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View Full Version : That thread...

August 19th, 2006, 03:34
Except for a brief look yesterday I've not been monitoring my post of a few days ago and there wouldn't be any point anyway as there would be little to see as I've put so many people on my "Banned" list.

Obviously the whole point of the post was misconstrued.

For the record I was careful not to give enough information to identify the guy concerned as I DID NOT say where he was working recently. I merely gave some of his history "3 or 4 years ago".

I do know his name and the the name of the clinic he attended and the date of his next appointment. I have also spoken to him on the phone.

I have no intention of risking the sort of emotional upset that some of the poisonous and ignorant posts can cause so I will not be monitoring this thread either or any others in future.

August 19th, 2006, 12:41
I have no intention of risking the sort of emotional upset that some of the poisonous and ignorant posts can cause so I will not be monitoring this thread either or any others in future.

Another old Queen who has chucked his toys out of the pram.

Why post on a public board if you are unable to accept crtiticms.?

Of course there won't be any response to this post as Jon is no longer 'monitoring'
( an illusion of an FBI agent sitting in front of his crystal set) the threads. :cheers:

August 19th, 2006, 20:38
yes just like nouty by nice, you too can go down in histery as one of this webs wackos. and king lmtu can give you sum suport. lets just all bitch and complaan at each other is so much fun, rite?
