View Full Version : No Chinese for a While.

November 4th, 2021, 15:06
I guess we won't be seeing too many (or any) tour buses loaded with Chinese for a while.

Not that I have anything against the Chinese, it's just those monster tour buses they travel in, that do nothing but create traffic jams, block the view of the ocean, and pollute the environment with those huge black plumes of black smoke.

Boyztown, who started catering to the Chinese breeders several years ago, won't benefit from this at all. If they do manage to survive, they may want to rethink their marketing strategy going forward.


November 4th, 2021, 15:15
I think and hope when the Covid cloud dissipates the Chinese will have found new destinations.

November 4th, 2021, 16:27
Given the choice of a bustling thriving Boyztown full of Chinese or tumbleweed blowing down the soi I'd choose the Chinese option.

However it's likely to be in the second half of this decade when things are being close to back to normal Chinawise.

Maybe if they spend enough time in Asia or Europe they'll actually learn how to cook decent Sweet and Sour pork and Peking Duck. Cos they can't fucking do it here. You think I'm joking? I ain't. The Kung Po Chicken is good though.

November 4th, 2021, 17:54
My hotel in Beijing was opposite one of the Da Dong Beijing duck restaurants and I ate there every night. It was some of the best food I've ever eaten. I was planning to go back before Covid struck, just to have duck for dinner every night again.

Lunch, however, while I was wandering around the city was inedible, as was just about all the food I tried in Shanghai.

Overall, the best Chinese food Imho seems to be in restaurants outside of China.

Brad the Impala
November 4th, 2021, 22:10
Overall, the best Chinese food Imho seems to be in restaurants outside of China.

That seems to be the way of it. Just read an article by a restaurant critic stating that in his experience the best French, Italian and Spanish food restaurants are all in London.

November 4th, 2021, 22:16
That seems to be the way of it. Just read an article by a restaurant critic stating that in his experience the best French, Italian and Spanish food restaurants are all in London.

Same for Thai food best was in a Thai enclave in a suburb of Wash. D.C.

November 4th, 2021, 22:17
Same here. Only been to China once for a few hours across the border from Hong Kong.

Shenzhen, the food was appalling.

November 4th, 2021, 23:09
Boyztown, who started catering to the Chinese breeders several years ago, won't benefit from this at all. If they do manage to survive, they may want to rethink their marketing strategy going forward.

I remember when all of a sudden they started quoting ST and LT prices in Toyboy. Did that coincide with them catering to the Chinese?

November 4th, 2021, 23:09
Same here. Only been to China once for a few hours across the border from Hong Kong.

Shenzhen, the food was appalling.

But how were the boys, though?

November 5th, 2021, 01:14
Same here. Only been to China once for a few hours across the border from Hong Kong.

Shenzhen, the food was appalling.

But how were the boys, though?

They wouldn’t eat the food either!!

November 5th, 2021, 06:48
"I remember when all of a sudden they started quoting ST and LT prices in Toyboy. Did that coincide with them catering to the Chinese?"

No. That was more for the Indians who 'thought' the off fee was all they had to pay. Scandic massage started charging everything up front for the same reason.

November 5th, 2021, 08:26
"Same for Thai food best was in a Thai enclave in a suburb of Wash. D.C"

Impossible. Proper Thai food should be served with hot tropical weather, a glorious motorbike ride, coffee overlooking the night sky reflecting glistening crystal blue waters of the Gulf of Siam and a dessert of a hot lithe willing Thai boy. You get that in D.C???

November 5th, 2021, 08:50
We have some great Chinese restaurants in Chicago. I loved the chop suey, low mien dishes, and my all-time favorite - giant egg rolls with sweet & sour sauce and hot mustard...yum yum!.

In 6 business trips to China I never once saw any of these dishes. I had shark fin soup once, which the company who was hosting my visit highly recommended, and it had no flavor at all, and the entree tasted like shit. They can give their legendary monkey brains, pickled pig livers, and roasted bat wings garnished with corona virus to someone else.

November 5th, 2021, 09:38
As a nation the Chinese are too manic, simply too impatient to do great food.

Peking Duck recipe.

Pancakes. Bought.
Hoi Sin Sauce. Bought.
Cucumber and Spring Onion. Shredded.
Duck. Slowly roasted for two hours, longer if necessary.

Not hard is it?

November 5th, 2021, 09:51
We have some great Chinese restaurants in Chicago. I loved the chop suey, low mien dishes, and my all-time favorite - giant egg rolls with sweet & sour sauce and hot mustard...yum yum!.

In 6 business trips to China I never once saw any of these dishes. I had shark fin soup once, which the company who was hosting my visit highly recommended, and it had no flavor at all, and the entree tasted like shit. They can give their legendary monkey brains, pickled pig livers, and roasted bat wings garnished with corona virus to someone else.

I wonder if it depends what you were bought up on?

There are thousands of Indian Restaurants in the UK and the food is awesome. It’s made for our taste buds.

I bet if we went to India expecting the same we would say it’s sh1t too!

Same as eating in China?!

November 5th, 2021, 10:07
I wonder if it depends what you were bought up on?

There are thousands of Indian Restaurants in the UK and the food is awesome. It’s made for our taste buds.

I bet if we went to India expecting the same we would say it’s sh1t too!

Same as eating in China?!

It's worse.

One trip to Delhi was enough for me. A breeding ground for bacteria...filthy water...so hot you can fry an egg on the sidewalk...the mosquitos are the size of Blue Jays, and the people smell like shit because of the food they eat. No wonder they all move to England.

I ate all my meals in a hotel restaurant and couldn't leave soon enough.

November 5th, 2021, 10:56
With some of the messages in this thread, I'm surprised some of you haven't decided to go all out and just started calling them "deleted".

November 6th, 2021, 13:05
With some of the messages in this thread, I'm surprised some of you haven't decided to go all out and just started calling them "deleted".

If you really wanna be PC, you can't use "them" either.

November 6th, 2021, 15:31
Not that I have anything against the Chinese, it's just those monster tour buses they travel in, that do nothing but create traffic jams, block the view of the ocean, and pollute the environment with those huge black plumes of black smoke.


So you are talking about and blame Thai buses with Thai drivers, from Thai bus companies under Thai management, buses what has been served in Thai services for buses and still have "huge black plums" and Thai road police allows them to use Thai roads under Thai laws and Thai regulations and create traffic jams?

November 6th, 2021, 16:26
If you really wanna be PC, you can't use "them" either.

Now you're making things really complicated! Lol

Captain Swing
November 6th, 2021, 17:39
We have some great Chinese restaurants in Chicago. I loved the chop suey, low mien dishes, and my all-time favorite - giant egg rolls with sweet & sour sauce and hot mustard...yum yum!.

In 6 business trips to China I never once saw any of these dishes. I had shark fin soup once, which the company who was hosting my visit highly recommended, and it had no flavor at all, and the entree tasted like shit. They can give their legendary monkey brains, pickled pig livers, and roasted bat wings garnished with corona virus to someone else.

I went to France once and the food was disgusting. When I want French food I expect what I can find here in the US: French fries, French toast, French's mustard, French dressing, Franco-American spaghetti. They can keep their snails and frog legs--I want real French food.

November 6th, 2021, 18:23
In the USA don't they call French fries as freedom fries?

November 6th, 2021, 18:38
In the USA don't they call French fries as freedom fries?


November 6th, 2021, 18:56

Back in 2003, a change was made in the House of Representatives’ cafeteria, which involved swapping out the word “french” in french fries and replacing it with “Freedom.”

The new name “Freedom Fries” was actually penned in a North Carolina diner, and the reasoning behind the renaming was all due to France’s decision not to support the Iraq war.

Although the situation occurred back in 2003, the renaming still remains a topic of conversation today, with many people wondering how the term “Freedom Fries” came to be.

Ella Kipling

November 7th, 2021, 06:30
In the USA don't they call French fries as freedom fries?

I haven't been in the USA since 2013, but at least then everywhere I went nobody was calling them French Fries or Freedom Fries. They were just calling them Fries.

November 7th, 2021, 10:29
In the Northeastern States, the term used is French Fries.

November 7th, 2021, 10:37
In Miami it's "papas fritas"

November 7th, 2021, 10:40
In the Northeastern States, the term used is French Fries.

Yes, and the New Englanders also refer to Hot Dogs as "Weenies".

If you walked up to a Hot Dog stand in Chicago and asked for a Hot Weenie, they'd either just stand there and look at you strange, or squirt mustard in your face

November 7th, 2021, 14:11
"So you are talking about and blame Thai buses with Thai drivers, from Thai bus companies under Thai management, buses what has been served in Thai services for buses and still have "huge black plums" and Thai road police allows them to use Thai roads under Thai laws and Thai regulations and create traffic jams?"

Obvious trolling. I suggest one of those warning thingies that were so popular in a previous era. The mass Chinese tourist market destroyed large parts of Asian loveliness and set China back fifty years in terms of goodwill, reputation and standing.

November 7th, 2021, 14:26
The problem may be due to the fact that many (most?) are visiting a foreign country for the first time and some struggle to come to terms with the mores of a different culture. In the UK back in the fifties and sixties my parents' generation used to say the same of some of our US visitors. Things change when travel is no longer so unusual. And being in large groups is a major issue.

But I shall never forgive the Chinese tour guide with a stentorian voice who managed to destroy the serenity of our favourite Chiang Mai temple, Wat Chedi Luang. We'd left early to miss the crowds and celebrate (quietly) P's birthday. That coach party screwed us. Thais tend to be more amused than annoyed by this behaviour. But not on this occasion.

November 7th, 2021, 15:55
"So you are talking about and blame Thai buses with Thai drivers, from Thai bus companies under Thai management, buses what has been served in Thai services for buses and still have "huge black plums" and Thai road police allows them to use Thai roads under Thai laws and Thai regulations and create traffic jams?"

Obvious trolling. I suggest one of those warning thingies that were so popular in a previous era. The mass Chinese tourist market destroyed large parts of Asian loveliness and set China back fifty years in terms of goodwill, reputation and standing.

In Sankt-Petersburg here we have also hordes of Chinese groups, but we have no "huge black plums" from buses, no traffic jams, no problems to see "view". So OP post isn't about Chinese, it is about poor Thai logistic, poor Thai bus service, poor Thai traffic management.

Now tell me: what part of these competentions is laying on China?

There is no one word about littering or behavior - there is blaming of buses. Are these buses under control of China?

November 7th, 2021, 19:00
So you are talking about and blame Thai buses with Thai drivers, from Thai bus companies under Thai management, buses what has been served in Thai services for buses and still have "huge black plums" and Thai road police allows them to use Thai roads under Thai laws and Thai regulations and create traffic jams?

Seeing as most of the large businesses in Thailand are either owned by the Chinese, or joint ventures between the Chinese and the Thai elite, they both share equal responsibility for the poor maintenance of those monster buses the way I see it.

This is a systemic problem with the Thais...no doubt about it. Their concept of preventive maintenance is..."oops, it's broken...gotta fix it again". So I understand your point. But these huge tour packages that bring the Chinese to Thailand involve deals between the Thais and the Chinese - right down to what bus company's they charter with. Not to mention the fact that most of the buses operating in Thailand are imported from China.

Personally, I don't care who's fault it is, as long as those black smoke belching monsters don't fuck up the air I'm breathing.

November 7th, 2021, 19:31
When the Chinese start exporting their electric buses at competitive prices hopefully there will be one less complaint about them black belching smoke. In a couple of years I envision regular members of this forum riding around on Chinese Electric motorbikes while on holiday in Thailand.

November 7th, 2021, 20:31
======= Not to mention the fact that most of the buses operating in Thailand are imported from China.
By whom?

I am quite frequently visitor of Shenzhen in China (before corona). There are no any fueled buses, taxi or motobikes in city - they are simply forbidden: only electric cars of such classes are allowed within city borders.

You can blame some Chinese tourists for bad behavior, but for sure - problem of pollution lays of Thai shoulders.

November 8th, 2021, 00:56
for sure - problem of pollution lays of Thai shoulders.

That is quite true. Thailand has laws about vehicle pollution. I have neither seen nor heard of that law ever being enforced. The police seem to just ignore it,

November 8th, 2021, 07:54
When the Chinese start exporting their electric buses at competitive prices hopefully there will be one less complaint about them black belching smoke. In a couple of years I envision regular members of this forum riding around on Chinese Electric motorbikes while on holiday in Thailand.

Electric maybe...but "Made in China"...not in this lifetime.

November 8th, 2021, 08:14
======= Not to mention the fact that most of the buses operating in Thailand are imported from China.
By whom?

I am quite frequently visitor of Shenzhen in China (before corona). There are no any fueled buses, taxi or motobikes in city - they are simply forbidden: only electric cars of such classes are allowed within city borders.

You can blame some Chinese tourists for bad behavior, but for sure - problem of pollution lays of Thai shoulders.

Most buses operating in Thailand are "Made-in-China" (see link below) The Chinese are smart enough not to drive these smoke belching beasts on their own streets (as you observed during your visits to Shenzhen).

I'll concede, that the Thais are the ones to be blamed for the pollution caused by these buses. They buy them...they operate them...they facilitate these huge Chinese tour groups....and they're the ones who have failed to do anything about it.

I guess this is one good thing that resulted from this pandemic. With no more Chinese tours (at least in the foreseeable future) the environment has a little time to recuperate and we can all breath a little easier. Believe me, the air quality in Pattaya is ten times better now than it was when this pandemic first started.
