View Full Version : Dental Implants

August 17th, 2006, 22:37
Anyone had one done in bangkok?....................Recommendations?

August 18th, 2006, 00:53
I'm rreal curious to see the replies to this post....I am having implants done here in Hawaii, the the fee is 1,500 per implant

I'm sure there will be a better price in Bangkok

aloha Kawika

Brad the Impala
August 18th, 2006, 01:38
I'm rreal curious to see the replies to this post....I am having implants done here in Hawaii, the the fee is 1,500 per implant

Is that 1,500 pineapple?

August 18th, 2006, 02:56
Actually when I checked with my Dentist in Pattaya, the price was no better if not more then in USA.

I found that really strange becaue other work I have had done is anywhere from 60 to 80% cheaper.

My dentist told me there there is a very high duty on the Titanium inserts and that is why there is no savings.

August 18th, 2006, 10:14
... the charges for implants and how long they take in Thailand. I had an implant in the UK about 2 years ago at a cost of 1,000 pounds sterling (current exchange rates = $1,885 or 70,000 baht).

August 18th, 2006, 10:39
Ok so implants are expensive........what about the next stage...........a crown.......anyone with Bnk experience ?
Trying hard to justify extra trips to Thailand!

August 18th, 2006, 11:49
It appears that they are, can be, quite a short lived thing? Has anyone had implants for a long time and how are they bearing up? I would think getting very, very good references would be extremely important. I also wouldn't get them done on a bargain bin basis. This is a very invasive treatment, involving your lower jaw bone and your upper skull. Just because it has become quite a routine procedure does not make it less invasive. I think the prices are outrageous anyway,even for just one tooth.
They say 85-95% success rates for a 5-10y period for most modern implant systems. But what does this mean?
It is very costly if they only last 5yrs.

August 18th, 2006, 13:15
I have been going to Promjai Dental Clinic for years. Crowns run about 8000B and up. Ready in a few days.
www.promjaidentalclinic.com (http://www.promjaidentalclinic.com)

August 18th, 2006, 14:09
as far as how long implants last - I had 3 implants done 15 yrs ago - and have had no problem with them. I had them done at UC - San Francisco - a teaching hospital - The head of the dept did the actual work while students observed. I can't recall the cost exactly - but I think they ran about US $1,000 each - but that was 15 yrs ago. The procedure was rather invasive - but painless - recoup time was just a few days. Hope this helps.

August 18th, 2006, 14:27
I have had numerous dental implants -- probably more implants than normal teeth left now -- and the costs have to me seemed extraordinarily LOW, totally different than the costs of such implants being expensive in Thailand. I have been amazed at how low the costs have been and have had no problem with any of them.

In Pattaya, I generally go to Bankok Pattaya Hospital, so I am sure the Bangkok home branch would be equally low. Check them out. Amazingly good, fast, efficient, in Pattaya. I assume every bit as good in Bangkok. http://www.bangkokhospital.com/english/

G.P. (Allen)

August 18th, 2006, 15:57
I have talked to my dentist about implants and the specialist he uses in Sydney charges $5000AUS a tooth (about $6500US) and from what I can gather this is the general going local rate. My dentist has seen disasters done by "non specialist" GP type dentists. It is certainly not a procedure to be embarked upon lightly.

August 18th, 2006, 18:45
At those prices, why not just get dentures?

August 18th, 2006, 19:46
Hello !
I got two done in Bangkok, price vary from 55000 to 65000 bahts depends where and if bone filling.
From beginning to end about three months !
The price quote in Australia was from 5000AU to 7200AU dollars

Why not just to get denture : you will start to have bone reduction over time !
Search easy for implant Bangkok , about 5 places .


August 19th, 2006, 09:11
.......aunty removed her dentures, dropping them into a mug of fizzing steradent, and rinsed with Listerine Original.

Satisfied with the result, she opened the bathroom door. Her gums tingling with anticipation, she approached the boy on

the bed.

"You samoke me?" the boy said

I samoke you alright, thought Aunty. You're in for the time of your life............

August 19th, 2006, 10:04
Right....In summary.....Implants not much cheaper than elsewhere.......but crown is cheaper?.............yes............experience ?

August 19th, 2006, 12:47
Having an upper implant over two years ago, I have had no problem since. It was done in the UK @ 1000 pounds sterling and I don't think I would have it done unless I knew the dentist or had them personally recommended. It was extremely invasive, even with several shots around the tooth, the drilling into the skull was terrifying but more uncomfortable than painful, although there was a little pain involved. The dentist showed me how difficult the drilling was on an x-ray which showed how deep he had to drill and how close he got to nerves. This is surgery, have it done by someone you can trust and bugger the cheap charlie's.

August 20th, 2006, 06:40
Implant look to be about three time cheaper here ( Thailand ) versus ( Australia )
Implant are done because the tooth can not be save after root canal problem !
It is no choice or wear a denture or implant .

Crown around 6500 – 7000 baht

August 20th, 2006, 09:19
When my big cheque comes through im going for implants - dentures would drive me mad. I have 5 gaps need filling!

August 20th, 2006, 15:55
I fully agree with fatman, do not do this on the cheap under any circumstance, amongst other things if they damage any major nerves you can end up having no feeling in your entire lower or upper third of your face and tongue. Just think of when you get a large injection in your gum, that numbing sensation, where you bite your lip because you cant feel it, or you cant chew properly and it tastes awful, well think of living like that permanently.

Also it is an extremely tricky procedure that involves proper monitoring before after and throughout, involving correct temperature of the drill bit at all times, as not to kill or damage the bone tissues, it involves extreme accuracy in pressure of the implant to prevent bone cracking or shattering, it involves the proper materials, that are expensive, and you do not want knockoff's as they can cause bone infections and constant pain and even major major surgery and bone grafts. It involves-knowing exactly how wide deep etc to drill. You also want to minimise healing time and the only way to do this is to have them done properly in the first place by a highly reputable peridontist or maxillofacial surgeon. The best time to do this is apparently immediately a tooth is removed then the hole left in the skull or jaw can be used to snugly fit the implant immediately, maximising bone adhesion and healing speed, plus a cap can be fitted preventing gum shrinkage.

Also if it is done cheaply they may not advice you, or even know if you are suitable for an implant or not but do it nonetheless. You may need some form of bone graft before it is done, they might compromise on this and bung it in and it wont take. Leaving you out of pocket and without a tooth and a major infection.

Not really the stuff for bucket shops in Bangkok, as tempting as it might sound. False teeth or a bridge, if it's just a few teeth are far better if the price is a problem. I can imagine that it would be for a lot of people. A thousand pounds per tooth? Outrageous! Maybe going to Cape-Town or something like that would be cheaper and better?

August 20th, 2006, 17:34
The contributions of Fatman and Cedric highlight the point I was trying to make in my earlier contribution to this thread. As my dentist has told me dental implants are a highly specialised business and should only be undertaken by dentists who have advanced training in this procedure, hence the high cost in a country like Australia. Having such a procedure in a third world country should be approached with great caution.

Brad the Impala
August 20th, 2006, 19:02
Well I don't think that the Bangkok Nursing Home or leading private hospitals in Thailand can be considered either the medical equivalent of "bucket shops" or thirld world medical facilities.

What would discourage me from having invasive surgery in the mouth while in Thailand, is the consequent wound and the restrictions that that might place on sexual activity.

August 21st, 2006, 19:28
than the west but I've had several crowns done at the surgery next to the Dusit Resort ( and the dentist is the most charming and gentle I have ever encountered) at about 4500 baht each.

Root canal therapy cost was only 500 baht and a thorough cleaning and 2 fillings thrown in for that price.

You will find no better or cheaper dentists in the world..except maybe Hungary which is also cashing in on the marker for cheap denistry and plastic surgery for UK visitors.