View Full Version : Afghanistan/Vietnam. The Pattaya connection

August 22nd, 2021, 08:36
Watching the evacuation scenes in Kabul, and seeing pictures aboard crowded military aircraft, reminds me of similar scenes from Vietnam in 1975....but with tragic consequences.

Anyone know what the Pattaya connection is?

August 22nd, 2021, 08:43
I heard rumors that TAT is canvassing Afganistan right now to drum up interest in the Phuket Sandbox.

Sorry...I couldn't help it.

Seriously, this topic is probably better suited for "Everything Else".

August 22nd, 2021, 08:50
Seriously, this topic is probably better suited for "Everything Else".

Maybe once the connection has been revealed., as many don’t read he other ‘rooms’.

August 22nd, 2021, 09:19
Thank heaven nothing redundant here. The scenes from the airport are horrible but I never realized Afghanistan had so many cute guys.

August 22nd, 2021, 10:50
The connection is that without the Vietnam war Pattaya would probably not exist as a sex haven.

August 22nd, 2021, 12:36
yes...dunno why but yes...afghanhis are a sexy lot...and into guys...females are there simply for breeding...guess all those sext US marines better watch out

August 22nd, 2021, 13:29
Many young Afghan migrants are available in Athens, so all you sexpats that are foaming at the mouth to return to Thailand should give it a try!

Gogi, as your preference isn’t masculine boys here is something for you!

August 22nd, 2021, 18:05
Forget Sea, Sand and Sex for 5 minutes..!

Any other ideas how Pattaya is directly linked to a tragedy which occurred during the Vietnamese evacuation?

August 22nd, 2021, 23:52
As this thread is headed for the nether regions of the board I will explain the connection.

As the US were about to withdraw from Vietnam they started Operation Babylift. The plan was to evacuate 3000 orphans to the Philippines,for onward travel to the USA, to be adopted.

The first flight left Saigon in the 4 April 1975. The aircraft was a C5 Galaxy. This aircraft is basically a huge double decker.

The older children (over 2 years old) were put on the upper passenger deck, 2 per seat.

Those younger than 2 were placed on the lower cargo deck because they were in cots.

To cut a long story short the aircraft suffered a pressurisation problem just after take off, which blew out the cargo doors and severed hydraulic systems and rendered the aircraft almost uncontrollable.

On trying to return to Saigon the pilots were losing what little control they had and were forced to attempt a landing in some paddy fields. It was unsuccessful and the aircraft crashed.

Unfortunately all the occupants of the lower deck died. 78 children, and a further 50 careers and aircraft crew, were killed.

What’s the connection with Pattaya?

Well the US decided to have them buried in Thailand and they now rest in a communal grave at St Nickolous Church, Pattaya, on the Sukumvit.

Next time you are out and about on your motor bikes drop in and pay your respects as you pass by.

August 22nd, 2021, 23:55
The communial grave. Note they were unknown as what little documentation there was, was destroyed in the accident.

Nirish guy
August 23rd, 2021, 02:06
....I never realized Afghanistan had so many cute guys.

??? You do realise that Zayn Malik ( in your pic on your previous post ) is English of course and his father was a Pakistani immigrant and his mother was of English / Irish extraction right ??? So not quite sure where your link to him and Afghanistan guys is coming from there ??

August 23rd, 2021, 05:58
On a lighter and more refreshing note.

The sudden and short timeframed US and UK total withdrawal of troops from that failed state is the right thing to do. The western media seem to be largely critical about the speed but Biden's 'let's get the fuck outta there' looks wise to me.

Twenty years of trying to turn a basket case country into something resembling a functioning nation state has failed miserably. Trillions have been spent equipping and training the Afghan military and when it came to it they refused to fight. The old adage 'people get the government they deserve' has never been truer.

Some countries are born crap, live crap and die crap. Nazi Germany, Iraq, The Soviet Union, The Vatican etc. Afghanistan belongs in that category.

August 23rd, 2021, 06:13
Trillions have been spent equipping and training the Afghan military and when it came to it they refused to fight.

Why are the powers to be surprised? Anyone expecting otherwise is somewhat naive.

Now we have thousands coming to the UK from a Covid Red List country........

August 23rd, 2021, 11:46
The communial grave. Note they were unknown as what little documentation there was, was destroyed in the accident.

Thank gerefan2 for your post.

August 23rd, 2021, 11:55
...arsenal u must have been a politician in a previous life...the way Biden has scuttled out of Afghanistan is sooooo embarrassing....basically americans cant be trusted...over 10,000 americans stranded there plus their UK/OZ/Kiwi allies....

August 23rd, 2021, 19:28
Unfortunately all the occupants of the lower deck died. 78 children, and a further 50 careers and aircraft crew, were killed.

Unfortunately Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright would have considered that as collateral damage.

August 30th, 2021, 08:14
Now that we're out I think we should heavily arm the Taliban AND all their enemies and let them.get on with it. It's what they want.

August 30th, 2021, 10:07
Now that we're out I think we should heavily arm the Taliban AND all their enemies and let them.get on with it. It's what they want.

That's what happened, haven't you been watching the news? The Taliban are cruising around in US military humvees carrying US military weapons.

August 31st, 2021, 00:21
That's what happened, haven't you been watching the news? The Taliban are cruising around in US military humvees carrying US military weapons.

He has got you there Arsenal. Haven’t you been watching the news too??!

August 31st, 2021, 02:56
not a bad suggestion from arsenal

Nirish guy
August 31st, 2021, 23:41
That's what happened, haven't you been watching the news? The Taliban are cruising around in US military humvees carrying US military weapons.

Never mind the Humvees - I just want to sit back and watch the buggers attempt to fly the numerous helicopters and planes left behind too That would make for a fun 30 second video !

* edit - since typing this post it seems that THAT is EXACTLY what they've been doing, whilst allegedly hanging an American underneath it - the last part re them being American being unconfirmed by the way!!!

Mind you considering that the Russians and / or Chinese are probably already on with them as we speak offering them genuine US instruction flight manuals and parts by the box load, complete with men to train them in how to fit them too for that matter, all simply to piss the Americans off and get "in" with the Taliban, perhaps they'll all not be THAT useless as we're all being told after all perhaps !

Saying that, the Americans have said clearly that they've ensured that nothing left behind will EVER fly again.......but I guess they WOULD say that wouldn't they :-)



September 1st, 2021, 05:49
The Taliban are basically a game of Paintball that got badly out of hand.

September 1st, 2021, 07:22
The Taliban are cruising around in US military humvees carrying US military weapons.

If these were vehicles which had to be left behind they retreated they should have done the same as the British did when they withdrew from Aden.

I read that they left grenades in the fuel tanks and attached to the fuel filler cap which were triggered when the cap was removed.

Hopefully this happened in a petrol station so it also took out the garage as well as the Land Rover.

September 1st, 2021, 07:43
If these were vehicles which had to be left behind they retreated they should have done the same as the British did when they withdrew from Aden.

I read that they left grenades in the fuel tanks and attached to the fuel filler cap which were triggered when the cap was removed.

Hopefully this happened in a petrol station so it also took out the garage as well as the Land Rover.

From what the news is saying, it appears the US wants an alliance and cooperation with the Taliban, with not much interest in keeping them an enemy.

Hopefully this doesn't come back to bite the US ala another 9/11 all over or worst.

September 1st, 2021, 08:32
Those Blackhawk helicopters need complicated on-going maintenance using specialised spare parts. They will be totally useless within a month or so unless the Taliban are able to get help from somewhere.

I read that most have been disabled in some way and will not fly again. Time will tell if that's true.

Nirish guy
September 1st, 2021, 15:51
The unit's left behind, yep they'll probably not fly again......it'll will no douby be the NEW ones that the Americans end up SELLING the new Taliban govt, complete with parts and crew to fix them - all "to help the Taliban defeat ISIS and join the axis of the good guys again" that will be the ones that will enable them to fly again.

All paid for with a massive "lets help get you going again LOAN' from the US of course too - before China nips in and offers that on great terms too no doubt !

September 1st, 2021, 16:15
China is already muttering about official recognising the Talibal government. I suppose if you're that unpopular any friend is better than none. Eh stevie???

Incidentally...'humiliation' Really!!!
A bit like the cleaners arriving at the party venue but the guests continued to make more and more mess so the cleaners just left.