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View Full Version : Construction Work Camps in Bangkok being Quarantined.

June 27th, 2021, 09:45
With migrant workers being one of the primary causes of reported covid cases this year, the government now has its hands full trying to quarantine tens of thousands of migrant workers in and around Bangkok.

Here I go being negative again (sorry Brad, I don’t want to give you a cardiac arrest), but why the government is allowing this volume of migrant workers, housed in 600 work camps, to inhabit the most populated city in the Kingdom during the worst outbreak of the virus yet, is one for the record books.

According to the story in the BKK Post (below), the military and the police have now been summoned to keep these workers quarantined inside their camps due to reported cases of covid coming from these camps/workers. One would have to ask; 1) Why are so many migrant workers allowed in Thailand at this stage? 2) What provisions were made to make sure they didn’t have the virus before entering Thailand? 3) What provisions were made to provide vaccines for the migrant workers after they arrived?

Answers to 1, 2, & 3 above: (would have to consult with the Wealthy Class to get the real answers)

As a result, Bangkok businesses are required to partially lockdown again, and worst of all, if these work camps become the nucleus of “supper spreader” events – Thailand may not be reopening until the next epoch.


June 27th, 2021, 10:10
I have a feeling Thailand is on the brink of becoming another India.

When a country begins running out of hospital beds, then decides the best solution to the issue is to stop testing, that's pretty much the equivalent of throwing your hands up in the air, admitting defeat and deciding to just let the virus wash over the population and see who survives.

You may want to begin re-thinking that US trip to get vaccinated.

June 27th, 2021, 10:41
When a country begins running out of hospital beds, then decides the best solution to the issue is to stop testing, that's pretty much the equivalent of throwing your hands up in the air, admitting defeat and deciding to just let the virus wash over the population and see who survives.

You're forgetting the best part: Not having a vaccine.

I asked Jai the other day; "Why doesn't China want their people visiting Thailand now?" His response; "Because they know Thai people only take Sinovac vaccine".

I'm not shitting you, this is exactly what he said...LOL

June 27th, 2021, 14:03
So once again the Thai government has sat on its collective fat arse and done nothing, even with masses of evidence elsewhere that they were sitting on a time bomb.

First it was the fish market with thousands of legal and illegal Burmese who were left to run loose without any form of testing. Now it is the construction work camps with yet again no testing done before an outbreak occurred and quarantine left until some idiot committee somewhere decides this is what should be done after the event. Did no one in the Thai government pay any attention to Singapore? The island state was about to declare itself almost covid free when it realised it had not tested the 1 million of so migrant workers who live in camps. But a cluster had broken out. Suddenly 150,000 were found to be infected.

Does no one in the government have a functioning brain? Or is it just the usual Thai mentality of 'we don't need to look overseas for expertise because we have it all here?'

June 27th, 2021, 14:19
And one of their answers Armando is to close all restaurants in case the migrant workers go there to spread infection.
As I pointed out in another thread "As Guido, the owner of 'G's restaurant says today "I simply have no words anymore".

June 27th, 2021, 15:20

Does no one in the government have a functioning brain? Or is it just the usual Thai mentality of 'we don't need to look overseas for expertise because we have it all here?'[/QUOTE]

The $$Money$$ that wealthy business owners (including Chinese investors) receive from construction contracts outweighs the consequences that others have to pay.

The Bangkok Post article mentions the fact that Border Security is now going to be being tightened to control illegal border crossings as a solution. This is laughable, because 80,000 migrant workers didn't get here by sneaking through the jungle at night camouflaged like Ninja's like the business owners would want you to believe. 80,000 migrant workers got here because the wealthy business owners sponsored (financed) these border crossings.

The spinning of delusion now begins (again) as the migrant workers will be cast as the villain's, while the one's who are to blame remain comfortable sitting in their ivory towers waiting for the next opportunity to come along.

I could care less about the businesses in Bangkok having to lockdown right now. I care more about what's going to happen to 80,000 migrant workers who have to endure being quarantined in deplorable work camp environments...lose half their pay...and will get deported at the first opportunity. They're the one's who need the help the most right now the way I see it. And guess who's not going to be there to help them?

The "root cause" of the problem Thailand is now faced with is "Greed". What goes around, comes around.

June 27th, 2021, 15:37
So Dodger, have you given more thought to heading over to the US to grab a couple doses of Pfizer? or going to stay put, and hope the situation improves over there (hint: it's not going to, they're already past the point of no return).

June 27th, 2021, 15:42
Bangkok Post Statement:

"Last week the cabinet extended the Covid-19 testing period for migrant workers from three countries by 90 days to Sept 13 as medical workers are overwhelmed and have no time to test them. The extension allows them to stay and work legally in the country without increasing the burden of medical personnel".

Well...there you have it. We now have upwards of 80,000 migrant workers scattered across Bangkok who haven't been tested for covid.

I'm starting to agree with this Guido guy...I'm running out of words.


June 27th, 2021, 15:43
Yes. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap...." Thailand has relied on cheap foreign labour to allow huge construction projects to be completed as quickly and, well, as cheaply as possible. And who benefits? an empowered ruling class which has the power to remove any elected government of which it disapproves.
There is something Biblically appropriate in that this underclass has become dangerous to the bosses and their capital but also tragic in that the migrant workers themselves are also paying the cost, in terms of their own health and well-being.

June 27th, 2021, 16:05
So Dodger, have you given more thought to heading over to the US to grab a couple doses of Pfizer? or going to stay put, and hope the situation improves over there (hint: it's not going to, they're already past the point of no return).

I'll decide in October.

My daughter won't be coming here for another visit until later in 2022 (at my advice), but is now bugging me to come home for a visit sometime in the fourth quarter. Not sure yet. Safe here in Bang Saray, but honestly, I miss getting drunk and playing hockey with my friends. It sure would be nice to make a visit home while I can still take a fall.

June 27th, 2021, 16:27
It's your life, not mine. With how things look to be shaping up in Thailand, and taking into account a good amount of historical data on Covid, if I was in your shoes I sure as shit would be getting over to the US for a Pfizer jab.

Your life though, so up to you.

June 27th, 2021, 17:32
It's your life, not mine. With how things look to be shaping up in Thailand, and taking into account a good amount of historical data on Covid, if I was in your shoes I sure as shit would be getting over to the US for a Pfizer jab.

Your life though, so up to you.

For me I plan to return to USA in 3 weeks, and can get vaccine the following day at a pharmacy which is a 5 minute walk from where I am residing. Whether a wise decision, I really don't know especially if I will be able to return to Thailand in a few months.

June 27th, 2021, 17:53
For me I plan to return to USA in 3 weeks, and can get vaccine the following day at a pharmacy which is a 5 minute walk from where I am residing. Whether a wise decision, I really don't know especially if I will be able to return to Thailand in a few months.

Good on you for getting back for a jab. As for getting back to Thailand within a few months, I honestly wouldn't bet on it. We've been at this whole pandemic thing for 20 months now, we know how this goes, and every indication is pointing towards Thailand being in a world of hurt shortly. Really sucks to say, but it's probably what will happen.

In North America nowadays, everyone is still cautious, but it's almost as if the pandemic is over here. Case numbers are really low all over the board, and things are looking up.

Now the next real test comes this winter. Are the current low case numbers due to the hot summer weather, the vaccines, both, or what? We'll all find out this winter how good these vaccines really are, because come this winter everyone who wants two jabs will have two jabs. Even in Canada, we're only 6 - 8 weeks out from having a fully vaccinated population with two jabs each.

June 27th, 2021, 18:01
It's your life, not mine. With how things look to be shaping up in Thailand, and taking into account a good amount of historical data on Covid, if I was in your shoes I sure as shit would be getting over to the US for a Pfizer jab.

Your life though, so up to you.

Everybody's situation is different.

I consider myself extremely fortunate because I reside in a seaside fishing town which hasn't had a single case of covid among the residents since this pandemic started. My hobbies include swimming in the ocean, making things out of bamboo in the solitude of my own work space, playing my guitar in the same solitude, writing (same), and enjoying the company of my boyfriend who has similar lifestyle preferences.

We'll both be glad to get the vaccine, but we're not freaking out over this either.

June 27th, 2021, 18:05
Everybody's situation is different.

I consider myself extremely fortunate because I reside in a seaside fishing town which hasn't had a single case of covid among the residents since this pandemic started. My hobbies include swimming in the ocean, making things out of bamboo in the solitude of my own work space, playing my guitar in the same solitude, writing (same), and enjoying the company of my boyfriend who has similar lifestyle preferences.

We'll both be glad to get the vaccine, but we're not freaking out over this either.

if you want to ignore the data, that's on you, not me.

June 27th, 2021, 18:30
Another Bangkok Post article (below) published May 24, talks about this problem when it first surfaced.

Interesting that they are still pointing the finger at illegal border crossings as being the cause.


June 27th, 2021, 18:39
Another Bangkok Post article (below) published May 24, talks about this problem when it first surfaced.

Interesting that they are still pointing the finger at illegal border crossings as being the cause.


Please don't tell me you're this naieve. You do know this is the Thai government trying to pass the buck and unwilling to accept their down failures, right?

This is kind of the equivalent as to when Trump was saying the reason there's crime in the US is because of all those Mexican criminals that keep coming in.

June 28th, 2021, 09:20
Please don't tell me you're this naieve. You do know this is the Thai government trying to pass the buck and unwilling to accept their down failures, right?

I was just about to respond to your comments by telling you to open your eyes and read what I've been saying...but then remembered that you're blind.

June 29th, 2021, 09:01
For me I plan to return to USA in 3 weeks, and can get vaccine the following day at a pharmacy which is a 5 minute walk from where I am residing. Whether a wise decision, I really don't know especially if I will be able to return to Thailand in a few months.

Good luck on your journey, and I hope all goes well.

Do you know if you'll have to quarantine on either side of the ocean?

Also, was it fairly easy to find a flight?

Just curious, as I may be following your footsteps later down-stream.

June 29th, 2021, 18:26
Good luck on your journey, and I hope all goes well.

Do you know if you'll have to quarantine on either side of the ocean?

Also, was it fairly easy to find a flight?

Just curious, as I may be following your footsteps later down-stream.

No requirement to quarantine in USA. I booked on United Airlines Website; from Bangkok to Japan the flight is on ANA, but on United from Japan to USA. Yes, easy to book a flight.
Currently there is a requirement for quarantine if/when returning to Thailand. Hopefully that will change in the future for vaccinated travelers.

June 29th, 2021, 18:42
No requirement to quarantine in USA. I booked on United Airlines Website; from Bangkok to Japan the flight is on ANA, but on United from Japan to USA. Yes, easy to book a flight.
Currently there is a requirement for quarantine if/when returning to Thailand. Hopefully that will change in the future for vaccinated travelers.

Thanks for the info...and good luck on your trip.

July 2nd, 2021, 10:48
According to the Dept. of Medical Services, migrant workers cannot be tested for covid - or - hospitalized if they have covid at this time because they don't have the time or resources.

I guess one of many questions would be; What happens to a migrant worker who's suffering with the virus, and possibly on the verge of death? Maybe it's just me, but the fact that there's no mention of this in the news is a bit concerning...to say the least.


July 2nd, 2021, 12:19
"I guess one of many questions would be; What happens to a migrant worker who's suffering with the virus,"

This must be of concern to steviewonders. He's a migrant worker.

July 2nd, 2021, 13:50
"I guess one of many questions would be; What happens to a migrant worker who's suffering with the virus,"

This must be of concern to steviewonders. He's a migrant worker.
When a447 and arsenal were appointed Moderators I was gob-smacked. Of all of the Forum members, here were the two who knew least about the Thailand that’s outside the sex bars of Pattaya or, occasionally, Bangkok. Nothing since then has made me doubt my original assessment.

Almost all the Thailand-resident Forum members living here are on a NON-IMMIGRANT visa. By definition such people cannot be migrants. Just the sort of basic mistake about the real Thailand to be expected of sex tourists.

Brad the Impala
July 2nd, 2021, 16:52
"I guess one of many questions would be; What happens to a migrant worker who's suffering with the virus,"

This must be of concern to steviewonders. He's a migrant worker.

So you at least accept that he is in Thailand, unlike some of your witchfinder colleagues.

By this curious definition of migrant worker aren't you also a migrant worker in China?

July 2nd, 2021, 18:24
Almost all the Thailand-resident Forum members living here are on a NON-IMMIGRANT visa. By definition such people cannot be migrants. .

Some would say that is just one step up from an illegal immigrant.

July 2nd, 2021, 19:14
So you at least accept that he is in Thailand, unlike some of your witchfinder colleagues.

Here comes the lame Impala charging to the rescue again.

We understand that your only friend is a Troll, and protecting him is paramount to your existence, but don't you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself?

July 2nd, 2021, 20:53
Brad. I very much accept that steviewonders is in Thailand and that he has lived there for over 30 years. It seems to have taken it's toll on him, mentally . Permanent sunstroke perhaps.

And absolutely I agree that I am a migrant worker in China. Of course.

July 2nd, 2021, 20:59

July 2nd, 2021, 21:15
Brad. I very much accept that steviewonders is in Thailand and that he has lived there for over 30 years. It seems to have taken it's toll on him, mentally . Permanent sunstroke perhaps.

And absolutely I agree that I am a migrant worker in China. Of course.Guest worker possibly but migrant worker? No. If he can’t learn the correct use of “its” rather than “it’s” then possibly not for much longer.

July 8th, 2021, 13:34
It appears that thousands of Thai construction workers have made an exodus back to their homes in Isaan this past week to feed off the family gardens until work resumes.

With all the focus on the migrant workers, I never thought about all of the Thais working in this industry who are now stilling on the same cold rock as the migrants.

The recent increase in covid cases across Isaan is being blamed in part to this influx of Thais flowing from Bangkok. The lockdowns that many provinces have in place, including quarantine restrictions, have questionable capabilities.

Where's the vaccine?

July 8th, 2021, 13:39
Where's the vaccine?

There's loads and loads of vaccines available....

... on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Hop on a plane and grab one before Thailand is devastated with 20k cases/day, which has a decent chance of happening within the next few weeks.

July 8th, 2021, 14:03
There's loads and loads of vaccines available....

... on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Hop on a plane and grab one before Thailand is devastated with 20k cases/day, which has a decent chance of happening within the next few weeks.
Matt will be happy to host you for the entire length of your stay in his parents’ home.