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May 8th, 2021, 18:06
Living in Pattaya it is easy to see how times have seriously been effected by the pandemic, hard times have indeed befallen the masses. The boys earning capacity has been devastated but this is not without a somewhat silver lining. I am very particular with my likes and dislikes, I can’t stomach feminine “boys” wouldn’t want their services even if free however, I thoroughly enjoy a manly even straight boy that will give up his ass and suck you dry. Admittedly these illusive boys are not easy to find however, in these hard times most boys willingly spread their legs and lips, add to this no off fee, no drink, no mamasan.

Nirish guy
May 8th, 2021, 18:15
I can’t stomach feminine “boys” wouldn’t want their services even if free however, .

And yet they speak so very highly of you ......how weird eh :-)

May 8th, 2021, 18:30
And yet they speak so very highly of you ......how weird eh :-)

I care as much what they say as what you say....Maybe a tad more what they say.....Lol

May 8th, 2021, 21:01
I can’t stomach feminine “boys”

With your obvious dislike for gay boys/ fem boys/ladyboys/ twinks, etc., hanging around a place like Sunee Plaza must have been torture.

May 8th, 2021, 21:11
Are all the guys who work the scene either one or the other? Two tribes, each of whom has to make a choice as to what he'll be? As I sit here, thousands of miles away, I can think of many, many guys I have known who could not be characterised so simplistically. Including one whom I have known intimately for over seventeen years , whom other guys tell me "looks straight", certainly acts straight but is assertively gay. Like me. Or perhaps it's only Thai MBs who inhabit these two tribal worlds

May 8th, 2021, 21:37
With your obvious dislike for gay boys/ fem boys/ladyboys/ twinks, etc., hanging around a place like Sunee Plaza must have been torture.

Do check your memory, back in the good old days yes there were bars mainly inhabited by fem gay boys but there was no shortage of GoGo bars and beer bars as well as Monty’s pool that catered to real boys mostly straight. I had so many offs not one fem yes I understand that is your type but back then there was no shortage of real boys, granted back then Boystown had a better selection of real boys unfortunately if and when Jomtien Comples reopens it largely caters to those that like fems, it is much harder to find a real boy there except for the occasional Cambodian. As for your remark about torture when I went to Sunee I strategically placed myself away from the shrieking fem boys, you would never have found me in Euro boys or Jimmy Jimmy James.......Yuck Yuck Yuck.

May 8th, 2021, 21:41
ah, yes, the upside of misery and economic devastation

May 8th, 2021, 21:51
ah, yes, the upside of misery and economic devastation

You are ignorant if you believe that any form of prostitution is a result of anything other than some form of misery or devastation.

May 8th, 2021, 23:32
You are ignorant if you believe that any form of prostitution is a result of anything other than some form of misery or devastation.

You are correct to challenge the comment by fedssocr, but is it necessary to be so rude about it ?

Anyone else could just as easily say "You (MFAS) are ignorant to be constantly reminding us of your dislike for fem boys (many of whom are not effeminate". But we try to be less provocative.

As I see it, when we're back to normal economic circumstances, many of the people working in prostitution could just as easily go and work in a regular job, just like all the people who don't work as prostitutes do.
Some just choose prostitution due to flexible hours and the higher post tax income.

Also, on average, even those in regular jobs enjoy living standards orders of magnitude higher than their ancestors a century ago. Just as we do.

Khor tose
May 9th, 2021, 00:59
You are ignorant if you believe that any form of prostitution is a result of anything other than some form of misery or devastation.

No, I wasn't fucked until after I joined the corporation and started prostituting myself. You have to know your statement is just too simplistic to be true, and I am sure you are just stirring the pot. However, if it was true I would like to ask, "how can you justify being part of and exploiting that condition?"
Just asking..........

May 9th, 2021, 01:16
I would like to ask, "how can you justify being part of and exploiting that condition?"
Just asking..........

Same as you as I am sure the reason that originally brought you to Chiang Mai wasn’t the Temples. As I recall when I met you in Chiang Mai it was not at a Temple but in back of the Night Bazaar in an area of gay bars known as “Sleaze Allay” frequented by working boys.

Khor tose
May 9th, 2021, 05:00
Same as you as I am sure the reason that originally brought you to Chiang Mai wasn’t the Temples. As I recall when I met you in Chiang Mai it was not at a Temple but in back of the Night Bazaar in an area of gay bars known as “Sleaze Allay” frequented by working boys.

You are totally missing the point. I DO NOT believe that prostitution in Thailand is just a result of misery and devastation. That is simplistic nonsense.

I am ONLY claiming pride and not any moral high ground, but that young man I introduced you too is now a US citizen. We will be together 12 years in September and married for 7 years. I'd forgotten that memory. Thank You.

May 9th, 2021, 10:37
I distinctly remember you and Bob were there alone, I wasn’t introduced to any boy however, if you met this boy when he was on the game and true loved bloomed it is truly a beautiful thing. :)

May 9th, 2021, 11:17
I DO NOT believe that prostitution in Thailand is just a result of misery and devastation. .

It appears you may have that backwards:

According to Theravada Buddhism, (a belief which is ingrained in 95% of the Thai population), everything is based on "Cause & Effect":

- We suffer because of our desires (Cause).
- Misery and devastation (Effects)


May 9th, 2021, 11:26
Just view it as a mutually beneficial business relationship where both parties acted with good faith and respectfully.

It's easier that way...

Otherwise, this discussion goes down the rabbit hole of where did your clothes, iPhone, computer and various other things in your life come from? They've had to build literal suicide nets outside of those factories because too many people were flinging themselves out the window as they couldn't endure making you another iPhone.

May 9th, 2021, 14:28

...... Admittedly these illusive boys are not easy to find however, in these hard times most boys willingly spread their legs and lips......

I rode along the beach to Pattaya this morning and saw another familiar face when I reached the police box. It was a boy who used to hang around Yaya Bar/Sunee, before moving over to the snooker table at Green Chair Bar after Yaya closed.

I hadn't seen him in quite some time, and he appeared as fit as ever. Long story short, (not easy for me), he offered a short-time for 500 baht and said I could fuck him. The 500 baht surprised me a bit, but the "fuck" part blew my mind, because I distinctly remember this boy as being a "top only" in the past.

I said no thanks because I have a boyfriend now, but for 500 baht someone's going to get a real bargain.

I handed him a 100 baht before I drove off.

The times, they are a changin'

May 9th, 2021, 15:08
I distinctly remember this boy as being a "top only" in the past.

The smart guys on the game will make the effort to become a bottom, as it doubles their chances with the customers.

Same with the customers, of course. They can choose any guy they want and still be completely satisfied. No more "You top or bottom?". And we can also flip-flop.

When I was top only I had to turn down so many hot, handsome manly guys who were also top only.

Now it's a case of cum one, cum all!

May 9th, 2021, 15:12
When I was top only I had to turn down so many hot, handsome manly guys who were also top only.

The same thing happened to me. That's when I decided to just roll over and call it a day...hahahahahaha!

May 9th, 2021, 15:18
I just regret that I left it so long! :(

But I've done my best to make up for lost time!

May 9th, 2021, 15:57
The same thing happened to me. That's when I decided to just roll over and call it a day...hahahahahaha!

Now that’s a scary thought! Yes I did see you on Hornet.

May 9th, 2021, 16:32
mfas sounds like me....the former me...

Brad the Impala
May 9th, 2021, 16:35
Sad how some expats become so sour that they need to curdle everyone else's cream as well.

May 10th, 2021, 03:56
expat?? u mean migrant...immigrant...in some cases overstayer

May 10th, 2021, 04:07
expat?? u mean migrant...immigrant...in some cases overstayer

Tread carefully there Latin, I said that once and got a bucket full of abuse. They pointed out that they have Retirement visas and so are not immigrants.

Some got very precious over it!

May 10th, 2021, 06:45
expat?? u mean migrant...immigrant...in some cases overstayer Thailand generally speaking does not accept immigrants. We are all temporarily welcome here at best, either on 12-month extendable visas or shorter term ones, all clearly labelled “Non-Immigrant” or “Tourist”. Even if you’re married to a Thai national you’re still here merely temporarily according to the authorities. Thaksin’s old party motto said it best; often translated as “Thais love Thais” it equally meant “Thailand for the Thais”.

May 10th, 2021, 17:45
ok...gotta apologise for derailing an interesting topic on how "certain" members see fit to exploit hungry penniless lubed up ready to go bubble butted locals.....shameless really

Khor tose
May 10th, 2021, 22:07
I distinctly remember you and Bob were there alone, I wasn’t introduced to any boy however, if you met this boy when he was on the game and true loved bloomed it is truly a beautiful thing. :)

Bob and I came together but my Partner was already with some friends at Secrets. I am surprised you do not remember because when I introduced you you told me I was lucky to find him. The nicest thing I ever heard you say.

Khor tose
May 10th, 2021, 22:12
It appears you may have that backwards:

According to Theravada Buddhism, (a belief which is ingrained in 95% of the Thai population), everything is based on "Cause & Effect":

- We suffer because of our desires (Cause).
- Misery and devastation (Effects)

Interesting, but it IS a rabbit hole, as almost all transactions can be construed
as a form of prostitution.

May 16th, 2021, 09:51
Interesting, but it IS a rabbit hole, as almost all transactions can be construed as a form of prostitution.

So far today I've been to Home Pro to pick up a new band saw...then a stop at the market to buy some smelly green stuff for Jai...and a quick stop at 7/11 for milk. Three transactions and I never once got propositioned.

What gives?

May 16th, 2021, 10:06
look in the mirror....theres your answer..

May 16th, 2021, 13:41
look in the mirror....theres your answer..

I tend to only look in the mirror when Jai is standing next to me and I'm covered with a towel.

May 17th, 2021, 03:14
apologies dodger...sometimes i think ive got aspergers...

May 17th, 2021, 05:25
apologies dodger...sometimes i think ive got aspergers...You’re in exalted company ;)

May 17th, 2021, 15:40
apologies dodger...sometimes i think ive got aspergers...

Are you sure you don't mean "Assburgers"?

May 17th, 2021, 17:43
sounds appetising..arse burger

May 17th, 2021, 20:58
A case of aspbergers?

May 19th, 2021, 15:31
It appears you may have that backwards:

According to Theravada Buddhism, (a belief which is ingrained in 95% of the Thai population), everything is based on "Cause & Effect":

- We suffer because of our desires (Cause).
- Misery and devastation (Effects)


It appears that you know little about Thai Buddhism even though you often like to talk about it with seeming authority. Most Thais are nominally Buddhist and the reason why such a high percentage of them identify as Buddhists (actually it's 96%, not 95%) is because they are legally required to indicate a religion when applying for their ID cards. So they pick Buddhism which is culturally expected of them. It is by no means "ingrained' in them. Atheism or agnosticism is not an option.

May 19th, 2021, 15:47
When I was top only...



May 19th, 2021, 16:01
It appears that you know little about Thai Buddhism even though you often like to talk about it with seeming authority. Most Thais are nominally Buddhist and the reason why such a high percentage of them identify as Buddhists (actually it's 96%, not 95%) is because they are legally required to indicate a religion when applying for their ID cards. So they pick Buddhism which is culturally expected of them. It is by no means "ingrained' in them. Atheism or agnosticism is not an option.

Wow, that's pretty insightful stuff there.

I guess we'll have to notify all the religious scholars who've been studying Thai Buddhism for the past few centuries and inform them that they're all wrong.

May 20th, 2021, 21:41
The boys earning capacity has been devastated but this is not without a somewhat silver lining. ...
I thoroughly enjoy a manly even straight boy...
No such luck here. There is a construction site near my hotel and I spotted a cute construction worker (actually three, but one of them speaks some English and even Thai, so I focused my attention on him). I chatted with him several times and got more and more specific every time *, in the end offering him 10 USD for massage and more in my room. He declined. 10 USD would be a daily, or even two day's wage, and when I made that offer he had been out of work for over week (lockdown, no delivery of construction material). His younger brother (18) is even cuter, but no English or Thai.

At least I can refuse all requests for help by other, because this shows the situation is not as bad as it seems!

* My last message to him, on google translate to make sure he understands: "Can you do massage with me? I will pay 10 Dollar. I just want to touch your body. Don't make a baby."

May 21st, 2021, 03:43
christian...$10 is as bit miserable, should be at least 30 to tempt a straight guy who probably has never been with another man...a MB who hasnt had a proper meal in a week would jump onto your dick without a moments hesitation but thats what he does for a living...not same same

Brad the Impala
May 21st, 2021, 04:45
christian...$10 is as bit miserable, should be at least 30 to tempt a straight guy who probably has never been with another man...a MB who hasnt had a proper meal in a week would jump onto your dick without a moments hesitation but thats what he does for a living...not same same

Says the man who claimed to be paying straight Thai construction workers 500 baht to be his pony!

May 22nd, 2021, 13:46
All posts about hydras / trolls / ignore function from this thread moved to a new thread

May 22nd, 2021, 15:36
christian...$10 is as bit miserable, should be at least 30 to tempt a straight guy who probably has never been with another man...a MB who hasnt had a proper meal in a week would jump onto your dick without a moments hesitation but thats what he does for a living...not same same
You of all people!

We had met a few times before, so I'm not a total stranger. If he is bored (one week without work, and his mobile phone broken) or a bit bi-curious or needs the money, he would have accepted 10 USD. If I offer more, he might go with me, but not accepting 10 USD shows that he is either disgusted at the idea of gay sex, or is committed to his wife (that's why I put "no baby", so it cannot be constructed as adultery). In either case, the outcome will be poor, it will be just a waste of money.

10 USD go a long way in Cambodia, I had several boys go with me for 10 USD.

May 22nd, 2021, 16:12
christian...$10 is as bit miserable, should be at least...

Remember Latin $10 will buy him at the least 10kg of fragrant rice which will feed him for a whole month. At this rate he should be able to sustain himself comfortably if he works every day for one hour.

May 22nd, 2021, 16:41
...one cannot live on rice alone...and christian...so sensitive...had no idea...

May 22nd, 2021, 21:51
Living in Pattaya it is easy to see how times have seriously been effected by the pandemic, hard times have indeed befallen the masses. The boys earning capacity has been devastated but this is not without a somewhat silver lining. I am very particular with my likes and dislikes, I can’t stomach feminine “boys” wouldn’t want their services even if free however, I thoroughly enjoy a manly even straight boy that will give up his ass and suck you dry. Admittedly these illusive boys are not easy to find however, in these hard times most boys willingly spread their legs and lips, add to this no off fee, no drink, no mamasan.

Please tell us more where you find these boys and how do you approach them?

May 24th, 2021, 09:22
Please tell us more where you find these boys and how do you approach them?

As MFAS mentioned, they're not easy to find right now, but that doesn't mean they're not around.

I've spotted boys who appear to be available along the ocean in the early morning hours...street markets (including Wat Chai)...sitting inside boy massage parlors peering our from behind the "closed" signs, and I'm not even interested in finding one.

Slim picken's right now, that's for sure, and with the lockdown in place, even more challenging...not impossible...but requires more work.

If you're lazy, then forget it. Just turn on some porn and flip the minnow.