View Full Version : Indonesian Sinovac efficacy worries a concern for Thailand

June 19th, 2021, 13:18
Along with the widely reported failure of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine in Chile, there are now stories such as the one reported here by Thai PBS about failures in Indonesia, particularly among medical staff. It’s episodes like this which threaten Thai plans to re-open the country to tourists. It won’t be the tourists at risk, but the Thais themselves.

More than 350 doctors and medical workers have caught COVID-19 in Indonesia despite being vaccinated with Sinovac and dozens have been hospitalised, officials said, as concerns grow about the efficacy of some vaccines against more infectious variants.


Reminder: Do not quote this post; The Bookburners will regard it as a personal affront.

June 19th, 2021, 13:30
While reading through that I was thinking, "well, these numbers don't sound too bad", until I got too...

Weeks after the Muslim Eid Al-Fitr holidays, Indonesia has experienced a surge in cases, with the positivity rate exceeding 23% on Wednesday and daily cases nearing 10,000, its highest since late February.

Wow, 23% positivity and only 10k cases per-day being found? Kinda tells you there's a hell of a lot more cases floating around there.

As for the vaccine, I thought it was already confirmed at least 6 months ago that it's cheap Chinese junk that shouldn't be used.

June 19th, 2021, 14:17
Along with the widely reported failure of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine in Chile, there are now stories such as the one reported here by Thai PBS about failures in Indonesia, particularly among medical staff. It’s episodes like this which threaten Thai plans to re-open the country to tourists. It won’t be the tourists at risk, but the Thais themselves.

More than 350 doctors and medical workers have caught COVID-19 in Indonesia despite being vaccinated with Sinovac and dozens have been hospitalised, officials said, as concerns grow about the efficacy of some vaccines against more infectious variants.


Reminder: Do not quote this post; The Bookburners will regard it as a personal affront.

Year Delta-stamm (Indian) is quite aggressive and spreading widely now. CureVac from Germany got only 47% of efficacy. Here after Sputnik people also catching COVID, but in easy form, about 90% of cases are Delta. In total only in Moscow is registering 9000+ cases daily (after month of 1500-2500 daily at past 30 days). Delta has symptoms like cold and incubation time about 7 days, about 50% of cases people 25-40 yo.

June 19th, 2021, 14:34
As for the vaccine, I thought it was already confirmed at least 6 months ago that it's cheap Chinese junk that shouldn't be used.
Even with its limited efficacy, particular against Delta, it will still save vast numbers of lives, reduce transmission rates and as by reducing number of cases reduce the opportunity for new variants to emerge. With shortages in supply of the leading vaccines and a global pandemic, much better to still get shot of Sinovac into peoples arms and save some lives.

Nirish guy
June 19th, 2021, 16:33
Re the vaccine, I realise there's money and politics involved of course but I really dont get that with all these various vaccines about, from different companies on behalf of different Governments etc, why on earth those Governments all can't come together, genuinely test and decide which are say the two best vaccines and them simply manufacture the hell out of them and get them distributed around the world - the ENTIRE world just as quickly as humanly possible !

The one thing I think even they have all realised now is that simply vaccinating their own populations, even with the very best option available, is still fairly worthless if your neighbouring Country is still largely unvaccinated ( or vaccinated with a crap product) as it means your own population can't travel there or allow travel FROM there and so affecting business and tourism and everything else.

To me it seems an absolute no brainer and "surely' they will have to come to that realisation sooner or later themselves !? No ??

June 19th, 2021, 17:06
Re the vaccine, I realise there's money and politics involved of course but I really dont get that with all these various vaccines about, from different companies on behalf of different Governments etc, why on earth those Governments all can't come together, genuinely test and decide which are say the two best vaccines and them simply manufacture the hell out of them and get them distributed around the world - the ENTIRE world just as quickly as humanly possible !

The one thing I think even they have all realised now is that simply vaccinating their own populations, even with the very best option available, is still fairly worthless if your neighbouring Country is still largely unvaccinated ( or vaccinated with a crap product) as it means your own population can't travel there or allow travel FROM there and so affecting business and tourism and everything else.

To me it seems an absolute no brainer and "surely' they will have to come to that realisation sooner or later themselves !? No ??

To answer the "Why" question, well politics is often tribal & decisions may be influenced by prejudice or favouritism. Additionally, the political classes tend not to have much science education. They also have no grasp of things like basic maths, manufacturing lead times and so on.

So we get dumb decisions.