View Full Version : Getting arrested in Thailand

November 15th, 2021, 02:58
Thanks....I don't wish to be without a mobile while I'm in prison.

What are you talking about? They have a payphone in the gym that you're allowed to use the one time a week they let you out of the cell for exercise.

You can make collect calls from there, and they'll contact your embassy for you, so what more do you need?

I'm still pissed off about that. Throwing a blind guy in a cell in Bangkok with 100 other people. What a dick move. I remember many of the other inmates were completely dumbfounded they actually put me in there. I remember they didn't even tell me where I was going when they moved me from the initial holding cell to the main cell. They just said "we're taking you to a better room", shoved me in and closed the room. I'm blind, so I'm absolutely terrified, because I have no idea what's going on. Assholes.

If you're going to get arrested in Thailand, makes sure it's in Issan. The cops in Nong Khai were awesome and really good folks. The cops in Bangkok were assholes and can fuck off.

November 15th, 2021, 04:19
Don’t do the crime if you can’t take the time....

November 15th, 2021, 04:52
Don’t do the crime if you can’t take the time....

I did do the time. Doesn't change the fact that they were assholes who threw a blind guy into a locked room with another 100 people without telling him where they were sticking him.

I'm not alone in that. Many of the other inmates thought that was a dick move on part of the police.

November 15th, 2021, 05:00
I definitely think the life that Matt has written about here is worth a two part mini series. I'm not sure what genre it should be.

A Carry On style comedy with lines like 'Ooohhh; those lychees look juicy.' ...cue camera zooming on naked Matt with his privates hidden by fruit.
A thriller with a slow burn towards Matt's capture and incarceration. Unbearable tension as a police motorbike glides slowly past Matt looking at him suspiciously.

November 15th, 2021, 05:40
I definitely think the life that Matt has written about here is worth a two part mini series. I'm not sure what genre it should be.


I’d go along with that two part series Arsenal, but my take would be

A fairy tale along the lines of a certain Mr Walter Mitty, for the first part
A Mystery set along the lines of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde for the closing part.

November 15th, 2021, 06:15
PS. Arsenal, I think you're an Aussie, right? Here you go:


I have an Aussie client baed in China who won't shut up about China starting WWIII. Apparently, in his mind the invasion of Tiawan is going to start any day now.

I keep trying to tell him it's nothing more than propoganda and nobody is starting WWIIII but he doesn't want to listen.

November 15th, 2021, 06:48
What!!! No. I'm of fine English stock. I went to Australia once.Terrible place. Man eating sharks in the sea and some of the rivers, 6 meter long crocodiles in the lakes and rivers, venomous snakes everywhere and murderous spiders hiding in your shoes and a bird that can disembowel you with it's foot.. Lucky to get out alive.

November 15th, 2021, 07:18
Well, according to my client who lives in China, they're about to invade Taiwan and Australia at any moment now.

I keep trying to caml him down, but he's not having it. I keep telling him, nobody is picking a fight with the US -- he just doesn't want to belive me though.

November 15th, 2021, 08:31
China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea verses America, the UK, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea and an initially semi involved France.

November 15th, 2021, 08:56
China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea verses America, the UK, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea and an initially semi involved France.

Exactly. I keep trying to convince my friend that if that war ever breaks out, it'll last a week, and I can't possibly believe the leadership in Beijinh is stupid enough to pull the trigger.

You're in China, right? Is there anything you're seeing on your end that I'm not seeing? This is a 38 year old wealthy businessman, so why is he flipping out like this? Is there something that's showing up in your end of the world that I don't see?

November 15th, 2021, 09:37
Many things perhaps.

November 15th, 2021, 09:56
When I ask him he just says "the propoganda is ramping up", and that's all I get out of him.

I have a very difficult time believing the Chinese military leadership is stupid enough to pull the trigger and invade Taiwan. I know they want to, but I can't see them actually doing it.

Is there something I'm missing here? All looks calm on my radar, but my friend is spooked for some reason.

November 15th, 2021, 10:13
I definitely think the life that Matt has written about here is worth a two part mini series.
Oh Gawd! Haven't we heard enough already? Seems like we must be up to Series 8 by now!

November 15th, 2021, 10:14
Someone's fishin but they ain't bitin however much bait you chuck in the water.

November 15th, 2021, 10:15
Exactly. I keep trying to convince my friend that if that war ever breaks out, it'll last a week, and I can't possibly believe the leadership in Beijinh is stupid enough to pull the trigger.

You're in China, right? Is there anything you're seeing on your end that I'm not seeing? This is a 38 year old wealthy businessman, so why is he flipping out like this? Is there something that's showing up in your end of the world that I don't see?
What, may I ask, has this to do with getting arrested in Thailand?

November 15th, 2021, 11:00
What, may I ask, has this to do with getting arrested in Thailand?

That's probably the same question the judge asked him during his trial.

November 15th, 2021, 11:31
PS. Arsenal, I think you're an Aussie, right? Here you go:


I have an Aussie client baed in China who won't shut up about China starting WWIII. Apparently, in his mind the invasion of Tiawan is going to start any day now.

I keep trying to tell him it's nothing more than propoganda and nobody is starting WWIIII but he doesn't want to listen.Remind him that as a result of the One Child Policy Chinese soldiers are a bunch of Mummy's Boys whose parents won't support a government that robs them of their one and only child

November 15th, 2021, 12:39
Man eating sharks in the sea and some of the rivers, 6 meter long crocodiles in the lakes and rivers, venomous snakes everywhere and murderous spiders hiding in your shoes and a bird that can disembowel you with it's foot.. Lucky to get out alive.

We like to live dangerously!

Not knowing if you will live to see tomorrow is quite stimulating and adds excitement to our sometimes dull lives.

On a serious note, I live across the road from the beach and wouldn't dream of going for a swim. Shark attacks are a regular occurrence not far from where I live.

As for getting arrested in Thailand, there's a tv show here about how our embassy in Bangkok tries to help Australians who get into trouble in Thailand and end up in prison. The scary thing is how easy it is to find yourself in trouble. Although far from paranoid, I am very careful about what I do.

For example I'm aware that bars have CCTV so any "fun activities" with the guys are always carried out behind cushions (like in Eros) or we sit in a dark corner. At Golden Cock the door was always locked. And if there were any policemen enjoying a coffee in the lobby of the Tarntawan Hotel, we always waited until they left before going upstairs.

Better to be safe than sorry.

November 15th, 2021, 13:54
Someone's fishin but they ain't bitin however much bait you chuck in the water.

Fish eventually learn to ignore troll bait.

November 16th, 2021, 21:44
Man eating sharks in the sea...
When I first read this, I was not sure who eats whom. If you put man in plural, you get "men eating sharks in the sea", which completely changes the meaning. The standard form is man-eating, which avoids confusion of who eats whom.

November 17th, 2021, 07:13
The standard form is man-eating, which avoids confusion of who eats whom.

When you're in the water with the shark, there's no confusion I can assure you!

November 17th, 2021, 07:20
I'm sorry you found it confusing.

September 19th, 2022, 10:09
I've never been arrested in Thailand. But when a Cambodian man with me was arrested for overstay at a late night drugs stop I voluntarily went with him to the police station. There the police tested my urine for drugs so it was a good thing it was negative. The lad's overstay cost me 3000bt, negotiated down from 5000bt. No immigration prison for him that time.