View Full Version : Gay Buddhists and other groups in Thailand.

August 23rd, 2021, 10:10
I am interested in what LGBT Buddhist groups are here in Thailand. Also, other LGBT East Asian religious groups.

In Taipei there is a Temple for Tu'er, the Rabbit God, the Taoist god for LGBT. There is a movie, "Kiss of the Rabbit God," on YouTube and it has over 2 million views. I am studing the history of Taoism currently and have made it to the Tang dynasty.

However, I wonder what other LGBT involvements in East Asian religions are there in Thailand.

I plan to visit about five nations for a few weeks each in the year after the pandemic travel restrictions are over. So if you have information about other nations, please let me know and I will start of thread in the proper forum for your reply.

August 23rd, 2021, 16:49
I suspect that you will have to turn to Facebook and other sites like LINE. Support groups in Thailand seem to be informal and personalised.....subscriber to subscriber. Of course, my impression is based entirely on what I have learnt in my LTR and what he has told me. Others may have different information.

The issue of the impact on homosexuality on Buddhist orthodoxies is interesting and perhaps deserves a thread of its own.

August 23rd, 2021, 17:38
I don't understand the question. It's Thailand, they're generally all Buddhists who goto the temple at least a couple times a month.

August 23rd, 2021, 18:21
Visited Th since some 30+ years by now and probably have visited at least that nr of temples too-but never ever, nor by reading the famous /en/ newspaper BKK-Post (or before the Nation) or some other sources have I ever read about such groups. Neither from a in my country quite well-known and gay since his early years writer/author living in TH=Chiang Mai since some also 30 yrs. Whereas he has published about every conceivable sexual orientation there may exist.
This does not mean such groups do not exist at all-but if they are will be hard to find and indeed in these modern times that fb will be the best source.
Also: do you know the blogs from christianpfc.blogspot/ he has also visited Taiwan a yr or 2 bfre covid hit and is now in Khmerland=Cambodia. he is also quite interested in anything deviating-what some may call ''abnormal'' for lack of words.

August 23rd, 2021, 18:22
Oh-and that all TGhai visit a temple a few times/month-thats only a quite selective group-unless they are in childhood and their primary school is in the temple compound-as is very often the case in the villages and also for quite a few such institutions in BKK proper.

August 23rd, 2021, 21:31
I am interested in what LGBT Buddhist groups are here in Thailand. Also, other LGBT East Asian religious groups.

In Taipei there is a Temple for Tu'er, the Rabbit God, the Taoist god for LGBT. There is a movie, "Kiss of the Rabbit God," on YouTube and it has over 2 million views.

Unlike Christianity and Islam, where homosexuality is more or less discouraged (now that's an euphemism!) it is no problem in Buddhism and idea of "gay Buddhist groups" sounds absurd to me. I have no idea!

The closest I can think of are fertility shrines, visited by women who want to become pregnant. The one in Bangkok (Tuptim shrine) was sanitized years ago (most of the wooden phallus removed), and there is one in Krabi (Tham Phra Nang, I haven't been). These are the only places I know where Buddhism and sexuality come together.

I didn't know about this temple, but will check and go next time I'm in Taipei.

August 24th, 2021, 04:40
I would like to point out that there is a Buddhist group in Taiwan that is outspoken regarding LGBT rights.

Similarly in Korea the Won Buddhist groups is known to be very supportive of LGBT rights.

I am not necessarily looking for a separate LGBT Buddhist organization. It could be a focus study group within a larger group. Or it could be that a specific Buddhist group has a strong support for LGBT rights.

There are different efforts regarding LGBT and non-Western religion. In the Philippines it the re-discovery of a pre-colonial god who is understood to be gay by contemporary Gay Filipinos.

In Indonessia there is the movie Wiwitan by a gay Indonesian film producer which touches a family story of a Wiwitan leader and his gay and Muslim on.

In the Thai pantheon of Gods are any known to have a same-sex romance?

I am doing research via multiple venues.

August 24th, 2021, 06:13
I would like to bring this Thai Buddhist monk to the groups attention.


I am trying multipe avenues of getting answers. I mention this because I perceive a dismissive tone in regards to my question.

August 24th, 2021, 08:11

I am doing research via multiple venues.[/QUOTE]

Obviously "Google" is your primary venue.

August 24th, 2021, 09:55
I would like to bring this Thai Buddhist monk to the groups attention.


I am trying multipe avenues of getting answers. I mention this because I perceive a dismissive tone in regards to my question.
Having lived in Thailand for a couple of decades and visited regularly beforehand and with several Thai friends, I know nothing of any Buddhist LGBT group. I do suggest that the key sentence in the article you posted is

"“He is quite exceptional; it is not common to see a Buddhist monk take such an interest in these issues, and be vocal and supportive, and even show up at events,” Anjana Suvarnanda, co-founder of the LGBT+ organization Anjaree Group, told TRF.

If he is virtually unique, it is unlikely there will be more than a handful of others. I suggest your research investigates not simly Buddhist groups but Thai society's attitudes to the LGBT community in general. Although Thailand is regarded as a relatively open society for LGBT tourists, within the country there is still a strong anti LGBT feeling in much of society (admittedly the older generations) and especially in businesses. Many young professional Thais are afraid to come out to their colleagues in the workplace because they believe this will affect their standing in the company and especially their promotion prospects.

The article also mentions Thailand preparing to pass a landmark civil partnerships bill. That was written a year ago and the bill is not merely bogged down in the legislative process, the government has so many other more major pressing issues on its plate just now that the chances of it being debated anytime soon are minimal.

You might look at parallels with Vietnam. In 2014 that country changed a 1992 law to provide some rights to the LGBT community and enable same-sex marriage. But there is a sting in the tail. Same sex marriages are not recognised as more than a ceremony and are not protected under the law. Thai society may be less conservative than Vietnamese society, but I think it is likely that if Thailand moves soon on gay marriage the debate is likely to throw up a lot of anti-LGBT views.

August 24th, 2021, 23:08
The closest I got to answering your question today was stumbling across a facebook group "Gay fishermen". This group is intended to bring gay fishermen together. I looked all my life for a gay man who liked to fish. I hope I can help bring gay fishermen together.

For me, the relation between gay and being Buddhist is as far fetched as the relation between being gay and liking to fish.

August 25th, 2021, 00:49
For me, the relation between gay and being Buddhist is as far fetched as the relation between being gay and liking to fish.

Anyone can be gay!

Do you consider farmers the same? Fishermen are after all only floating farmers.

Unless you mean something else by liking “fish”.

Nirish guy
August 25th, 2021, 04:38
. I looked all my life for a gay man who liked to fish.

The closest I ever got was sucking a fishermans friend !

(For those who may not know thats actually a lozenge sweet that helps when you have a cough here in the UK ;-)

August 25th, 2021, 08:44
Anyone can be gay!

Do you consider farmers the same? Fishermen are after all only floating farmers.

Unless you mean something else by liking “fish”.

I think you're missing Christian's point.

mr giggles
August 25th, 2021, 11:25
the relation between being gay and liking to fish.

usually gay women are in this category... :dirol_mini:

August 25th, 2021, 11:37
I would like to point out that there is a Buddhist group in Taiwan that is outspoken regarding LGBT rights.

Similarly in Korea the Won Buddhist groups is known to be very supportive of LGBT rights
You really cannot compare Thai society with Taiwan's society. Over the last 15- 20 years, Taiwan has leapt forward in terms of LGBT acceptance. You only have to look at the Annual Pride Parade at the end of October. Pre-pandemic, Taipei's Parade in the afternoon had grown over the years to a total of 160,000 marchers and many bystanders plus a week-end of night parties. Participants were local Taiwanese as well as visitors who had flown in from several countries in Asia. Every Taiwan city also has its own Pride Parades. From the outset these have been organised by individuals rather than gay businesses, although international businesses like Citi now sponsor it. So their organisation has grown from within and not been imposed by gay busnesses.

Compare that with Thailand. Bangkok used to have an annual Pride march. This was organised by the gay business owners, not individuals. It died in the early 2000s and it attracted only those working in the various bars and spas as well as a few owho attended them. Totally unlike Taipei, hardly any Thais from the professional class attended. There was a small Parade a few months ago which attracted 1,000 marchers, but quite a few of these were political protestors merely latching on to the march. The Phuket Gay Pride Parade died a few years ago. Chiang Mai's second Parade in 2009 was so badly heckled by the crowds that it had to be abandoned. In 2019 and 2020 Parades were resurrected but with just a small number of participants. Many individuals in Thai society may be accepting of gay men and women, but few accept open displays of LGBT events.

Sorry I have no experience of Korea but like Thailand it is also a very homophobic society.

August 25th, 2021, 18:02
Okay. I see the moderator of this group has allowed trolling of my inquiry.

The answer is that none of you know. I didn't have high expectation of a group primarily centered on sex tourism or the expat equivalent, but I thought there might be a few bits of information.

What I find instead is a lot of hostility towards the question itself. I think perhaps if you are a group trying to figure out how to give the delivery "boy" a blow job, it is perhaps annoying to have to consider that the delivery "boy" is a human having a dimension which would include the spiritual.

August 25th, 2021, 18:17
Sawatdee has a reputation for being an edgy message board: and to a reasonable degree we wish to keep it that way. Thus, if any of the problems outlined above bother you, then we suggest that you use the Ignore Feature. (To activate Ignore: go to My Control Panel >>> Friend & Foe >>> Manage Foes >>> write in the handle you wish to ignore >>> Submit >>> Yes

It is in Rules, you agreed with them it time of registration.


August 25th, 2021, 18:53
is perhaps annoying to have to consider that the delivery "boy" is a human having a dimension which would include the spiritual

I would never assume humans have to have a "spiritual" dimension. Some are rational instead.

August 30th, 2021, 22:50
The answer is that none of you know.
Not just that. If the combined wisdom and experience of our membership doesn't have answers to your questions, that probably means there are no answers to your questions.

What I find instead is a lot of hostility towards the question itself.
Don't be so sensitive. This forum is no place for pussies. If there is something in your posts that can be ridiculed or derailed, this will probably happen sooner or later.

August 31st, 2021, 02:53
you and mrs slocombe need to get together...shes always looking for her pussy

mr giggles
September 1st, 2021, 06:52
you and mrs slocombe need to get together...shes always looking for her pussy

"Well, I can't stay too late. The man next door is popping in every half-hour to keep an eye on my pussy. And after half past 11, his wife won't let him out."

September 1st, 2021, 10:55
What I find instead is a lot of hostility towards the question itself.
Thank you for trashing my posts.

September 1st, 2021, 13:50
I find Amando's original post a respectful and appropriate response to the question posed. And my response, even though it was less detailed and well-considered as Amando's, was a genuine attempt to respond. I'm a little bemused by the ensuing angst.

November 20th, 2021, 07:22

November 20th, 2021, 07:50
Perhaps you could ask an eminent Buddhist scholar what the attitude is towards foreigners who travel thousands of kilometres to exploit the poorest people in the society by paying them for sex

November 20th, 2021, 21:21
Perhaps you could ask an eminent Buddhist scholar what the attitude is towards foreigners who travel thousands of kilometres to exploit the poorest people in the society by paying them for sex
Is the answer “quick collect the money”?

November 21st, 2021, 07:22
I could easily and willingly fill up the alms baskets of these monks most mornings when they do their rounds...

November 21st, 2021, 07:36
Perhaps you could ask an eminent Buddhist scholar what the attitude is towards foreigners who travel thousands of kilometres to exploit the poorest people in the society by paying them for sex

Should I ask the monks who traffic in drugs, or the ones who molest young boys under their care? Maybe I should ask the police, such as Joe Ferrari.