View Full Version : Pics of long queues building up for #COVID19 testing in Bkk.......????

Nirish guy
April 16th, 2021, 17:08
Pics of long queues for #COVID19 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/COVID19?src=hashtag_click) testing building up in Bkk ? .........No, actually they are pics of people queuing up to eat at a new Japanese restaurant that just opened in CentralWorld.

I wonder how long Thailand can get away with carelessness like this, with zero social distancing etc, before things take an even nastier turn for them ? :-(

( Credit : Post copied from "Richard Barrows" Twitter post)

April 17th, 2021, 03:52
must be good...I guess...I would never q for more than 10 min to get into a restaurant...least they can do is park me at the ar while I wait

April 17th, 2021, 12:23
latin wrote.
"must be good...I guess...I would never q for more than 10 min to get into a restaurant."

You've clearly never been to Meatloaf Night. Why the hungry and destitute came from as far away as Mosaic. The queue would stretch round the block

April 17th, 2021, 14:52
People lining up for restaurants is a very common sight in Asia and speaks to their love of really good food.

I hope the result was worth the risks associated with ignoring social distancing, although their age group is not so badly affected by the virus.

April 17th, 2021, 16:51
...or love of the latest fad...or for the love to be seen at the latesr "it" place...all instagramable naturally...or else it didnt actually happen

Nirish guy
April 17th, 2021, 17:25
........ although their age group is not so badly affected by the virus.

Yes but if they become infected, even if THEY don't suffer much or show any symtoms i.e are asymptomatic that doesn't mean that they aren't then passing the virus on to each and every other person they are coming into contact with - and should some of those people be older people, whether that be family members or people elsewhere ( sex partners in our case perhaps !?) then it's THEM who are at a high risk of both picking up the virus and perhaps suffering greatly from it - or dying ! THATS the message it's important young people need to understand more.

Each and every one of the people in that queue could end massively increasing the spread of the virus around BKK - and that's just from ONE queue, if you then multiply that by every other queue / bar that's open doing the same AND add in the chances that it's being perhaps the UK ( or Indian) variant of the virus that they're now spreading you can see how easy it will be for the virus to run rampant around Bkk and Thailand in general in very quick order now :-(

April 17th, 2021, 18:30
Not only in Thailand but in countries around the world we've seen young people refusing to socially distance, based on their confidence that the virus probably won't affect them.

It's very selfish behaviour as they also are well aware that they can pass it on to older people, including their own family members. But they are only thinking of themselves.