View Full Version : Pattaya Weekend...wow....

August 14th, 2006, 10:25
The new and improved Kaos Boys in Sunee should reopen tonite or tomorrow nite with major renovations..Look for double rows of seats and hope the back row has enough space for your legs... Last nite, all the Kaos boys moved temporarily over to Euro Boys and squeezed in.. Krazy Dragon was great as usual and packed to the rafters with boys and customers.. K-boys was fun as well but when the underage boy's younger brothers start working at the bar, you have to wonder.. I have had some qualms in the past about frequenting places that flout the underage regulations but I am far from a perfect model of morality.. Wish I had more time to check out the many many bars I missed but hopefully I will in the new couple of weekends...

August 15th, 2006, 12:59

August 15th, 2006, 17:45
Since you are in denial about the realities of Sunee and some of the guest houses, it would do me no good to try to prove anything..
Your asshole buddy lmtu can defend himself and I would be hypercritical if I didn't admit frequenting clubs with underage as it is a fact
of life in Sunee.. If you can't admit that then you are just an obsessed little bugger and not worth reponding to.. and that's a fact...

August 16th, 2006, 09:22

August 16th, 2006, 15:22
we all get a little hot under the flea collar from time to time.. I dd take notice of your posting and tried to clarify things on
the Howard's thread and hope that settles the issue.. Sunee is lots of fun and full of all kinds of characters, charlatans, fools and
impostors and of course, boys.........
I think this forum needs some ying and yang.. balances of different opinions and viewpoints
and I certainly have my own opinions and viewpoints on things.. It seems like the V.I. is busy with other things and has taken a powder
and this old cat has to take a powder as well as good fortunes impell this old cat to hit the alleys and byways of BKK, Phuket and Krabi with
occassion weekends in old Pattaya..