View Full Version : I miss

July 4th, 2021, 04:19
I miss
cold singha
green chicken curry..with steamed rice
chicken cashew nuts
brown shinned MB
friendly smiling sawadeekup greetings
handsome man greetings
walking street
night market stalls selling crap I dont want but still feel compelled to browse through
sitting at telephone bar and people watching
jomtien beach
hopping onto a plane at a moments notice

July 4th, 2021, 05:00
I miss curtain motels.

July 4th, 2021, 06:53
That moment when the sun knocks off work (always gloriously) and the city lights start the night shift.

Sitting on the chair that is always there at the far end of Jomtien beach drinking an iced coffee and watching the fishing boats.

My 4.00am cheeky one in Royal Karaoke.

The bike ride back to the bar returning the boy.

Apple juice, chicken dippers with bbq sauce and a coffee in Castro.

July 4th, 2021, 07:38
Nice Boys...

July 4th, 2021, 10:30
I miss......brown shinned MB.

Are the brown shins caused by the hard floors while being lodged in the "pony position"?...LOL

I miss seeing my friends with a passion.

I miss watching my best friend Bertie from Ireland devouring 2 orders of Oud's French fries before heading out to the gogo's - hearing Big Mike's laughter while sitting around the snooker table at Green Chairs - laughing under the stars with Jamie while taking turns pinching the waiters ass - and seeing Jim and Som strolling down the sois in Sunee at dusk smiling from ear-to-ear, as always.

I was fortunate enough to get stranded "Here"...but, believe me, there's so much to miss.

July 4th, 2021, 14:27
Wish the way it was years ago. Even before Covid not much left to miss!

July 4th, 2021, 19:09
Taking 6 Viet lads back to the hotel, having got an upgrade to a very big room

Watching football in the tiny bar opposite Screwboys, as lads called in at 1am ish after work

Dancing shirtless at the back of the stage in dj and flirting with men there

Flying out of Chiang Mai with Kan Air and a massage man to see little towns near the Myanmar border

Exploring Au Nang at 4am on my first trip and taking a str8 lad who was sat on the pavement looking sad into a female rent bar

Buying beers for the Viet lads who worked at BBB in 2014 and watching one of them catch a rat in 30 seconds

Being invited to eat at the Viet workers' home near BBB, a large cement room with a bare concrete floor and cockroaches that scurried away when the light went on

Chatting to the armed yellow shirt guards around Lumphini before the coup in 2014 as I wandered about taking photos

Delivering snacks to startled young soldiers posted on Rama IV just before the coup at 1am

and, in over 40 trips, much more, some of which I dare not tell you

July 4th, 2021, 19:16
Oh, please do.

July 4th, 2021, 22:55
Watching sunset with beach boy from jacuzzi on balcony of "Rooms Club" in Pattaya

Pancakes with bananas at the breakfast in "Tui's"

4 students competing for my attention in jacuzzi in Sansuk

Boys choir of waiters in Yaya bar

Most shy waiter in Dick's in Bangkok - Samit, who is totally shameless and wild in bed

Hardwood floor and hospitality of Om Yim hotel in Bangkok at times when receptionist Ya was just back from Thai army

Amazing Christmas elf - small (by height) Sa from Yaya

Artificial snow Party in Sunee

Street vendors with cold pineapple or watermelon

Coffee at time of sunset on veranda of Van Holland

... ohhh...

July 4th, 2021, 23:13
Amazing Christmas elf - small (by height) Sa from Yaya...

Not a bar on my like list however, came across this on YouTube: https://youtu.be/C0OY48If8yk


July 5th, 2021, 00:17
Not a bar on my like list however, came across this on YouTube: https://youtu.be/C0OY48If8yk




July 5th, 2021, 01:57
WOW......how many other saw themselves in those pix?!

Nirish guy
July 5th, 2021, 04:18
Whilst I didn't see myself there I did see several boys who on looking at the 2011 date made me realise that they must be even older than I thought - and that was even after me adding on the usual 10 plus years for them lying about their ages in the first place too :-)

July 5th, 2021, 07:47
Not a bar on my like list however, came across this on YouTube:

The crew at Yaya's were nothing but great guys.

I was sitting across the soi at Corner Bar watching Yaya shoot those pictures on Sa's birthday. The boy I was with that night (Bas) walked across the soi to wish Sa happy birthday and can be seen near the end of the video @ 3:38 on the counter. What Memories!

Sa was a real sweetheart. Memories of his plump little ass are making me drool.

Nights like this are at the top of my "Miss List".

Thanks for posting

July 5th, 2021, 08:15
WOW......how many other saw themselves in those pix?!

More Great Memories!

I spotted myself sitting between Sa and Santa on the Christmas Eve 2011 video @ counter 0:16/ 2:48.

I don't even remember sitting with Santa that night...must have been the Leo.

It would be fun if some of you other guys who are in these videos can tell us who you are. It's always nice to put a face with a name.

Thanks Moses

July 5th, 2021, 14:56
More Great Memories!

I spotted myself sitting between Sa and Santa on the Christmas Eve 2011 video @ counter 0:16/ 2:48.

Dodger you are a very handsome man :)

July 5th, 2021, 16:40
More videos like these, please.

July 5th, 2021, 16:45
Dodger you are a very handsome man :)

You must have been looking at Santa...LOL

July 5th, 2021, 16:51
More Great Memories!

I spotted myself sitting between Sa and Santa on the Christmas Eve 2011 video @ counter 0:16/ 2:48.

You aged a lot in those 2 1/2 minutes!!

July 5th, 2021, 17:17
A Christmas that once was: https://youtu.be/ABzvpoRkuh4

July 5th, 2021, 21:25
A Christmas that once was: https://youtu.be/ABzvpoRkuh4

Great videos, Moses and Manforallseasons, thanks for posting and thanks for the memories.

More Great Memories!

I spotted myself sitting between Sa and Santa on the Christmas Eve 2011 video @ counter 0:16/ 2:48.

Dodger you are a very handsome man :)

Totally agree, Kenny, our Dodger is a very handsum man. He stopped to chat to another Sawatdee member at our table in a bar in Sunee Plaza one night, but I was not made aware of his identity until he had left the company and walked off in search of . . . ;)

July 5th, 2021, 22:24
In all seriousness, I miss the sense of community. Although my first house in Khon Kaen was by far the worst (only 4500 baht/month for 2 storey, 4 bdrm, 2 bath), it's the one I miss the most. For any of you who have been up in Issan, I'm sure you'll know those subdivisions that are somewhat like Western version of townhouses, except every house is designed and architected differently. Nonetheless, you share walls with your neighbors.

That's what I miss. I miss heading out to the local night market to grab myself and the dogs some grub, but as per-usual I pop over to a few of the neighbors and ask if they need anything. Many times my one neighbor or two of them will say they want some "nam dtaap" for their dogs as well, so I'm happy to pick it up for them.

Upon returning from the market, I notice the neighbor on the other side of me hanging out on the street in the box of his pickup having a beer with other neighbors. Sure enough, they invite me to join them. So I hand over the food my neighbors requested, get my dogs some drub in them, and head over for a beer.

Just simple shit like that, which simply does not exist in Canada anymore. Everything here has to be scheduled. There is no the neighbor is hanging out infront of his house having a beer, so let's go for a chat. Instead here it's, "ok, Thursday at 4pm let's get together for a beer, sounds good". That's jsut sad in my eyes.

Or other things like I remember how Kim's mom would live with us on and off. One time she ended up setting up a "gwaii-tiao" stall / restaurant on the corner. For those who don't know, "gwaai-tiao" is basically pork noodle soup, and if you've been to Thailand a good amount, I'm sure you've had it.

Anyway, there was a gravel lot at the corner of our street, so she figured out who the owner is and rented it off them on a monthly basis. I can't even remember, but I would imagine I invested into her little restaurant, but nonetheless she was all setup with tables, chairs, one of those cooking stalls on wheels to make the soup, dishes and utensils, and everything else. Every monring she would wake up, pack all the tables and chairs over to the street corner along with the kichen on wheels thing, and setup shop.

I'd be hanging out in my home office upstairs working, and Kim would show up in my room saying it's time for lunch, grab me and we'd head over to our little "gwaai-tiao" restaurant on the corner. All depending on the week, sometimes Kim's little brother would be staying with us as well, milling around doing his thing.

That type of thing is just so nice for me, and so humane, and so normal. Here in Canada you can't just drop a quick $500 and setup a restaurant on the corner of your subdivision in a day. It just doesn't work like that.

And tons of things like that, but yeah, sense of community is what I miss the most.

July 5th, 2021, 23:08
1. the excitement of arriving at Suwannaphumi
2. hanging out with my 2 friends - 1 in Pattaya and 1 in Bangkok
3. Siam Paragon and Central World for eating and shopping
4. mango and sticky rice upstairs at Jim Thompson's on Suriwongse Road
5. fun nights at Golden Cock, Nature Boy and Eros
6. massages
7. the atmosphere in the gay areas

Brad the Impala
July 6th, 2021, 00:45
I miss noodle soup with red pork, chicken and rice, and warm smiles from handsome men.

The noodle soup should be either from a small outdoor restaurant(originally just a mobile stall) in Sainamyen Road, Patong, Phuket, or from an old unmodernised Chinese restaurant on the corner of Saladaeng and Silom in Bangkok. Chicken and Rice should be from the wonderful Briley, also in Patong.

Warm smiles from handsome men should be………..everywhere!

July 6th, 2021, 01:13
I miss all the bars and boys in Sunee Plaza (and the surrounding area). An endless supply of fun and entertainment. The videos of YaYa brought it all back.

July 6th, 2021, 03:15
Thanks Dodger! We miss you and strolling the sois soooo much!!

July 6th, 2021, 09:28
I miss my morning lying in bed planning my motorbike route and where I'm going to eat that day.

I miss trying to decide where to be when the sun sets.

I miss being in my hotel room before I go out trying different lighting combinations to maximise the welcome for the boy.

I miss the 1 inch gekko (Harvey) who.often makes himself at home in my room.

I miss feeding the rhinos and the giraffes at the open zoo.

"It is easier for a camel with one eye and a needle to get into a heavenly haystack than it is to list all the things we miss about Paradise-on-Sea."
Jesus. (paraphrased)

July 6th, 2021, 10:40
......He stopped to chat to another Sawatdee member at our table in a bar in Sunee Plaza one night, but I was not made aware of his identity until he had left the company and walked off in search of . . . ;)

Jellybean and Kenny...thank you so much for your kind comments.

Wouldn't it be great if we could arrange a "Get Together", so we could all put a name to a face some time? Obviously this would have to happen after the borders are open again, but worth thinking about.

We had a Sawatdee Get Together years ago at the original Memories Cafe in Sunee. Of the members who were in town at that time, about 8-9 showed up and we had a great time.

Hope to see you guys one day...especially if you think I'm handsome...LOL


July 6th, 2021, 23:22
. . . I miss the 1 inch gekko (Harvey) who.often makes himself at home in my room . . .

Hmmm . . . Harvey you say. That reminds me; I once had a large rabbit named Harvey. ;)

July 7th, 2021, 07:18
Hmmm . . . Harvey you say. That reminds me; I once had a large rabbit named Harvey. ;)Family name “Milk”?

July 7th, 2021, 15:23
Was the Rabbit 6 and a half feet tall, and are you James Stewart?

July 7th, 2021, 16:20
And here he is. Harvey.

July 7th, 2021, 16:47
As for my Pattaya days... I miss having a condo over at Mosaic as my work office. That was nice, especially with that massage shop just behind Tuckom.

Wake up, do a few hours of work. When it's time for a break, jump into the shower and head over to the massage shop where ~6+ cute guys with smiles were waiting and more than happy to please. Much better than a typical lunch break in the West where the best you can hope for is fast food sushi. At least with the lunch break in Pattaya you get a shower with a cute Asian, followed by a massage with happy ending. I figured that was much better than working in the West for some strange reason.

Then return to the condo for more work, until the night sets in. If I'm hungry with no dinner plans, no problem and just head to the street beside to that vendor that setup shop every night and sold gryos. Those were delicious, I remember them. Either that, or skip dinner altogether, and head out for the night, and pickup a burger at late night from the lady with the stall in Sunnee.

Then who knows where the night would take you once you went out.... sometimes just around the bars, other times to Nab, other nights off to "dtuang-dtan" or whatever it's called, or some Thai BBQ restaurant, or the various karaoke joins, or that other area just outside of Pattaya where they had separate karaoke based cabins setups for each group. I'm sure many of you have been there... just outside of a lake, every group of ~6+ people gets their own cabin on stilts filled with karaoke equpments, a waitress who checks in to ensure you're filled with booze and food, famous for that "jumping shrimp" dish. I'm sure many of you know what I mean.

And you just go with the flows as the days may take you. That was nice. Pattaya isn't a place I'd ever want to live, but definitely a nice place to relax from the reality of the day-to-day in the West.

And I will have to admit, another thing I miss is waking up to the feeling of Kim's lips around my cock, haha. Granted, was usually at 3am when he came stumbling into the bedrrom drunk as hell and I was sleeping, but hey, always a nice way to wake up.

July 7th, 2021, 23:34
. . . I miss the 1 inch gekko (Harvey) who.often makes himself at home in my room . . .

Hmmm . . . Harvey you say. That reminds me; I once had a large rabbit named Harvey. ;)

Was the Rabbit 6 and a half feet tall, and are you James Stewart?

Congratulations Keith! You’ve won the top prize.


And here he is. Harvey.

As regards your gecko friend, arsenal, as I've said before on the forum, they give me the willies!

The Thais call them jîng-jòk and when I owned a house in Hua Hin, I was plagued with the little blighters. Yes, I know, they are the good guys because they eat mosquitoes, but if they remained on the ceilings and walls, I would have had no problem. But sometimes I found them on my bed and many times they were lurking in my shower. Aaaaaggghhh!

I’ve told this story before and it still gives me the shivers when I think about it. I had just driven down to my house in Hua Hin from my apartment in Bangkok with my then Thai boyfriend and a Thai friend of his, a Dream Boys go-go boy. As always happens when I’d been away for a while, there was usually a build up of mail in my post-box. As I put the key in the box and opened it to pull out a bundle of mail, at least three geckos, at great speed, jumped out on to my arm, over my chest and down my leg before disappearing into the undergrowth. To spare my blushes, I won’t say how I reacted; suffice to say it was the source of great hilarity to my then Thai boyfriend and his Thai friend.

But we are getting way off topic, this thread is about what we miss about Thailand, well I certainly miss my lovely three bedroom house with swimming pool and the beautiful beaches of Hua Hin, but I sure as heck don’t miss the geckos! :D

July 8th, 2021, 13:06
...but I sure as heck don’t miss the geckos! :D

How about this then, Mr Jellybean. In my first year at university in Swansea I had digs directly above the kitchen of a seaside cafe. Every now and then I would wake up with a cockroach staring at me balefully from about six inches away on the pillow. I date the beginning of my sleeping difficulties from that time... :eek:

July 9th, 2021, 00:07
How about this then, Mr Jellybean. In my first year at university in Swansea I had digs directly above the kitchen of a seaside cafe. Every now and then I would wake up with a cockroach staring at me balefully from about six inches away on the pillow. I date the beginning of my sleeping difficulties from that time... :eek:

First of all, I genuinely sympathise with your sleeping difficulties, snotface.

The mere mention of cockroaches always reminds me of the time I stayed at the Chelsea Hotel in New York, back in the 90’s. At the time, the place was infested with them! I can't remember them being on the pillows, but they were certainly on the bed headboard! After New York, I flew on to San Francisco and found my hotel bedroom was also overrun with the creepy little critters, but thankfully, not as many as at the Chelsea.

Getting back on topic, I also miss meeting up with some of my ex-bfs, I do seem to have rather a lot of them, but then again, I have spent a lot of time in Thailand. On previous visits, many have been willing to meet up and a few invite me back home to meet their parents, whom I am always assured are missing me.

I also miss my short trips down to Pattaya and catching up with some Sawatdee and Gaybutton members.

And, last, but not least, although I am based in Bangkok when in Thailand, I've long given up on visiting the go-go bars, preferring the massage parlours. But I do miss visiting Pattaya’s go-go and host bars.

July 9th, 2021, 12:43
Oh how I miss those grand Morlam concerts with a dozen of singers, two dozens musicians and more than fifty dancers and their sexy psychedelic costumes and the air of fun and drunkenness on the ground.
Even the small towns in Laos have their fair share of the Morlam stage on a modest scale nonetheless.
Perhaps someone should have reminded the performer below that the penis needed a 180° twist to keep the bearing...

July 12th, 2021, 22:38
I miss...

the massage shop across the street from Mosaik
chats with Mr Z (Salt & Pepper)
La Petit Planet (French food)
Jim Jimmy James
breakfast at Monty's (and later at 2 Guys GH)
Happy Bar
Christmas parties at Howards
Christmas/New Years in Sunee Plaza
that boy in TukCom who had the underwear booth
Sansuk Sauna right after it was built (before the big building); the pool was great, the parties were..best kept secret
John Lewis...nicest guy you could ever know

July 13th, 2021, 01:10
Dboy, I also miss many of those you mentioned above including John Lewis and the lad who sold underwear in Tukcom.

July 13th, 2021, 02:50
I miss...

I scream
u scream
we scream
i scream....

July 13th, 2021, 07:27
No, I don't miss him at all!

July 14th, 2021, 00:09
I miss...

I scream
u scream
we scream
i scream....

In that case, latintopxxx, the following video clip is just for you. Members of an opposite view are strongly advised not to play the video clip! ;)

Nirish guy
July 14th, 2021, 00:12
Ohhh that just reminded me - I need / miss my pedicures ! :-)

July 14th, 2021, 00:27
I miss walking back to Mosiak apartments from Family Mart at night, only to bump into a really cute young guy with a beaming smile who puts his arms to his side in the air and says, "hi, you want me?".

I shrug and figure, "sure, why not?", and motion for him to come in. 15 minutes later he's sitting on my lap freshly showered wearing nothing but a towel.

Gotta admit, that type of thing just doesn't happen in Canada very often.

July 14th, 2021, 01:52
15 minutes later he's sitting on my lap freshly showered wearing nothing but a towel.

In Thailand, Dollars to doughnuts that there's some underwear involved under that towel. :))

July 14th, 2021, 04:29
I miss walking back to Mosiak apartments from Family Mart at night, only to bump into a really cute young guy with a beaming smile who puts his arms to his side in the air and says, "hi, you want me?".

I shrug and figure, "sure, why not?", and motion for him to come in. 15 minutes later he's sitting on my lap freshly showered wearing nothing but a towel.

Gotta admit, that type of thing just doesn't happen in Canada very often.

So.... Was his name "Harry" by any chance?!?!?

July 14th, 2021, 04:32
I miss...

I scream
u scream
we scream
i scream....

Know him, and almost feel bad I didn't spend more Baht with him. He was really annoying but a very hard worker. Admirable.

July 14th, 2021, 05:00
In that case, latintopxxx, the following video clip is just for you. Members of an opposite view are strongly advised not to play the video clip! ;)

WOW, thanks Jellybean a great clip, took me right back there. Just shows us how much things have really changed between then and now,I just hope someday that lifestyle will return.....and we all live happy ever after! LOL

Sen Yai
July 14th, 2021, 12:55
Jellybean, I think it was very unwise to post that YouTube clip here on SGT. It is rather incriminating for the farang in the cap (who's face is clearly visible and identifiable) sitting with a Thai child. The massage lady quite rightly gives them a disapproving look.

July 14th, 2021, 13:10

The massage lady quite rightly gives them a disapproving look.

It was probably her son.

July 14th, 2021, 14:12
many thanks for the clip...shyte he was soooo annoying...but how i miss him...was like trhe sun rising...he was a constant on jomtien...hope he is ok

July 14th, 2021, 14:23
Jellybean, I think it was very unwise to post that YouTube clip here on SGT. It is rather incriminating for the farang in the cap (who's face is clearly visible and identifiable) sitting with a Thai child. The massage lady quite rightly gives them a disapproving look.

To be honest, I was concentrating on the ice cream vendor and not paying sufficient attention to those around him. I have watched the video clip more closely and have decided to remove it. It is easily available on YouTube for those interested in seeing the ice cream vendor. Apologies of any offence caused.

July 14th, 2021, 15:41
I miss Songkran because...

July 14th, 2021, 16:14
I think I see Pekky there. He/ She has been there many years now, I wonder is the Question Mark Bar still open.

July 14th, 2021, 16:48
Jellybean, I think it was very unwise to post that YouTube clip here on SGT. It is rather incriminating for the farang in the cap (who's face is clearly visible and identifiable) sitting with a Thai child. The massage lady quite rightly gives them a disapproving look.

To be honest, I was concentrating on the ice cream vendor and not paying sufficient attention to those around him. I have watched the video clip more closely and have decided to remove it. It is easily available on YouTube for those interested in seeing the ice cream vendor. Apologies of any offence caused.

Clearly it is a matter for you to remove the video, but I for one saw nothing inappropriate in that clip. The deceased farang in the cap was a well respected forum member and well known around the gay areas of Pattaya, to imply he was in the company of a child in a gay area of Jomtien beach is not acceptable. That Thai guy sitting next to JL certainly did not look like a child to me.

July 14th, 2021, 17:18
I miss seeing posts other than Covid and things missed.

July 14th, 2021, 18:15
To be honest, I was concentrating on the ice cream vendor and not paying sufficient attention to those around him. I have watched the video clip more closely and have decided to remove it. It is easily available on YouTube for those interested in seeing the ice cream vendor. Apologies of any offence caused.

No apologies necessary! Nothing offensive was in evidence.

July 14th, 2021, 23:52
It is easily available on YouTube for those interested in seeing the ice cream vendor.

We are left guessing which You Tube video was shared & I'm not Sherlock Holmes. Could we have some clues please ?
I would guess this is the rather loud ice cream vendor who used to work Dongtan Beach a few years back, but that still doesn't get me to the video.

After some random browsing, I was quite impressed with the Jomtien Songkran 2019 video. That starts off with a few of those still pictures which are not the basis for a good video, but it then turns into a proper action video with what looks like a fantastic party. I won't post a link, in case it's another You Tube video that's considered unsuitable for our audience. :)

July 15th, 2021, 00:30
Sherlock Holmes advises that you go to YouTube and search for "Ice Cream Vendor Jomtien Beach".There are several clips featuring an Ice Cream Vendor. It's one of them.

July 15th, 2021, 13:45
Back in the day- I'm thinking twenty-plus years ago- a number of the vendors made their availability very obvious. One of them was a juvenile ladyboy who, much to my acute embarrassment, one day plonked himself in the deck chair next to mine in the vain hope of an offer. Another was a cheerful young man who always seemed to make a beeline for me as soon as I arrived and would start discussing terms. In those days, my activities were limited to the evenings and nights and so he was unlucky. However, were he to turn-up at my door now....

July 15th, 2021, 14:16
. However, were he to turn-up at my door now....

However, were he to turn up at my door now, I would say, "what do you want Papa"! :)

July 15th, 2021, 21:38
Right....he must in his late forties now. On the other hand, needs must when the devil drives.

July 16th, 2021, 00:08
Right....he must in his late forties now.

I have lost count of the number of times I have said to myself..”strike while the iron is hot”...and still didn’t.

July 21st, 2021, 02:46
I have lost count of the number of times I have said to myself..”strike while the iron is hot”...and still didn’t.

This is basically the only way I was able to work up the courage to explore the European baths scene when I was in my late teens to 20's. Realized that I might never have another opportunity like that again. So: Kiraly baths (Budapest), Kaiserbruendl (Vienna), several in Berlin, one in Paris...all great memories now. That was before I discovered Thailand.

July 21st, 2021, 05:07
their silky smooth, pink, juicy hole... I mean lips.