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View Full Version : Cambodia Barworld Studies: The Life of the Phnom Penh Barboy

September 15th, 2021, 22:15
While searching for general tourism (temples and mountains in my case), I came across this article:

Cambodia Barworld Studies: The Life of the Phnom Penh Barboy June 12, 2006 Author: Mac Hathaway

There is more of general interest on khmer440, accessible by clicking on the author's name or changing year and month in the address.

Here the most interesting (shocking, disgusting) parts of the article:

While male NGOs for years have abstained out of principle (and sometimes religious convictions) from the dens of iniquity that are Phnom Penh’s hostess bars, female NGOs are now venturing into what can only be described as male whore houses in ever growing numbers.
Far from being the ‘romances’ depicted in the feminist literature on female sex tourism, these women are constantly on the prowl for short sexual liaisons, not based on the open exchange of money, but on the giving of gifts, where they can use the boys as sexual objects to gratify their own selfish sexual desires.
These poor young men face a brutal initiation into the barboy business. Being from the provinces, they are used to slim, demure, brown-skinned beauties whose potent sexuality is focussed into graceful hand movements, sensual strides, and coyly fluttering eyelashes. Upon being trafficked to Phnom Penh, they undergo dehumanising training to desensitise them to 200 lb. white heifers in spandex tops, with grossly exaggerated breasts and bottoms, getting drunk and aggressive and chain-smoking Marlboro reds.
To do this, they are often tied to beds, not unlike those in Toul Sleng, and fed a constant diet of fetishistic porn featuring granny plumper incest scenes. They’re often forced to endure revolting smells and tastes in order to prepare them for what they will routinely face as part of their job. They’re given old haddock, warmed to body temperature and smeared with a cat’s post-coital snatch, and forced to lick it for hours on end while moaning, ‘Oh, you?re sexy, baby! I love your round bottom!’

I can't help but think the author is an exaggerating misogynist. What is "a cat’s post-coital snatch"?

September 15th, 2021, 23:14
Excellent Chris.

If you insert man instead of women you have a perfect description of a Pattaya Bar Boy job!

September 15th, 2021, 23:38
What is "a cat’s post-coital snatch"?

Goodness me ChrisitianPFC, I never thought I’d be posting the following words on Sawatdee, but you did ask:

Common Slang Words for Vagina
fud (Scottish term)

Source: liveaboutdotcom (https://www.liveabout.com/common-slang-words-for-vagina-3533814)

September 16th, 2021, 01:09
I never thought you even knew those words, Jellybean!

September 16th, 2021, 01:35
The list seems to be missing a few.

September 16th, 2021, 02:15
I never thought you even knew those words, Jellybean!

I didn't, françois, i.e. until I used my good friend Google. But one word in the list does ring bells from many years ago. Apologies in advance to members of a sensitive disposition, you may wish to switch topics now . . .

. . . but I know Christian is rather fond of alliteration and recall, while drinking in a bar in Scotland, I overheard a straight guy saying the following words, “Her minge was minging!” :eek:

My-oh-my! How on earth did I find myself going down this rabbit hole of a post. Members will be glad to read that they will hear no further from me on this topic.

September 16th, 2021, 22:49
"haddock...smeared with a cat’s post-coital snatch" gives the impression of a "snatch" being a substance. Else I would have written "haddock...rubbed against a cat’s post-coital snatch".

On the subject of poontang (I once read somewhere that "poontang" is a collective noun for all words that mean "vagina". I like the idea, but can't find the source any more.), here a few, to me clear only from context:


September 20th, 2021, 17:37
While searching for general tourism (temples and mountains in my case), I came across this article:

Cambodia Barworld Studies: The Life of the Phnom Penh Barboy June 12, 2006 Author: Mac Hathaway

There is more of general interest on khmer440, accessible by clicking on the author's name or changing year and month in the address.

Here the most interesting (shocking, disgusting) parts of the article:

I can't help but think the author is an exaggerating misogynist. What is "a cat’s post-coital snatch"?

You seem to be missing the fact that Mac Hathaway is a satirist...
Or perhaps it is me who is missing the point that your apparent shock and disgust is meant to be satirical.

September 20th, 2021, 22:13
I didn't know the author is a satirist. That explains that the article is embellished beyond belief.

September 21st, 2021, 09:04
This is an example of a satirical shock and disgust posting in Facebook Cambodia today.