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June 30th, 2021, 21:38
I'd be moving to Asia, so the quarantine restrictions don't really matter to me.

Why would a blind person be concerned with quarantines to begin with?

June 30th, 2021, 21:49
Why would a blind person be concerned with quarantines to begin with?

I'm sorry, but that pissed me off. What kind of utterly retarded, moronic, asinine synapses fired off in that grey matter of yours to come up with that comment?

What a simple minded deleted

July 1st, 2021, 08:54
I'm sorry, but that pissed me off.

There's no need to apologize.

How do you feel about "Quarantines" which is the topic of this thread?


Canadian national enters Thailand and works without a work permit for +5 years with full knowledge that this was against Thai law. He then evades Immigration for +5 years with an expired visa and attempts to get Immigration to believe his fables when he's finally captured. Immigration doesn't buy his stories, nor do the courts. After his release from incarceration, the courts order him deported from Thailand and blacklisted from returning for 5 years.

After returning to Canada, he starts telling people who he doesn't have any physical contact with, that he's blind. The reason for this can only be attributed to some form of psychotic episode.

Several years pass and now he wants to return to Thailand (or Laos) to return to his life as a "cyber-pauper", only finds himself trapped in his own lies (again). He'd prefer if no one mentioned his story about being blind again so it can be forgotten. Otherwise, he has to invest in a trained Labrador Retriever when he really doesn't need one, and practice stumbling around like Mr. Magoo for the rest of his life.


July 1st, 2021, 09:13
Your dementia is kicking in again, because about 70% of that is incorrect.
Must be nice to live in a reality where you can come to conclusions by just conjuring up facts in your head.

Nonetheless, thanks for showing everyone what your bullshit pre-conceived notions of blind folks are like, proving you're a real deleted

July 1st, 2021, 09:19
Dodgems’ post is almost a fact-free zone:

Matt posted several times that he became technically blind while living in Khon Kaen
Matt attempted to enter Laos via land and was refused admission because on departure the Thai border authorities had stamped his passport with a multi-year entry prohibition order
on presenting himself back at the Thai border (his only option) he was arrested and taken to the Immigration prison in Bangkok from where he was deported to Canada
Had the Lao immigration officials given him entry he would not have been deported from Thailand. Lack of a work permit is irrelevant as he was never apprehended on that basis.

Dodgems himself is pretty much a fact-free zone except when it comes to knowledge of Pattaya’s male prostitutes where he could win Mastermind.

July 1st, 2021, 09:39
For me, once everything gets sorted out (mostly the need to prepay PCR-tests and transfers to the hotel, I'd seriously consider the Phuket sandbox. The ideas behind it are sound.

Of course, with Covid out of control in Bangkok, they could just allow all vaccinated foreigners in with just a PCR-test. It wouldn't make a difference anymore, most foreigners are lower risk than Bangkokians.

My biggest is fear is I'd be going from a continent where enough people are vaccinated that we can finally drop our masks, go to concerts etc., to a place where the simple pleasure of getting some fresh air is illegal. A lot of the Covid measures outdoors are virtue signalling more than anything else.

Oh, and who cares if cdnmatt is really blind? Either he is, then I admire how he deals with it all seemingly without excessive effort (more details please, I'm interested how). Or he isn't, then it spices things up a bit, no harm done.

July 1st, 2021, 10:06
He'd prefer if no one mentioned his story about being blind again so it can be forgotten. Otherwise, he has to invest in a trained Labrador Retriever when he really doesn't need one, and practice stumbling around like Mr. Magoo for the rest of his life.

A very callous post and comment. I'm no defender of the way Matt took liberties with immigration rules while in Thailand, but I have long accepted that he went blind after a fall at his home in Khon Kaen. He had confirmation of the fact from an American resident of Khon Kaen (who recently returned on the Elite Card scheme with his father and whose name escapes me) and he even posted a photo of himself here with his Lao boyfriend which clearly looked like a blind person to me. I am actually full of admiration for the way he has come to terms with his handicap and retained a sense of humour.

I would add that you are not the only poster here who tries to perpetuate the story that Matt is not really blind. You should all have a few heartfelt words with yourselves as to what you are about.

July 1st, 2021, 10:15
...... thanks for showing everyone what your bullshit pre-conceived notions of blind folks are like,

Who said anything about blind folks?

July 1st, 2021, 13:35
The poster whose name I couldn't remember is kkjason. I believe Dodger chatted with him on this board about his return to Thailand with his father a while ago. Below is what he wrote about Matt in a post of March 26 2018, when scepticism about Matt's blindness was in full swing:

Look - the guy lives - or lived I guess now - right behind the major 9 story temple in town. It is on the town lake where most people go to walk and exercise at night, and have a few drinks. Matt has been living there for years. Many of us have had drinks with him - yes - in person! Admittedly, he is a bit of his own fellow and not my cup of tea, but we all (here in KK) know him. He is a regular poster on our city forum, and many residents have helped him out personally since he lost his vision. What else do you need to know? Again - you all have spent much of your time the past year bashing the guy - perhaps you have nothing better to do? What is your 'evidence' that he does not exist? That sounds like stuff of science fiction since you would have to laser him and eliminate his soul to make that claim. The guy lives and breathes - why can't you all just accept that and move on? I rarely even post when he is involved because it is the stuff of soap operas, yet here you all are now creating 19 pages on this one topic alone. Can you give it a rest already?

July 1st, 2021, 13:55
Thanks SnotFace, appreciate it.

July 1st, 2021, 14:00
The Bookburners are paranoid delusionists who believe nothing said by anyone outside their little conspiracy. You can see it in post after post after post.

mr giggles
July 1st, 2021, 14:52
Thanks SnotFace, appreciate it.

Chin up, Matt.
I wouldn't worry about Todger, he couldn't lie straight in bed- which is kind of ironic, as he lied to people that he was straight for years.

Anyway, didn't he block you? Oh, I think Todge was lying again.

July 1st, 2021, 15:22
Chin up, Matt.
I wouldn't worry about Todger, he couldn't lie straight in bed- which is kind of ironic, as he lied to people that he was straight for years.

Anyway, didn't he block you? Oh, I think Todge was lying again.

Ohh, no worries, I don't care one iota what he thinks, and that's especially true after he decided to make his views on blind folks known.

July 1st, 2021, 15:44
Ohh, no worries, I don't care one iota what he thinks, and that's especially true after he decided to make his views on blind folks known.


Based on the information that Snotface posted - I stand corrected about my comments regarding your vision impairment and would like to apologize for my crude comments.

My original question still stands: How do you, as a blind person, feel about quarantining during a holiday in Thailand?

Brad the Impala
July 1st, 2021, 16:56
My original question still stands: How do you, as a blind person, feel about quarantining during a holiday in Thailand?

Except that wasn't your original question which was a sneering, offensive jibe at Matt:

Why would a blind person be concerned with quarantines to begin with?

I should just leave it at the apology, and keep your head down.

July 1st, 2021, 17:52
Thanks Moderators.

OK Brad, you can carry-on...the floor's all yours.


July 1st, 2021, 22:40
... but I have long accepted that he went blind after a fall at his home in Khon Kaen. He had confirmation of the fact from an American resident of Khon Kaen (who recently returned on the Elite Card scheme with his father and whose name escapes me) and he even posted a photo of himself here with his Lao boyfriend which clearly looked like a blind person to me. ...
On the internet, everyone can be anything they want, be it cndmatt or kkjason or his father. I would not believe what people post in writing or pictures.


July 2nd, 2021, 09:15
On the internet, everyone can be anything they want, be it cndmatt or kkjason or his father. I would not believe what people post in writing or pictures.

Appreciate your insight.

Couldn't agree more.

Only blind to their own blindness!

July 2nd, 2021, 16:17
Anyway blind or not Matt is the only one who's happy to engage with migrant worker steviewonders so he's providing a service to us all.

July 2nd, 2021, 16:41
Anyway blind or not Matt is the only one who's happy to engage with migrant worker steviewonders so he's providing a service to us all.Matthew 13:13

July 2nd, 2021, 16:49
Isaiah 53:6

Anyone can play that game.

July 2nd, 2021, 18:46
Isaiah 53:6 Anyone can play that game.Extraordinarily, Q is openly admitting that he’s treating his fellow conspiracy theorists as sheep who he’s leading astray. Dearie me

July 3rd, 2021, 10:43
On the internet, everyone can be anything they want, be it cndmatt or kkjason or his father. I would not believe what people post in writing or pictures.

Most of us on a board like this use our common sense to decide, over time, which posters we find believable and which not. I can't see why any of us would bother to stay here at all if we didn't believe anything people say, as you say is the case with you. In the case of kkjason, he has always seemed like an ordinary guy to me with no particular axe to grind. His post about Matt that I quoted comes over as completely convincing to me. But I can quite see why posters with a strong dislike of Matt (of whom you are, I believe, one) might prefer to ignore it. Me, if I thought there was only a slim chance that kkjason is right, I wouldn't want to persist with the repugnant practice of baiting a possibly blind person.

July 3rd, 2021, 10:48
Most of us on a board like this use our common sense to decide, over time, which posters we find believable and which not. I can't see why any of us would bother to stay here at all if we didn't believe anything people say, as you say is the case with you.I’ve never used “believable” as a criterion. “Entertaining” is definitely something I value however.

July 3rd, 2021, 13:06
Most of us on a board like this use our common sense to decide, over time, which posters we find believable and which not. I can't see why any of us would bother to stay here at all if we didn't believe anything people say, as you say is the case with you. In the case of kkjason, he has always seemed like an ordinary guy to me with no particular axe to grind. His post about Matt that I quoted comes over as completely convincing to me. But I can quite see why posters with a strong dislike of Matt (of whom you are, I believe, one) might prefer to ignore it. Me, if I thought there was only a slim chance that kkjason is right, I wouldn't want to persist with the repugnant practice of baiting a possibly blind person.

"It's easier to fool people - than to convince them that they have been fooled".

Mark Twain

July 3rd, 2021, 14:08
heh, the delusionment some of you guys have put yourselves into is absolutely bewildering to me. Is this an old age thing, or what the hell?

Really, some of you have yourselves so worked up and deep into the mindset I can't possibly be blind that I could probably meet you in person, spend the afternoon with you, and that night you'd post on SGT, "yeah, Matt pretended to be blind, but I could tell he was just faking it, what a loser". That's how far off the deep end some of you seem to be.

I remember one night I got pissed off, and even posted a photo of myself and Leo sitting at our favorite Italian restaurant in Khon kaen. A good portion of my job is online security, so I never use my real name, birth date, never post photos of myself, et al. I'm pretty careful, so me posting a photo of myself was a thing for me.

The response I get though? Sure enough, a447 pipes up with, "see, proof positive Matt is a liar, because Matt said he doesn't look blind whereas that guy in the photo is obviously blind". heh, you know... I really don't even know what to do with that, but a good example of how deeply mentally entrenched some of you are.

I still have no idea what any of you think I have to gain by pretending to be blind, but whatever.... if you want to get yourself all worked up into a frenzy as to whether or not I'm blind, that's on you, not me. I have bitcoin to make.

However, when folks like Dodger say shit like, "why would a blind person care about quarantine?" or "you will be fumblind around like Mr. Mcgoo"... regardless if you think I'm blind or not, that type of thing is bullshit, and needs to be called out. It's 2021, not 1970.

July 3rd, 2021, 15:32
"It's easier to fool people - than to convince them that they have been fooled".

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Are you now saying that you no longer believe what kkjason wrote and are retracting your apology to Matt? It wasn't the most gracious apology of all time but at least I respected you for making it. Has christian's airy-fairy post about nobody being believable on the internet changed your mind? You seem sometimes to change your mind with the slightest fluctuation of wind direction. Hard to keep up with.

July 3rd, 2021, 16:39
I'm not sure what you mean by that. Are you now saying that you no longer believe what kkjason wrote and are retracting your apology to Matt? It wasn't the most gracious apology of all time but at least I respected you for making it. Has christian's airy-fairy post about nobody being believable on the internet changed your mind? You seem sometimes to change your mind with the slightest fluctuation of wind direction. Hard to keep up with.


I was on a 2 year sabbatical from Sawatdee when this topic first surfaced, which resulted in many pages of discussion among members regarding matt's truthfulness, specifically as it related to his "blind" story. I have to be honest with you, I read that entire discussion last night and laughed my ass off through the entire thing. Apparently the photo that matt provided of himself to prove he was blind appeared to be "photoshopped", and in the words of one member, made him look like an alpaca. Sorry, but that's just too funny.

I've received numerous PM's from members in the past 24 hours offering additional insight, including a very thoughtful and well-worded message from kkjason which I received this morning. The information they all provided will remain confidential.

It's not my job to convince you or anyone else to believe or not believe what matt tells you. You'll have to figure that out for yourselves. But, as far as I'm concerned he has some deep-rooted problems to unscramble for himself. And, as far as matt being blind goes, I believe he's only blind to his own blindness, and needs to get honest with himself. When and if he's able to do that, I think he'll see as good as the rest of us.

One final point: Having a visual impairment and being blind are two totally different matters. I'm visually impaired and have to wear reading glasses to correct my vision. If I was blind I certainly wouldn't be spending all day on a computer, or planning another trip to romp around a third-world country. If matt does have a visual impairment (and I believe he does), then I feel sorry for him, but that's a lot different than telling people he's "Blind".

Up to you!

July 3rd, 2021, 16:41
Most of us on a board like this use our common sense to decide, over time, which posters we find believable and which not. I can't see why any of us would bother to stay here at all if we didn't believe anything people say

The board has a mix of contributors.
If we put the clones, hydras and members with fake or inconsistent life stories on IGNORE, we are then left with the ones who write something worth reading.

This only works if we're fairly ruthless in using the ignore feature & adding to the list. After all, after ignoring some of the Frequent clones, more clone profiles are dusted off will engage in silly arguments with any member willing to go along with the charade. As we have seen recently. That is immediately fixed by adding the new profiles to the ignore list.

[Anyone who doesn't like this may put me on their ignore list. Also, feel free to disagree below, so I can consider adding to the ignore list]

July 3rd, 2021, 18:51
Dodger, you say you have received 'a very thoughtful and well-worded message from kkjason' which naturally intrigues me since he is the only board member, as far as I know, to have known Matt and he clearly states in the post I quoted that Matt 'lost his vision.' Fine if you don't want to publish it but that only leaves me room to speculate. If he is now saying that Matt only lost most of his vision, that ties in with what Matt has said himself (if I recall rightly) that he can still make out approximate shapes but no detail. If so, that's quite bad enough to make cheap jibes implying that he is making the whole thing up right out of order in my opinion.

Nirish guy
July 3rd, 2021, 18:55
If we put the clones, hydras and members with fake or inconsistent life stories on IGNORE, we are then left with .........]

About 10 actual members perhaps ??

July 3rd, 2021, 19:12
...Also, feel free to disagree below, so I can consider adding to the ignore list]

This is the kind of comment by you, part self-important, part threatening, that leads me to conclude that you are a complete and utter control freak with no tolerance for opposing views at all, who would have done better to stay on the other board you use, where the owner is much more in sympathy with your views. On this board you will end up with a sea of 'ignores' in your view with the occasional 'acceptable' fish bobbing about. The other thing I would say is that I don't understand why you (and Dodger too) are so keen to tell us at tediously frequent intervals which posters are on your ignore list - as if many of us care. I only recall once putting someone on ignore in many years of posting, and that only briefly, and the last thing I would have thought of doing was to publicise the fact. That's like letting the other person know he has got under your skin and rattled you and now you're waving the white flag. No doubt you will argue that you are only drawing attention to a hydra, impostor or whatever, but since Moses has already said he will not act without proof it's a futile exercise.

Nirish guy
July 3rd, 2021, 19:24
but since Moses has already said he will not act without proof it's a futile exercise.

Not forgetting of course that as members don't have access to the same super duper Nasa super computer that the board / Moses uses, which may well show such up things ( well unless someone choses to by pass that super duper system using VPN's etc of course) then THAT can never happen of course anyway.

July 3rd, 2021, 19:45
Dodger, you say you have received 'a very thoughtful and well-worded message from kkjason' which naturally intrigues me since he is the only board member, as far as I know, to have known Matt and he clearly states in the post I quoted that Matt 'lost his vision.' Fine if you don't want to publish it but that only leaves me room to speculate. If he is now saying that Matt only lost most of his vision, that ties in with what Matt has said himself (if I recall rightly) that he can still make out approximate shapes but no detail. If so, that's quite bad enough to make cheap jibes implying that he is making the whole thing up right out of order in my opinion.

Whatever you're comfortable believing is what you should continue believing. No one is telling you to change your mind.

July 3rd, 2021, 23:38
Moses has already said he will not act without proof it's a futile exercise.

I understand Moses's statement on the matter perfectly.

He's not going to act without proof, which no one will ever get and we are advised to use the ignore feature instead.

So I've stopped asking for action by Moses some time ago.
I'm also following his recommendation by using the ignore list and reminding others of this fine facility. Even added one more to it today.

About 10 actual members perhaps ?? Sounds about right.

July 4th, 2021, 01:59
Whatever you're comfortable believing is what you should continue believing. No one is telling you to change your mind.

Then can you please put me on ignore, and [Deleted text] out of my life? If you want to have a complex over me, then that's on you, not me. I really don't care. If I could stop being blind, trust me, I would be more than happy to do that.

I have no idea who KKJason even is, but he pegged the location of where I lived correctly, so he obviously knew me. That's no real surprise, because I knew loads of people in Khon Kaen, and I know even more people knew me. That's one of the things I enjoyed about living there. Whether you like it or not, you're part of the community, and everyone is going to know about you. I much prefer that over the isolationist nature of Western society.

Whether you like me or not, I'm not going to stop posting here, because it's not like I can just go down to the local pub and talk about fucking the Pizza Hut delivery boy in Kohn Kaen. That conversation tends not to go over well.

So please put me on ignore, and [Deleted text] out of my life. I don't put anyone on ignore, because I'm not so shallow as to block out view points I don't like. However, this complex some of you have over me and whether or not I'm blind has to stop, as it's not mentally healthy behaviour. Please just ignore me, and [Deleted text]..

Some text was deleted under rule 2.3.


July 4th, 2021, 09:40
Fine if you don't want to publish it but that only leaves me room to speculate.

This is "Life". There's always room to speculate.

Word of advice: If common sense can't take you there - then don't go there.

Snotface, you've already voiced your opinion regarding this topic (matt, and his blind stories) which no one has a right to criticize. I'm certainly not. On-the-other-hand, I think it's time for you to acknowledge that other people have same level of freedom of choice that you have. That door swings both ways.

We're all faced with a broad range of characters on public forums like this and ultimately have to decide which people we feel comfortable holding discussions with, and which people we don't. This just comes with the territory and something I'm quite confident you understand. I personally don't like Trolls (or people who use multiple handles), because they only do this for one reason - and that's to create confrontations and draw negative attention to themselves which they feed on. I have no use for idiots like this...never have. This is my opinion and my prerogative.

Regarding members using the "Ignore" function: This is a tool that the Board Owner provides to all members to allow them to block comments coming from someone they prefer not listening to. No one here has the right to criticize any member for using this function. I have, for the first time in 20 years of posting, decided to use this function to avoid seeing the comments from one particular member who, in my opinion, is a troll who uses multiple handles. I have never once made an attempt to convince others to do the same, nor will I. Again, this is my prerogative.

Personally, I'd much rather be talking about BOYS...SEX...ADVENTURE, and maybe some advice on where to buy some good pancake mix over here, than all this trivial nonsense.

July 4th, 2021, 10:27
Personally, I'd much rather be talking about BOYS...SEX...ADVENTURE, and maybe some advice on where to buy some good pancake mix over here, than all this trivial nonsense.Yet he does, over and over and over and over. “Like a dog, returning to his vomit … “

July 5th, 2021, 02:55
Yet he does, over and over and over and over. “Like a dog, returning to his vomit … “

Exactly. It's the equivalent of some little arsonist who runs around starting fires everywhere, then has the audacity to complain the air is too smokey for his liking.

I mean, for fuck sakes...

Nirish guy
July 5th, 2021, 04:25
Or you could just put him on IGNORE I guess if he's bothering you so much so that you no longer have to read his posts which seem to annoy you so much ? Apparently that's what the ignore button is for we're told.

July 5th, 2021, 13:38
About 10 actual members perhaps ??

The statistics show about 80 members are normally browsing the forum. Of them at least 20 are authentic, reliable members. Many are people I have no knowledge of nor even heard of and some may be questionable even though they are long time posters.

I suspect that perhaps 10 members may fall in the category of clones, hydras, trolls.

July 5th, 2021, 19:42
Most of us on a board like this use our common sense to decide, over time, which posters we find believable and which not. I can't see why any of us would bother to stay here at all if we didn't believe anything people say, as you say is the case with you. In the case of kkjason, he has always seemed like an ordinary guy to me with no particular axe to grind. His post about Matt that I quoted comes over as completely convincing to me. But I can quite see why posters with a strong dislike of Matt (of whom you are, I believe, one) might prefer to ignore it. Me, if I thought there was only a slim chance that kkjason is right, I wouldn't want to persist with the repugnant practice of baiting a possibly blind person.
I did not say I do not believe anything people say, I said not everything posted on the internet can be believed.

Khor tose
July 6th, 2021, 03:02
Mon cher François,
j’ai même découvert quelques-uns de vos autres noms.Honte à vous aussi.

July 6th, 2021, 03:23
I did not say I do not believe anything people say, I said not everything posted on the internet can be believed.

You're correct, not everything on the internet can be believed.

On the internet we also find that being correct and reasonable also doesn't stop people deliberately misinterpreting what you write in order to be critical.

July 6th, 2021, 09:53
On the internet we also find that being correct and reasonable also doesn't stop people deliberately misinterpreting what you write in order to be critical.

In one sentence, you have accurately described the most irritating thing about a Troll.

Baiting a person like you just described is a Trolls favorite technique for creating conflict so they can feel "noticed", "in-control" and "superior" which is what a Troll feeds on.

Using the "Ignore" function is like tossing them in a sound-proofed room and throwing away the key. The perfect solution!

July 6th, 2021, 12:05
In one sentence, you have accurately described the most irritating thing about a Troll.

Baiting a person like you just described is a Trolls favorite technique for creating conflict so they can feel "noticed", "in-control" and "superior" which is what a Troll feeds on.

Using the "Ignore" function is like tossing them in a sound-proofed room and throwing away the key. The perfect solution!
That’s odd, I thought it an explanation for the Bookburners.

July 6th, 2021, 12:21
[QUOTE=Dodger;280412]In one sentence, you have accurately described the most irritating thing about a Troll.

Baiting a person like you just described is a Trolls favorite technique for creating conflict so they can feel "noticed", "in-control" and "superior" which is what a Troll feeds on.[/quote[

What about the trolls who have self confidence issues, plus a very competitive spirit, hence always have an urge to turn everything into a competition so they can feel like they're "winning"? This naturally tends to result in them trying to bully others and starting fights for no reason except so they can feel like they "won" giving them the false sense of self worth that they're striving for?

What do we do with those types of trolls?

July 6th, 2021, 13:05
Mon cher François,
j’ai même découvert quelques-uns de vos autres noms.Honte à vous aussi.

My dear François,
I even discovered a few of your other names. Shame on you too.

Perhaps at one time, in the past, I used a different posting name but I truly don't recall. I do remember, when I first posted as Francois, I was labeled a "troll" by some members! However, members who personally knew me did then vouch for my authenticity.

mr giggles
July 6th, 2021, 14:04
On the internet we also find that being correct and reasonable also doesn't stop people deliberately misinterpreting what you write in order to be critical.

You'd know

mr giggles
July 6th, 2021, 14:05

Old Todger said: can feel "noticed", "in-control" and "superior" which is what a Troll feeds on.[/quote[

Exactly what Todger wants.... Ahh the irony...

Nirish guy
July 6th, 2021, 16:17
What about the trolls who have self confidence issues, plus a very competitive spirit etc ...........What do we do with those types of trolls?

He already gave you the answer......

"Using the "Ignore" function is like tossing them in a sound-proofed room and throwing away the key. The perfect solution!

July 6th, 2021, 17:22
"I’ve never used “believable” as a criterion. “Entertaining” is definitely something I value however."

An ambition?