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View Full Version : A Thai Boy

January 20th, 2022, 23:22
A THAI boy from THAILAND who says SAWATDEE and is perhaps GAY. A gift for the (deleted) who keeps moving the threads. Probably cristian.

January 21st, 2022, 00:31
...is that it...not even a tasteful arty nude shot with a glimpse of his butt

January 21st, 2022, 01:55
It was correct moving of post with content about Chinese boy to another subforum.

January 21st, 2022, 05:08
You certainly got the asshole right.

January 21st, 2022, 15:11
What just happened?

January 22nd, 2022, 20:12
You certainly got the asshole right.

I hope you guys are all really close friends that just enjoy hassling each other for fun.:D

otherwise a newby like me is afraid to post for fear of creating hate and discontent.:eek:

January 22nd, 2022, 20:33
I hope you guys are all really close friends that just enjoy hassling each other for fun.:D

otherwise a newby like me is afraid to post for fear of creating hate and discontent.:eek:

If U are thin skinned try Gaybuttonthai.com

January 23rd, 2022, 00:35
Quote Originally Posted by Manforallseasons View Post
You certainly got the asshole right.

Maump wrote:
I hope you guys are all really close friends that just enjoy hassling each other for fun.

otherwise a newby like me is afraid to post for fear of creating hate and discontent.

Some expats seem to have lived in Pattaya too long and nothing good has happened to them since they emigrated.

You will soon learn who they are.

January 23rd, 2022, 02:51
I hope you guys are all really close friends that just enjoy hassling each other for fun.:D

otherwise a newby like me is afraid to post for fear of creating hate and discontent.:eek:
Surely everyone has seen The Boys In The Band by now? SGT is merely an online version

January 23rd, 2022, 04:32
"I hope you guys are all really close friends that just enjoy hassling each other for fun.

otherwise a newby like me is afraid to post for fear of creating hate and discontent."

"if U are thin skinned try Gaybuttonthai.com"

This board is like America. Every one carries a gun, isn't afraid to use it and when necessary tells the government they're a bunch of fucking arseholes.

Gaybutton.com is like North Korea. One all powerful dictator and no one is allowed to say anything he doesn't like.

January 23rd, 2022, 10:29
I hope you guys are all really close friends that just enjoy hassling each other for fun.:D

otherwise a newby like me is afraid to post for fear of creating hate and discontent.:eek:

Participation here is made far easier after identifying the trolls amd hydras, then putting them on ignore.
After that we have the likes of MFAS, who seems to be getting more confused and irrational every year.
Also insulting other members when he feels like it, as he has nothing constructive to add.

The board rules do not permit personal attacks, however enforcement of those rules is lenient. With the obvious consequences that you have identified.

January 23rd, 2022, 10:48
I hope you guys are all really close friends that just enjoy hassling each other for fun...

otherwise a newby like me is afraid to post for fear of creating hate and discontent.

We thrive on hate and discontent - so don't ever let that stop you from posting.

Some of us are in fact good friends, but we are never deterred from our favorite pastime of ripping each other to threads if given half a chance.

So go ahead and post at free-will...and don't be such a pussy....just kidding!

January 23rd, 2022, 18:37
Might I suggest you start with a sure fire winner maump. Post endless media links regarding absolutely ANYTHING to do with the virus in the Gay Thailand Forum. The custom here is for every member to start a new thread every time. And because the numbers of posts were SO huge even the squirrels couldn't be bothered to tidy it all up.

So for example...case numbers rise in Burma then post a link to this very interesting fact in the Gay Thailand Forum. That's OK. But..do not under any circimstances post ANY photos of Burmese boys as that is against the rules. Unless the Burmese boys are in Thailand and then you can. I think.

Half of this post should probably be moved to the squirrel discussion section.

Brad the Impala
January 24th, 2022, 00:42
Might I suggest you start with a sure fire winner maump. Post endless media links regarding absolutely ANYTHING to do with the virus in the Gay Thailand Forum. The custom here is for every member to start a new thread every time. And because the numbers of posts were SO huge even the squirrels couldn't be bothered to tidy it all up.

Half of this post should probably be moved to the squirrel discussion section.

Possibly you have been locked up for too long, and your skin has worn a little thin.

Even Dickens was edited, and I expect he threw a tantrum too.

January 24th, 2022, 02:26
It's past your bedtime Pops. Pip pip..