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View Full Version : To Yaraboy, PeterUK, and TeePee et al ....

August 17th, 2006, 21:45
Three comments about myself lately have made me sit back and enter into some severe self-reflection.

YaraBoy (whom I do not recall having seen a post of on this Board. and whom I do not recall ever repying to a post from) wrote that he was finally tired of recent apparently many short and nasty responses by me on different threads.

PeterUK (who I do know well and personally ~ away from this Board, actually in the flesh! ~ and who I rspect on many different levels) has spanked my rear end and called me "childish" for carrying on the "Hedda Thing" to the point of lunacy.

TeePee (a man who ~ under another handle ... we all know which one, it is no secret ~ I have happily posted "beside", and also respected, since the days of the original DreadedNed way back in 1999, at least!) recently took the trouble to put me on ignore because of an apparent "tone of voice" and/or hurtfulness of content in a post a week or so ago.

Each of these small incidents/comments have hit me solidly in the solar plexis.
Each together has made me think that perhaps it is time to 'Go Away' for a little while and look inwardly somewhat to try and understand any dynamic(s) within myself which may possibly be affecting myself ~ more dramatically than I realize ~ and then reflected in writings on this Board which are obviously more hurtful than intended, more cutting than is my nature (I think!), and more off-putting rather than admirable ~ or just simply helpful.

If I have been those things (which I do not wish to be ... ever) of late then I owe the entire Board an apology. To those three members specifically mentioned above . . . thanks for the Zen-like slap across the back with a bamboo cane. I feel it, and hear it, and it stings.

So, not to get too drama queenish about this, I'll say goodbye to you folks here for a few months. If I had decided to leave permanently (like Sathorn recently) I would probably not write this post at all, but just go.

But I will come back, because bottom line is that I enjoy this Board too much, and reading and posting on it every few days is a habit hard to break, and one I don't wish to break at any rate. I doubt I will be a New Man when I return, but hopefully I will be a more thoughtful & gentle participant on a Board which is worth the effort.

Have fun & cheers ...

August 17th, 2006, 22:19
This board seems to me more and more a place for retired people go can afford spending there old day's in Thailand.

There is a lack on humor on this board, sex travelers go take them self so sirius , find them self so interesting.

Hope to see you back on board Smiles in a couple of mont's as a younger man.

August 17th, 2006, 22:32
Smiles You have a lot to contribute (and have) My only point is that many of your postings are judgemental or banal. Why not stay and contribute with your knopwledge of Thailand. I have made over 70 postings but obviously keep well under your radar


August 17th, 2006, 22:52
Come back soon. I will miss your posts.

August 18th, 2006, 04:33
... I'm very sympathetic to some of the intentions of Brad the Impala on another thread, where he talks about your leaving; though I have no idea whether he's working along the right lines.

I have to say that I have noticed you becoming a bit sharper, kicking out a bit more easily recently, and sometimes I have not understood why you are getting so upset. It seems out of character, given the Smiles we have been reading for such a long time. However, I do understand the way it works. I try to keep calm myself (wordy, yes, I know), but every now and then, sitting in front of this screen, I go for the jugular in my own particular way. There's a lot to provoke one here!

I think it typical of you that you are not flouncing out in a 'hissy fit', as they say, but retiring temporarily for a rest and a period of reflection. The sooner you feel able to come back to the Board, with all you have to offer, the better. So far (and that implies a continuation in the future), I have enjoyed what exchanges I have had with you. Indeed, I'm deeply in your debt, because no one else could have conveyed to me as you did the eternal truths about sandals and socks. I really enjoyed that one!

Take care.

August 18th, 2006, 05:17
perhaps it is time to 'Go Away' for a little while and look inwardly somewhat to try and understand any dynamic(s) within myself

Dear Smiles...

I do this same routine each day for about 1 hour, and it's called Yoga. I don't do this in an attempt to realize my internal imperfections, because there are none, just merely a short personal journey which allows me to relax and become grounded again.

If you're attempting to change something about yourself that you're uncomfortable about, then by all means do it, although I think you'll have better results if the root cause of your desire to change stems from something internal (in your self) rather than as a reaction to your perception of how others may be perceiving you. My rationale for this is based on the fact that peoples perceptions about others are always wrong...not sometimes wrong...always wrong. That just happens to be a fact of life, not something I drummed up while sitting here in the lotus position smoking a joint.

I've always appreciated your contributions to the Board and would be saddened by your departure, regardless of the duration.

Over the years I've grown to know you through your words and expressions...and I love you as a brother.

mai pen rai

August 18th, 2006, 06:20
Hey, even the "normal" people here go over the top once in a while. That's just normal life. If everyone was perfectly even-tempered, we'd probably croak of terminal boredom.

Frank Sinatra came up with the "don't complain, don't explain" philosophy and that's okay by me (geez, maybe Homitern is Frank revisited?).

So.....big deal, Smiles. Maybe you were a little terse or pissy a couple of times. So what.

But Dr. Bob (no, not a chance) prescribes a good wank (thinking of Mr. S so you're sorta being faithful.....hehe) and then get your ass back here on a regular basis. I'm sure it's just the testosterone bulding up for your next trip to LOS. Besides, if you
exit the scene for a couple of months, then I have to drive up north, find your ass, and personally make you write love letters to our troll billyboy. I can't afford the gas money so don't make me do that! :cheers:

August 18th, 2006, 08:06
Sometimes a little change of venue is a good thing, if you think a bit of time away is good, then I hope you enjoy the time. An observation one might make is that when one posts in this place, the motivation is to keep oneself happy or to pass on a tidbit of info to others who might appreciate it. If some mind challenged individual takes umbrage or is so unhappy with their life they feel the need to be nasty. That is on them and does not make my beer or cheeseburger taste foul as a result of vituperative personality. In plain talk, post because you want to post and let the chips fall where they may. By the way I have found your posts informative and entertaining for the most part. Don't be gone long.

August 18th, 2006, 08:14
I'm not sure that a break is the answer, Smiles, but I hope you feel better overall when you return if you DO take some time away from the board. Restraining a predisposition to "knee-jerk" responses is an on-going challenge for me some days, but it's part of my ongoing "mai pen rai" training - and, I think, part of the maturing process.

To be fair, though: sometimes a well-placed and well followed through kick in the ass is called for as a response to some of the thoughtless postings here. It's just a matter of restraint and/or judiciousness!

Do whatever it is that helps you "let go" of whatever it is that's bugging you and hurry back. Many of us will be looking forward to your return.

Best wishes until then.

August 18th, 2006, 08:48
Oh stop it... You don't need to take a break to stop biting people in posts. You don't need to rest, lay your head down or climb the mountain like Moses. You simply need to cut back on the tongue-in-cheek (Weapons grade) comments.

If your taking a break, I am sure it was something you were thinking of doing long before today...

I like to think of you as a helpful asshole..... An asshole that will will help you up with the same hand that he smacked you down with... You don't need a rest, you need a mother figure to wash your mouth out with soap, spank your bottom and send you to bed without dessert.

August 18th, 2006, 09:33

August 18th, 2006, 13:32
...no not that one! I mean you!

Well I value your contributions very highly, so I hope your break wil not be too lengthy.
All the best!

August 18th, 2006, 17:24
I do think there is something very claustrophobic about internet message boards. They are a confined world in which most of the signals we generally rely on when relating to others are absent. Unless we actually know board members, we are dealing with mere names and can form all kinds of false notions about the personalities behind them. Powerful enmities, even paranoia, can take hold of us. I truly believe that, if there was an 'exterminate' button, some would use it in moments of fury. The normal rules of human decency and consideration that most of us operate by in everyday life without a second thought can become suspended on a message board. They are an invitation, for some, to be irresponsible. I sometimes suffer low dosages of some of the above symptoms and when I do I just take a break. Often, within a couple of minutes of turning off the computer, the folly of my blinkered negativity hits me and I laugh it off. Other times a longer break is called for. I hope Smiles won't stay away for long. Most people here fully appreciate his kindness, humour and integrity - which, I can assure you, is the real Smiles.

August 18th, 2006, 19:19
I have recently had my differences with Smiles and the V.I., but this forum would be a duller place without them and I hope to
see both back in due course..Now, if the moderators want to throw out the trash and rid this board of useless total assholes, how
about the revolting troll.. He should be permanently banned and forced to live with himself for the rest of his life..Well, at least he
will suffer from the second part and that is just punishment for his destructive, twisted, evil postings.. He should be flushed out and
I must stop feeding the revolting troll but one just keeping trying to get rid of the stink, even thou it is pointless... :cat: