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January 18th, 2006, 16:47
Ozone, you say? Wasn't that the place that former police officer Botting gushed over in a post many months ago?

What possibly could he have liked so much about the place that the real police might have objected to?

January 18th, 2006, 17:41
Thanks for the news.

Whatever happens to the Forest Bar has to be an improvement. I think I actually spotted a farang sitting in that place once in the past 7 years.

No surprise about the changing of hands at Euroboys and Kboys...just part of the cyclic rotation of owners we've seen so many times in the past. The venues won't change...just the color of their signs.

Any news on the final look (venue) of the Sports Bar???

January 18th, 2006, 22:35
the term is hebephile..for those who like adolescents.
pedophiles are feet lovers..
peodophiles like pre-pubescent children. :idea:

January 18th, 2006, 22:54
So which dictionary are you using Thaiwonon?
From www.dictionary.com (http://www.dictionary.com)

pedophile = An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.
pederast = A man who has sexual relations, especially anal intercourse, with a boy.

There are no entries for peodophile or hebephile.

January 18th, 2006, 23:30
A pederast (paederast) is an adult male who searches for or carries out a homosexual act with a young man or a youth post pubity.
A paedophile is an adult of either sex who is attracted to CHILDREN of either sex. Strictly such children are pre-pubity, but the tendency today is to regard those who are attracted to young people below the age of 16 (in the UK as example; even 18 in Thailand with a following wind) as paedophiles and such a label is seized upon by the gutter press. One poor man currently has been hauled through the press in the UK as a monster because, 20 years ago, he had a light-weight relationship with a pupil of 15 (a girl) who he later married and had a family with. Such niceties do not bother the press. Just think Romeo and Juliet would have been arrested as sex offenders, he being a pervert into the bargain. The original Greek (they had a word for everything) is used as a label according to the generation in which we swim, eased and twisted according to the norm of the day.

I am not sure ('the term is hebephile..for those who like adolescents.'
) hebephile is used in that way, though Hebe was the goddess of youth and spring. The difference here is that hebephile does not have a sexual connetation

January 19th, 2006, 02:07
[quote]Pedophile is guys or girls who love to seek out and have sex with children 15 or under...[quote]

In that case, almost all 15 year olds are pedophiles by your definition. Volitional acts are not harmful to the mind. Only force is.

January 19th, 2006, 05:06
ephebephile or hebephile.

January 19th, 2006, 05:21
although I did have the wrong spelling of paedophile.

www.dictionary.com (http://www.dictionary.com) is incorrect and demonstrates the fallacy of the internet and also shows that whoever compiles it limits their education to The Sun newspaper..pedophile is a word no longer in use but it's original meaning was used to describe those who love feet..but it was co-opted by ignorant "journalists" and repeated ad-hoc by a gullible public who think if it's in the newspapers it must be true.

These words are not an age thing..but relate to pre or pro pubetry.

hence a hebephile is one who likes pro-pubescent boys/girls

and a paedophile one who likes pre-pubescent

and a pederast is someone like Alexander the Great :cyclops:

January 19th, 2006, 06:58
although I did have the wrong spelling of paedophile.

www.dictionary.com (http://www.dictionary.com) is incorrect and demonstrates the fallacy of the internet and also shows that whoever compiles it limits their education to The Sun newspaper..pedophile is a word no longer in use but it's original meaning was used to describe those who love feet..but it was co-opted by ignorant "journalists" and repeated ad-hoc by a gullible public who think if it's in the newspapers it must be true.

These words are not an age thing..but relate to pre or pro pubetry.

hence a hebephile is one who likes pro-pubescent boys/girls

and a paedophile one who likes pre-pubescent

and a pederast is someone like Alexander the Great :cyclops:

Do you mean "post-pubescent" (i.e., adolescent) rather than "pro-pubescent?" 'Propubescent' doesn't seem to appear in any dictionary I consulted, although it does appear in Google searches in connection with weight training and body building. If you do mean "pro-pubescent," what does it mean - muscle-bound twinks?

January 19th, 2006, 08:01
another slip..but i suppose a hebephile would be pro post-pubescent as well :cyclopsani:

January 19th, 2006, 08:07

January 19th, 2006, 08:09
Tell that to the judge, Botting. We've got our eye on you.

January 19th, 2006, 18:39
When I was 12 y/o I had the hots for a boy in my class at school who was 11 y/o. I guess I was a a "paedophile" in waiting.

When I met (and starting having with sex with) Boy Special he had just turned 18. I guess I was lucky and just missed being a "pederast" by a few months.

By societies current definition (which date back to a time when it was acceptable to chop a persons head off with a sword for the pure entertainment of the masses), if I had started having sex with Boy Special before his 18th birthday I would have been a pederast. Does that mean I would remain a pederast after his birthday - or would I then magically convert to societies most common definition of just being a "fagot"???

I'm sooooooo confused!

January 19th, 2006, 21:16
Most labels only seem to be relevant when being used in a moral context to highlight immorality and abnormality:

What's the term for sexual attraction to certain races? What about a term for sexual attraction to those with no limbs? What about a term for a sexual attraction to those in a certain line of work? What about sexual attraction to CHAVS? What about sexual attraction to those whom share your star sign?

If it's considered immoral it'll certainly have a label. Don't be confused, just remember that such words in the present western world exist primarily to assist in condemnation.

January 19th, 2006, 21:21
The term you are looking for is "fetish".

January 19th, 2006, 21:30
Fetish: as in a material object or non-sexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire?

I didn't know a star sign, a CHAV, or someone without limbs was defined as an object. Perhaps they're defined as a non sexual body part?

Watch me wave my big long chav at you.

January 19th, 2006, 21:38
The full definition, according to www.dictionary.com (http://www.dictionary.com) is:

1. An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices.
2. An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence: made a fetish of punctuality.
3. Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.
4. An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.

Nothing says that it has to be an inanimate object. In fact, it specifically mentions "part of the body" as something that can be the object of a fetish. One can certainly have a fetish for amputees, construction workers, or a particular ethnic or physical type.

And you know it damned well.

January 19th, 2006, 23:45
One can certainly have a fetish for amputees, construction workers, or a particular ethnic or physical type.

I didn't know an amputee, or a black man were considered asexual body parts. I also didn't know such people were considered material objects either. So much for progress away from slavery. I tend to believe they are human beings, but your mileage may vary.

I remind you that a fetish can only be for something that is effectively asexual. A construction worker, or an amputee, or ones wife do not satisfy the criteria for a fetish because they have a sexuality.

January 20th, 2006, 03:23
Oh...now I got it

So if a black man has sex with a 17 year old one armed gogo boy he would be labeled an..."Afroacrotomophiliapederest"


January 20th, 2006, 03:28
So if a black man has sex with a 17 year old one armed gogo boy he would be labeled an..."Afroacrotomophiliapederest"

Something like that, especially if someone wants to promote such behaviour as immoral. Such labels are like trademarks of 'Morality Inc.'

January 20th, 2006, 04:13

Boy lovers: A term used by pedophiles who are attracted primarily to boys.
Ephebophila: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is sexually attracted to young people about the age of puberty.
Girl lovers: A term used by pedophiles who are attracted primarily to girls.
Hebephilia: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is sexually attracted to post-pubertal adolescents (14 to 17).
Infantophilia: A rare form of pedophilia in which the primary interest is a child 24 month or younger.
Lolita syndrome: Synonym for ephebophilia.
Paraphilia: An umbrella term which includes many conditions in which an adult's sexual arousing fantasies involve non-human objects, the infliction of pain, non-adults, or other non-consenting persons. Some examples are: ephebophila, exhibitionism, hebephilia, fetishism, frotteurism, pedophilia, sexual masochism, sexual sadism, transvestite behavior, and voyeurism. It is derived from two Greek words: ''para" means "beyond" and "philia" means "love for."
Pederasty: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is sexually attracted to post-pubertal adolescents (14 to 17).
Pedophile: According to the American Psychiatric Association: "A person who over at least a 6 month period has recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (age 13 years or younger). The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children. Not to include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12 or 13 year old (straight or gay). Individuals with pedophilia generally report an attraction to children of a particular age range. Some individuals prefer males, others prefer females, and some are aroused by both males and females. Pedophila involving female victims is reported more than pedophilia involving male victims." 1
Pedophila: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is sexually attracted primarily to pre-pubertal children -- those aged 13 years or under. It is derived from two Greek words: ''pedo" means "child;" and "philia" means "love for." Most are attracted to children in a specific age group (e.g. 5 or 6). Fewer are attracted to young people of any age up to puberty.
Phebophilia: Alternate term for Ephebophilia. Both words are derived from the Greek words ''phepius" means "youth;" and "philia" means "love for."

An unknown percentage of pedophiles act on their feelings. They molest children, and become an abusive pedophile. Others do not abuse, and are not a threat to children.

Concerning ephebophiles, hebephiles, and pedophiles:

Some are of the exclusive type where the individual is sexually attracted only to young persons. Others are of the non-exclusive type where there is also some attraction to other adults. 2
They may be sexually attracted to children of the same gender, the opposite gender, or to both genders.
Most mental health specialists agree that there is no cure for these disorders. However an ephebophiles, hebephiles, and pedophiles:they may be successfully treated so that they no longer abuse young people.
The meaning of the term "pedophile" is in transition. Many people use the term to refer to a child rapist/molester. Unfortunately, this leaves no term for a person who feels sexual attraction to children, but does not act on their feelings.

Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, American Psychiatric Association, (1994).
"Interview with Frederick S. Berlin," United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1997-SEP-8, at: http://www.nccbuscc.org/comm/kit6.htm

Hebephile: This is a word whose meaning is changing. In the past, it referred to an adult who is sexually attracted to post-pubescent person under the age of 18. Currently, it is evolving to mean a person who sexually molests post-pubescent persons under the age of 18. See pedophile.



"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" Shakespeare, Similarly " A trainer by any other name would smell as feet"

January 20th, 2006, 07:15
"When I was 12 y/o I had the hots for a boy in my class at school who was 11 y/o."..
you would be a pervert ..but certainly not alone.. as we all know younger people can never seduce older people.

Which means when I used to return from school at 11/12 with 2 mates and we'd stop to piss amongst the trees in a park followed by a group grope I was severley abused by them as they were 6 months older and twins. Possibly I should be sueing them for damages.

And what about chickenhawks ?..or does that word now only describe Dick Cheney and his Neocon friends.

January 20th, 2006, 12:19
I am confused.
I thought Hebephilia was the same thing as a Matzoh Queen.
Semi-seriously though, I also think a huge percentage of gay men would be interested in that age group, though most restrain themselves to be within the law.
I also think heterosexual men are also interested in girls of that age (14 to 17).

January 20th, 2006, 13:10
I am confused.
I thought Hebephilia was the same thing as a Matzoh Queen.
Semi-seriously though, I also think a huge percentage of gay men would be interested in that age group, though most restrain themselves to be within the law.
I also think heterosexual men are also interested in girls of that age (14 to 17).

Sure. Most straight men would happily shag the 16-year old Britney Spears if they could! And have you seen how flirty women are around older teenage boys?

I think the definition of adolescents is influenced by the legal thing. If an adolescent is someone between sexual maturity and a fully grown body (height) it can last till 19 or so (?)

January 20th, 2006, 18:38
Even I would have liked to shag Britney when she was 16 Y/O and I'M GAY.

Man...am I ever fucked up!

January 20th, 2006, 19:54
Even I would have liked to shag Britney when she was 16 Y/O and I'M GAY.

Man...am I ever fucked up!

Don't worry. I am sure you can get professional help. :toothy8:


January 20th, 2006, 19:56
It isnt just you......its every Yank.

They have stuffed up their own country now their trying to stuff up mine.

January 20th, 2006, 20:47
she was a bit of an old cow at 16 and still is.

I'd shag that nice man in Silom's avatar though..wasn't he a porn star ?

January 21st, 2006, 01:59

What in the hell did you do to you avatar ??????

You traded in the most sensual boy face on the planet for a muscle model with a plastic hairdo ?????????????

January 21st, 2006, 02:06
It's Jeff Stryker, a major porn star from (mostly) the 80's. The hair was waved and high and very sticky-looking ... huge dick ... never a bottom ... left me stone cold.
But he was incredibly popular nonetheless. He has his own website: http://www.jeff-stryker.com/ and it's really bad :cyclopsani:

Cheers ...

January 21st, 2006, 03:52
What in the hell did you do to you avatar ??????
You traded in the most sensual boy face on the planet for a muscle model with a plastic hairdo ?????????????

Oh you noticed? Well, Tsubasa Imai and I had a talk and decided we both needed more personal space. No, we haven't broken up. We are just having a break while exploring other possibilities.

January 21st, 2006, 17:59
Apparently, Tsubasa is looking for some space also, as he dumped his girlfriend and decided to hang out with THE BOYS instead...

Synopsis from Tsubasa Imai Website:

Seiran Gakuen is an exclusive private boy's high school. It is the start of the summer break. Yoshikuni (Tsubasa Imai) has decided to spend this year's summer at the school's Shoraikan dormitory, as have Mitsuhiro (Ken Miyake), Kanji (Shingo Murakami) and Iwatsuki (Satoshi Tanaka). All four boys have their own reasons for not going home for the holidays. Yoshikuni's girlfriend is Hiroko (Maiko Yamada), but his own reasons, he tells her he doesn't want to see her for a while. Hiroko isn't satisfied with this but Yoshikuni avoids her.

End of Synopsis.

Bet the showers at the Shoraikan Dormitory willed be filled to the max!!!

January 21st, 2006, 23:19
letmeboreyou snidely bitches about Sunny missing important hot news and of course, the news is all bullshit, hearsay, gossip and the stuff lmtu lives for..But to give Sunny a feminine title and then accuse him of missing the boat are just tacky even for you .. how about a whoops, I made a mistake and sorry Sunny for slandering you for your efforts to keep us informed on Pattayagay..

Brad the Impala
January 22nd, 2006, 00:05
So this thread was started as LMTU's HOT NEWS THAT THE OTHERS WON't TELL YOU.

The hot news was that two bars in Sunnee Plaza had been sold. Now there's a rare occurrence! And it wasn't even true. LMTU is to hot news what Bad Boy Billy was to safe sex.

By the way LMTU, in case you hadn't noticed, you seem to have become almost as obsessed with Smiles as you were with the bogtroller.

January 22nd, 2006, 00:24
High school? Wasn't Silom bending over backwards to convince us that his little Japanese object of lust was an adult?

Brad the Impala
January 22nd, 2006, 00:29
Name Imai Tsubasa
JPop Group tackeyandtsubasa
Age 25
Birthday 17 October 1981
Star Sign Libra
Blood Type A
Weight 172 cm

Source: www.jdorama.com/artiste.315.htm (http://www.jdorama.com/artiste.315.htm)

Satisfied BG? I reckon 24 years old qualifies as an adult.

January 22nd, 2006, 00:34
How many times did he flunk 12th grade then? Like five?

January 22nd, 2006, 00:43
Aha! A Libra! I knew it! :albino:

January 22nd, 2006, 00:50
That K-pop star Rain is cute though...is he old enough to lust after?

Brad the Impala
January 22nd, 2006, 00:53
How many times did he flunk 12th grade then? Like five?

You may notice that Dodger's post referred to the comments as a synopsis. If you read it, it sounds like the synopsis for a porn film that ends up with multiple sex in the dormitory. Or is that just wishful thinking. Does Jeff Stryker make a guest appearance? I prefer not.

January 22nd, 2006, 00:56
I think it illustrates the point that part of his attraction (to some) is that he looks like he's 15, regardless of his real age. It's legal pedo-fantasy.

Brad the Impala
January 22nd, 2006, 00:59
That K-pop star Rain is cute though...is he old enough to lust after?

Yes, he is 23 and stunning. Has every one else lost the will to google!

www.kpopmusic.co.uk/Bi_Rain.htm (http://www.kpopmusic.co.uk/Bi_Rain.htm)

January 22nd, 2006, 01:00
And he's talented, too...which is pretty rare for boy idols.

January 22nd, 2006, 01:01
Wow! And he's known to be BI, too!

January 22nd, 2006, 01:06
Sorry, known AS Bi, too.

Here's the image he's sporting these days (ow!):


January 22nd, 2006, 04:04
Last edited by let me tell u on 22 Jan 2006 04:44; edited 12 times in total

when a post has been edited this many times , you have to wonder if the whole drift has been altered.

makes the replies look silly or off topic., and the author the only one accurate.

January 22nd, 2006, 04:14
I think the photo of Tsubasu Imai in Silom's former avatar is a bit dated. This is a more recent likeness:


I wouldn't card him.

you have to wonder if the whole drift has been altered.

Um, oh, yeah. I guess LMTU had some news to tell us about? :dontknow:

January 22nd, 2006, 06:50
...Gee Boygeenyus

...do you think?

January 22nd, 2006, 06:51
This thread has lost it.

January 22nd, 2006, 07:23
Last edited by let me tell u on 22 Jan 2006 04:44; edited 12 times in total
Doesn't surprise me ... it's what professional touts do.

About 'touts': (From the same online dictionary where were found definitions regarding 'pornography' which left Homintern quite at a loss for words):


~ (Chiefly British). One who obtains information on racehorses and their prospects and sells it to bettors.
~ One who solicits customers brazenly or persistently: тАЬThe administration of the nation's literary affairs falls naturally into the hands of touts and thievesтАЭ (Lewis H. Lapham)
~ To solicit customers, votes, or patronage, especially in a brazen way.
~ (Chiefly Scots and Irish Slang). One who informs against others; an informer.

Cheers ...

January 30th, 2006, 12:51
hasn't it been DECADES since boys were "entering" puberty @ 14?
think it happens years earlier now...

January 30th, 2006, 13:45
Considering I get my Information from the owners telling me, not Bar Room gossip, so you then know is all fresh and genuine. Like me I suppose.

Well, I will say that you are always fresh and genuine! Like a bed of roses, you seem to often come out smelling like roses. :)

January 30th, 2006, 15:37
hasn't it been DECADES since boys were "entering" puberty @ 14?
think it happens years earlier now...

Yes. When I was nine I used to have wet dreams where I was walking through the woods--AKA: The Boy Bushes--at night and met a handsome man, who carried me off, in his strong arms and...and...and.... Yes he did, honey!

When I was ten I sneaked out one night :glasses11:
and went to those woods--
And there he was for real!
And he picked me up in his strong arms and carried me into a deeper part of the woods....
And dropped me in a bed of poison oak!...saying, "Go home, ya' dumb little shit, you're f***in' up the damn cruisin'!"

January 31st, 2006, 07:16
KBOYS was so hot only up to 12 months ago - that is before it was sold and redecorated with the leftover props from Austin Powers. Those fur covered dancing platforms have surely seen better days. Indeed they need a good clean, as the gogo boys sneakers really mess em' up.

This place one had the real cutest guys but after the shutdown and reopen - it was just not the same, Hon.

The same can also be said for the old Holiday?/Sawatdee bar, many many cuties. The best bar was (and still is in some ways) EUROBOYS.

This bar was at its peak about a year and a half ago, chock full to the brim with many cuties. Unfortunately, dears, they have recruited many boys from other bars which have closed down periodically (eg:KAOS) or closed for good.

Many of these 'has beens' have indeed seen it all before, and do nothing to reinvigorate the place. It is, Darling, not nearly as bad as BOYZBOYZBOYZ, which is, Hon, the place for washed up old gogo guys.

No matter how skimpy the attire, I just cannot get excited by an over the hill gogo boy. Still, the place is packed, and I imagine much of the trade comes from newbie farangs, sexually frustrated trashy european wimmin.

January 31st, 2006, 12:05
I was in Pattaya a couple of months ago. I wandered over to Sunee to what what all the fuss was. It felt dark and unsafe. A perfect place for rats, lovers of sexually illegal things and other vermin to congregate. I stopped to buy some fruit in front of a swimming pool deck type place and watched across the soi ( I was standing near some wooden steps leading up to the pool deck ) 2 foreigners sitting out in front of a bar ( forget the name ) but they had 4 or 5 young boys ( my guess is the boys were between the ages of 10 and 15 ) sitting with them. A couple of new boys would arrive on motor bikes then a few others would leave. They all looked like they were from the neighborhood. At one point I saw one of the foreign men with his hand on one of the boys laps. and as another passed in front of him he patted the youngsters ass.

Sunee Plaza is a truely scary place.


January 31st, 2006, 18:07
I am staying in Sunee this trip for the same reason I stayed the last time...just getting tired of Boys Town. The hotel I am staying at is about half the price and just as nice. The boys that hang around there are not babies.

As far as the darkness goes...yes, it is somewhat leery at times, but I spend most of my time at Jomptein, my favorite bar, Bamboo Boys and during the evening in the hotel bar area for a few drinks.

So please do not think that every person who stays in Sunee is a child lover.

February 1st, 2006, 03:06
...in front of a swimming pool deck type place and watched across the soi ( I was standing near some wooden steps leading up to the pool deck ) 2 foreigners sitting out in front of a bar ...my guess is the boys were between the ages of 10 and 15...

Ajarntrade, that sounds as though you were looking into Memories...

I'm not sure where you misplaced yours specs... but they sure as hell don't have any boys like that working there!

Perhaps the steroids that you breathe in from hanging around all those muscle boys has affected your perception ;-)

February 1st, 2006, 03:21
aaaaaaaah wait a minute,try the bar on the left of Memories,Red............ something or other.No way Memories has anything illegal.They have 2 old blokes sitting out the front that smile at you as you walk past..Memories is a great place for pork sandwiches .The bar that your talking about is on the left side.I didnt know it was still there.

February 1st, 2006, 07:29
The bar you refer to is LION BAR , Part of DIAMOND PUB,Ex BLUE STAR GROPE< Ex AMEGO'S, Ex LEO'S PALICE Does that bring back memories.

February 1st, 2006, 07:48
Now since someone mentioned MEMORIES I keep thinking of their pork sangers.Actually I think Im banned from MEMORIES,apparently the white shoe brigrade complained about me .
It must be over 12 months since I went there,just thinking of their pork sandwiches makes me hungry.
Mind you i suppose most of us here are banned from a few places.
Im banned from 3 places in Pattaya,and it was all my ex BF s fault for arguing with me when i was pissed.

February 1st, 2006, 11:04
I do remember the bar named "memories". The place I was looking at was just to the left of that bar as you are standing across the soi with your back to the swimming pool area.

Places like that should be shut down because they are complicit in the abuse of kids.


February 1st, 2006, 12:09
I don't like to rain on people's parades, but I would be very very careful hanging around that area that is discussed above.

I was there about 4 months ago and felt the whole place is a SET-UP waiting to happen. If you are inside Memories you are ok. But just outside and around that pool place reminds me of JAWS....Just when you think it is safe, these straight looking older Thai guys with black shoes are lurking in the shadows.

Have fun of course.....Just be aware.

February 1st, 2006, 15:19
Last edited by let me tell u on 22 Jan 2006 04:44; edited 12 times in total
Doesn't surprise me ... it's what professional touts do.

Aw, give him a break; he was only making spelling corrections. :dontknow: :rolling:

PS: Which is the "Desperate Housewives Street?" And why is it called that? Who lives there?

February 1st, 2006, 17:29
I have seen others remark on your challenged persona, but I see it here for myself.

I said Memories was OK and meant that I felt safe visiting there, and yes the food is decent.

Not sure what "INTERESTS" you have in this area, but I have none, except for having a nice and safe time while visiting Thailand. I assume this board is for sharing information with others with similar interests.

If that is not the main objective of this board then please forgive me for sharing my experiences in Sunee.