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View Full Version : Young Royals

July 6th, 2021, 19:20
Young Royals
Another Netflix Original. Young Prince Wilhelm of Sweden gets packed off to boarding school to curb his wild ways. His brother, Crown Prince Erik was a pupil at the same school and something of a star.


Erik dies in a car accident and Wilhelm thus assumes the position of heir. Only trouble is...Wilhelm's a faggot.

A cool story sensitively told and an interesting twist on the time immemorial gay coming of age drama. A little disappointing as opportunity after opportunity to show hot naked boys is missed but enjoyable none the less. It's in Swedish so you'll need to find it with subtitles or speak Swedish. A gay heir to the throne, now that would be a story with huge implications if you understand how monarchies operate.

July 6th, 2021, 23:03
Knowing my . . . er . . . interests, Netflix has sent me several emails with trailers for Young Royals. The storyline has definitely piqued my interest and, well, there is the secondary matter of how attractive I find the two lead characters. ;)

I do however prefer dubbed rather than sub-titled foreign TV shows, as sometimes I am slow in reading fast moving sub-titles and end up either pausing or rewinding to catch up on the missed dialogue. But sometimes it is worth the extra effort.

I’ve added the show to my long list of programmes to watch.

The Netflix trailer is posted below:


July 7th, 2021, 03:39
When I started watching Young Royals tonight, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the actors spoke in English, or at least appeared to, so it is dubbed in English, which I very much prefer to subtitles.

As can be seen from the bottom of the screen in the photo below the options are:

Swedish [Original] with Subtitles
English with Subtitles


July 7th, 2021, 07:11
English! Christ, don’t tell Matt.

DJ Maxxx
July 24th, 2021, 14:47
Really enjoyed it (and the many interview videos etc. on YouTube) and hope they carry on with at least a second season. As a DJ, I thought you music was well chosen too.