View Full Version : How do you explain Thanksgiving to someone in SE Asia?

October 11th, 2021, 10:57
I fired off some WhatsApp messages wishing my loved ones over in Asia a happy Thanksgiving. Sure enough, I got messages back from them asking what the hell is Thanksgiving?

I honestly don't even know how to answer that. Do I just say this is the day we decided to stop killing all the Indians, so we made a holiday about it? That sounds stupid, but it's basically true.

October 11th, 2021, 11:13
I fired off some WhatsApp messages wishing my loved ones over in Asia a happy Thanksgiving.
Why would anyone want to wish anyone else a Happy Thanksgiving more than 6 weeks in advance of the event?

October 11th, 2021, 11:16
I'm just glad that the description 'indigenous people' has been replaced by 'first nation's'. This recognises that just because your ancestors got there first 1000s of years ago it doesn't give you automatic ownership of such a precious and finite resource as vast swathes of land.

October 11th, 2021, 11:17
Why would anyone want to wish anyone else a Happy Thanksgiving more than 6 weeks in advance of the event?

Because I'm Canadian.

Google it, Thanksgiving in Canada is today. I know you Americans like to do Thanksgiving just a few weeks before Christmas, but that's on you.

October 11th, 2021, 21:19
I'm just glad that the description 'indigenous people' has been replaced by 'first nation's'. This recognises that just because your ancestors got there first 1000s of years ago it doesn't give you automatic ownership of such a precious and finite resource as vast swathes of land.

Not sure what's happening in your part of the world, but in Canada at least every politician still uses the term "indiginous". Google a speech from any Canadian politician or public health official, and at the beginning you will hear them thank the indiginous people and their land.

Don't worry, the indiginous here are fine. I think Trudeau has given them around $14 billion over the past would years. When they need more money, they'll just go sit on the railroad tracks for a few weeks while they drink whiskey again, and Trudeau will give them another half billion or so.

It's just how it works in Canada.

October 13th, 2021, 01:27
...well u did steal their land...killed theor men...and raped their women....didnt you???? Before u lot came along they were living peacefully....in harmony with nature and one another...held hands in a huge circle and sang kumbaya type songs...then u lot shoved alcohol...big macs and guns down their throats..

October 13th, 2021, 02:24
Why do you want to wish Happy Thanksgiving to someone in a different culture? Do people wish you Eid Mubarak or Shuba Dashain too.

October 13th, 2021, 04:44
...well u did steal their land...killed theor men...and raped their women....didnt you???? Before u lot came along they were living peacefully....in harmony with nature and one another...held hands in a huge circle and sang kumbaya type songs...then u lot shoved alcohol...big macs and guns down their throats..

I didn't do anything. I just ended up being born because my parents had a few too many beer one night during a Grey Cup football party.

Nonetheless, you forgot smallpox on your list. That was a "gift" from the white man that I'm sure the indians didn't want.

October 13th, 2021, 04:46
Why do you want to wish Happy Thanksgiving to someone in a different culture? Do people wish you Eid Mubarak or Shuba Dashain too.

For the same reason they wish me a happy Songkran.

October 13th, 2021, 08:29
...well u did steal their land...killed theor men...and raped their women....didnt you???? Before u lot came along they were living peacefully....in harmony with nature and one another...held hands in a huge circle and sang kumbaya type songs...then u lot shoved alcohol...big macs and guns down their throats..

Latin, you're such a sensitive darling...I am proud of you.

October 13th, 2021, 13:01
Back to the subject, a bit serious. So I=myself thought it as like giving thanks for the harvest-and due to the northern climate in Canuckyland thats earlier as in the deep south of their borderr. Just like here in EUR its earlier in Sweden/Norway as it is in the middle: Germany etc where its still earlier as in the mediterranee south.
Giving praise/thanks for a plentiful harvest of whatever grows locally is deeply ingrained in about any agri-culture and sure the Thai know how to. Of course always with choosing a ḿiss (whatever grows there, watermelon or cucumber....) and parading her (or a she/he sometimes) through the baan=village.
Every now and then in these modern times someone steps up and proclaims it can be a him, beautiful of course, its Thai after all, but this did not really catch on. The tipical katoey then always run mad about these unique chance to win a contest yet again.

October 13th, 2021, 23:36
pong, are you writing about Thanksgiving or some other topic?

October 15th, 2021, 01:32
Cheese curds and gravy day eh?

October 15th, 2021, 03:36
Cheese curds and gravy day eh?

Hey, leave our poutine alone.

You're just jealous because we put salt in the water of our boiled potatoes.

Captain Swing
October 15th, 2021, 11:55
pong, are you writing about Thanksgiving or some other topic?

Of course he's talking about Thanksgiving. It's perfectly obvious and coherent--after reading it slowly and carefully 3 or 4 times,translating each sentence individually in your mind into standard syntax.

October 15th, 2021, 11:58
Hey, leave our poutine alone.

I do enjoy poutine from my days in Montreal; yummy!