teh
Wed, April 6, 2022, 4:05 AM·1 min read
In this article:

Lesia Vasylenko
Ukrainian politician (1987–)

Ukrainian MP Lesia Vasylenko said Russian soldiers raped, tortured, and killed a woman.

She shared an image on Twitter of what appeared to be a swastika carved crudely onto someone's skin.

Reports of war crimes like mass killings and rapes have emerged from Ukraine in recent weeks.

A Ukrainian MP said this week that Russian troops carved a swastika onto a woman they tortured, raped, and killed.

MP Lesia Vasylenko tweeted a graphic image on Monday of what appeared to be an exposed torso featuring a large swastika that appeared to be carved into burned skin.

"Tortured body of a raped and killed woman. I'm speechless. My@mind is paralyzed with anger and fear and hatred. #StopGenocide #StopPutinNOW," Vasylenko wrote in the post.

In a separate tweet on April 5, Vasylenko claimed that the Ukrainian government had found records of 5,000 war crimes committed by Russia.

Insider was unable to independently verify Vasylenko's claims.

However, footage posted on YouTube by independent journalist Patrick Lancaster from a school basement in Mariupol appears to show the same body lying on the ground. Lancaster's video has since been removed but appears to still be circulating on Twitter.

Images of mass graves have emerged from Bucha following reports of a massacre in the city. These reports of Russian atrocities have prompted Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy to accuse Russia of "genocide."

President Joe Biden has also called for Putin to be put on trial as a war criminal.

April 7th, 2022, 08:15

Russian crematoria operating in Mariupol: 'This is the new Auschwitz,' mayor says
Caitlin McFall
Wed, April 6, 2022, 9:50 AM·2 min read

The Mariupol City Council on Wednesday accused Russian forces of relying on a mobile crematorium to cover up their alleged war crimes in the southeast port city of Ukraine.

Mariupol, which has been partially occupied for weeks, has been the target of one of the most brutal Russian offensives in Ukraine since the invasion began in February.


"The killers are covering their tracks," the city council said in several social media posts, adding that the Russians have set up "mobile crematoriums."

"Russia’s top leadership ordered the destruction of any evidence of crimes committed by its army in Mariupol," the council added in a translated statement, accusing Moscow of reacting to widespread condemnation over mass civilian killings in Bucha.

Humanitarian access to the city has been blocked for weeks, with an estimated 160,000 residents unable to evacuate and lacking access to electricity, heating, health care and water, reported the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense.

Mariupol officials have estimated that roughly 5,000 civilians had been killed, but warned Wednesday that given the size of the destruction caused to the city the death toll could be in the tens of thousands.

The Kremlin agreed to a cease-fire last week after devastating shelling pummeled the strategically important city for more than a month.
A damaged building is seen, amid Russia's invasion, in Kharkiv, Ukraine March 14, 2022. <span class="copyright">Reuters/Oleksandr Lapshyn</span>
A damaged building is seen, amid Russia's invasion, in Kharkiv, Ukraine March 14, 2022. Reuters/Oleksandr Lapshyn


But evacuation efforts by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) were stalled over the weekend due to treacherous conditions.

ICRC said Wednesday it was able to evacuate about 500 people from the city of Berdiansk, roughly 50 miles south of Mariupol, but it is still unable to gain access to those trapped inside Mariupol.

City officials claimed that Russia is barring humanitarian access to Mariupol because of the number of deceased Ukrainians that remain on the streets.

April 7th, 2022, 10:35
If the Mariupol City Council is claiming that Russian soldiers are cremating dead civilian bodies to cover their tracks, then where's the proof?

With all the thousands of photographs being taken in-and-around Mariupol since the invasion (including satellite imagery) - you would think there would be at least one photo of a Russian soldier intentionally killing an innocent civilian and/or cremating the remains?

There are many factions fighting in Ukraine right now, including numerous neo-Nazi factions who have earned reputations for their brutality. I'm sorry, but I just can't see young Russian military recruits committing these acts. Maybe in isolated cases, but not as widespread as is being reported. If someone is going to be blamed - then blame the right people based on "facts" not "hearsay".

Some of the recent U.S. Intelligent Assessments appear to be made for Hollywood. This is a foolish move...totally unnecessary...and does nothing but detract from the objectives.

April 7th, 2022, 10:42
Ohh come on, some good ole fashioned cold war tactics never hurt. Gotta keep those CIA agents on their toes, you know.

April 7th, 2022, 12:52
All I can say is, where is Gaybutton when we are in need of his words of wisdom?

April 7th, 2022, 13:13
I don't know, but I know this pisses me off:


One is you have the news anchor asking, "is there a point where the US is obligated to go in?". The answer is two months ago when Putin was lining up troops on Ukraine's border.

The other is Durbin saying Putin won't stop, he'll continue going into Poland and other places, and the US needs to be ready to stop him. Well, WTF? We all already know he's not going to stop at Ukraine, so go stop him already, wtf are you waiting for? Is Ukraine just collateral damage for the sake of politics, or some such shit?

April 7th, 2022, 13:34
==========In a separate tweet on April 5, Vasylenko claimed that the Ukrainian government had found records of 5,000 war crimes committed by Russia.===========

Yes-yes. Why not say 100,000? Any Western news media will publish it without fact check. Meanwhile UN commissar climes what total number of fatalities within civilians in whole Ukraine from February 24 is 1480.

April 7th, 2022, 13:37
I don't know, but I know this pisses me off:

Is Ukraine just collateral damage for the sake of politics, or some such shit?

Yes. It is. Exactly that I wrote there from the beginning: Ukraine isn't subject, it is object.

April 7th, 2022, 15:54
Yes. It is. Exactly that I wrote there from the beginning: Ukraine isn't subject, it is object.

Ukraine is just an "object", eh? That's a prime example as to whether you like it or not, the West will win this war. Think of countries as objects, then act confused as to why everyone wants to join NATO and the EU.

You do realize there's 140,000 well equipped and trained soldiers in Europe right now ready to deploy into Ukraine on a moment's notice, right? What happens if they get the green light? Russia can't even handle the Ukrainian military. Russia has yet to even secure the airspace over Ukraine, so what happens when a bunch of American F-35s show up in the skies?

Russia bitches and moans as how they're not at the center of decision making, all the while Angela Merkel had spent her entire career adamant about trying to bring Russia to the table, a move she has now publicly regretted. Go fuck yourself and your $1.5 trillion economy. I hope you realize the West has yet to even join this fight, and you can't even handle it now, so what happens when NATO eventually joins in?

April 7th, 2022, 16:34
matt, your rhetoric can get you banned on this forum as it has another poster.

April 7th, 2022, 17:47
matt, your rhetoric can get you banned on this forum as it has another poster.

MFAS left us for 2 weeks for triple vandalizing forum (3.2.11). His posts had nothing about Russia or Ukraine or current situation. While posts here are within topic, I have nothing against them.

April 7th, 2022, 17:52
the West will win this war

Go fuck yourself and your $1.5 trillion economy.

sure-sure... how mr.Altzheimer said? 200 rubles per 1 USD? Right now it is already lower than before the start of action in Ukraine - 75.



But at first you should find 40% of gas for EU market, 50% of coal and 30% of oil, wheat from Russia and Ukraine is 48% of world market. What to expect from Ukrainian wheat export in 2022 you already know, and Russia will sell wheat for payment in rubles.

China already buys gas and oil here for yuan https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-07/russian-coal-and-oil-paid-for-in-yuan-to-start-flowing-to-china

April 7th, 2022, 18:00
And by the way: here are some gossips. Looks like US general has been captured in Azov's base in Mariupol.


April 7th, 2022, 18:15

April 7th, 2022, 18:28

Yeah, I saw it. What do you think: will any person officially confirm capturing before they release him? I think they will deny everything in booth cases - if it is true or it is not true.

April 7th, 2022, 22:56
Yeah, I saw it. What do you think: will any person officially confirm capturing before they release him? I think they will deny everything in booth cases - if it is true or it is not true.

Yeah, yeah... same as Russia killed Wally within 20 minutes, only to have him pop up on social media a week later saying he's still alive.

April 7th, 2022, 23:15
sure-sure... how mr.Altzheimer said? 200 rubles per 1 USD? Right now it is already lower than before the start of action in Ukraine - 75.

But at first you should find 40% of gas for EU market, 50% of coal and 30% of oil, wheat from Russia and Ukraine is 48% of world market. What to expect from Ukrainian wheat export in 2022 you already know, and Russia will sell wheat for payment in rubles.

China already buys gas and oil here for yuan https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-07/russian-coal-and-oil-paid-for-in-yuan-to-start-flowing-to-china

You're welcome to think the war is well underway and Russia is doing well, when in reality, the war hasn't even started yet.

There's loads of folks out here in the West who aren't very happy with the leadership. We know what the game is, and our politicians are now even saying it on public TV. Putin has no intention of stopping at Ukraine, and will continue on into Moldova, Romania, Poland, the Baltic states, et al.

Western leadership is banking on the fact that Russia will get mired into a long and bloody war in Ukraine, and will economically implode again circa 1991 before Putin can continue on with his journeys into EUrope. Us folks in the West are pretty dismayed and appaled that our leaders are allowing Ukraine just to be used as cannon fodder like this, instead of stepping in and doing what's right.

You may think Russia is doing well, but you've already had to retreat from Kiev, and NATO hasn't even fired a shot yet. No idea why the US banking system is still allowing Russia to pay its debt obligations in USD using sanctioned funds, but at some point those payments will get rejected, and Russia will default.

Wouldn't worry about your BFF China a whole lot, as they're currently mired in their own economic problems at the moment. Their long-term outlook doesn't look great either: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-3kIsW4KEM

April 7th, 2022, 23:42
And by the way: here are some gossips. Looks like US general has been captured in Azov's base in Mariupol.

Please don't tell me you actually believe that. It doesn't even make sense. If you guys are going to lie, at least make it plausible.

No, the Russian military didn't capture a top NATO commander in Mariupol. That's just fucken stupid.

NATO isn't fighting in the war, plus unlike the Russian military, NATO has communication technology that actually works, hence the top commanders don't hang out in the front lines.

April 8th, 2022, 01:34
Instead of this BS about Russia capturing a NATO commander in Mariupol, here's a Russian spokesman for the government speaking the truth.

"yes, we have a significant loss of troops, and it's a huge tragedy for us".


Great, then fuck off back home where you belong.

April 8th, 2022, 02:58
I feel terribly sorry for the Russian soldiers, most are barely out of their teenage years, what a waste. Putin and his lot deserved to be condemned to solitary confinement in a snake pit for the rest of their hopefully long lives.

April 8th, 2022, 07:43
I feel terribly sorry for the Russian soldiers, most are barely out of their teenage years, what a waste. Putin and his lot deserved to be condemned to solitary confinement in a snake pit for the rest of their hopefully long lives.

I'd rather he was locked in a car that was being run over by a tank,
his protruding limbs cut off and finally his throat was slashed,
like the soldiers did to the Ukrainians.

Unfortunately he will probably shoot himself like the other Hitler.

April 8th, 2022, 09:28
Possible evidence of Russian soldiers being ordered to kill Ukrainian citizens - curtesy of Germany's foreign intelligence.

Apparently, the evidence includes both direct communications intercepts (telephone) and satellite images.


April 8th, 2022, 10:41
Russia has been dismissed from the UN Human Rights Council. Evidence of appalling war crimes is clear to the world.

April 8th, 2022, 11:00
Yeah, UN now needs to be reformed. Having Russia as a permanent member with veto power quite obviously isn't going to work anymore.

Apparently, they forgot to add the clause "you can't start WWIII" into the charter when they formed the organization.

April 8th, 2022, 11:44
Yeah, UN now needs to be reformed. Having Russia as a permanent member with veto power quite obviously isn't going to work anymore.

Apparently Russia was just voted in as a member in 2021 serving a temporary 3 year term.

Ironically, Cuba, Bolivia, and China also became members of this illustrious club in 2021 which makes about as much sense as asking North Korea to Chair the meetings.

If the primary mission of the Human Rights Council is to...err... "promote and protect human rights around the world", why in the hell are they inviting the worlds most notorious human rights violators to join. This is like enrolling the KKK in the Black Lives Matter Council.

Go figure!

April 8th, 2022, 12:17
Yeah, UN now needs to be reformed. Having Russia as a permanent member with veto power quite obviously isn't going to work anymore.

Apparently, they forgot to add the clause "you can't start WWIII" into the charter when they formed the organization.

Unfortunately for you there is no mechanism for to remove permanent member of UN Security council.

April 8th, 2022, 12:24
Russia has been dismissed from the UN Human Rights Council. Evidence of appalling war crimes is clear to the world.

Well, US wasn't member of UN Human Right Council till 2009 because of Iraq. Did US lost something? US wasn't member of UN Human Right Council at time of Trump. Did US lost something?

Russia wasn't member of UN HRC in 2017 -2019 already.

This is most stupid step - to expel country from UN HRC, because after country exit from UN HRC, country loses nothing, but HRC loses possibility to influense on country's behavior. It isn't punishment - it means to untie hands.

April 8th, 2022, 12:56
Unfortunately for you there is no mechanism for to remove permanent member of UN Security council.

Yeah, yeah... same as Russia complained today that it was "illegal" and against the rules for them to be kicked off the UN human rights council.

Well, it was also illegal to invade Ukraine but you did it anyway, so go fuck yourselves...

April 8th, 2022, 13:00
Well, it was also illegal to invade Ukraine but you did it anyway, so go fuck yourselves...

why do you think it was illegal to invade? there is no law against invasion, because such law will make US main criminal country in world... so US never agree on existence of such law, like US don't support ICC and Rome statute.

April 8th, 2022, 13:17
why do you think it was illegal to invade? there is no law against invasion, because such law will make US main criminal country in world... so US never agree on existence of such law, like US don't support ICC and Rome statute.

Well, now I guess it all depends on who wins this war, now doesn't it? Those who win get to make the laws. That's how this shit works.

Whether you like it or not, you're definitely on the wrong side of history. You, Russia and Putin can go fuck right off..

Once again, remember... Russia is quite obviously already struggling, and NATO has yet to even fire a shot.

April 8th, 2022, 13:23
Russia is quite obviously already struggling, and NATO has yet to even fire a shot.

NATO will not fire any single shot unless it will want WWIII: Russia is nuclear country.

April 8th, 2022, 13:39
NATO will not fire any single shot unless it will want WWIII: Russia is nuclear country.

Yeah, and so is the US, Uk and France.

Fuck off, you're not exactly the only country with nukes here. It's just you're the only country who feels the need to brag about it on the world stage, which says more about Russia than it does the West.

April 8th, 2022, 13:45
Yeah, and so is the US, Uk and France.

Fuck off, you're not exactly the only country with nukes here. It's just you're the only country who feels the need to brag about it on the world stage, which says more about Russia than it does the West.

"Only country in world"? Is it Russia who dropped 2 nuclear bombs on the heads of civilians?

To brag makes less harm than to use. So fuck yourself.

April 8th, 2022, 13:52
You're an idiot. You bet superstar, Russia is da king and will take over da worlds!

Keep dreaming...

April 8th, 2022, 14:19
You're an idiot. You bet superstar, Russia is da king and will take over da worlds!

Keep dreaming...

are you talking with yourself Matt?

April 8th, 2022, 16:25
are you talking with yourself Matt?

You simply don't get it, do you? Have you ever asked yourself why the West is the predominant power in the world?

I have too many drinks in my right now, so won't bother....

Basic gist is as it so happens, us humans really enjoy our freedom. We enjoy beince able to be ourselves, and do our own things. Russia is currently threatening that very funddmental aspect of our lives, s, so don't expect the West to go lightly.

Think about the amount of resistance Russia has already faced in Ukraine. It was far beyond anything the Russian leadership ever anticipated. Russia is now picking a fight with the entire Western world, and for no real or legitimate reason may I add.

You don't even seem to realize who you're picking a fight with. Again, NATO has yet to fire off a single shot, and you guys are already retrating from key positions. What happens if and NATO actuallly joins the fight?

April 8th, 2022, 16:35
"Only country in world"? Is it Russia who dropped 2 nuclear bombs on the heads of civilians?

To brag makes less harm than to use. So fuck yourself.

The US dropped the bomb on Japan to stop the many 000s of lives who would have been killed if the US had invaded main land Japan

April 9th, 2022, 10:59
WTF? Why are Russians leaving booby traps behind as they leave towns and cities?


What the hell is the point of that? You've already totally decimated the places by blowing up apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, and the like. Do you really need to leave booby traps behind for people to return home to?

Oh, and Finland signaled today they're interested in joining NATO. Putin's pissed off about that, but too bad, he brought that on himself. Now Russia gets another NATO member as a neighbor to share borders with.

Oh, and UK came out with an ambitious energy policy today. 50 gigawatt hours of wind energy from the Atlanic by 2030, which is 50% of the UK energy consumption. Plus a nuclear power plant every year for the next 8 years. Cool.

Canada are just being idiots, and looks like we finally decided we'd like some F-35s. Fuck sakes, that deal was inked and ready to go since 2010. The Canadian air force should have already been replaced by F-35s, and instead we're finally getting around to it now and will take posession of the first F-35 sometime in 2025. Pretty sad on Canada's part.

See Moses? Criticizing your own government isn't that hard. This is how normal countries operate.

April 9th, 2022, 14:17
WTF? Why are Russians leaving booby traps behind as they leave towns and cities?


You are blind. How do you know what is shown to you on youtube? Maybe there is kitty?

Canada are just being idiots, and looks like we finally decided we'd like some F-35s. Fuck sakes, that deal was inked and ready to go since 2010. The Canadian air force should have already been replaced by F-35s, and instead we're finally getting around to it now and will take posession of the first F-35 sometime in 2025. Pretty sad on Canada's part.

Why Canada needs F-35? F-35 is local fighter. Against which country it will be used? Against US?

BTW it is useless against hypersonic weapon.

April 9th, 2022, 14:22
You are blind. How do you know what is shown to you on youtube? Maybe there is kitty?

I'm blind, not stupid. Quit being an asshole, and answer the question.

Ukrainians are finding land mines in places that Russian soldiers have withdrawn from. Please tell me, how is planting landmines for children to find helping get rid of the Nazis?

April 9th, 2022, 14:55
......Oh, and Finland signaled today they're interested in joining NATO.

Don't forget about Sweden as well.

Both countries are in the decision-making process now and recent polls show a major shift in public opinion - where the majority of citizens of Finland and Sweden are now in favor of NATO membership. Decisions are expected to be announced soon because both countries fear the possibility of being attacked by Russian before they become protected under the NATO umbrella. Can't blame them for that.


April 9th, 2022, 15:52
Yeah, I'm just assuming Sweden will drop into NATO as well during this process. Finland is the big one though, as it shares a border with Russia, and it looks like they will join. A while back, NATO already said due to how much cooperation there already is between the governments and militaries, they'll be able to fast track their membreship into NATO.

I'm sure Putin is pounding his fist on his desk over this one, but good, because fuck him.

April 9th, 2022, 17:31
BTW it is useless against hypersonic weapon.

All those hypersonic weapons that so quick;y took over Kiev?

April 9th, 2022, 22:02
Just for fun, checked it out, and comparison of NATO vs. Russia militaries:


NATO has 5.4 million soldiers versus Russia's 1.3 million. NATO has 20,700 aircraft versus Russia's 4700. I guess Russia does happen to have more tanks than NATO, but considering we now know that Russian military communication technology relies on stolen cell phones from Ukrainian civilians, and Russian generals have to head to the front lines to see what's happening, then, yeah...

Plus both Finland and Sweden have very capable militaries, and looks like they'll be shortly added to those numbers. And that's just NATO, and excludes the various other Western allies we can rely on including folks such as Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, and more.

China will never back Russia militarily in a fight. China knows full well that it economically implodes without the West, and they've already seen the sanctions the West levied onto Russia. In a week Russia became the most sanctioned country in history, and China isn't going to risk the same fate. Plus look at the news, and China is already struggling with a myriad of its own economic woes. They want nothing more than for this war to go away, so they can get back to business as usual.

Sure Russia has nukes, but so does the West. We called their bluff back during the cold war, and looks like we're going to have to do it again. At any given moment, the US has three nuclear submarines floating around each armed with a dozen triple tipped Trident nuclear missiles, ready to hit any location on the globe. If a pleb like me knows this, then I'm sure the Russian military does as well.

Not to mention other cool shit like in the West, we actually provide our soldiers with food.

April 9th, 2022, 23:29
Just for fun, checked it out, and comparison of NATO vs. Russia militaries:


NATO has 5.4 million soldiers versus Russia's 1.3 million. NATO has 20,700 aircraft versus Russia's 4700. I guess Russia does happen to have more tanks than NATO, but considering we now know that Russian military communication technology relies on stolen cell phones from Ukrainian civilians, and Russian generals have to head to the front lines to see what's happening, then, yeah...

Plus both Finland and Sweden have very capable militaries, and looks like they'll be shortly added to those numbers. And that's just NATO, and excludes the various other Western allies we can rely on including folks such as Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, and more.

China will never back Russia militarily in a fight. China knows full well that it economically implodes without the West, and they've already seen the sanctions the West levied onto Russia. In a week Russia became the most sanctioned country in history, and China isn't going to risk the same fate. Plus look at the news, and China is already struggling with a myriad of its own economic woes. They want nothing more than for this war to go away, so they can get back to business as usual.

Sure Russia has nukes, but so does the West. We called their bluff back during the cold war, and looks like we're going to have to do it again. At any given moment, the US has three nuclear submarines floating around each armed with a dozen triple tipped Trident nuclear missiles, ready to hit any location on the globe. If a pleb like me knows this, then I'm sure the Russian military does as well.

Not to mention other cool shit like in the West, we actually provide our soldiers with food.

When you will want to compare it in reality - it will means WWIII already started

April 9th, 2022, 23:31
All those hypersonic weapons that so quick;y took over Kiev?

No. It was used only once: and whole international freelancers base has been destroyed near Lviv. About 150 fatalities within foreign sodiers of fortune, rest ran to Poland, whole base destroyed.

April 9th, 2022, 23:54
No. It was used only once: and whole international freelancers base has been destroyed near Lviv. About 150 fatalities within foreign sodiers of fortune, rest ran to Poland, whole base destroyed.

That was simply you guys being dicks, and sending a message to the West of, "hey, look at us and our cool new missiles". I can promise you, the West isn't impressed.

April 10th, 2022, 00:01
When you will want to compare it in reality - it will means WWIII already started

Well, yeah... your dear leader started it. We know full well that Putin has no intention of stopping at Ukraine. He has every intention of continuing on into Moldova, Romania, Poland, the Baltic states, et al.

The West is just kind of hoping we send so much support and weapons to Ukraine, that Russia gets bogged down there and stopped. We under no illusion though that it will probably eventually fail, and Russia will continue with it's plans of taking more countries.

Have you not been watching the news? The West is quite obviously mobilizing and preparing for an eventual war with Russia. Can't wait for your military commanders to spend the rest of their days in the Hagur for the war crimes you're currently commiting.

Then your dear leader actually has the balls to get on national TV, and give a speech about how his heart is with the Ukrainian people, and that shit. What a joke.

April 10th, 2022, 01:12
When you will want to compare it in reality - it will means WWIII already started

Surely it’s obvious by now that Matt & reality are complete strangers

April 11th, 2022, 05:04
No. It was used only once: and whole international freelancers base has been destroyed near Lviv. About 150 fatalities within foreign sodiers of fortune, rest ran to Poland, whole base destroyed.

surely they only had one

April 11th, 2022, 06:05
surely they only had one

It was just a message to the West. They've only used one so far, and they made sure to use it in Leviv right beside the Polish border.

April 11th, 2022, 09:08
Just for fun, checked it out, and comparison of NATO vs. Russia militaries:

NATO has 5.4 million soldiers versus Russia's 1.3 million......

I wonder why Russia had to start drafting retired military soldiers to replenish their ranks if the number of soldiers they've lost in the war so far is as minimal as they're reporting???

Apparently Russia is now trying to recruit soldiers who have left military service within the last 10 years. All I can say is good luck convincing a retired soldier who's had several years of sharing his ass with a sofa and drinking vodka every day to squeeze his fat belly back into his uniform just for the opportunity to go and fight his neighbors. Sounds like a stretch to me (meant literally).

The longer Putin's War goes on the weaker Russia's military gets - with fewer soldiers, less military hardware, and a collapsing economy unable to support the replenishment of the Military. The Ukrainian Military is also getting weaker the longer this thing drags out, but the most valuable piece on the chess board right now is NATO - who is continually building in strength, quadrupling its support forces in strategic locations, and becoming better positioned (militarily) with each passing day.

According to Putin's former chief economic adviser, Russia would halt military operations in Ukraine "within a month or two" if Western countries stopped buying Russian oil and gas. We all know that efforts are underway to do exactly this. Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later.


April 11th, 2022, 10:32
...the big winner here is China...picking up cheap assets abandoned by western companies...getting much needed resources like oil/gas/coal at bargain prices...biggest losers are the ordinary Russians...fed a diet of lies, their country pillaged by the oligarcs...and now by the Chinese......

April 11th, 2022, 17:18
Russia threatens legal action if forced into sovereign debt default

April 11 (Reuters) - Russia will take legal action if the West tries to force it to default on its sovereign debt, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told the pro-Kremlin Izvestia newspaper on Monday, sharpening Moscow's tone in its financial wrestle with the West.

"Of course we will sue, because we have taken all the necessary steps to ensure that investors receive their payments," Siluanov told the newspaper in an interview.

"We will present in court our bills confirming our efforts to pay both in foreign currency and in roubles. It will not be an easy process. We will have to very actively prove our case, despite all the difficulties."

Siluanov did not elaborate on Russia's legal options.


WTF? Who exactly is Russia planning to sue? PR stunt, and not a very good one.

April 11th, 2022, 20:03
WTF? Who exactly is Russia planning to sue?

Seeing as Putin is one of the richest people in the world (with all the money he's siphoned from Russia's state-owned businesses) why doesn't he just pay the debt himself? I mean the money actually belongs to the Russian people.

If anyone gets sued it should be him,

April 11th, 2022, 21:35
That was simply you guys being dicks, and sending a message to the West of, "hey, look at us and our cool new missiles". I can promise you, the West isn't impressed.

anybody credible actually witness this?

April 12th, 2022, 12:12

WTF? Who exactly is Russia planning to sue? PR stunt, and not a very good one.Didn’t Moses assure us this wasn’t possible?

April 12th, 2022, 14:26
Didn’t Moses assure us this wasn’t possible?

What do you mean? I say: default not possible - Russia has more tan enough money and gold to pay.

What exactly says minister:

It had been due on April 4 to make a payment of $649 million to holders of two of its sovereign bonds, but the U.S. Treasury blocked the transfer.

well... looks like some one will get rubles... and that will be receiver's problem.

April 12th, 2022, 14:31
if Western countries stopped buying Russian oil and gas.

"Stopped"??? Will stop, maybe, if will find another supplier.

And you know country what is ready to shoot own leg? Even US cries about sanctions and buys oil at the same time - in March 2022 oil import from Russia to US grew 27%. Russia is second largest oil exporter for US.

The same with EU - everyone cries abot "killing sanctions" but everyone buys gas, oil, coal. They even can't reach agreement within EU about that. The only decision what EU made in 1.5 months is to stop import of coal... from the August. I think they make it in hope what military operation will stop till August and they will drop this decision.

Austria has 80% dependence on Russian gas, Hungary 100%. Do you know what they will say to EU if EU will insist to stop gas import? "Fuck you".

Dogs bark, caravan keeps move...

Reuters today: OPEC tells EU not possible to replace potential Russian oil supply loss https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/opec-tells-eu-not-possible-replace-potential-russian-oil-supply-loss-2022-04-11/

April 12th, 2022, 14:39
...the big winner here is China...picking up cheap assets abandoned by western companies...getting much needed resources like oil/gas/coal at bargain prices...biggest losers are the ordinary Russians...fed a diet of lies, their country pillaged by the oligarcs...and now by the Chinese......

That's wrong: China (and India) pick up gas contracts from spot. Germany has long lasting contracts (with prices about $200). When China pick up gas from spot it meet current prices $1200-1500. With discount 50% it still will be $600-750 in comparation with $200 it doesn't looks like "lose".

April 12th, 2022, 16:58
Preparations are already underway for a complete termination of all Russian gas flows to Europe. To replace the 1,550 terawatt-hours of Russian gas delivered to the EU in 2021, a portfolio of actions must be rolled out, on both the supply and demand sides . Liquified natural gas is expected to play a key role.

The problem Europe is facing now is that it will take time to orchestrate these massive changes in the global energy supply-chain - and a total termination of energy from Russian seems unrealistic in the short-term. They have to keep the candles burning.

Hopefully (over time) these changes will result in a massive decline is the use of fossil fuels - where more environmental-friendly fuel alternatives will be used going forward.

"How the West was Won"

1) Eliminate reliance on Rogue Nations and Medieval Warlords for Critical Energy Supplies.
2) Transition to environmental-friendly bio-fuels to save the planet. (get the politicians out of the way and let the scientists do their jobs)
3) Stop trading with Communist and Authoritarian Countries and keep the $business$ in the Free World.

April 12th, 2022, 17:41

I guess some laws working their way through US Congress, which would effectively allow Ukrainians to sue for damages caused by Russia. Then the assets already seized from Russia would be used to pay out compensations, help Ukrainians rebuild their home and lives, et al.


April 12th, 2022, 19:03
Preparations are already underway for a complete termination of all Russian gas flows to Europe. To replace the 1,550 terawatt-hours of Russian gas delivered to the EU in 2021

If Peter Zyhelm is anyone to go by, it's going to happen shortly:


April 12th, 2022, 19:36
If Peter Zyhelm is anyone to go by, it's going to happen shortly:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aCMT5_Wn2IYour NATO Wet Dream hasn’t happened yet Matt?

April 12th, 2022, 19:46
Your NATO Wet Dream hasn’t happened yet Matt?

Fingers crossed that doesn't happen, and Russia implodes economically first.

April 12th, 2022, 21:54
Hopefully (over time) these changes will result in a massive decline is the use of fossil fuels - where more environmental-friendly fuel alternatives will be used going forward.

"How the West was Won"

You forgot to add point 0 (zero): to invent how to make cheap fertilizers and avoid to use gas.

April 12th, 2022, 21:56

I guess some laws working their way through US Congress, which would effectively allow Ukrainians to sue for damages caused by Russia. Then the assets already seized from Russia would be used to pay out compensations, help Ukrainians rebuild their home and lives, et al.


Yeah. They for sure know how to force Russia? Congress you said? Well do you mean Russian parliament which decisions are mandatory to Russian govt? Or US congress what has zero influention on decisions of Russian govt?

April 12th, 2022, 22:04
Yeah. They for sure know how to force Russia? Congress you said? Well do you mean Russian parliament which decisions are mandatory to Russian govt? Or US congress what has zero influention on decisions of Russian govt?

Did you not notice how Russia just defaulted on its debt because the West froze all its money? We can just decide that money is now ours, and give it to the Ukrainians. Not to mention all the cool boats, planes, luxury real estate and things that were seized.

April 12th, 2022, 22:26
Did you not notice how Russia just defaulted on its debt because the West froze all its money? We can just decide that money is now ours, and give it to the Ukrainians. Not to mention all the cool boats, planes, luxury real estate and things that were seized.

Not "West" - US. And now all nations know what US may stole any reserve money. Fail of trust. It is start of the the end of dollar. With debts in trillions US will bankrupt soon on this way.

April 12th, 2022, 22:48
I’m afraid it will be Russia left with a broken trough (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tale_of_the_Fisherman_and_the_Fish) yet again and US will have to send humanitarian aid, as many times before, to save Russians from starvation

April 12th, 2022, 22:49
Not "West" - US. And now all nations know what US may stole any reserve money. Fail of trust. It is start of the the end of dollar. With debts in trillions US will bankrupt soon on this way.

And go with what as the global reserve currency? There's no competition.

The Yuan and Euro aren't exactly great replacements for the US dollar.

April 12th, 2022, 23:39
And go with what as the global reserve currency? There's no competition.

The Yuan and Euro aren't exactly great replacements for the US dollar.

Yeah. UK said the same about pound 100 years ago... where it is now?

April 13th, 2022, 07:13
You forgot to add point 0 (zero): to invent how to make cheap fertilizers and avoid to use gas.

Russian army quote: "Better to be deserter than fertilizer"

April 13th, 2022, 09:55
"Stopped"??? Will stop, maybe, if will find another supplier.

We already have another supplier..."The Earth".

The future is in “biofuels” not “fossil fuels”.

Renewable hydrocarbon biofuels (also called green biofuels) are fuels produced from biomass sources through a variety of biological, thermal, and chemical processes. These products are chemically identical to petroleum gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel, therefore minimize compatibility issues with existing infrastructure and engines. International teams of well-funded leading scientists have been working on this project for over two decades now, and a variety of different Biofuels have already been developed, tested, and deemed as being environmental-friendly replacements for conventional diesel, jet fuel, and gasoline.

The situation we’re faced with now will almost certainly accelerate the production and use of these biofuels which I see as a good thing. More jobs will be created in the biofuel industry...the environment will actually start to get protected (what a concept), and production of biofuels, even in the early stages, can help offset the shortages caused by the termination of Russian energy supplies.

The full transition from fossil fuels to biofuels could take another two decades, but at least it provides our children and grandchildren with something positive to work towards and keeps the planet safe in the mean time (in more ways than one).

April 13th, 2022, 11:48
Biden gives green light for Ethanol-15 gas mix for the rest of the year. So in good news, gas in the US should go down a little. In bad news, more people around the world are going to starve to death.

Also reports Russia is struggling to replenish with new troops / reserves and are at minimum weeks away from being able to do so. Instead, they're just going to cobble together units using the already battered and bruised troops that have been fighting in Ukraine, and send them in for another siege in the east.

And EU is promising another round of sanctions by Friday. Wonder if this is the one that not only bans Russia oil and gas, but also puts an embargo on it so Russia simply can't get oil and gas out to the market?

April 13th, 2022, 13:28
Wonder if this is the one that not only bans Russia oil and gas, but also puts an embargo on it so Russia simply can't get oil and gas out to the market?

Yeah. Just do it! (green - countries what supports sanctions)


April 13th, 2022, 13:31
We already have another supplier..."The Earth".

The future is in “biofuels” not “fossil fuels”.

Renewable hydrocarbon biofuels (also called green biofuels) are fuels produced from biomass sources through a variety of biological, thermal, and chemical processes. These products are chemically identical to petroleum gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel, therefore minimize compatibility issues with existing infrastructure and engines. International teams of well-funded leading scientists have been working on this project for over two decades now, and a variety of different Biofuels have already been developed, tested, and deemed as being environmental-friendly replacements for conventional diesel, jet fuel, and gasoline.

The situation we’re faced with now will almost certainly accelerate the production and use of these biofuels which I see as a good thing. More jobs will be created in the biofuel industry...the environment will actually start to get protected (what a concept), and production of biofuels, even in the early stages, can help offset the shortages caused by the termination of Russian energy supplies.

The full transition from fossil fuels to biofuels could take another two decades, but at least it provides our children and grandchildren with something positive to work towards and keeps the planet safe in the mean time (in more ways than one).

Once again. 80% of gas is used for to manufacture fertilizers. Fertilizers are made from gas. You can't substitute gas in production of ammonium

April 13th, 2022, 14:01
Yeah. Just do it! (green - countries what supports sanctions

Google a comparison of US + EU + Australi navy vs. the rest of the world.

Yeah, I'm pretty confident an embargo is possible. There's definitely a lot of rumors floating around about it. Besides, it's US military power that has been keeping the oceans safe for commerce since the end of WWII, so....

April 13th, 2022, 14:16
Google a comparison of US + EU + Australi navy vs. the rest of the world.

Well, you mean navy will race by ocean and check every shipment. Besides it will cost billions for taxpayers, it will looks like a piracy. Less than 5% of ships are busy in delivery of Russian goods, but navy will have to check every ship. Sounds crazy, but who cares when Alzheimer ruling, right?


And one more question: how navy will stop pipelines, highways and railroads from Russia to south: China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Central Asia?

April 13th, 2022, 14:58
Moses, whether or not an embargo is technically possible isn't up for debate. It is.

It's whether or not the West, mainly Europe, are willing to voluntarily turn the Russian taps off. There's a decent chance Western leaders are working from the perspective that those taps are probably getting turned off in the near future no matter what anyway, so...

Then pretty near all oil fields in eastern Russia were developed post Soviet era using Western companies and technology. Now that folks like Exxon, Shell, Haliburton, Sumbergeigh and so on have all pulled out of Russia, they will slowly fall into disrepair and production from them will slowly decrease over the months, as Russia doesn't have the tech in-house to properly maintain those oil fields. That means the oil flowing to your BFF China will also slowly decrease as the months tick by.

April 13th, 2022, 15:12
Once again. 80% of gas is used for to manufacture fertilizers. Fertilizers are made from gas. You can't substitute gas in production of ammonium

I understand the point you're trying to make, but think you may have the numbers backwards:

Most natural gas in the bulk chemicals industry is used for heat or power applications, with about 25% of bulk chemical natural gas consumption being used for feedstocks in agricultural chemicals (ie, fertilizer) and methanol production. Even with the termination of one supplier of natural gas (in this case Russia), most countries should still be able to procure enough gas to support fertilizer production until alternatives become available.

Making fertilizer from fossil fuels is responsible for more than 20% of agriculture’s huge carbon footprint, and fertilizer that washes off fields pollutes water and causes dead zones in the ocean. Not to mention global-warming from greenhouse gas emissions - which is the second-largest source of climate change pollution Worldwide. In short, making fertilizer from fossil fuels is ruining our environment.

Biofertilizers contain organic materials and are preferred over chemical fertilizers because they are not harmful, and they don’t reduce the fertility of the soil while continuous. They have apparently been in use a long time, and used for growing crops like wheat, maize, mustard, cotton, potato and other vegetable crops.

Research at Harvard University recently raised $50 million to help bring an alternative product to market—fertilizer that uses microbes, instead of fossil fuels, to give plants the nitrogen they need to grow quickly. These are the types of environmental-friendly fertilizers that the world will be transitioning to in the future. It's not like we have a choice.

I don’t doubt for a minute that there will be examples of food shortages due to the termination of Russia’s energy supplies, but attribute this more to the complexities involved in managing the massive changes in global supply-chain management than anything else.


April 13th, 2022, 15:37
There's an idea. Embargo Russian oil and gas, forcing it to begin exporting fertilizer again if it wants to make any money.

Besides, isn't that just such a Putin move, eh? Hold back the world's supply of fertilizer so 1 - 2 billion people can starve to death.

April 13th, 2022, 16:19
If interested in hearing a longish chat as to what a 24 year old Russian thinks of Russia:


April 13th, 2022, 16:45
There's an idea. Embargo Russian oil and gas, forcing it to begin exporting fertilizer again if it wants to make any money.

Besides, isn't that just such a Putin move, eh? Hold back the world's supply of fertilizer so 1 - 2 billion people can starve to death.

Matt, do you have more useless ideas? Because only ideas to embargo Russian oil and gas raised prices at 10-70% and inflation in US to unseen at past 40 years 8.5% . There still no any blocks for Russian oil and gas import to US, but prices are sky rocketed already, now imagine what will be when Mr. Alzheimer will block oil import really.


My prediction: US democrats will lose elections at November'22 because of poor country management, but they will cry again what it is Putin's fault and intervention to elections.


April 13th, 2022, 19:07

Oh, for fuck sakes. Can you Russians at least pull your own weight on the International Space Station of al things? Every other country partaking has their maintenance work up to snuff until 2028, except Russia of course, which is only up to 2024.

If Russia doesn't do the maintenance work it's obligated to, then the ISS comes down in 2024, instead of 2031 when it's scheduled to come down really screwing up the transition plan that's in place and hampering various projects for a couple decades or more.

Just have to fuckup everything you possibly can, eh? Can't even leave the advancement of space technology alone? That's supposed to be the one area that supersedes national boundaries.

April 13th, 2022, 19:35
And by the way: here are some gossips. Looks like US general has been captured in Azov's base in Mariupol.


'At least get info right!' Russian claims US general captured destroyed by BBC expert
DESPERATE Russian claims that a US Lieutenant General has been captured in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol have been torn apart by a BBC expert.


April 13th, 2022, 20:06

Oh, for fuck sakes. Can you Russians at least pull your own weight on the International Space Station of al things? Every other country partaking has their maintenance work up to snuff until 2028, except Russia of course, which is only up to 2024.

If Russia doesn't do the maintenance work it's obligated to, then the ISS comes down in 2024, instead of 2031 when it's scheduled to come down really screwing up the transition plan that's in place and hampering various projects for a couple decades or more.

Just have to fuckup everything you possibly can, eh? Can't even leave the advancement of space technology alone? That's supposed to be the one area that supersedes national boundaries.

Why should Russia care? You impose sanction and are waiting for some actions from Russia at the same time? You steal Russian reserve and are waiting for "thank you"?

Well. Maybe you expecting too mush good will then. Russia signed agreement about cooperation in space station with China not far ago. And, by the way: West hasn't heavy launchers yet for to launch own segments.

One more news: Airbus just announced, what it depends on Russian titanium in 60%. Guess what will be next Russian action if Mr. Alzheimer will be too much pushy. Boeing has reserves of Russian titanium for few years, Airbus hasn't.

April 13th, 2022, 20:06
You mean to tell me a high ranking NATO commander wasn't hanging out at the Nazi base in Mariupol close enough to Russian soldiers to be captured?

Mind blowing.

April 13th, 2022, 20:56
You mean to tell me a high ranking NATO commander wasn't hanging out at the Nazi base in Mariupol close enough to Russian soldiers to be captured?

Mind blowing.

I initially wrote what that is "gossip". But since that day there were already 3 attempts for to evacuate some high ranking officer from Mariupol. Two times it was pair of helicopters involved each time - all 4 are destroyed. Third time it was ship, also captured by coastal guard.

April 13th, 2022, 21:36
Why did the Nazis attack Ukraine in the first place?
They could have just returned to Mother Russia...

April 13th, 2022, 22:10
Why should Russia care? You impose sanction and are waiting for some actions from Russia at the same time? You steal Russian reserve and are waiting for "thank you"?

Boo hoo, you're angry because the West is angry at Russia? Russia is the one that invaded a sovereign nation and is currently committing war crimes and genocide.

And, by the way: West hasn't heavy launchers yet for to launch own segments.

What? Really? Artimis missions, Mars rover missions, SpaceX, et al?

April 14th, 2022, 01:35

April 14th, 2022, 03:13
History of Ukraine: The genocide of Ukrainians by Stalin

To this day, it remains unknown how many people were executed by the lethal hunger (the Holodomor) in Ukraine in 1932-1933. In the decision made by the Supreme Court of Ukraine on January 13, 2010, the number of documented direct deaths by starvation during the 1932-33 Holodomor was announced to be 3,941,000.

How many people did Stalin have killed? and the ...
[Search domain strategypage.com] https://www.strategypage.com › militaryforums › 30-40823.aspx
Russia faces an absolute decline of population over the next several generations. Stalin was removed, but his effect may live on for two hundred years. Over time that could total 100 million people not counting the reduction in life expectancy and quality of life issues. Stalin is clearly the most destructive human to have ever lived.

Putin will kill more?
He still pockets a billion dollars per day in proceeds from oil from the stupid Russian people.

April 14th, 2022, 03:31
Boo hoo, you're angry because the West is angry at Russia? Russia is the one that invaded a sovereign nation and is currently committing war crimes and genocide.

What? Really? Artimis missions, Mars rover missions, SpaceX, et al?

Only by Mr. Alzheimer. Macron for example deny it and refuse to call it "genocide". but Mr. Alzheimer can say whatever - he doesn't understand what he is saying anyway.

Really. Check weight of "rovers etc" and compare with weight of any segment of ISS.

April 14th, 2022, 03:36
History of Ukraine: The genocide of Ukrainians by Stalin

To this day, it remains unknown how many people were executed by the lethal hunger (the Holodomor) in Ukraine in 1932-1933. In the decision made by the Supreme Court of Ukraine on January 13, 2010, the number of documented direct deaths by starvation during the 1932-33 Holodomor was announced to be 3,941,000.

How many people did Stalin have killed? and the ...
[Search domain strategypage.com] https://www.strategypage.com › militaryforums › 30-40823.aspx
Russia faces an absolute decline of population over the next several generations. Stalin was removed, but his effect may live on for two hundred years. Over time that could total 100 million people not counting the reduction in life expectancy and quality of life issues. Stalin is clearly the most destructive human to have ever lived.

Putin will kill more?
He still pockets a billion dollars per day in proceeds from oil from the stupid Russian people.

Holocausts is recognized by any nation. Holodomor is anti-Russian propaganda from Ukraine - famine and mass deaths were everywhere in Soviet Union - from Kazakhstan to Ukraine including Russia. Ukrainian propagandists use that world for to accuse Russia and make some base and excuse for their nationalists ideas.


April 14th, 2022, 03:46
Only by Mr. Alzheimer. Macron for example deny it and refuse to call it "genocide". but Mr. Alzheimer can say whatever - he doesn't understand what he is saying anyway.

Really. Check weight of "rovers etc" and compare with weight of any segment of ISS.

You tell me, how many mass graves of civilians need to be found before it's classified a genocide?

And please stop using this comparison logic / validation that you do. It's really weak. Next you'll be saying, "Well, Putin hasn't killed as many people as Hitler did, so what's the big deal?".

April 14th, 2022, 04:07
You tell me, how many mass graves of civilians need to be found before it's classified a genocide?

More than in Iraq, Libya, Syria. And for sure more than 14000 - because nobody classifies 14000 dead Russians in Donbass at past 8 years as genocide.

April 14th, 2022, 04:48
Putin will kill more?
He still pockets a billion dollars per day in proceeds from oil from the stupid Russian people.

They are like sheep and will do nothing as they are trained to follow and be slaughtered.

April 14th, 2022, 04:56
Julian E. Barnes and Edward Wong
Wed, April 13, 2022, 1:04 PM·9 min read
In this article:

Vladimir Putin

"President" of Russia

The Echo of Moscow studio, just before the media outlet was shut down, in Moscow, March 3, 2022. (Nanna Heitmann/The New York Times)

WASHINGTON — Using a mix of high-tech and Cold War tactics, Ukrainian activists and Western institutions have begun to pierce the propaganda bubble in Russia, circulating information about the Ukraine war among Russian citizens to sow doubt about the Kremlin’s accounts.

The efforts come at a particularly urgent moment: Moscow appears to be preparing for a new assault in eastern Ukraine that could prove devastatingly bloody to both sides, while mounting reports of atrocities make plain the brutality of the Kremlin’s tactics.

As Russia presents a sanitized version of the war, Ukrainian activists have been sending messages highlighting government corruption and incompetence in an effort to undermine faith in the Kremlin.

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Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, a U.S.-funded but independent news organization founded decades ago, is trying to push its broadcasts deeper into Russia. Its Russian-language articles are published on copies of its websites called “mirrors,” which Russian censors seek out in a high-stakes game of whack-a-mole. Audience numbers have surged during the war despite the censorship.

U.S. organizations are also promoting the use of software that allows Russian citizens to leap over the nascent firewall erected by the Kremlin to control internet access.

The efforts face high barriers as the Kremlin tightens controls on journalists and the internet, passing laws that have forced the closure of independent media outlets, like the Echo of Moscow. President Vladimir Putin is doing all he can to keep Russians in the dark about Europe’s largest land war since 1945, with casualties going largely unreported in Russian news media.

The Russian government has focused in particular on restricting reports of war casualties. In its most recent official announcement, in late March, Russia reported 1,351 military deaths, while the latest U.S. intelligence estimate, which was shared with Congress in recent days, put the number at 4,000 to 5,000.

But cracks in Moscow’s facade are starting to show. On Thursday, the Kremlin’s spokesperson acknowledged that Russia had suffered “significant losses.”

After the war started in February, Putin began erecting an internet firewall similar to China’s to block some Russian and Western news sites and social media networks. Russians can still visit Google and YouTube, but many Western sources of news are labeled “foreign agents.”

An authoritarian government does not have to maintain a perfect firewall to keep its public in a propaganda bubble. Many Russians get their news from state-controlled television and radio. And some Russian analysts argue that most citizens support the government for reasons beyond their news diet and want to believe the Kremlin’s lines.

American intelligence officials say that is why pushing information into Russia, and reaching the broadest population, is so difficult.

Nevertheless, American and European officials say that the attempt by outsiders to get facts about the war to Russians is important.

For now, Putin and the invasion remain popular in Russia, according to polls, though analysts caution that such measures of Russian attitudes are unreliable, mainly because many people fear making anti-war statements. The police have arrested thousands of protesters, and many people self-censor their remarks on Ukraine.

There are early signs that the efforts to break down the wall of propaganda may be working, said a senior Western intelligence official, who like other security officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss classified or sensitive government assessments.

And a U.S. data analytics company, FilterLabs.AI, which has been tracking Russian sentiment on internet message boards and other online forums, says it has measured growing anxiety among Russians about the draft and war casualties. Putin recently signed a decree ordering up about 134,500 conscripts, though the Defense Ministry said they would not go to Ukraine.

“We could be at a turning point in Russian sentiment toward the initial invasion of Ukraine, when Russia attempted to take over the whole country,” said Jonathan Teubner, CEO of FilterLabs.

April 14th, 2022, 05:10
A global financial committee has ruled Russian Railways has tumbled into default after the company failed to make interest payments on $268 million of bonds, due to Western sanctions that have stymied Russia's access to the global financial system.

The European section of the Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee ruled on Monday that the state-owned company had failed to make interest payments on the bonds due on March 14.

It made Russian Railways the first official corporate default in the country since the invasion of Ukraine began in late February.

The CDDC is a committee of financial institutions who meet to decide whether a company has defaulted. A ruling from the committee is a key step in allowing investors in credit-default swaps — contracts that act as insurance against defaults — to receive payouts.

Despite the ruling, Russian Railways argued in a statement on Tuesday that it had fulfilled its obligations on the Swiss franc bond worth $268 million, as it had tried to pay but had been blocked due to sanctions, Bloomberg reported.


April 14th, 2022, 05:20
Putin will kill more?
He still pockets a billion dollars per day in proceeds from oil from the stupid Russian people.

They are like sheep and will do nothing as they are trained to follow and be slaughtered.

Actually, a lot of it is from the stupid Western people, or mainly European people. That may abruptly change on Friday though, as new round of EU sanctions coming, and rumors that it will include not only a full ban on Russian oil and gas, but also an embargo as well stopping Russia from getting it's oil to the market altogether aside from their eastern oilfields.

April 14th, 2022, 06:44
The problem for Putin is that this level of corruption is unsustainable. Russia presents itself as a democracy to its people. And those people are the ones deprived of health care, education, paved roads, and a decent standard of living so that senior officials in the Putin regime can enjoy yachts, private jets, and villas in the South of France. No matter what Russian propagandists peddle, eventually people will get angry. Putin looked around and what he saw frightened him. In Kazakhstan, another corrupt dictator, Nursultan Nazarbayev, was ousted earlier this year in January. In Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko was almost ousted following the fraudulent 2019 election. It was only because of Putin’s intervention that Lukashenko is still in power.

So Putin dug into the dictator’s playbook and started a war. Now, instead of the Russian people being mad at him, they can be mad at “Nazified” Ukrainians, or the U.S., or NATO.

So far, he seems to be succeeding with his approval ratings in Russia around 83 percent.

It is now plain that Putin is evil. This is not breathless hyperbole. It is fact. He has no regard for human life, and only lusts over power and money. In his calculus, money is power, and vice versa.

Amazingly, Putin himself has now been sanctioned by the West. But finding the whereabouts of his money is no easy task. I’ve spent the last 14 years trying to understand the dark money flowing out of Russia. Once we found it, there was a huge price to pay.


April 14th, 2022, 09:00
The problem for Putin is that this level of corruption is unsustainable. Russia presents itself as a democracy to its people. And those people are the ones deprived of health care, education, paved roads, and a decent standard of living so that senior officials in the Putin regime can enjoy yachts, private jets, and villas in the South of France. No matter what Russian propagandists peddle, eventually people will get angry. Putin looked around and what he saw frightened him. In Kazakhstan, another corrupt dictator, Nursultan Nazarbayev, was ousted earlier this year in January. In Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko was almost ousted following the fraudulent 2019 election. It was only because of Putin’s intervention that Lukashenko is still in power.

So Putin dug into the dictator’s playbook and started a war. Now, instead of the Russian people being mad at him, they can be mad at “Nazified” Ukrainians, or the U.S., or NATO.

So far, he seems to be succeeding with his approval ratings in Russia around 83 percent.

It is now plain that Putin is evil. This is not breathless hyperbole. It is fact. He has no regard for human life, and only lusts over power and money. In his calculus, money is power, and vice versa.

Amazingly, Putin himself has now been sanctioned by the West. But finding the whereabouts of his money is no easy task. I’ve spent the last 14 years trying to understand the dark money flowing out of Russia. Once we found it, there was a huge price to pay.

https://www.yahoo.com/news/putin-money-learned-hard-way-090059892.htmlIt's been sustained many many years now. You could make the same argument about that other fine example of corruption and kleptocracy - Thailand

April 14th, 2022, 10:43
It's been sustained many many years now. You could make the same argument about that other fine example of corruption and kleptocracy - Thailand

Or if you really want to go there, look no further than various Middle East countries.

April 14th, 2022, 12:44
‘There Is Such Fuckery Going on Here’: Russian Soldiers ‘Revolting’ as They Get Stiffed on Ukraine Payouts ABANDON SHIP

Russian soldiers in Ukraine are said to be “dumping their stuff” and leaving after the military leadership stiffed them on special pay they were promised.

That’s according to several intercepted phone calls released by Ukrainian authorities Wednesday, all of which paint the same picture of a “total clusterfuck” among Russian troops, as one soldier put it.

In audio released by Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s interior minister, a man purported to be a Russian soldier is told by a woman back home to “limp” so that he’ll be rotated out.

He says military leadership has promised “enormous cash payments,” but goes on to complain that “they say things here and then don’t fulfill a damn thing.”

“Everyone is outraged, entire battalions are starting revolts. The commanders promise us that they are giving us their word,” he said.

It was not clear where the purported Russian soldier was based in Ukraine, but his version of events was backed up by other intercepted communications.

In another chat said to be between a Russian soldier and his mother, he said the troops are getting fed up because they aren’t getting the payouts they were offered to serve.

“There is such fuckery going on here, I’m telling you, 600 people have resigned from our brigade throughout this time, well about that much, give or take. Everyone is going home, they are just dumping their stuff and saying, ‘I’m going home’ and then leaving,’” he said.

“There were rumors that they would pay [us], I thought 200,000 would be on my card, because so much time has already passed, and they didn’t pay a damn thing. Only the basic pay came,” he said.

When his mother offered to send him a flask of booze, he swatted down the idea, saying “management divvies everything up” among themselves.

Another guy in his unit, he said, had a package with money sent to him by all his relatives but “nothing from that package made it to him.”

Audio released by Ukraine’s Security Service is also said to capture a purported Russian soldier speaking of troops on the border with Ukraine refusing en masse to be deployed there.

He describes a “total clusterfuck” in Bryansk, where he says “everyone is refusing to go [to Ukraine], they don’t want to go. [Leadership] is writing up papers on them and firing them.”

His own commanding officer, he complains, “doesn’t give a fuck about his own personnel.”

Such reports of plummeting morale come as Vladimir Putin is said to be trying to gather enough troops to outnumber Ukrainian soldiers five-to-one in the eastern part of Ukraine, where the Kremlin claims to have shifted its focus.

Perhaps as part of that effort, billboards have been spotted on public transportation in Russia offering “short-term contracts” with Russia’s Armed Forces.


April 14th, 2022, 13:06
Despite the ruling, Russian Railways argued in a statement on Tuesday that it had fulfilled its obligations on the Swiss franc bond worth $268 million, as it had tried to pay but had been blocked due to sanctions, Bloomberg reported.


So it is default of investors, not Russian Railways. RR has enough money, but West doesn't want investors to get money and blocks money. Well, sanctions. Somebody again shoots own (investors) leg.

Meanwhile RR just started new global project - Northern line - line that will connect Northern region with gateway on the border with China for to fulfill growing demands in transportation in direction Russia - China.

April 14th, 2022, 13:08
That may abruptly change on Friday though, as new round of EU sanctions coming, and rumors that it will include not only a full ban on Russian oil and gas, but also an embargo as well stopping Russia from getting it's oil to the market altogether aside from their eastern oilfields.

Zero chance: yesterday Austria, Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria already vetoed it.

The only resource what confirmed is coal - from the August. Maybe.

April 14th, 2022, 13:16
In Kazakhstan, another corrupt dictator, Nursultan Nazarbayev, was ousted earlier this year in January.

at what thashdump you collect so cheap news?

Nazarbayev had quit from his chair in 2019...


April 14th, 2022, 13:26
Russia is the one that invaded a sovereign nation and is currently committing war crimes and genocide.

Surprise: White House already announced, what Biden's words about "genocide" is his own private opinion.


As I said:

Only by Mr. Alzheimer. [...] but Mr. Alzheimer can say whatever - he doesn't understand what he is saying anyway.

April 14th, 2022, 13:42

When you type "Geraschenko" you should wash your hands after it. Check who he is first :))

He was deputy of Ukrainian minister of internal affairs, but his ultra-right Nazi position is so shameless that even Ukraine can't tolerate it and kicked him from state chair, so now he is "adviser".

He talks a lot. Demanding Trump's impeachment at past, declares Ukrainians supreme race and so on...

April 14th, 2022, 14:28
Cool, looks like Ukraine sunk a Russian cruiser named Moscow on the Black Sea. Had 510 soldiers aboard, which have been reportedly evacuated from the ship.

Russia says an accidental fire broke out which blew up some ammunition, because of course they did.

April 14th, 2022, 18:40
The pride of the Russian Navy - Flagship Moskva has been abandoned in the Black Sea due to a massive explosion and is down for the count.

The Ukrainian military first reported that they struck the Moskva with missile fire - then 2 hours later Russia reported that the explosion on-board was the result of ammunition somehow catching on fire. Huh? Are they saying the same thing? I mean I guess if a missile hits a ship it could cause the ammunition to catch on fire. Unless the Russian navy is saying that one of their soldiers inadvertently flipped a lit cigarette into the munition storage area - causing the explosion - and it wasn't a Ukrainian missile at all.??? Such a mystery.

In any event, the ship is now out of commission.


April 14th, 2022, 19:22
The reasons why Russia is losing so many tanks explained:


April 14th, 2022, 19:52
Russia is losing expensive planes because they are outfitted with simple cheap bombs instead of cruise missles.
Putin doesn't care about the pilots they lose.

April 15th, 2022, 03:28
The Ukrainian military said the Russian vehicles were traveling to Izyum in eastern Ukraine, where Russian troops have been staging for assaults in the Donbas region. Photos shared by the Ukrainian special forces show that explosives had apparently been placed under the bridge in anticipation of a Russian column heading toward it.

"A group of SSO of Ukraine blew up a bridge with enemy technology heading to Izyum," Ukrainian Special Operations Forces said in a Facebook post.

"Putting the explosive in a designated place, operators of the SSO of Ukraine waited for the enemy, who without any doubt drove to the death meeting."

According to the Ukrainian military, the "entire enemy column" was destroyed.

Hours earlier, the Ukrainian military appeared to have delivered a major blow to Russia's navy in the Black Sea when the flagship vessel Moskva was reportedly hit with missiles, and its crew was forced to abandon ship.

A Ukrainian official said on Thursday that the ship had been sunk.

The Russian Defense Ministry has acknowledged that the ship was "seriously damaged" but blamed the blast on ammunition detonating as a result of a fire on board.


April 15th, 2022, 04:01
Apparently if you get too close to Ukraine coast with your warships they accidentally sink.
Other warships have now moved further away to prevent "accidents"(and sinking).

April 15th, 2022, 05:30
I really like this Peter Zyhelm guy. He just makes things make sense.


"we have to start thinking of what it's going to look like when Russia doesn't have a naval presence in the Black Sea, because that's probably going to happen within a couple months". heh.

April 15th, 2022, 09:49
Russia now confirms that the Flagship Moskva has sank in the Black Sea. Note that earlier reports (from Russia) claimed that the Moskva had made it safely back to port. Opps!

Ukraine has repeated its claims that the Moskva was struck by Ukrainian missiles not far off the shores of Snake Island causing the destruction. Russia seems hesitant to acknowledge this.

There's no concealing the fact that Russia's military has exposed a whole host of serious deficiencies. Trucks which constantly break down due to lack of basic preventive maintenance, or simply run out of gas due to poor logistical planning, tanks which are easily spotted and destroyed by Ukrainian ambushes (by the hundreds) due to poor leadership and planning, whole columns of infantry getting bogged down, lost, and stranded, top ranking officers (including generals) getting wiped out at record-setting levels, troops running out of ammunition and basic supplies like food and water, and a deepening lack of morale among Russian troops - many of whom have reportedly deserted or surrendered without a fight.

You hear a lot about Putin's miscalculations which are contributing to his defeat on the World Stage, and the potential consequences of those actions - but you don't hear a lot about the damage being caused to the "Perception" that the World has relative to Russia's Military capabilities. The two things that many countries have to be thinking right now is; 1) Russia's Military isn't anywhere close to being as strong and capable as we were being led to believe via years of Russian propaganda, and 2) Putin doesn't value human life, including the lives of his own Russian citizens, which will continue to alienate him from even his closest allies over time. It's inevitable. Nothing can stop him from destroying himself. It's just a matter of how many people he takes down with him.

April 15th, 2022, 15:21
Russia threatens to move nukes to Baltic region if Finland, Sweden join NATO


Ummm... Russia already has hyper sonic missiles that can reach the US in 30 minutes, so what kind of threat is moving nuclear missiles a few hundred km closer to Europe?

You know you're in a weak position when the only thing you can do is brag to the world you have nukes. Yep, we're already well aware of that, thanks.

April 15th, 2022, 16:17
In an unprecedented move, Russia has been expelled from the UN Human Rights Council

The United Nations General Assembly voted on April 7 to suspend Russia from the entity’s human rights body
among accusations of war crimes during the Ukrainian invasion.


April 15th, 2022, 16:26
Russia tries to scare Finland and Sweden away from NATO by threatening to deploy nukes in the Baltics, which it's already done

Nuclear weapons have always been kept in Kaliningrad...the international community, the countries in the region, are perfectly aware of this...They use it as a threat," he added.

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) in 2018 published satellite images that it said showed "a major renovation of what appears to be an active nuclear weapons storage site in the Kaliningrad region, about 50 kilometers from the Polish border."
