View Full Version : The man on the Clapham Omnibus.

October 3rd, 2021, 18:49
This is fantastic. Now every criminal caught red handed is going to go hurtling off towards the bus stop because BJ has said it's ok. Baby, bathwater etc.


October 12th, 2021, 08:29
them bleedin fat trannies as been at it again moanin to netflix cos dave chappell took the piss out of em an he also said they wasn't fat women but just fat blokes dressed as women and the lagb fat lezzers and mincey faggot heebeegeebies has joined with the trannies cos they said he made rude jokes about em and they tellin netflix that not to show his tv show cos what he said was offensive to fat trannies and then dave walliams book was changed cos it was offensive to chinese teenage boys in glasses and this on top of the decision that their characters in huge latex was offensive to i don't know but someone apparently so now there is no laughin cos someone won't like it

Nirish guy
October 15th, 2021, 23:13
If you missed it during the week you'll also be pleased ( disgusted / delete accordingly) to hear that DC Comics have announced that Superman is now to be offically "Bi" going forward from here !

Im pleased to see that even a lot of the gay press replied with a variety of OH FUCK OFF type articles stating that DC Comics were simply jumping on the current "coll to be a bit gay" bandwagon. Still it could have been worse, they could have annouced that he was actually just a big butch Lesbian all along I guess so at least they haven't gone THAT far - YET !


October 16th, 2021, 06:03
yea it is it's bandwaggin an it just seems that wot win the takin the knee and the anti vaxers an the even more weird insulate britain people an afghan turnin into hell on earth an the volcanos mega floods storms wild fires raging and the disease and police shootin black people an china stoppin pretendin they won't invade taiwan and inchin towards war with america which will bring in uk france russia japan australia india pakistan and the whole place goin to the dogs in a pear shaped shitfest that bein human it's really miserable right now

October 18th, 2021, 21:32
The Spanish prime minister has vowed to end prostitution and 'free' the sex workers in his country. There are an estimated 300,000 prostitutes in Spain who, after his 'liberation' will be 'free' to do what exactly?

October 29th, 2021, 17:17
an the bleedin frenchies is gettin right up my nose and just squarin up for a fight with the english which never goes well for france an elpin the immingants into the boats an givin em maps to the asylum hotels in kent an now theys arested a fishman cod he said scallops an not st jacks or somethin like that anyway theys really got the ump cos austraya dumped their submarines an went to usa and england to get them an a guarantee of muscle if it starts to kick off against the red commies so frenchie national pride is bloodied but if you wuz gonna get inta bed with a bunch to back ya in a rumble you ain't gonna make the land of 4 hour lunch your first choice yous go for them that you'd had a few punch ups alongside before and done alright in an speak the same language an can be relied on so if anything ol macarooney is really pissed off at his own history in matters.

Nirish guy
October 29th, 2021, 22:14
Im delighted to see though that the UK Government Environment Secretary when asked to comment on the French action of seizing two British Trawlers replied with the perfect British response of "two can play at that game" ;)

Not another word was needed to be added to that official statement for the French to hopefully "get the message" I'm sure ! :-)

October 30th, 2021, 00:28
Im delighted to see though that the UK Government Environment Secretary when asked to comment on the French action of seizing two British Trawlers replied with the perfect British response of "two can play at that game" ;)

Not another word was needed to be added to that official statement for the French to hopefully "get the message" I'm sure ! :-)

Maybe we will start to get some value out of those two aircraft carriers ?

Although, what is needed for this is a "Carl Stromberg" style ship, as seen in "The Spy Who Loved Me"

October 30th, 2021, 10:58
An them frenchies is now makin dark mutterins abaat ow they might stop lectricity going to the channel islands which is like russia an china levels of behaviour but what they're forgetting is that jersey an gernsey was occupied by them nazis an so frenchie threats are unlikely to scare them an besides it's probly against their own belovd european comunity laws what they wanted an presdent macarooney is probly still wondring why austraya chose to dump em and get cosy wiv us an the yanks.

October 31st, 2021, 02:15
all so stupid...2 democratic neighbours whi shoukld be working toigether providing a bulkwark against the likes of russia/china...instead we have this...damn politiciuans should be beaten in the streets with golf clubs

October 31st, 2021, 18:13
an that gruesome insatiable media bloodsucker getya tummybuggered has rolled into glasgee giving her opinions on everything to do with the environment and like elected leaders should listen politely an take her like a proper expert that's done the learnin on things like economies impacting an the jobs what's in the energy sections of the world an hows a farmer in some swamp sposed to drain the swamp if his two stroke ain't allowed an she's never ad a job yets gonna tell the world how it's buisness gotta be done and the leaders gotta applaud er cos shes just a kid but anyhow she aint no kid now shes all growed up an all so shes made erself the environs guru with no responsbility so she can sit down wiv proper jurnlists an reporters an they can ask er questions like farmers feedin theys kids and uver kids getting to skool an the zillions of jobs in the world an she can't get away with teary died sobbin but will be held to account for the numbers an she tells what it is she wants for er trouble and all the conskwenses of those things an then shortly after she's add a bit of a few interview kickins with nowhere to ide she's likely going off to do the learnin an the books to understand a bit more stuff and maybe just fuck off for a while.